Debunking White Racist Opinions

Like South Africaā€”most of the great Africans in the world are Whiteā€”Like Elon Musk, for instance.

No white person is African.

Whites in South Africa can still work for black farmers as field hands and laborers for minimum wage. And the land in South is NOT just for Agriculture only but other forms of development including Mining, Infrastructure development, building malls n modern houses etc

If the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy, if we arenā€™t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then we arenā€™t actually dealing with the problem.

As long as whites in SA are not examining their prejudices, then black people in SA should stay hard on them

But it's interesting that whites around the world seem to think that non-violence is great for black people but don't believe in non-violence for themselves.

But once violence goes goes real primitive.

Even if (And this is a massive if) whites in SA hijacked the entire SA military there simply isn't enough firepower there to succeed against massed pitchfork assaults by the far more numerous black people.

If White S.Africans want to get violent they will lose and lose very badly

As to the rest of the world's reaction:

This could not happen overnight. To be sure, a coup-like assault on the government would be the overt headline kick-off event. But it isn't a "race war" until the races themselves decide it is. Until then it's simply politics by violent means. Just as in happened in Turkey couple of years ago..

This is about land reform and economics. In S.Africa since freedom little land reform has taken place, and the same in Botswana and Zambia. st.

As long as USAID, IMG and World Bank don't try and send in there economic hitmen everything will be all right.

Black people remain unshaken. Black people are fully aware of consequences (death, sanctions)

Black people are taking their land bk and Donald Trump, DA, Afriforum can go to hell.

I love Julius Malema and his response to Trump

When whites go into a country like South Africa and do this to black South Africans


And impose laws like this


And because of that live like this


They can't complain about the tactics black S.Africans are using to get their home bk.

Ok-so then for the 8 years when a Black supremist was the President, and a Black Supremacist was the Attorney General, then Only Black people could be racist during that period of Time?

More black people were killed by state sanctioned executions under Obama, than in the 1940's, 50's and 60's combined.

Power isnā€™t given, it must be taken. So knowing that we also know President Obama was ā€œgivenā€ a powerful position by the most powerful white people in the U.S actually meant that he had no power at all.

That's why
  • He never disagreed with white liberal opinion.
  • He did little about the war on drugs.
  • He did little about the mass incarceration of black men
  • He did little about racial profiling.
  • He did little about police brutality
  • He did little about poverty.
  • He did little about unsafe neighbourhoods.
  • He did little about sky high black unemployment.
  • He did little about high rates of black infant mortality.
  • He did little about racial segregation in housing and education.
  • He did little about the growing wealth gap.
  • He did little aboutor about gun control until white children were gunned down.
All black people got was sing songs and negro spirtuals

Yet when Trump got in. No singing. He was signing executive orders every week




You only need to look at the disrespect Obama was treated with; Like when white female Jan Brewer (Arizona governor) wagging her finger in his face in full view of TV cameras


Yet when Vice-Prez Cheney (a white male) shot a man in the heart in a hunting accident, the man (with less power) apologized to Cheney for ā€œā€¦causing his family so much troubleā€¦ā€


Thatā€™s what REAL power looks like.

No group that is smart enough to be in power is stupid enough to educate, nominate, and finance someone who wants to destroy or diminish their power.

What about the white people who, during those years also lived in a city with a Black Mayor, Black school principals, and a Black police Chief--Baltimore, for instance?

I've noticed that guys like you like to say "Black police chief" and "Black mayors" and "Black DA's"

Like that means something.

But guys like you never talk about black governors

Because there are black no governors in the USA.

When you're a governor you have real muscle.
  • You have serious muscle in controlling the allocation of resources in your state.
  • You have serious muscle in controlling which places get invested in.
  • You have serious muscle in controlling which places don't get invested in.
  • You have serious muscle in controlling the laws
  • You have serious muscle in controlling which companies build where.
  • You have serious muscle in controlling which roads build were.
  • You have serious muscle in controlling policing in this of that area.
And there is only one black senator. White supremacists hire other white supremacist to be governors like Kentucky govenors (Matt Bevin) saying black kids playing chess 'not something you necessarily would have thought of. And even the black mayors are controlled by the white supremacists.

