DECEMBER 21, 2011 4:00 A.M. The House, Harry Reid, and the Payroll Tax

Just as an aside here - the TransCanada pipeline should not be shoved through attached with another bill. The objections and concerns aren't solely from "the left" - some of the states states where it runs through have objections that should be addressed. The pipeline issue should be disccussed and settled in senate on it's own and has no business being part of a tax bill.

they've been "addressing" the "concerns" already for 3 fucking years....

Canada will not wait much longer........but BO doesn't care if Canada's oil goes to Red China.....does he....? :mad:

No he does not. He's given the Brazillians 20 billion bucks and promised to buy all their oil.. so he's a suck faced liar on his campaign promises.
I'd like to see the whole thing expire. It was a gimmick to begin with. LEAVE TAXES ALONE AND CUT SPENDING.

A thousand dollars of real money in your pocket at the end of the year is not a gimmick to most Americans. For me that's two months of real rent.

Well seeing as its money you will need later in life, but its yours, spend it now,don't expect it later. Underfunding a program that is already underfunded makes so much sense.

Pandering at its best.
-- just watched the footage again - while DEM Steny Hoyer was at the mic, asking that the payroll tax extension be discussed, the REPUBLICAN slammed down the gavel and walked out along with the rest of the pubs.

NO EXCUSE for them raising the taxes on the working class. They say they want all expenditures to be paid for elsewhere - EXCEPT if its the Bush disaster tax cut for the wealthy.

Very funny is that suddenly, Romney is FOR the tax cut. I wonder what his "position" will be tomorrow.
That's a non answer. Now you're just dodging. What part of even Obama knows this pipeline will create at least 100,000 jobs do you knot accept?

By attaching the pipeline legislation to the middle class tax cuts and the "we'll only pass one if you pass both" bullshit thats going on. Thats how.

attaching jobs to tax cuts is a problem......?

now who's the idiot here....?

Me apparently for trying to talk rationally with people who quite honestly don't seem to have any sort of education or ability to think critically.

People who themselves admit (Bern) that the tax break would help them pay that rent payment yet are too dumb to admit that attaching the two bills together is a political stunt.

So yes, I am the idiot for thinking that there is any way I can have an intelligent conversation with people who haven't done shit with their lives and just want everyone to be just as miserable as they are.
I'd like to see the whole thing expire. It was a gimmick to begin with. LEAVE TAXES ALONE AND CUT SPENDING.

A thousand dollars of real money in your pocket at the end of the year is not a gimmick to most Americans. For me that's two months of real rent.

Well seeing as its money you will need later in life, but its yours, spend it now,don't expect it later. Underfunding a program that is already underfunded makes so much sense.

Pandering at its best.

What is it with people. You're the third person now who has assumed that just because I don't want to contribute to SS I haven't planned for my retirment. First it was willow who assumed I'm going to need SS in 40 years because my rent is $500 bucks today. When the heck did basic critical thinking skills go completely out the window? Or did you forgoe that for under water basket weaving in college?
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By attaching the pipeline legislation to the middle class tax cuts and the "we'll only pass one if you pass both" bullshit thats going on. Thats how.

attaching jobs to tax cuts is a problem......?

now who's the idiot here....?

Me apparently for trying to talk rationally with people who quite honestly don't seem to have any sort of education or ability to think critically.

People who themselves admit (Bern) that the tax break would help them pay that rent payment yet are too dumb to admit that attaching the two bills together is a political stunt.

So yes, I am the idiot for thinking that there is any way I can have an intelligent conversation with people who haven't done shit with their lives and just want everyone to be just as miserable as they are.

bottom line that's all you got.....?

read 'em and weep....:lol:
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By attaching the pipeline legislation to the middle class tax cuts and the "we'll only pass one if you pass both" bullshit thats going on. Thats how.

attaching jobs to tax cuts is a problem......?

now who's the idiot here....?

Me apparently for trying to talk rationally with people who quite honestly don't seem to have any sort of education or ability to think critically.

People who themselves admit (Bern) that the tax break would help them pay that rent payment yet are too dumb to admit that attaching the two bills together is a political stunt.

So yes, I am the idiot for thinking that there is any way I can have an intelligent conversation with people who haven't done shit with their lives and just want everyone to be just as miserable as they are.

Rationality? That where you want to go with this? Explain the rationality of NOT giving the go ahead right now on the pipeline.

I'm not miserable you asshole. You libs are so fucking full of red herring stereotypes of the right it's ridiculous. When is the oh so transparent bullshit that wanting permement tax cuts, not temporarty ones equates to wanting people to be miserable. No rationale objective, critical thinker is going to buy that for two seconds RDD. So don't pretend you're the rationale one here, cause you're not.
A thousand dollars of real money in your pocket at the end of the year is not a gimmick to most Americans. For me that's two months of real rent.

Well seeing as its money you will need later in life, but its yours, spend it now,don't expect it later. Underfunding a program that is already underfunded makes so much sense.

Pandering at its best.

