Delay: FBI Has Threatened Loretta Lynch To Indict Hillary Clinton, or Else

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The State Department has repeatedly stated that Hillary Clinton has done nothing wrong.

The State Department said it had “upgraded” the classification of the emails at the request of the nation’s intelligence agencies. Mr. Kirby said that none of the emails had been marked at any level of classification at the time they were sent through Mrs. Clinton’s computer server.

As far as the Reich wing dog and pony show over this one. You can jump up and down all you want too but she hasn't committed any crime--and Republicans would be well advised not to pursue this. EIGHT investigations over Bengazi and her last 13 hour congressional testimony over that--made Republicans look like total idiots, Along with the new movie out (13 hours) completely admonishes Hillary Clinton of any negligence or wrong-doing in that also.

IOW--if you don't stop this, those 22 emails are going to get shoved up a lot of Republican ying-yangs.

Hillary Clinton is requesting that these 22 emails be released to the public, interagencies within the State Department have re-classified them after the fact.

Would that be the same State Department whose current head (SoS John Kerry) exchanged classified emails with Hillary while using HIS OWN UNSECURED SERVER????

Official: Withheld Clinton emails contain 'operational' intel, put lives at risk | Fox News

Meanwhile, the release of other emails has revealed more about the high-level exchange of classified information on personal accounts. Among the latest batch of emails released by the State Department is an exchange between Clinton and then-Sen. John Kerry, now secretary of state. Sections are fully redacted, citing classified information – and both Kerry and Clinton were using unsecured, personal accounts.
I wonder if Sanders wins today, if we will hear anything else about those stupid emails..?
If Bernie somehow wins the nomination the very next day the Benghazi committee will release their final report and we'll never hear about the e-mails again.
I liked Bill Clinton, but this email / Benghazi stuff has hurt her a lot...I am sure that if we weeded through the money trails , the slamming was probably was funded by the Koch brothers

Maybe they're part of it but they're not alone. A lot of people have made a lot of money peddling this crap.
Rather than it be a money reason, I think it is just a matter of different ideologies. We also have to conclude there is a minority if people who will urge the continuation of the investigation because more crimes are being discovered and it is basically the right thing to do. Just as in the Nixon scandal.
The consensus is the corrupt, incompetent OBama Dept. of Justice will not take action. Mrs. Clinton supporters are so profoundly stupid they will not care about any FBI news release.

Indeed. There is little doubt of her guilt but this administration, and it's complete lack of transparency, proves that Barry will most likely not instruct his BS "justice department" to indict.

Barry is concerned with his legacy - and that doesn't include putting that bitch in jail. It will be up to the republican president to throw her fat ass in the can.
Delay: FBI Has Threatened Loretta Lynch To Indict Hillary Clinton, or Else - Truth And Action

Hillary Clinton likely never expected to have to fight so hard just to win this year’s primary. What was supposed to be a coronation of the presumptive nominee has now become a bitter battle just to hold on to the nomination that she once had in the bag.

If that weren’t enough for Clinton, it now looks as if she may need to win one more battle if she’d like to get the nomination. Word from Washington D.C. has it that the FBI is now ready to indict the former Secretary of State for her unlawful possession of classified materials.

In fact, according to former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom Delay, the FBI has accumulated so much evidence against the Democrat frontrunner, those within the organization are threatening to go public should an indictment not occur.
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How hard to you have to work to find these crazy fucking sites?
Delay: FBI Has Threatened Loretta Lynch To Indict Hillary Clinton, or Else - Truth And Action

Hillary Clinton likely never expected to have to fight so hard just to win this year’s primary. What was supposed to be a coronation of the presumptive nominee has now become a bitter battle just to hold on to the nomination that she once had in the bag.

If that weren’t enough for Clinton, it now looks as if she may need to win one more battle if she’d like to get the nomination. Word from Washington D.C. has it that the FBI is now ready to indict the former Secretary of State for her unlawful possession of classified materials.