And if you want to know about the city of Baltimore and who really runs it then remember the Freddie Gray case in 2015 ? And the Baltimore riots after ?


Fair play to state's attorney Marilyn Mosby

She came out guns blazing and wanted to the right thing but she was punished for trying to uphold the Constitution.

This proves the "I'm white & I say so" law is the law of the land and Baltimore is an example of so called "black run cities" Because the minute black politicians challenge white supremacy,we see who really runs things and what happened at the end ? The cops got off. In fact they got a round of applause at a black tie event


That's the code. You are supoosed to kill black people.

White people living during those years were THE ONLY people who can legitimately claim to be victims of racism, then, according to your principal.. No Black person can claim to have lived under a system that was racist against them during those 8 years and only Whites could have, right

So why when the Sandy Hook elementary incident happened and those white kids died. Why was Obama weeping ? Yes it was tragic

But what about the dead black youth in urban communities? Did he weep for them?

I'll wait

President Obama was great for white people. The Drone Master, Wall Street water boy. To get his attention Black people had to protest and riot in the streets and Obama squandered his moral authority when he called the Baltimore rioters ā€œthugsā€

But no suprise because President Obama was (S)elected; not elected. He was not selected to help black people because we are not his bosses because we did not finance him, nominate him or elect him because black votes do NOT decide a presidential election.

The evidence of who his bosses are was evidenced by him extending every single piece of legislation passed during the Bush-era.

But to be fair Obama and his family were a good symbol for black people. His family were the picture of grace and dignity.

Singularly, this was his only achievement, that is the dignified manner in which he and his family carried themselves thereby saliently calling into question many negative stereotypes about the so-called ā€œBlack family.ā€ It was an 8 year Cosby Show. A high powered husband and wife with cute kids.

And the fact that during his two terms in office there was not one piece of personal scandal on that man. No cheating. No drinking. No drugs. No dodgy money deals. None of that.

Most crime and murder in INTRA-racial, meaning it happens between members of the same race. With that in mind, White murder rates are very low--Black murder rates are very high.

Killing black people is not counted as murder. Black people are supposed to be killed in system of white supremacy

Backing down? This is what I mean when I say that Blacks and Whites are completely incompatible. They never see anything the same way

Yes you backed down when you realized how stupid you are sounding. And let's be clear it's not that black people are not incompatible with whites.

It's more that I and most black people are not incompatible with white extremists like you.

I saidā€”and maintainā€”that there will be a lot more Dylan Roof episodes if things donā€™t change.

So why don't you be the next Dylan Roof then ?

I hate Roof because while he was right to be outraged, he dishonored himself by killing innocent people.

No. You don't hate Roof.

And I said that The French Could kill them all in Haiti if they were so inclined but donā€™t because of their magnanimity.

And that's what they should try to do. The goal is to force white supremacists to wipe black people out and if we are not meant to be here. Then we are not not meant be here. Simple.

I then mused that Haiti would be a better place if the French had it today because they would make Haiti into a place people can visit, possibly a place to move to, a place where geniuses can be born and help the world, a place of invention rather than be a jungle full of starving dependents using Voodoo and zombie powders to enslave others, and child and animal sacrifices.

Well I don't like to repeat mysel but true to form, not a single word about the stolen wealth and constant meddling by the US and France when discussing the topic of Haiti.

Haiti was the first Black nation to liberate itself from French colonial occupation through armed resistance more than 200 years ago.

You ignore the series of blockades and embargoes soon after independence.

You ignore that neither France nor the US would recognize it as an independent state until it agreed to pay France in the amount of 150 million Francs for the loss of its enslaved properties.

