Debunking White Racist Opinions

The point of racism is being able to kill blk people AND walk free.

So guys who think like this
You show out of context quotes, and you take them deliberately out of context. The truth is that the police are arresting people at precisely the SAME rates that they are being named the suspect for crimes by the Victims and the Witnesses to crimes (mostly Black victims and witnesses). If that was off, then those numbers would be off when investigated. Interestingly, I found that innocent White people were being targeted in Minnesota when I was investigating the Floyd case and the city he lived in. Here are the Stats....

Now, look at Minnesota’s crime statistics (where of course the Floyd case too place). In Minnesota, I found that, though blacks are only 19 percent of the population there, they commit 69 percent of all violent crime (Rape, murders, Assaults), and though White people are 63 percent of the population, they committed just 15 percent of the violent crimes. Blacks were 16 TIMES more likely to shoot somebody and they were 9.7 TIMES more likely to rape-murder-assault somebody than Whites and Hispanics Combined!


One other thing to note when you look at the Minnesota stats--Compare the numbers of Blacks arrested to the numbers that they are named suspects by the victims and witnesses of the crime there. They are nearly identical, which proves that the cops are arresting the right people without bias. Furthermore, although only 7 percent of the overall crime perps were identified as whites, 15 percent of the arrests are of white people. That’s more than twice as many! Does this mean the police are prejudiced against whites?! You must admit that at least in Minnesota, the cops are harassing innocent White people, not Blacks.

Disproportionate, lopsided statistics on violence like this are seen all over the county.
Any real and honest discussion of policing, violence, race, and even interracial violence needs to come from a place of fact and not just through the filter of "social Justice," which seems to attempt obfuscation of the truth.
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Most crime and murder in INTRA-racial, meaning it happens between members of the same race. With that in mind, White murder rates are very low--Black murder rates are very high. However, if we talk about Interracial crime, it is relatively low, but that is mostly because Blacks and whites don't live near each other.
When it comes to INTERRACAL violence, Whites are the Victims 90 percent of the time and have been for a very long time. And these incidents, while low when compared to crimes between people of the same race, are still happening at about 600,000 times per year (and rising) and whites are the victims in about 550,000 of those incidents. So, for all this talk about "Black bodies," being mistreated and in danger is BS. Facts are stubborn things and they don't care about Your feelings.
There aren't that many interracial crimes and whites are not the victims in 90 percent of them. Whites are victimized by whitess 90 percent of the time, so its disingenuous to talk abput rare crimes as if they are common. Murder rates in America are low for all races. But you're a white racist piece of shit so you want to conflate. So you are just race baiting and seems like whites are allowed to lie and race bait here with little penalty.

If there are 550,000 such interacial occurrences happening to whites, that means there are over 4.5 million occurrences of whites doing the same thing to each other. So again, your argument is nothing more than a race baited lie. Indeed facts are a stubborn thing and facts show that you face far more danger from other whites than you do from blacks. So yes, your feelings are not important, nor is your opinion.
You show out of context quotes, and you take them deliberately out of context. The truth is that the police are arresting people at precisely the SAME rates that they are being named the suspect for crimes by the Victims and the Witnesses to crimes (mostly Black victims and witnesses). If that was off, then those numbers would be off when investigated. Interestingly, I found that innocent White people were being targeted in Minnesota when I was investigating the Floyd case and the city he lived in. Here are the Stats....

Now, look at Minnesota’s crime statistics (where of course the Floyd case too place). In Minnesota, I found that, though blacks are only 19 percent of the population there, they commit 69 percent of all violent crime (Rape, murders, Assaults), and though White people are 63 percent of the population, they committed just 15 percent of the violent crimes. Blacks were 16 TIMES more likely to shoot somebody and they were 9.7 TIMES more likely to rape-murder-assault somebody than Whites and Hispanics Combined!


One other thing to note when you look at the Minnesota stats--Compare the numbers of Blacks arrested to the numbers that they are named suspects by the victims and witnesses of the crime there. They are nearly identical, which proves that the cops are arresting the right people without bias. Furthermore, although only 7 percent of the overall crime perps were identified as whites, 15 percent of the arrests are of white people. That’s twice as many! Does this mean the police are prejudiced against whites?! You must admit that at least in Minnesota, the cops are harassing innocent White people, not Blacks.