In fact, according to former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom Delay, the FBI has accumulated so much evidence against the Democrat frontrunner, those within the organization are threatening to go public should an indictment not occur.
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How hard to you have to work to find these crazy fucking sites?
I've always wondered about that. I think conservatives are just obsessed with creating and spreading propaganda. It's why Fox News and conservative talk radio are so popular.
Delay: FBI Has Threatened Loretta Lynch To Indict Hillary Clinton, or Else - Truth And Action

Hillary Clinton likely never expected to have to fight so hard just to win this year’s primary. What was supposed to be a coronation of the presumptive nominee has now become a bitter battle just to hold on to the nomination that she once had in the bag.

If that weren’t enough for Clinton, it now looks as if she may need to win one more battle if she’d like to get the nomination. Word from Washington D.C. has it that the FBI is now ready to indict the former Secretary of State for her unlawful possession of classified materials.

In fact, according to former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom Delay, the FBI has accumulated so much evidence against the Democrat frontrunner, those within the organization are threatening to go public should an indictment not occur.
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Says Delay, citing himself. Which is meaningless.
In fact, according to former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom Delay, the FBI has accumulated so much evidence against the Democrat frontrunner, those within the organization are threatening to go public should an indictment not occur.

Gee, I wonder when they will "go public". Hmmm...

Textbook "October Surprise".
Delay: FBI Has Threatened Loretta Lynch To Indict Hillary Clinton, or Else - Truth And Action

Hillary Clinton likely never expected to have to fight so hard just to win this year’s primary. What was supposed to be a coronation of the presumptive nominee has now become a bitter battle just to hold on to the nomination that she once had in the bag.

If that weren’t enough for Clinton, it now looks as if she may need to win one more battle if she’d like to get the nomination. Word from Washington D.C. has it that the FBI is now ready to indict the former Secretary of State for her unlawful possession of classified materials.

In fact, according to former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom Delay, the FBI has accumulated so much evidence against the Democrat frontrunner, those within the organization are threatening to go public should an indictment not occur.
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How hard to you have to work to find these crazy fucking sites?
I've always wondered about that. I think conservatives are just obsessed with creating and spreading propaganda. It's why Fox News and conservative talk radio are so popular.

I think its more an obsession to be surrounded by what they already believe.
The alt right media is a confirmation bias echo chamber on steroids.
Delay: FBI Has Threatened Loretta Lynch To Indict Hillary Clinton, or Else - Truth And Action

Hillary Clinton likely never expected to have to fight so hard just to win this year’s primary. What was supposed to be a coronation of the presumptive nominee has now become a bitter battle just to hold on to the nomination that she once had in the bag.

If that weren’t enough for Clinton, it now looks as if she may need to win one more battle if she’d like to get the nomination. Word from Washington D.C. has it that the FBI is now ready to indict the former Secretary of State for her unlawful possession of classified materials.

In fact, according to former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom Delay, the FBI has accumulated so much evidence against the Democrat frontrunner, those within the organization are threatening to go public should an indictment not occur.
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Says Delay, citing himself. Which is meaningless.
He came out with the news and the possibility of an indictment and if blocked by this administration, the FBI would go public. Delay has been right so far.
Delay: FBI Has Threatened Loretta Lynch To Indict Hillary Clinton, or Else - Truth And Action

Hillary Clinton likely never expected to have to fight so hard just to win this year’s primary. What was supposed to be a coronation of the presumptive nominee has now become a bitter battle just to hold on to the nomination that she once had in the bag.

If that weren’t enough for Clinton, it now looks as if she may need to win one more battle if she’d like to get the nomination. Word from Washington D.C. has it that the FBI is now ready to indict the former Secretary of State for her unlawful possession of classified materials.

In fact, according to former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom Delay, the FBI has accumulated so much evidence against the Democrat frontrunner, those within the organization are threatening to go public should an indictment not occur.
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Home - Truth And Action

How hard to you have to work to find these crazy fucking sites?
I've always wondered about that. I think conservatives are just obsessed with creating and spreading propaganda. It's why Fox News and conservative talk radio are so popular.

I think its more an obsession to be surrounded by what they already believe.
The constant need to justify and reaffirm their beliefs should tell them something.
Delay: FBI Has Threatened Loretta Lynch To Indict Hillary Clinton, or Else - Truth And Action

Hillary Clinton likely never expected to have to fight so hard just to win this year’s primary. What was supposed to be a coronation of the presumptive nominee has now become a bitter battle just to hold on to the nomination that she once had in the bag.