You ignore that this was an amount 5 times the total revenue of Haiti in 1804.

You ignore that the debt was reduced to 90 million Frs. in 1825 and Haiti had to borrow money from French, American and German banks in order to keep up with the payments lasting for more than hundred years until the last payment was made in 1947.

You ignore that 80% of Haitiā€™s wealth went to servicing the debt. The amount in todayā€™s money exceeds $22 billion.

You ignore that Woodrow Wilson, sent in the Marines in 1915 to occupy Haiti to take control of its political and financial institutions.

You ignore that Control of Haitiā€™s treasury was ceded to National City Bank of New York (Citibank of today).

You ignore that the people of Haiti continued to resist, demanding withdrawal of the US troops. Thousands paid with their lives over the course of the three decades of occupation. Topping all this was the devastating earth quake of 2010

You also ignore that Cholera, which was unknown in Haiti also broke out in the aftermath. The source of the epidemic was traced to the UN Mission. Over 10,000 died.

You ignore that the UN refused to accept responsibility until the acknowledgment came from UNSG Ban KY Moon in 2015 in the form of apology.

You ignore that he pledged 400 million but only 5% of the amount was made good.

You ignore that NGOs of all stripes descended on Haiti to ā€˜helpā€™ following the Earthquake. Billions were pledged by donor nations. Much of that money went to contractors, very little if any making it to the people.

You ignore that the $500 million given to the American Red Cross to build 130,000 homes for displaced Haitians. The actual number of homes built however, was a grand total of 6.

Is it any wonder then that the first Black independent nation has remained poor, much of its wealth going to France in reverse reparation ? Followed by a brutal occupation by US marines to make Haiti safe for American corporations such as Citibank ? Devastated by a natural disaster of biblical proportions ? A disaster which became a bonanza for American and other Western contractors who helped themselves to the aid money by the billions ?

The people continue to resist against all odds, Dessalinesā€™ words-always ringing fresh in their ears-independence or death- and the struggle continues. People of African descent everywhere owe Haiti a huge debt of gratitude and need to stand with them in solidarity. Their fight is our fight.
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Like South Africaā€”most of the great Africans in the world are Whiteā€”Like Elon Musk, for instance.

No white person is African.
Again, you contradict yourself. Before you claimed that the people from Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, Western Sahara are all white, now you claim they are Black?! Stop breaking your own silly rules.

These beautiful Berber girls are far more African than you are. Are they Black?

How about these Libyans and Iranians? Are they Black or would you call them White? Again, far more African than you are.
libyans-gather-in-tripoli-s-celebrate-1518811217-9662 (1).jpg
On your alleged list of South African laws, did you notice at the bottom right corner the statement:
"Issued in the interest of justice by the Anti-Apartheid Movement, 89 Charlotte St. London, W1 Tel 01-580 5311"
It's not real, it's a propaganda piece.
As far as I can find out, blacks were never forbidden to own land. They were restricted from owning land in segregated white areas. That was wrong, but lying about it as propaganda is worse. You need to actually read the things you post and link to. They rarely say what you think they say.
Again, you contradict yourself. Before you claimed that the people from Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, Western Sahara are all white, now you claim they are Black?! Stop breaking your own silly rules.

These beautiful Berber girls are far more African than you are. Are they Black?
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How about these Libyans and Iranians? Are they Black or would you call them White? Again, far more African than you are.
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Go back and read what I wrote

There three races of people

1. Black people
2. Non white people
3. White people
Well I don't like to repeat mysel but true to form, not a single word about the stolen wealth and constant meddling by the US and France when discussing the topic of Haiti.

Haiti was the first Black nation to liberate itself from French colonial occupation through armed resistance more than 200 years ago.

You say 200 years of black rule then you ignore the series of blockades and embargoes soon after independence.

You ignore that neither France nor the US would recognize it as an independent state until it agreed to pay France in the amount of 150 million Francs for the loss of its enslaved properties.