What is it with people. You're the third person now who has assumed that just because I don't want to contribute to SS I haven't planned for my retirment. First it was willow who assumed I'm going to need SS in 40 years because my rent is $500 bucks today. When the heck did basic critical thinking skills go completely out the window? Or did you forgoe that for under water basket weaving in college?

You're just assuming that I assumed. I assume nothing. and nothing is guaranteed you. not long life. not health and not wealth.. there's a lot that can go wrong between now and then.. that's why I said you should sign a waiver.
Well seeing as its money you will need later in life, but its yours, spend it now,don't expect it later. Underfunding a program that is already underfunded makes so much sense.

Pandering at its best.

What is it with people. You're the third person now who has assumed that just because I don't want to contribute to SS I haven't planned for my retirment. First it was willow who assumed I'm going to need SS in 40 years because my rent is $500 bucks today. When the heck did basic critical thinking skills go completely out the window? Or did you forgoe that for under water basket weaving in college?

You're just assuming that I assumed. I assume nothing. and nothing is guaranteed you. not long life. not health and not wealth.. there's a lot that can go wrong between now and then.. that's why I said you should sign a waiver.

Yes you did Willow. I'm not sure if you ever took one of those critical thinking tests in school but here's basically how they go.

If Bern pays $500/mo in rent, what can we conclude about Bern?

A)He's poor
B)He will be dependent on gov't services
C) None of the above

The answer is C and you chose A and B
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What is it with people. You're the third person now who has assumed that just because I don't want to contribute to SS I haven't planned for my retirment. First it was willow who assumed I'm going to need SS in 40 years because my rent is $500 bucks today. When the heck did basic critical thinking skills go completely out the window? Or did you forgoe that for under water basket weaving in college?

You're just assuming that I assumed. I assume nothing. and nothing is guaranteed you. not long life. not health and not wealth.. there's a lot that can go wrong between now and then.. that's why I said you should sign a waiver.

Yes you did Willow. I'm not sure if you ever took one of those critical thinking tests in school but here's basically how they go.

If Bern pays $500/mo in rent, what can we conclude about Bern?

A)He's poor
B)He will be dependent on gov't services
C) None of the above

The answer is C and you chose A and B

You're dead wrong. What makes you assume you know what I'm thinking? That's so damn arrogant don'tyathink?
Hey! Bern.. I built my home. It was paid for the day I moved in. Now what do you think of my critical thinking skills. I eagerly await your response.
Excellant. All can see that the GOP wish tax cuts only for the wealthy.

This is going to play very well for 2012.

Today, we all saw the pub rep refuse to allow DEM Steny Hoyer to debate/discuss the payroll tax cut and then, ONE HOUR LATER, there's the National Orange Golf Pro on camera, saying 'We're here, ready to work. Where's the Dems'.

Its always a game to the pubs. They want to look like they actually DO something but they don't.

Remember when McCain pushed through the shorter work day and actually interrupted a committee that was working for answers for homeless vets. Fuck the vets. All McCain wanted was more pay for fewer hours and that's what he got.

It really does loo like they've gone too far this time. Fewer and fewer people are falling for it.
Just as an aside here - the TransCanada pipeline should not be shoved through attached with another bill. The objections and concerns aren't solely from "the left" - some of the states states where it runs through have objections that should be addressed. The pipeline issue should be disccussed and settled in senate on it's own and has no business being part of a tax bill.

they've been "addressing" the "concerns" already for 3 fucking years....

Canada will not wait much longer........but BO doesn't care if Canada's oil goes to Red China.....does he....? :mad:

No he does not. He's given the Brazillians 20 billion bucks and promised to buy all their oil.. so he's a suck faced liar on his campaign promises.

[ame=]Brazil Oil August 19, 2009 - YouTube[/ame]
Excellant. All can see that the GOP wish tax cuts only for the wealthy.

This is going to play very well for 2012.

Today, we all saw the pub rep refuse to allow DEM Steny Hoyer to debate/discuss the payroll tax cut and then, ONE HOUR LATER, there's the National Orange Golf Pro on camera, saying 'We're here, ready to work. Where's the Dems'.

Its always a game to the pubs. They want to look like they actually DO something but they don't.

Remember when McCain pushed through the shorter work day and actually interrupted a committee that was working for answers for homeless vets. Fuck the vets. All McCain wanted was more pay for fewer hours and that's what he got.

It really does loo like they've gone too far this time. Fewer and fewer people are falling for it.

...instead they are falling for an idiotic 2 month extension......:lol:
Today the House voted to reject a Senate plan for temporarily extending the payroll-tax cut and subsequently moved to recess, and they deserve credit for doing so.

This move does not eliminate the possibility of extending the tax cut, which expires at the end of December: The House previously passed a bill extending the cut for a full year, and that bill is good policy. It doesn’t increase the deficit. It forces a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline. And it’s President Obama’s major year-end priority. So why is the Democratic Senate blocking the bill’s path between Capitol Hill and the White House signing desk, and pushing the bill the House rejected instead?