If that weren’t enough for Clinton, it now looks as if she may need to win one more battle if she’d like to get the nomination. Word from Washington D.C. has it that the FBI is now ready to indict the former Secretary of State for her unlawful possession of classified materials.

In fact, according to former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom Delay, the FBI has accumulated so much evidence against the Democrat frontrunner, those within the organization are threatening to go public should an indictment not occur.
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Says Delay, citing himself. Which is meaningless.
He came out with the news and the possibility of an indictment and if blocked by this administration, the FBI would go public. Delay has been right so far.

How so? Everything Delay has said is self referential. The FBI has backed none of it.
Delay: FBI Has Threatened Loretta Lynch To Indict Hillary Clinton, or Else - Truth And Action

Hillary Clinton likely never expected to have to fight so hard just to win this year’s primary. What was supposed to be a coronation of the presumptive nominee has now become a bitter battle just to hold on to the nomination that she once had in the bag.

If that weren’t enough for Clinton, it now looks as if she may need to win one more battle if she’d like to get the nomination. Word from Washington D.C. has it that the FBI is now ready to indict the former Secretary of State for her unlawful possession of classified materials.

In fact, according to former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom Delay, the FBI has accumulated so much evidence against the Democrat frontrunner, those within the organization are threatening to go public should an indictment not occur.
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Home - Truth And Action

How hard to you have to work to find these crazy fucking sites?
I've always wondered about that. I think conservatives are just obsessed with creating and spreading propaganda. It's why Fox News and conservative talk radio are so popular.

I think its more an obsession to be surrounded by what they already believe.
The constant need to justify and reaffirm their beliefs should tell them something.
You Takers crack me up. You refuse to decipher any facts unless they are typed on a government check.
The consensus is the corrupt, incompetent OBama Dept. of Justice will not take action. Mrs. Clinton supporters are so profoundly stupid they will not care about any FBI news release.
Just another thought... How much is there that we don't know? Foreign Donations to the Clinton Foundation and quid quo pro; lucrative investments for foreigners after Hillary approved of Uranium One settlements through the Clinton Foundation; just how many TOP Secret materials originated with Clinton, are the aides ready to "talk"... if the FBI comes out with awful solid facts, it just may push Obama into giving Lynch the nod of prosecuting. The FBI may see this as the Ace in the Hole. Don't ruin OBAMA's Legacy...
Delay: FBI Has Threatened Loretta Lynch To Indict Hillary Clinton, or Else - Truth And Action

Hillary Clinton likely never expected to have to fight so hard just to win this year’s primary. What was supposed to be a coronation of the presumptive nominee has now become a bitter battle just to hold on to the nomination that she once had in the bag.

If that weren’t enough for Clinton, it now looks as if she may need to win one more battle if she’d like to get the nomination. Word from Washington D.C. has it that the FBI is now ready to indict the former Secretary of State for her unlawful possession of classified materials.

In fact, according to former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom Delay, the FBI has accumulated so much evidence against the Democrat frontrunner, those within the organization are threatening to go public should an indictment not occur.
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Says Delay, citing himself. Which is meaningless.
He came out with the news and the possibility of an indictment and if blocked by this administration, the FBI would go public. Delay has been right so far.

How so? Everything Delay has said is self referential. The FBI has backed none of it.
Sorry, it was the White House that said the documents on her unsecured server were beyond Top Secret.
The consensus is the corrupt, incompetent OBama Dept. of Justice will not take action. Mrs. Clinton supporters are so profoundly stupid they will not care about any FBI news release.
Just another thought... How much is there that we don't know? Foreign Donations to the Clinton Foundation and quid quo pro; lucrative investments for foreigners after Hillary approved of Uranium One settlements through the Clinton Foundation; just how many TOP Secret materials originated with Clinton, are the aides ready to "talk"... if the FBI comes out with awful solid facts, it just may push Obama into giving Lynch the nod of prosecuting. The FBI may see this as the Ace in the Hole. Don't ruin OBAMA's Legacy...

