Dem Party Officially Embraces Socialism: Pelosi / Schumer - 'I'd Be Comfortable w/Bernie Nomination'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Pelosi says she'd be comfortable with Sanders at top of ticket

Both Pelosi and Schumer declare they are okay with Self-proclaimed Socialist (Communist 'Castro Fanboy') Bernie Sanders....

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday said she would be comfortable with Sen. Bernie Sanders as the Democratic presidential nominee in November. The congresswoman was asked the question as she was leaving a closed-door meeting in the House basement Wednesday morning. She replied with one word: "Yes." Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Tuesday also suggested that he would be comfortable with the Vermont senator as his party's nominee.

Other congressional Democrats have balked at the idea of Sanders, a longtime independent and self-proclaimed democratic socialist, being the party's nominee in the general election."

It seems the Democrats / Democratic party has accepted the fact that Communist / 'Castro Fanboy' Bernie will be the Party's Leader and that the Democratic party is now the Democratic Socialist Party....

Pelosi says she'd be comfortable with Sanders at top of ticket

Pelosi says she'd be comfortable with Sanders at top of ticket

Both Pelosi and Schumer declare they are okay with Self-proclaimed Socialist (Communist 'Castro Fanboy') Bernie Sanders....

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday said she would be comfortable with Sen. Bernie Sanders as the Democratic presidential nominee in November. The congresswoman was asked the question as she was leaving a closed-door meeting in the House basement Wednesday morning. She replied with one word: "Yes." Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Tuesday also suggested that he would be comfortable with the Vermont senator as his party's nominee.

Other congressional Democrats have balked at the idea of Sanders, a longtime independent and self-proclaimed democratic socialist, being the party's nominee in the general election."

It seems the Democrats / Democratic party has accepted the fact that Communist / 'Castro Fanboy' Bernie will be the Party's Leader and that the Democratic party is now the Democratic Socialist Party....

Pelosi says she'd be comfortable with Sanders at top of ticket

As we patriots have been saying for years, the modern democratic party ideologues and political leaders will do anything to get rid of Donald Trump. They'll make any deal with any devil, exploit any demographic of our society, sign on with any ideology, no matter how historically proven it is to be anti-American and/or lethal to We The People. In short, as long as it could mean the end of the Trump administration, the democrats will bite. They just don't care if there's a laser sharp hook stuck through the "bait", whatever that "bait" might be.
I've recently talked to at least 8 hard-core Liberals who hate Trump with a passion. One of them even told me he would vote for a cheese sandwich over Trump. To my surprise, all of them think they'll go broke under Bernie. They may not bite the bullet and vote "Trump", but they ain't voting for Bernie. Sure, it's a sample size of only 8 out of millions. But these are hard core Liberals who wanted Trump impeached like never before and even they don't like Bernie because of his ties to socialism and communism.. I think this will be the prevalent attitude if Bernie wins the nomination. People will suck it up and vote "Trump", or won't vote at all.

Pelosi says she'd be comfortable with Sanders at top of ticket

Both Pelosi and Schumer declare they are okay with Self-proclaimed Socialist (Communist 'Castro Fanboy') Bernie Sanders....

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday said she would be comfortable with Sen. Bernie Sanders as the Democratic presidential nominee in November. The congresswoman was asked the question as she was leaving a closed-door meeting in the House basement Wednesday morning. She replied with one word: "Yes." Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Tuesday also suggested that he would be comfortable with the Vermont senator as his party's nominee.

Other congressional Democrats have balked at the idea of Sanders, a longtime independent and self-proclaimed democratic socialist, being the party's nominee in the general election."

It seems the Democrats / Democratic party has accepted the fact that Communist / 'Castro Fanboy' Bernie will be the Party's Leader and that the Democratic party is now the Democratic Socialist Party....

Pelosi says she'd be comfortable with Sanders at top of ticket
One must remember the official title of North Korea: "The DEMOCRATIC Peoples Republic of Korea."
Laos: "Lao People's DEMOCRATIC Republic."
Vietnam: "SOCIALIST Republic of Vietnam."
As Sanders is a fan of Marxist-Leninist nations, he isn't actually a fan of the Scandinavian nations, which he claims are Socialist, but which they themselves say they are Free-Market Capitalist nations with some Social benefits (primarily health care and the equivalent of our social security program), however, with the huge influx of migrants into their nations, their social programs are being strained and services cut back.
Oh, and the standard of living in Marxist-Leninist nations is...poor.
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Pelosi says she'd be comfortable with Sanders at top of ticket

Both Pelosi and Schumer declare they are okay with Self-proclaimed Socialist (Communist 'Castro Fanboy') Bernie Sanders....

