(A radical right wing trait in order to scare people into submission)
The entire Bush administration was based on deceptive.scare tactics to control people. Its no wonder that people have distrust for the government. They are so use to lying deception scare tactics to the point they cannot recognize an honest government when one is in power. The fail to recognize that Obama is trying to help them.
Information to go to war was based on false information and therefore got the votes to go to war.
Axis of evil, security danger alerts when there were no danger in order to control the outcome of the election. The same scare tactics are used by dishonest and deceptive radical right wingers to control people to oppose HC reform, death panels, government control, cost your grand-children for life, raise you taxes even tho you do not pay any, force you to drop private HC, ration medical care, and the list goes on and on.
Rush, Hannity, Beck, and all the other right wing tv and radio commentators use scare tactic to work people into a mob violence mentality. Mass hysteria. Cause people carry guns to town hall meetings.
There is no end to the deception of the Bush administration. There is a long list of honest people left the administration.
What a great example of democracy we set for the world we are dying to change.
(A radical right wing trait in order to scare people into submission)
The entire Bush administration was based on deceptive.scare tactics to control people. Its no wonder that people have distrust for the government. They are so use to lying deception scare tactics to the point they cannot recognize an honest government when one is in power. The fail to recognize that Obama is trying to help them.
Information to go to war was based on false information and therefore got the votes to go to war.
Axis of evil, security danger alerts when there were no danger in order to control the outcome of the election. The same scare tactics are used by dishonest and deceptive radical right wingers to control people to oppose HC reform, death panels, government control, cost your grand-children for life, raise you taxes even tho you do not pay any, force you to drop private HC, ration medical care, and the list goes on and on.
Rush, Hannity, Beck, and all the other right wing tv and radio commentators use scare tactic to work people into a mob violence mentality. Mass hysteria. Cause people carry guns to town hall meetings.
There is no end to the deception of the Bush administration. There is a long list of honest people left the administration.
What a great example of democracy we set for the world we are dying to change.