Disproportionate, lopsided statistics on violence like this are seen all over the county.
Any real and honest discussion of policing, violence, race, and even interracial violence needs to come from a place of fact and not just through the filter of "social Justice," which seems to attempt obfuscation of the truth.
Essen is correct. You're the one taking things out of context and making things up.
You wrote--You're backing down now. Before you real gangster with your sh*t. "Dylan Roof ? It's gonna happen more" "Kill em all in Haiti" now you're changing your tune.

Backing down? This is what I mean when I say that Blacks and Whites are completely incompatible. They never see anything the same way. I said—and maintain—that there will be a lot more Dylan Roof episodes if things don’t change. You take that as a threat rather than a warning. I hate Roof because while he was right to be outraged, he dishonored himself by killing innocent people.

And I said that The French Could kill them all in Haiti if they were so inclined but don’t because of their magnanimity. I then mused that Haiti would be a better place if the French had it today because they would make Haiti into a place people can visit, possibly a place to move to, a place where geniuses can be born and help the world, a place of invention rather than be a jungle full of starving dependents using Voodoo and zombie powders to enslave others, and child and animal sacrifices. Like South Africa—most of the great Africans in the world are White—Like Elon Musk, for instance.

You wrote--Racism on the part of black folks, even the vicious is pretty impotent. Let's say a black man hates white people and thinks whites should sbe killed. What kind of power does he have? None. He is in a position to kill no one, and if he were to try he would go to jail. Forever.

Absurd--If that were true, and if White people can assault, rob or even murder without consequences, and conversely if Blacks have no power to commit crimes without severe punishment, then Why don’t White people use this power to Kill Blacks every day? Why do Blacks murder White people and otherwise violently victimize them at such tremendously lopsided—nearly one sided—proportions, then, and not the other way around? White people must be good-hearted decent folk if they have the permission to kill and rob, but so very few choose to do it.

You wrote--That’s not racism. Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives.

So, when whites are denied jobs due to their skin color—which happens far more often than the other way around—that has to be racism. Nobody is denying Blacks healthcare—in fact, Blacks take free health care (free but actually paid for by people like me and my family) at higher rates than anybody else in the country. An education is not something given to you by somebody else. If that were true, Blacks would be the top students in the country because they have tried everything possible to close the achievement gaps in education for 80-100 years. Clearly money and attention is not the cure. They ignore the unpleasant reality of I.Q. in their altruistic activities. And if a Black person commits a crime, this is HIS fault and nobody elses. White people are so eager to help Blacks that we see them creating new policies where Blacks will not be punished for their crimes, and the only result is that they commit MORE crimes, not less. This is why everybody is fleeing the cities all over the country. Here in NYC, people are moving out in droves over such policy. Again, Blacks destroying one great and productive cities by their uncontrolled behavior. This is why Jim Crow was good and sensible.

You wrote-That is why black can't be racist. We do not have a system — the power or the institutions– that allows us to mistreat people based on color.
Ok-so then for the 8 years when a Black supremist was the President, and a Black Supremacist was the Attorney General, then Only Black people could be racist during that period of Time? What about the white people who, during those years also lived in a city with a Black Mayor, Black school principals, and a Black police Chief--Baltimore, for instance? White people living during those years were THE ONLY people who can legitimately claim to be victims of racism, then, according to your principal.. No Black person can claim to have lived under a system that was racist against them during those 8 years and only Whites could have, right?
There was no black supremacist president or AG no matter how much you try using Pauls argument against him. Whites are nt denied jobs due to theor skin color more than blacks. Everything you say here is incorrect and facts prove it. Your opijnion is not fact white man. Learn that.
There was no black supremacist president or AG no matter how much you try using Pauls argument against him. Whites are nt denied jobs due to theor skin color more than blacks. Everything you say here is incorrect and facts prove it. Your opijnion is not fact white man. Learn that.
You are worthless and an embarrassment to Blacks. You may think you are helping Paul, but you embarrass him, I'm sure. You keep unintentionally undermining his points with your stupidity. Go back to swimming in the kiddie pool.
You are worthless and an embarrassment to Blacks. You may think you are helping Paul, but you embarrass him, I'm sure. You keep unintentionally undermining his points with your stupidity. Go back to swimming in the kiddie pool.

