Democrat convention doubles down on sexism


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Trump wants to protect the country by limiting immigration.

Trump wants to protect American jobs by limiting immigration.

Trump wants to renegotiate the bad trade deals for America

Trump wants to stop the new Asian TPP that will send jobs overseas.

Trump wants to bring back jobs from China.

Trump wants to cut taxes by creating productivity.

Trump wants to slap tariffs on companies that leave the county.

What does Hillary focus on?

A woman becoming President.

The Democrats are hoping women want to see a woman become President so bad, they're going to vote for some other woman to win, and somehow, that means something.

The convention plays "hear me roar" songs.

I just want to say, I have an Italian last name, and I could give a rat's ass if an Italian ever becomes President.
Hillary has a new target now -- the Dumbass Diarrhea Mouthed Trump.

She does not need to play the gender card.

She can play the idiot card instead.
The media, probably as instructed, are constantly chattering about the first woman nominee. It's the only reason they can come up with to vote for Hillary.

Yes, we are long overdue for a woman, but not this one. Hillary is not a decent representative of women. She's a corrupt, fake bitch.
Hillary has a new target now -- the Dumbass Diarrhea Mouthed Trump.

She does not need to play the gender card.

She can play the idiot card instead.
Idiot card? Like having your cheating husband give a speech about how great your marraige is?
"Hey grandma! I know you don't get much Social Security because you collected after 2033, but I need to borrow money again. The only jobs left in America are service jobs, and after minimum wage was raise to $15 per hour, all the companies decided to pay only minimum wage. They just raised my Obamacare bill to $650.00 PER MONTH!"

"Did I ever tell you about the time I cast my vote for the first woman president?"

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