Delay: FBI Has Threatened Loretta Lynch To Indict Hillary Clinton, or Else

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Loretta Lynch is not going to indict a powerful democrat, Her job is to ensure that democrats are not subject to the law.

Besides, she is far too busy serving warrants on banks who have business with legal and legitimate gun makers or Tea Party members. Obama's enemies list isn't going to extort and harass itself..
Is she in jail yet? Is she in jail yet?

Is she?


I would expect better from you.
I do not know how computer savvy you are, but I believe you are smart enough to understand the disastrous and incomprehensible irresponsibility to use an unsecured server to exchange top secret emails especially in her position.
This is a severe breach of trust. It is not party politics. It is dead serious with extreme possible circumstances.
Grow up
How about sharing classified military information with a civilian fuck buddy so it could be used for a BOOK!?!? Is that jail worthy?

How many topics have been started today about Petraeus keeping his rank and privileges and freedom?

Where's the outrage?


1) Two wrongs don't make a right.
2) Patreus is paying for his breach of trust, and is not done paying.
3) The secrets Hillary handled are not omparable to what Patreus loosed, hers are 1000 times worse.

So...I will ask you directly...was it wrong or right what Hillary did. Using a private unsecured server to handle the highest top secret documents...let alone conduct public business n a server she had total control of???
Unlike you, I am waiting for FACTS about Clinton's emails. All we have are a mountain of "unnamed sources" blathering away on right wing propaganda outlets. NO facts.

It was legal for Clinton to use her email server for State Department business. It was not recommended, but it was legal. This is all we really know.

The FACTS of Petraeus' violations of the law are known. Yet he is not going to prison or even suffering a demotion. If it was me when I was on active duty, and I had done the same, I'd be in Leavenworth.

Pentagon won’t demote Petraeus

I don't see a lot of topics about Petraeus' crimes, and that tells me a lot. The silence screams hypocrisy.

I have also seen so much manufactured bullshit on this forum, that any sane person long ago had to come to the conclusion that right wing hacks aren't the slightest bit interested in facts or truth or integrity or any principles whatsoever. Just victory and power.

So I have pretty much ignored the umpteen million Clinton email topics, and Benghazi topics, except to occasionally poke a stick at you hacks.

"you hacks"?...I have not written any Hillary email threads.
I don't really pay a whole lot of attention to this or stories on Fox about it. I am also awaiting the facts...HOWEVER...the FACT that the state department admitted last week that they could not release some of the emails because they were the highest top secret that exist and could cause loss of human life if released is damning. And is important...even though the left media doesn't cover it.
To complement the official State Department computer in my office, I installed a laptop computer on a private line. My personal email account on the laptop allowed me direct access to anyone online. I started shooting emails to my principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to my foreign-minister colleagues who like me were trying to bring their ministries into the 186,000-miles-per-second world. - Colin Powell, Worked For Me: In Life And Leadership, published 2012.
It was legal, period.

You view party members as above the law, ergo not subject to laws which cover Republicans and commoners.

It is a violation of federal law to put classified mail on an private or unsecured server. Obviouysly party is the only thing you care about, but if Hillary were a commoner or a Republican, she would go to prison for her acts, and you would be screaming for the maximum along with your fellow hacks.
Colin Powell wrote in his book that he used a private email account for State Department business when he was Secretary of State.

He said so long before all the hype over Clinton started. He was SecState before Clinton. He set the precedent.

Why weren't you guys upset over Powell?

Unlike you, I am waiting for FACTS about Clinton's emails.

You don't give a fuck about facts, you care only about your party.

All we have are a mountain of "unnamed sources" blathering away on right wing propaganda outlets. NO facts.

It was legal for Clinton to use her email server for State Department business. It was not recommended, but it was legal. This is all we really know.

No, it certainly wasn't.

You are a lying hack, but what Hillary did was illegal.

The FACTS of Petraeus' violations of the law are known. Yet he is not going to prison or even suffering a demotion. If it was me when I was on active duty, and I had done the same, I'd be in Leavenworth.

Pentagon won’t demote Petraeus

I don't see a lot of topics about Petraeus' crimes, and that tells me a lot. The silence screams hypocrisy.

I have also seen so much manufactured bullshit on this forum, that any sane person long ago had to come to the conclusion that right wing hacks aren't the slightest bit interested in facts or truth or integrity or any principles whatsoever. Just victory and power.

So I have pretty much ignored the umpteen million Clinton email topics, and Benghazi topics, except to occasionally poke a stick at you hacks.

The facts of Hillary are known as well. Sure, you lie about them, party above all and all, but your lies don't alter reality.
Powell said it plain as day, kids. He put it in print! He established the precedent!

"To complement the official State Department computer in my office, I installed a laptop computer on a private line. My personal email account on the laptop allowed me direct access to anyone online. I started shooting emails to my principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to my foreign-minister colleagues who like me were trying to bring their ministries into the 186,000-miles-per-second world."

Do you think those private emails to ambassadors and foreign-ministers didn't contain classified information? Huh?

He used a private email for State Department business. Why didn't you scream for his indictment?

Tell that to Colin Powell. How come you aren't screaming for his emails to be investigated?

You are a hack, period.

You spew shit from the Soros sites in hopes of obfuscating the issue to protect the party. Hillary is in serious trouble. You, rdean, and other mindless hacks here thing you can lie the issue out of existence.