Son, you are a little leaguer trying to hit major league pitching. Everything you say is wrong. If I was undermining Pauls points he would tell me. He doesn't need a white loser to speak for him. You chose to enter a grown mans coversation little boy, and you are getting spanked for doing so.
Son, you are a little leaguer trying to hit major league pitching. Everything you say is wrong. If I was undermining Pauls points he would tell me. He doesn't need a white loser to speak for him. You chose to enter a grown mans coversation little boy, and you are getting spanked for doing so.
Not an argument against anything I've written. You do not understand the topic you are attempting to engaged in. You're not worth the efforts. This Paul guy, while I disagree on almost everything, and I see where he is wrong, at least says interesting things, unlike you who just sounds like a worthless clown. Go deal with the other people in this thread, but don't engage with me until you better education yourself on the topic. I will block you if I have to.
"Backing down? This is what I mean when I say that Blacks and Whites are completely incompatible. They never see anything the same way. I said—and maintain—that there will be a lot more Dylan Roof episodes if things don’t change. You take that as a threat rather than a warning."

There won't be many more Dylan Roofs. Why? Because the shit he and you believe doesn't happen. You don't seem to understand that whites like you pushing blacks into a corner whereby we feel that death is preferable to our continuing to live with racist white punks like you is not a place you are mentally strong enough to enter. So you might want to stick your little warning up your ass and look to the examples of Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan to understand that no more Dylan Roofs will be tolerated.
Not an argument against anything I've written. You do not understand the topic you are attempting to engaged in. You're not worth the efforts. This Paul guy, while I disagree on almost everything, and I see where he is wrong, at least says interesting things, unlike you who just sounds like a worthless clown. Go deal with the other people in this thread, but don't engage with me until you better education yourself on the topic. I will block you if I have to.
I understand everything you say. That's why I am telling you that everything you say is wrong. I don't give a dam if you block me,, because you have to run due to the fact that you are the one who lacks education. I mean when you whine about black on white violence likes it's a major problem when every statistic shows it is not, all you show is that you're another dumb ass AMREN reading, stormfront idiot repeating white supremacist bullshit.
I understand everything you say. That's why I am telling you that everything you say is wrong. I don't give a dam if you block me,, because you have to run due to the fact that you are the one who lacks education. I mean when you whine about black on white violence likes it's a major problem when every statistic shows it is not, all you show is that you're another dumb ass AMREN reading, stormfront idiot repeating white supremacist bullshit.
You aren't making any arguments, you dumb Nrgger. You are just crying, "No--it isn't true..." and " Poor me..." and then coupling that with misplaced arrogance and stupidity. Those aren't arguments, dope. That's why you are worthless and your posts serve as more proof that I'm right. Get educated boy, to whatever extent is possible with somebody obviously owning a sub-moronic I.Q. And if Death is preferable to living around white people, then I suggest you do it and make the world a better place.. Always remember--people like you are NOT needed and Not Wanted. Be a man and grow up. Be somebody people can admire, rather than an ignorant, racist dope.
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There won't be many more Dylan Roofs. Why? Because the shit he and you believe doesn't happen.
It is happening. Are you claiming that Obama and Eric Holder--two Black Supremacists--are lying, then? Here are THEIR DOJ statistics on Interracial violence...
  • In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
This rate has gone UP since then, too.


So let us look at the numbers and not some idiots opinion. In 2019, 3,299 whites were murdered. 2,594 were killed by other whites, 566 Killed by blacks. 246 blacks were killed by whites. Approximately 1 black and about 1.5 whites per day died as a result of interracial murders. Approximately 80 whites per day were killed by other whites and over 200 whites per month were killed by other whites. 2,000 more whites were killed by other whites than by blacks. For every black person who killed somebody white, 4 whites killed another white. None of these numbers show that whites face imminent dangers of being murdered by blacks. Idiots can post all the pictures they want but for every picture where the show a black killing somebody white, there are 4 with 2 whites in the picture.





None of these numbers support the racist claims being made.


An analysis of data for victims of single-bias hate crime incidents showed that:
  • 57.6 percent of the victims were targeted because of the offenders’ bias against race/ethnicity/ancestry.
Among single-bias hate crime incidents in 2019, there were 4,930 victims of race/ethnicity/ancestry motivated hate crime.
  • 48.5 percent were victims of crimes motivated by offenders’ anti-Black or African American bias.
  • 15.7 percent were victims of anti-White bias.