You ignore that this was an amount 5 times the total revenue of Haiti in 1804.

You ignore that the debt was reduced to 90 million Frs. in 1825 and Haiti had to borrow money from French, American and German banks in order to keep up with the payments lasting for more than hundred years until the last payment was made in 1947.

You ignore that 80%of Haitiā€™s wealth went to servicing the debt. The amount in todayā€™s money exceeds $22 billion.
Yeahā€”ā€œStolen wealth,ā€ BS, again. What stolen wealth? The wealth is all there rotting on the vines and being crushed under the feet of an ignorant, primitive people. The French left them an entire modern city known as ā€œThe Paris of the Caribbean,ā€ a pier and shipping, working farms, and all the tools of industry that any intelligent group of people could use to build a great society with, in addition to a lush green landscape. What did they do with it??!!They kept slavery going, they killed their own leaders, they brought Voodoo, child sacrifices, animal sacrifices, and nothing else. It brought Africa there. Maybe that works for those people, but do not blame anybody else for what their society looks like because all that was far more advantages than almost anybody has been given when creating a new civilization.

Did the US fall into barbarism and murder after they won their war for Independence, as the Europeans predicted (and likely wanted) ? Why not? Because the US had Geniuses here like Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, Washington, Madison. Hamilton, and many others to make sure that didnā€™t happen. They worked alliances out with other countries; they created their own banks and paid off our war Debts to foreign countries who demanded it, very quickly. The US had to pay back Billions, just as Haiti did, but were able to do in a few years, not hundreds.
The US went to the Middle East and fought off the Arabsā€”both politically and militarily--who were enslaving White Americans. The Us created industry and administered it expertly and earned the respect of the world. The world thought the US would fail right away as Haiti did, but the US proved them all wrong and did so quickly. Britain and Indians reinvaded the US a few years after Independence, burned the White House down, disbursed our whole Government, and great people like Andrew Jackson won stunning military victories and Jefferson, Madison and Monroe won stunning political victories and freed us from foreign meddling of that kind forever more.

Haiti has primitive peopleā€”with an average I.Q. of 65 (which is below the level of a retarded person in the US) who were incapable of doing any of the things needed to create civilization. And all your other points pertain to, one way or another, how other people should have helped them, or given them more money, or gave them more medical help, or built homes for them. Don't you see what you are writings? It should be embarrassing to you, for Christ sake.

How about this--All you super-powered Blacks in the US escape from this White Supremacist hell Hole, and bring your genius, hard work ethic, and diplomatic brilliance and invention to Haiti. Become Haitian citizens and live there and turn it into something great.
If Haiti is the home to all blacks all over the world, then go there and fight for her. Prove us all wrong. Prove that you don't need the White man to give you everything.
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Go back and read what I wrote

There three races of people

1. Black people
2. Non white people
3. White people
LOL...That's a prime example of negro-logic. lol what about Non-Black people? You certainly must agree that these girls are most surly Non-black, yet they are more African than you are. You're going to have to retire one of your oft-used phrases from here on out. Whites are Africans, too. Or, that Africa is a mixed race continent, not a black one.

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Did the US fall into barbarism and murder after they won their war for Independence, as the Europeans predicted (and likely wanted) ?

The USA has been the most murderous and barbaric nation on the planet. What are you talking about ?

Genocide, slavery, Jim Crow, wars of empire in Mexico, the Caribbean, Philippines, Vietnam, Iraq, etc. Overthrow of governments, support for cruel dictators. Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, drones.

Just look what Rockefeller did to his workers, how dozens of immigrant women burnt to death around hundred years ago in clothing factory in New Yorks Lower East Side because the doors were locked and windows barred,

You polish and romantices even that horrible chapter in your own history. It becomes a romantic tale about the rise of white immigrant, arrival to the Promised land, and yet, millions of those white immigrants died prematurely in horrible slums, dangerous factories, death trap mines etc.

