Demands Aimed At Democrat Racism


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
A young lady who formerly worked as a staff member at a college, has sued based on what she calls their anti-white racially hostile workplace, stating “ [the college] has made it clear over and over and over again that not only is it relevant, but it’s possibly one of the most important…if not, the most important, feature of me, as a human.”

The very same is true of America due to Democrats/Progressives/Liberals.......did I mention Democrats??
I did?
Well it bears repeated mention.

In any case, the demands she lists are substantive and pertinent:

  1. “Stop reducing my personhood to a racial category.”
  2. “Stop telling me what I must think and feel about myself, because I feel like you do that a lot. I know you do that a lot…and I need you to stop…”
  3. “Stop presuming to know who I am or what my culture is based upon my skin color…”
  4. “Stop asking me to project stereotypes and assumptions onto others based upon their skin color, because I feel like that’s what you [have] asked me to do incessantly over and over again for the past three years, and I’m not going to do that. I don’t think it’s right.”
  5. “Stop telling me young women of color have no power or agency in this world, because that’s not true.”
  6. “Stop telling me that young white women have power and privilege over everyone else—equally not true.”
  7. “Stop demanding that I admit to White Privilege and work on my so-called Implicit Bias as a condition of my continued employment.”
  8. “Stop telling me that as a white person, I am, quote, ‘especially responsible for doing the work of dismantling racism.’”
  9. “Stop emboldening students to act abusively toward staff by refusing to hold them accountable for their own egregious behavior.”
  10. “Last[ly], we have the right to work in an environment free from the ever-present terror that any unverified student allegation of racism or any other “-ism” has to crush our reputations, ruin our livelihood, and even endanger the physical safety of ourselves or our family.”

It is long past the time when every real American stands up to the party of "OBEY."

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