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday said she would be comfortable with Sen. Bernie Sanders as the Democratic presidential nominee in November. The congresswoman was asked the question as she was leaving a closed-door meeting in the House basement Wednesday morning. She replied with one word: "Yes." Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Tuesday also suggested that he would be comfortable with the Vermont senator as his party's nominee.

Other congressional Democrats have balked at the idea of Sanders, a longtime independent and self-proclaimed democratic socialist, being the party's nominee in the general election."

It seems the Democrats / Democratic party has accepted the fact that Communist / 'Castro Fanboy' Bernie will be the Party's Leader and that the Democratic party is now the Democratic Socialist Party....

Pelosi says she'd be comfortable with Sanders at top of ticket
LOL. Yeah right, comfortable. Interesting choice of words, not excited or optimistic but 'comfortable'.
LOL. Yeah right, comfortable. Interesting choice of words, not excited or optimistic but 'comfortable'.
A willingness to accept / being 'comfortable' with a Communist 'Castro Fanboy' as the leader of the Democratic party is 'unacceptable, at the very LEAST.

Accepting a Communist as the Leader of the party and allowing him to take both the party and possibly the nation down the path of Communism is despicable.

The complete and utter REJECTION of Bernie Sanders is what is really called for....but if 'crawling in bed with the devil' is what it takes for Pelosi, Schumer, and Dems to get pack power then they are obviously 'comfortable' with doing so.

Pelosi says she'd be comfortable with Sanders at top of ticket

Both Pelosi and Schumer declare they are okay with Self-proclaimed Socialist (Communist 'Castro Fanboy') Bernie Sanders....

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday said she would be comfortable with Sen. Bernie Sanders as the Democratic presidential nominee in November. The congresswoman was asked the question as she was leaving a closed-door meeting in the House basement Wednesday morning. She replied with one word: "Yes." Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Tuesday also suggested that he would be comfortable with the Vermont senator as his party's nominee.

Other congressional Democrats have balked at the idea of Sanders, a longtime independent and self-proclaimed democratic socialist, being the party's nominee in the general election."

It seems the Democrats / Democratic party has accepted the fact that Communist / 'Castro Fanboy' Bernie will be the Party's Leader and that the Democratic party is now the Democratic Socialist Party....

Pelosi says she'd be comfortable with Sanders at top of ticket

This is great news. :113:
Super Tuesday will be super interesting! If Bernie gets a big lead then Pelosi and Schumer's dream of stealing the election from Bernie is gone. If he doesn't get a big lead, there will be serious meddling by the Democrats to keep Bernie below the 50% delegate line. The DNC ironically is all for election interference as long as they are the meddlers.

Pelosi says she'd be comfortable with Sanders at top of ticket

Both Pelosi and Schumer declare they are okay with Self-proclaimed Socialist (Communist 'Castro Fanboy') Bernie Sanders....

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday said she would be comfortable with Sen. Bernie Sanders as the Democratic presidential nominee in November. The congresswoman was asked the question as she was leaving a closed-door meeting in the House basement Wednesday morning. She replied with one word: "Yes." Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Tuesday also suggested that he would be comfortable with the Vermont senator as his party's nominee.

Other congressional Democrats have balked at the idea of Sanders, a longtime independent and self-proclaimed democratic socialist, being the party's nominee in the general election."

It seems the Democrats / Democratic party has accepted the fact that Communist / 'Castro Fanboy' Bernie will be the Party's Leader and that the Democratic party is now the Democratic Socialist Party....

Pelosi says she'd be comfortable with Sanders at top of ticket
I'd be comfortable with destroying America with $200 Trillion in spending when our economy is just $20 Trillion.
In record time, democrats devolved from: "ask not" to "from each"

I give the Communists full credit for their takeover of the "democrat" Party

Pelosi says she'd be comfortable with Sanders at top of ticket

Both Pelosi and Schumer declare they are okay with Self-proclaimed Socialist (Communist 'Castro Fanboy') Bernie Sanders....

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday said she would be comfortable with Sen. Bernie Sanders as the Democratic presidential nominee in November. The congresswoman was asked the question as she was leaving a closed-door meeting in the House basement Wednesday morning. She replied with one word: "Yes." Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Tuesday also suggested that he would be comfortable with the Vermont senator as his party's nominee.

Other congressional Democrats have balked at the idea of Sanders, a longtime independent and self-proclaimed democratic socialist, being the party's nominee in the general election."

It seems the Democrats / Democratic party has accepted the fact that Communist / 'Castro Fanboy' Bernie will be the Party's Leader and that the Democratic party is now the Democratic Socialist Party....

Pelosi says she'd be comfortable with Sanders at top of ticket

Sounds like they are realizing their guys Biden and Bloomturd don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning the nomination. Despite Lizzy Cheekbones scalping Bloomturd on live television, her ratings haven’t gone up either. That leaves the queer and his “husband”, LOL.
They know they’re fucked.

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