This is why I do not waste my breath saying much good about whites.

They are already tooting their own horn, the biggest in history.

They rarely hear the voices of those they screw over.

Why not? Because the US had Geniuses here like Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, Washington, Madison. Hamilton, and many others to make sure that didnā€™t happen.

Yeah US presidents who sat on the asses most of the day. Never lifted all their lives while black ppl built the cuntry

Also what's your idea of genius ? You're idea of genius and mine might be two different.

Bees are more important than and do more important thing than any of the names on that list because bees pollinate plants that bring forth fruit, nuts and berries and most food supplies, and thereby keep the chain of life trotting along without them the human food supply would be seriously screwed.

So even creatures to which you typically extend little if any credit for their intelligence, are more important to life on this planet than even the most impressive pile of technological junk you obsess over.

They worked alliances out with other countries; they created their own banks and paid off our war Debts to foreign countries who demanded it, very quickly.

The USA was not under a system of systematic black supremacy

The US had to pay back Billions, just as Haiti did, but were able to do in a few years, not hundreds.

The USA was not under a system of systematic black supremacy

The Us created industry and administered it expertly and earned the respect of the world. The world thought the US would fail right away as Haiti did, but the US proved them all wrong and did so quickly.

The USA was not under a system of systematic black supremacy
Again, you contradict yourself. Before you claimed that the people from Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, Western Sahara are all white, now you claim they are Black?! Stop breaking your own silly rules.

These beautiful Berber girls are far more African than you are. Are they Black?
View attachment 540188

How about these Libyans and Iranians? Are they Black or would you call them White? Again, far more African than you are.
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There berber girls are white. In fact they are not even Berber.. They are just white girls dressed up like that. The next two girls are white. The crowd of women with their sons they are white. The three men at end are non white.

And saying those girls are beautiful. Dude you better be under 21 saying that otherwise that's borderline.

The two girls in the pink headwrap. I'd guess the one the right is 15, the left is 9. The next two girls I'd say 16 or 17 but you white dudes are into all that slobbering women who your old enough to be their dad ...aren't ya ?
The USA has been the most murderous and barbaric nation on the planet. What are you talking about ?
You know nothing of world history if you think the US is the most murderous and barbaric on the planet. Such an ignorant, uniformed statement redolent with obvious envy.

What Genocide are you talking about!?

Jim Crow has been justified by time. Everything the creators of those set of laws claimed would happen if they werenā€™t in place HAS happened and to an even greater degree than they might have imagined.
During Jim crow...


You know nothing about Mexican History---how long did Mexico have Texas? 13 years. Do you call that some great historic claim to the land? They invited White settlers in because they needed people of genius, and hard work to cultivate land, divert steams and build towns. The Whites were constitutionally protected in Mexican, and a racist Dictator took over the country and tried to expropriate all those towns and chase the whites out of the country or face death if they stay. He declared war on those people and even claimed he would listen to OUR terms of surrender while sitting in the white House as a conqueror. Didnā€™t work out that way for him. The US gave them Back Mexico City and the rest of it but kept Texas for us. That is generous and another people would not have been so magnanimous.

Murderous Dictator and child rapist Mexican General surrenders to Sam Houston.

And talk about murderous and barbaric nations---look at the Red Indian nations, or the Aztecs, or the cannibalistic tribes of warlike savages in the Caribbean. Europeans civilized those horrific, nightmarish societies by brining Christianity, European rationalism philosophy, and the rule of law.



You know nothing about history except what some half-witted African studies professor told you.


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There berber girls are white. In fact they are not even Berber.. They are just white girls dressed up like that. The next two girls are white. The crowd of women with their sons they are white. The three men at end are non white.

And saying those girls are beautiful. Dude you better be under 21 saying that otherwise that's borderline.

