Dem Congressman hangs hijab clad statue of liberty painting on office wall refuses to remove


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Dem Congressman Hangs Hijab-Clad Statue of Liberty Painting on Office Wall, Refuses to Remove

Democratic Congressman Luis Correa has hung a painting on his office wall depicting the Statue of Liberty dressed in a hijab.
Rep. Correa (D-CA) said the image represents “a young Muslim lady who is trying very hard to be part of America, who is trying very hard to show people that she is an American”.

The artwork drew the ire of local campaigners We The People Rising who said: “He shouldn’t have anything religious in his office. … I would like to see our Congress people be right-down-the-line patriotic.”


Well like it or not this is America not Saudi Arabia, it's not Iraq, or anywhere else that people wear these things.
America will not turn into a enslaved nation like it or not.
I love the way the hacko OP, by the first line of her OP text, has mentioned the Congressman's political party not one, not two, not three but four times --- in a "story" that's got nothing to do with political parties. :lmao:

That's even funnier than her Authoritari-fascist wet dream that she can dictate what people can hang on their own office walls.

Ya really gotta wonder what kind of test tube some wags come from.

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