Delusional Dolts dream of Hillary in 2020. Please, just no.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Hillary was the only Democrat that could lose to the Republicans. Seriously, in head to head polling, every Democrat, including Bernie, did better against the Republicans than Hillary. So the obvious answer going into 2020 is anyone but Hillary right? Wrong.

Here’s your leftover turkey: The case for Hillary Clinton 2020

No, just no. Every single point he makes is delusional, asinine, or just flat assed idiotic.

Number 4. is a good example of the delusional. Let me quote it.

Frankly, the worst thing that can be said about a potential 2020 Clinton candidacy, especially in America's current cultural and political climate, is that her husband still hasn't answered for the numerous sexual abuse accusations against him. While it may seem unfair for Hillary to be held accountable for Bill's alleged predations, it can plausibly be argued that she played a role in helping him cover them up. If that is ever proved beyond a reasonable doubt, she should be given the heave-ho.

Frankly that is the least of Hillary’s problems. Her long history is one of corruption, incompetence, and stupidity. Hillary was the one candidate that caused me to leave the Democratic Party.

Matthew Rozsa dreams of Hillary for President, and apparently lives in Fantasy Land. I say that because he claims she was effective as a Secretary of State.

I am not going to spend a lot of time tonight listing the many failures of the Hillary State Department. Let’s talk about a couple though shall we? Hillary approved a weapons shipment to Libya in direct violation of International Sanctions.

Hillary Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban

The result of course is the ongoing Libyan Civil War that has driven tens of millions of refugees to Europe.

This is one, in a long list of Hillary “successes” from her tenure at the State Department.

No. Just no. The last person the Democratic Party should consider running is Hillary. If you were to make a list, the bottom of the list would look like this.

100,995: Satan.
100,996: James Trafficant Democrat Sopranos.
100,997: Anyone with a pulse who can fog the mirror when they breath out.
100,998: Hillary Clinton.

Seriously. When Hillary suggests it’s her time, laugh first, and then tell her no. I really don’t want the choice to be the lesser of two evils again.
Wouldn't you like to see Hillary debate the orange clown some more?

I want the Democrats to embrace some populist issues so they can win. I want them to put forth the best candidate they have, not the worst. I want the Democrats to have a core belief besides winning good, losing bad.
Wouldn't you like to see Hillary debate the orange clown some more?

I want the Democrats to embrace some populist issues so they can win. I want them to put forth the best candidate they have, not the worst. I want the Democrats to have a core belief besides winning good, losing bad.
their core belief is; bribing people, with other peoples money, to vote for them
Wouldn't you like to see Hillary debate the orange clown some more?

I want the Democrats to embrace some populist issues so they can win. I want them to put forth the best candidate they have, not the worst. I want the Democrats to have a core belief besides winning good, losing bad.
their core belief is; bribing people, with other peoples money, to vote for them

In that, they’re just like the Republicans. And before you say no, they aren’t. Think it through.
The Clintons are done

I had hoped so, but the problem with the Democrats since the election is that they refuse to deal with it.

Seriously. The famed Blue Wall that was going to guarantee Hillary Victory was the old Union states of legend. This wall was the end of the Trump Wave. No one believed it would shatter and go for Trump. The solid Union Blue Dog’s who were dependable would see Hillary to the White House. Then the next day, those same solid blue dogs were racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic, white people who voted against their own interests because they were so incredibly stupid.

They don’t want to deal with the issues, and they damn sure don’t want to listen to what the interests of the voters are.
Wouldn't you like to see Hillary debate the orange clown some more?

I want the Democrats to embrace some populist issues so they can win. I want them to put forth the best candidate they have, not the worst. I want the Democrats to have a core belief besides winning good, losing bad.

The democrats have nobody to beat Trump.....and the Clintons will sabotage the nominee in 2020
Wouldn't you like to see Hillary debate the orange clown some more?

I want the Democrats to embrace some populist issues so they can win. I want them to put forth the best candidate they have, not the worst. I want the Democrats to have a core belief besides winning good, losing bad.

The democrats have nobody to beat Trump.....and the Clintons will sabotage the nominee in 2020

Right now a mangy dog could beat Trump

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