The two girls in the pink headwrap. I'd guess the one the right is 15, the left is 9. The next two girls I'd say 16 or 17 but you white dudes are into all that slobbering women who your old enough to be their dad ...aren't ya ?
They are Berbers...Who are the Berber People? And they are very beautiful young girls. And I guess your mind is permanently in the gutter if you think calling little girls pretty or beautiful is dirty. Get your head strait, pervert.
So, now you have conceded that Africa is not Black--Africa is mixed race.
Why not? Because the US had Geniuses here like Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, Washington, Madison. Hamilton, and many others to make sure that didnā€™t happen.

Yeah US presidents who sat on the asses most of the day. Never lifted all their lives while black ppl built the cuntry

Also what's your idea of genius ? You're idea of genius and mine might be two different.

You wrote--Yeah US presidents who sat on the asses most of the day. Never lifted all their lives while black ppl built the country.
You know nothing about US history if you think that. Washington fought a war against the most powerful force on Earth and won. They had bloody footprints in the snow, and he didn't return home for over 8 years while he prosecuted that war.
John Adams was away from his family for 14 years fighting for independence in Philadelphia and oversees, which was very dangerous, as did Benjamin Franklin, who was close to 80-years-old working on Diplomacy with the French for aid during our time of need. All would have been put tp death if caught. To each other they pledged "their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.." And they did this for, "Millions yet unborn..." meaning we living today.

They wrote Genius words that live forever....

December 23, 1776​

THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.


And, by your definition of "Building," when you claim blacks "built the country, then more credit ought to go to Horses and dogs built the country, then, if you think dumb labor is all there is to it. And Whites labored more than Blacks did because It was Whites who struck out into the wilderness to found towns, risking slaughter from the savages, Surveying land, building towns by hand, etc.. Whites manifested their own destiny by the sweat of their brow and their blood.

Also what's your idea of genius ? You're idea of genius and mine might be two different.
Europeans brought reason-philosophy, civics, the rule of law, science, literature, written language, high art, and the particular White people I mentioned brought about a whole new type of society based on Enlightenment ideas. They created the constitution, the Bill of rights, and the Declaration of Independence, which are documents that have been shaken in the face of dictators all over the world for hundreds of yearsā€¦.you hero MLK quoted from these documents; the people in China scream it in the streets during protests demanding more liberty

Bees are more important than and do more important thing than any of the names on that list because bees pollinate plants that bring forth fruit, nuts and berries and most food supplies, and thereby keep the chain of life trotting along without them the human food supply would be seriously screwed.

Whites brought sustainable Bee Keeping to the US, and were at the forefront of Bee studies, as well as nature conservation, environmentalism, horticulture, advanced agriculturalism, animal husbandry, etcā€¦

So even creatures to which you typically extend little if any credit for their intelligence, are more important to life on this planet than even the most impressive pile of technological junk you obsess over.
Junk, huh? Like this computer you are writing on, but you can add to this, Books, Libraries, Trains, Planes, Cars, telephones, Radios, Movies, TV, tall buildings, cell phones, most of the medical advancements we use and reply on, schools, paved roads, indoor plumbing and heating, all the major sports you watch, recording technology, most of the instruments, etc....
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Absurd--If that were true, and if White people can assault, rob or even murder without consequences, and conversely if Blacks have no power to commit crimes without severe punishment, then Why donā€™t White people use this power to Kill Blacks every day?

Because not every white person wants to a kill black person every day. But in a system of white supremacy, as long as they get your lie straight, a white person could kill a blk person and walk free.

Why do Blacks murder White people and otherwise violently victimize them at such tremendously lopsidedā€”nearly one sidedā€”proportions, then, and not the other way around?

You are asking me to respond to a lie

So, when whites are denied jobs due to their skin colorā€”which happens far more often than the other way aroundā€”that has to be racism.#

I'm pretty sure you know that a white man with a criminal record and has been in prison is more likely to get the job than black men who are clean

I'm pretty sure you know this.