Because Harry Reid doesn’t like how the House version is paid for. Having failed — not once, but multiple times — to offset the payroll-rate cut with a new surtax on job creators, Senate Democrats were forced to huddle with Republicans to find common ground. What they came up with were enough offsets to fund a 60-day extension, mostly via increased fees on Fannie and Freddie. (This makes a certain amount of sense: Republicans abhor the government-sponsored enterprises, Democrats adore fees.)

The Senate plan, then, was to pass the temporary extension, send it back to the House, and enjoy a lengthy Christmas holiday. The New Year, they seem to believe, will bring with it fresh opportunities to kick the can down the road. But the 60-day extension is both irresponsible and unworkable, and House Republicans were right to hold the line against it, even if it keeps Congress in Washington through these holy nigh

The House, Harry Reid, and the Payroll Tax - The Editors - National Review Online

so the demoncrats were gonna soak the poor old middle class homeowners? :lol:

I want to know when the Congress and the POTUS are going to front a real budget rather than all this incremental crap?
Excellant. All can see that the GOP wish tax cuts only for the wealthy.

This is going to play very well for 2012.

Today, we all saw the pub rep refuse to allow DEM Steny Hoyer to debate/discuss the payroll tax cut and then, ONE HOUR LATER, there's the National Orange Golf Pro on camera, saying 'We're here, ready to work. Where's the Dems'.

Its always a game to the pubs. They want to look like they actually DO something but they don't.

Remember when McCain pushed through the shorter work day and actually interrupted a committee that was working for answers for homeless vets. Fuck the vets. All McCain wanted was more pay for fewer hours and that's what he got.

It really does loo like they've gone too far this time. Fewer and fewer people are falling for it.

...instead they are falling for an idiotic 2 month extension......:lol:

ever notice how the dimoncrats think they're smarter than the average American?
Excellant. All can see that the GOP wish tax cuts only for the wealthy.

This is going to play very well for 2012.

Today, we all saw the pub rep refuse to allow DEM Steny Hoyer to debate/discuss the payroll tax cut and then, ONE HOUR LATER, there's the National Orange Golf Pro on camera, saying 'We're here, ready to work. Where's the Dems'.

Its always a game to the pubs. They want to look like they actually DO something but they don't.

Remember when McCain pushed through the shorter work day and actually interrupted a committee that was working for answers for homeless vets. Fuck the vets. All McCain wanted was more pay for fewer hours and that's what he got.

It really does loo like they've gone too far this time. Fewer and fewer people are falling for it.

...instead they are falling for an idiotic 2 month extension......:lol:
Which isn't enough time for companies to update thiemselves to comply. By the time the complience is done? that two months would be over.

Two month timeframe was idiotic and a ploy to give Obama the issue as a Taxcutter extraordinaire when he has spent the last 6 months pounding home that taxes should be raised.

And it's an election-time ploy. Deceptive.
LMAO......typical Dums publically looking like they are for the people but you take a close look and they are doing what they do best: rob Pete to pay Paul.

If they really wanted to cut taxes, they'd cut income taxes ( as some on this thread have pointed out ) but all their fiscal policies are Wizard of Oz shit that never works. Cant wiat for this shit to be mothballed in 11 months!!:coffee:
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Excellant. All can see that the GOP wish tax cuts only for the wealthy.

This is going to play very well for 2012.

Today, we all saw the pub rep refuse to allow DEM Steny Hoyer to debate/discuss the payroll tax cut and then, ONE HOUR LATER, there's the National Orange Golf Pro on camera, saying 'We're here, ready to work. Where's the Dems'.

Its always a game to the pubs. They want to look like they actually DO something but they don't.

Remember when McCain pushed through the shorter work day and actually interrupted a committee that was working for answers for homeless vets. Fuck the vets. All McCain wanted was more pay for fewer hours and that's what he got.

It really does loo like they've gone too far this time. Fewer and fewer people are falling for it.

...instead they are falling for an idiotic 2 month extension......:lol:

All part of the nauseating game the pubs play ...

the Dems want a year so the pubs say "MAYBE 2 months".

The DEMS say, "oh all right" so the pubs say "a year".

the DEMS say, "Let's discuss and debate" so the pubs pound the gavel and all leave.

Then the orange guy comes back from the golf course, calls all the cameras around close and actually has the nerve to say, 'we're here, ready to work'.

They'll keep playing this game - right up to New Year's Eve because, for them, its always about manufactured crises.

And, they can do it because $60-$80 a month is nothing to them. Boehner drops that much on greens fees several times a week. For some people, its the difference between buying food or rent.

But, hey - that doesn't matter to the pubs and bags. And the voters know it.
LMAO......typical Dums publically looking like they are for the people but you take a close look and they are doing what they do best: rob Pete to pay Paul.

If they really wanted to cut taxes, they'd cut income taxes ( as some on this thread have pointed out ) but all their fiscal policies are Wizard of Oz shit that never works. Cant wiat for this shit to be mothballed in 11 months!!:coffee:
Cut taxes and dial back government meaning some government employees will lose thier jobs. But We can't have that can we? They are government employees and deserve those jobs. (As the private sector is cut to the bone already):eusa_whistle:

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