Interesting speculation. Can you back it with actual facts?

Colorful narratives conservatives have in spades. As we learned with their 'Obama ordered the IRS to target tea party groups to steal the election' nonsense. But evidence connecting that reality is where they so often fall short.
Delay: FBI Has Threatened Loretta Lynch To Indict Hillary Clinton, or Else - Truth And Action

Hillary Clinton likely never expected to have to fight so hard just to win this year’s primary. What was supposed to be a coronation of the presumptive nominee has now become a bitter battle just to hold on to the nomination that she once had in the bag.

If that weren’t enough for Clinton, it now looks as if she may need to win one more battle if she’d like to get the nomination. Word from Washington D.C. has it that the FBI is now ready to indict the former Secretary of State for her unlawful possession of classified materials.

In fact, according to former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom Delay, the FBI has accumulated so much evidence against the Democrat frontrunner, those within the organization are threatening to go public should an indictment not occur.
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Says Delay, citing himself. Which is meaningless.
He came out with the news and the possibility of an indictment and if blocked by this administration, the FBI would go public. Delay has been right so far.

How so? Everything Delay has said is self referential. The FBI has backed none of it.
Sorry, it was the White House that said the documents on her unsecured server were beyond Top Secret.

And who said that the FBI wants to indict Hillary?

Not the FBI. Delay....citing Delay.
Delay: FBI Has Threatened Loretta Lynch To Indict Hillary Clinton, or Else - Truth And Action

Hillary Clinton likely never expected to have to fight so hard just to win this year’s primary. What was supposed to be a coronation of the presumptive nominee has now become a bitter battle just to hold on to the nomination that she once had in the bag.

If that weren’t enough for Clinton, it now looks as if she may need to win one more battle if she’d like to get the nomination. Word from Washington D.C. has it that the FBI is now ready to indict the former Secretary of State for her unlawful possession of classified materials.

In fact, according to former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom Delay, the FBI has accumulated so much evidence against the Democrat frontrunner, those within the organization are threatening to go public should an indictment not occur.
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Home - Truth And Action

How hard to you have to work to find these crazy fucking sites?
I've always wondered about that. I think conservatives are just obsessed with creating and spreading propaganda. It's why Fox News and conservative talk radio are so popular.

I think its more an obsession to be surrounded by what they already believe.
The constant need to justify and reaffirm their beliefs should tell them something.
You Takers crack me up. You refuse to decipher any facts unless they are typed on a government check.
Smokealib? Really?

Red states have the highest rates of welfare and food stamps. Who are the takers again?
The consensus is the corrupt, incompetent OBama Dept. of Justice will not take action. Mrs. Clinton supporters are so profoundly stupid they will not care about any FBI news release.
You sir are correct. However rational minded swing voters will care and this will hurt Hillary either way. What I want to know is if the next justice department can prosecute her.
Not if she is president. She will block the DOJ. If it looks like it's going to be public, however, that means with valid evidence, the Democrats in Congress will ask her to step down for the good of the party. Then, who knows, she could be prosecuted.
Delay: FBI Has Threatened Loretta Lynch To Indict Hillary Clinton, or Else - Truth And Action

Hillary Clinton likely never expected to have to fight so hard just to win this year’s primary. What was supposed to be a coronation of the presumptive nominee has now become a bitter battle just to hold on to the nomination that she once had in the bag.

If that weren’t enough for Clinton, it now looks as if she may need to win one more battle if she’d like to get the nomination. Word from Washington D.C. has it that the FBI is now ready to indict the former Secretary of State for her unlawful possession of classified materials.

In fact, according to former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom Delay, the FBI has accumulated so much evidence against the Democrat frontrunner, those within the organization are threatening to go public should an indictment not occur.
more at the link

Says Delay, citing himself. Which is meaningless.
He came out with the news and the possibility of an indictment and if blocked by this administration, the FBI would go public. Delay has been right so far.

How so? Everything Delay has said is self referential. The FBI has backed none of it.
Sorry, it was the White House that said the documents on her unsecured server were beyond Top Secret.

And who said that the FBI wants to indict Hillary?

Not the FBI. Delay....citing Delay.
How did Obama learn about the emails?
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