Fact is - Real evidence of anti-white bias in the workplace is extraordinarily rare. And of course most jobs are never advertised. They are filled by word-of-mouth and networking: a process which favours whites even more.

Nobody is denying Blacks healthcareā€”in fact, Blacks take free health care (free but actually paid for by people like me and my family) at higher rates than anybody else in the country.

I've always know that they (White supremacists) kill of black people in hospitals because of the quality of our organs. Organ harvesting is real.


Get out wasn't just a movie.


A lot of these police shootings and murders (For example in Chicago for some reason murders never or rarely get solved even though there's a camera on every street corner) are connected not only to white supremacy, but crimes of organized organ harvesting as well.

In Prison too. White supremacists are also poisoning black inmates in jail with these death diet meals. They can't kill them quick enough to get their organs out of them.This is why they target the homeless the most because they know most don't have family

This also what all these bullsh*t red cross and so called charity orgs are in large part about. That operation performs an entirely different function than the ppl believe.

An education is not something given to you by somebody else. If that were true, Blacks would be the top students in the country because they have tried everything possible to close the achievement gaps in education for 80-100 years.

Most white teachers let black kids twist in the wind: they want and expect the best from their white students but when it comes to blacks kids they do not give a fuck.

They excuse their racist behaviour with bullshit like ā€œBlacks do not care about education" and this starts as early white pre-school. Also what they do now is that they use "suspensions" for subjective stuff like like "disrupting class" or "willful defianceā€

Back in the day it used to be "Carrying a weapon" actual factual stuff but now the white supremacists changed the goalposts and needed more of an "out" to suspend as many blk kids as they want. This goes to the white supremacists administrators, whose suspend and expel Black kids for the same stuff white get away with

This is why when blks do well. They are trying to find reasons how this happened.


Clearly money and attention is not the cure.

What money and attention ?

They ignore the unpleasant reality of I.Q. in their altruistic activities.

You are repeating a point you have already made

And if a Black person commits a crime, this is HIS fault and nobody elses.

To be black is the crime.

White people are so eager to help Blacks that we see them creating new policies where Blacks will not be punished for their crimes, and the only result is that they commit MORE crimes, not less

OK. So what are whites doing to help black people ? What policies are there for blk ppl not to be punished for commiting a crime ?

This is why everybody is fleeing the cities all over the country. Here in NYC, people are moving out in droves over such policy.

You keep on saying this. Like this is something new. Whites have always not wanted to live around black people. This was true 40, 50 and 60 years ago. What are you talking about ?

Again, Blacks destroying one great and productive cities by their uncontrolled behavior.

OK. How are black people destroying New York ?

This is why Jim Crow was good and sensible

If racial separation were so natural for white folks then why would Jim Crow be necessary ?

It should be impossible to move whites from their natural need to get away from black people no ? You shouldn't need Jim Crow. You shouldn't need segregation laws to force separation. It should be natural. No ?

Those laws were passed for the very reason that white people werenā€™t so sure that you werenā€™t prepared to stray, werenā€™t so sure that indeed it was natural to separate.

White flight has nothing to do with black people. Hell back during slavery black women lived in the same house as whites and looked after their kids. White flight is about maintaining dominance.

They are Berbers...Who are the Berber People? And they are very beautiful young girls. And I guess your mind is permanently in the gutter

Average looking white girls to me.

if you think calling little girls pretty or beautiful is dirty.

I know how you white dudes think.
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Absurd--If that were true, and if White people can assault, rob or even murder without consequences, and conversely if Blacks have no power to commit crimes without severe punishment, then Why donā€™t White people use this power to Kill Blacks every day?

Because not every white person wants to a kill black person every day. But in a system of white supremacy, as long as they get your lie straight, a white person could kill a blk person and walk free.
Because not every white person wants to a kill black person every day. But in a system of white supremacy, as long as they get your lie straight, a white person could kill a blk person and walk free.