Again, you are just flat out lying, which is your way as a hack;


A federal judge has added fresh fuel to the incendiary controversy over Hillary Clinton’s email, asserting during a hearing Thursday that she violated government policy by storing official messages on a private server when she worked as secretary of state.

“We wouldn’t be here today if this employee had followed government policy,” said U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan, apparently referring to Clinton, during a hearing on one of the many Freedom of Information Act lawsuits seeking access to her records as secretary of state.

Sullivan’s said Clinton’s actions had complicated the State Department’s ability to respond to requests for records on various topics. He also ordered the State Department to contact the FBI to determine whether the private server Clinton used, which Clinton turned over to that law enforcement agency earlier this month, contains official records possibly responsive to the FOIA suit.

Read more: Judge says Hillary Clinton's private emails violated policy}


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3) The secrets Hillary handled are not omparable to what Patreus loosed, hers are 1000 times worse.

highest top secret documents...

You seem to know a lot about these documents. I'd hate to discover that you were just a partisan hack who knows absolutely nothing about the substance of those documents, but somehow feels capable of ranking them as the "highest" level and "1000x worse", etc.

If we were playing poker I'd advise you to keep your cards closer to your vest, that is, you can easily bring Hillary down without letting people know that you are a rightwing zealot.

Sadly, I agree with you. What Hillary did was wrong, and - in a perfect world - she should suffer the appropriate consequences (which hopefully includes the rise of Bernie).

Problem is: we don't live in a perfect world. We live in a world where Ronald Reagan violates the Constitution by selling weapons to Iran behind the backs of congress and the American people. [But wait, it gets worse...] In the world I'm talking about, Reagan and Clinton never pay - nor do the people who fabricated the case of the Iraq War. To the contrary, Reagan can commit high crimes against the Constitution, but people like you still praise him as a political icon.

Hopefully Clinton will go down so that Bernie can get the nomination, but even if that happens, you need to hold both sides of the aisle accountable before we see you as more than a partisan hack cheering for the home ream.
The bottom-line is the right does what the left does and visa versa.
There wasn't this much back and forth after the intelligence about Iraq that was fed to the American public was deemed bogus costing thousands of lives.
Which is the greater sin?
Powell said it plain as day, kids. He put it in print! He established the precedent!

"To complement the official State Department computer in my office, I installed a laptop computer on a private line. My personal email account on the laptop allowed me direct access to anyone online. I started shooting emails to my principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to my foreign-minister colleagues who like me were trying to bring their ministries into the 186,000-miles-per-second world."

Do you think those private emails to ambassadors and foreign-ministers didn't contain classified information? Huh?

He used a private email for State Department business. Why didn't you scream for his indictment?


If you think you can make a case against Powell hack, then seek out the corrupt Obama DOJ and see if they can pull away from extorting enemies of Obama long enough to go after him.

It will not change that what Clinton did is illegal and has constituted a serious security breach.
3) The secrets Hillary handled are not omparable to what Patreus loosed, hers are 1000 times worse.

highest top secret documents...

You seem to know a lot about these documents. I'd hate to discover that you were just a partisan hack who knows absolutely nothing about the substance of those documents, but somehow feels capable of ranking them as the "highest" level and "1000x worse", etc.
Oh, these hacks know from "unnamed sources" those documents were classified MK-Ultra Sooper Sekrit DETH KODE RED Eyes Only Top Dog Prime Sealed With A Kiss, and Hillary had ISIS on bcc for every email.
3) The secrets Hillary handled are not omparable to what Patreus loosed, hers are 1000 times worse.

highest top secret documents...

You seem to know a lot about these documents. I'd hate to discover that you were just a partisan hack who knows absolutely nothing about the substance of those documents, but somehow feels capable of ranking them as the "highest" level and "1000x worse", etc.

If we were playing poker I'd advise you to keep your cards closer to your vest, that is, you can easily bring Hillary down without letting people know that you are a rightwing zealot.

Sadly, I agree with you. What Hillary did was wrong, and - in a perfect world - she should suffer the appropriate consequences (which hopefully includes the rise of Bernie).

Problem is: we don't live in a perfect world. We live in a world where Ronald Reagan violates the Constitution by selling weapons to Iran behind the backs of congress and the American people. [But wait, it gets worse...] In the world I'm talking about, Reagan and Clinton never pay - nor do the people who fabricated the case of the Iraq War. To the contrary, Reagan can commit high crimes against the Constitution, but people like you still praise him as a political icon.

Hopefully Clinton will go down so that Bernie can get the nomination, but even if that happens, you need to hold both sides of the aisle accountable before we see you as more than a partisan hack cheering for the home ream.

Do you ever wonder how it is that the left in this country ALWAYS points to bad behavior to excuse their own bad behavior?

Jesus Christ......
Powell said it plain as day, kids. He put it in print! He established the precedent!

"To complement the official State Department computer in my office, I installed a laptop computer on a private line. My personal email account on the laptop allowed me direct access to anyone online. I started shooting emails to my principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to my foreign-minister colleagues who like me were trying to bring their ministries into the 186,000-miles-per-second world."

Do you think those private emails to ambassadors and foreign-ministers didn't contain classified information? Huh?

He used a private email for State Department business. Why didn't you scream for his indictment?


If you think you can make a case against Powell hack, then seek out the corrupt Obama DOJ and see if they can pull away from extorting enemies of Obama long enough to go after him.

It will not change that what Clinton did is illegal and has constituted a serious security breach.

you can't make a case against Clinton either so stfu.

BTW,is she in jail yet ?
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