Again, if this were true, then why arenā€™t more Blacks being killed? Why are Blacks attacking Whites in such lopsided number, and not the other way around? You can claim that is a lie, but there is NO source other than your own imagination that claims otherwise. ZERO. We see it in the data sheets, we see it in the newspapers, we read it in the reports, we see it on the streets with our own eyes. You cannot accept this reality, which makes you delusional.

And you also claimed that police shootings are some form of White Supremacy and organ harvesting racket. If so, then why are twice the number of Whites shot and killed by the cops than Blacks are?
Why are Black cops more likely to kill a black suspect than White cops are?
Why are Asians almost never arrested or shot by the cops compared to White people?
Is this an Asian supremacy system that is hunting down White people?
Or, maybe the cops are just shooting or arresting the people who commit the crimes.
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Again, if this were true, then why arenā€™t more Blacks being killed? Why are Blacks attacking Whites in such lopsided number, and not the other way around?

You are just repeating what you have already wrote. I answered those questions and you're repeating them again.

You can claim that is a lie, but there is NO source other than your own imagination that claims otherwise. ZERO. We see it in the data sheets, we see it in the newspapers, we read it in the reports, we see it on the streets with our own eyes. You cannot accept this reality, which makes you delusional.

Newspapers created by the white supremacists. Data sheets created by the white supremacists. Reports created by the white supremacists.

These are ways to justify white supremacy. So what guys like you do is you move the argument from what whites do to what you think blacks do.

At one level it's really just a cheap attempt to change the subject. But at a deeper level it is also a moral argument ā€“ directed not at blks but at whites themselves.

White Americans know they live in an unequal society where whites benefit and blacks get screwed.

Since they want to believe they are good people they either fight against that inequality ā€“ or make up excuses.

Making up excuses is way easier. So that's were all the argumenst come from
  1. Blacks are stupid (IQ)
  2. I was beaten up/robbed/called names by blacks.
  3. Blacks have a high crime rate.
  4. Blacks are to blame for their own troubles.
  5. Blacks like to ā€œblame whiteyā€.
  6. Black parents do not care about education
So the system of white supremacy blames blacks, so they have no reason to feel guilty at all. Then they can still see themselves as good people. Case closed!

So in the end we know all about what is wrong with blacks, because that makes white people feel better about themselves, but very little is said about what is wrong with white people and the white racism built into society.

And you also claimed that police shootings are some form of White Supremacy and organ harvesting racket. If so, then why are twice the number of Whites shot and killed by the cops than Blacks are?

When I talk about black people being killed I talk about unarmed black people. I'm talking about unarmed black people. Compare unarmed black Vs unarmed white people. The police go out of their way to not shoot white ppl. Even if the whites are threatening them

All of sudden there guns don't work when it's white people.

Also you can on quora and they asked What's you most memorable white privilege moment ?

And hundreds of whites come forward with tale after tale of the stuff they have done but got away with because they are white.

Why are Black cops more likely to kill a black suspect than White cops are?

Black cops are easily capable of internalizing and then acting upon the same anti-black prejudices and stereotypes as whites.

Why are Asians almost never arrested or shot by the cops compared to White people?

Because Asian men are not a threat to white men the way black men are so Asians are not sabotaged the way black ppl are. even though they have deep criminal class



So meth, fentanyl, counterfeit money, guns, & prostitution massage parlors, all this stuff is being brought into OUR communities from ppl who are saying we are harming THEM.

OK. Got it.

Or, maybe the cops are just shooting or arresting the people who commit the crimes.

To be black is the crime.
Maybe they are average looking White girls. Which is stunning and why the 14 words are so important.
If you think they are stunning, you think they are stunning. I'm not going to knock anyone's taste. For me ? I think they very average looking white girls. But that's just my opinion.
Nothing anyone can do about it. It's not just the US btw, but a global problem. Black Americans are whinier than other sub-Saharans because they're goaded by their liberal masters, but that changes nothing.
OK. So what do you do with these whiny black Americans ?

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