In 2019, race was reported for 6,406 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:
  • 52.5 percent were White.
  • 23.9 percent were Black or African American.

The facts do not support the argument made. American Rennaissance is not the FBI and Jared Taylor is a racist who has published at least 2 discredited racist "studies" called The Color of Crime whose information has been debunked and denounced by all experts in the fields of law enforcement, sociology, social work, criminal justice etc.

So like I said, mga doesn't know wtf he is talking about.


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It is happening. Are you claiming that Obama and Eric Holder--two Black Supremacists--are lying, then? Here are THEIR DOJ statistics on Interracial violence...
  • In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
This rate has gone UP since then, too.
No it's not happening. Now just stop reciting that Jared Taylor bullshit.
You aren't making any arguments, you dumb Nrgger. You are just crying, "No--it isn't true..." and " Poor me..." and then coupling that with misplaced arrogance and stupidity. Those aren't arguments, dope. That's why you are worthless and your posts serve as more proof that I'm right. Get educated boy, to whatever extent is possible with somebody obviously owning a sub-moronic I.Q. And if Death is preferable to living around white people, then I suggest you do it and make the world a better place.. Always remember--people like you are NOT needed and Not Wanted. Be a man and grow up. Be somebody people can admire, rather than an ignorant, racist dope.
Lookee here, he called me the n word. Lol ! I guess that's supposed to hurt.

I'm grown, you need to grow.

It's this simple cracker, I'm right and you aren't. That's the way it is.
What does that even mean? I'm sure that you don't even know. So stupid!
This shows just how ignorant you are. You are here calling yourself warning somebody about how more white boys are going to kill blacks if things don't go back to when white boys were given everything. Punks like you threaten violence all the time because you think that because there are more of you, you can bully people into silence. Well America, the white mans country, thought it could bully all those people I mentioned and in each case whitey got ran out of town. So like I said...
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So let us look at the numbers and not some idiots opinion. In 2019, 3,299 whites were murdered. 2,594 were killed by other whites, 566 Killed by blacks. 246 blacks were killed by whites. Approximately 1 black and about 1.5 whites per day died as a result of interracial murders. Approximately 80 whites per day were killed by other whites and over 200 whites per month were killed by other whites. 2,000 more whites were killed by other whites than by blacks. For every black person who killed somebody white, 4 whites killed another white. None of these numbers show that whites face imminent dangers of being murdered by blacks. Idiots can post all the pictures they want but for every picture where the show a black killing somebody white, there are 4 with 2 whites in the picture.

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None of these numbers support the racist claims being made.

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An analysis of data for victims of single-bias hate crime incidents showed that:
  • 57.6 percent of the victims were targeted because of the offenders’ bias against race/ethnicity/ancestry.
Among single-bias hate crime incidents in 2019, there were 4,930 victims of race/ethnicity/ancestry motivated hate crime.
  • 48.5 percent were victims of crimes motivated by offenders’ anti-Black or African American bias.
  • 15.7 percent were victims of anti-White bias.

In 2019, race was reported for 6,406 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:
  • 52.5 percent were White.
  • 23.9 percent were Black or African American.

The facts do not support the argument made. American Rennaissance is not the FBI and Jared Taylor is a racist who has published at least 2 discredited racist "studies" called The Color of Crime whose information has been debunked and denounced by all experts in the fields of law enforcement, sociology, social work, criminal justice etc.

So like I said, mga doesn't know wtf he is talking about.

You just keep proving that you HAVE NO CLUE how to read statistics. This is part of the problem, here. Blacks seem to have a very difficult time understanding basic statistical math and being able to look at data and get any information out of it.

Here is a perfect example---You wrote "
In 2019, race was reported for 6,406 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:
  • 52.5 percent were White.
  • 23.9 percent were Black or African American.
You don't even understand that these Stats PROVE MY POINT, do you? Blacks are just 12.4 percent of the population, and you show that they commit 23.9 percent of the hate Crimes---That is a HUGE OVERREPRENTATION, doubling what their share of the population is. Whites and Hispanics are COMBINED in this perpetrator category and they make up about 75-80 percent of the population, but commit only 52.5 Percent of the Hate crimes, which is a HUGE UNDERREPRESENTATION. Can't you see that?!!
If you look further into these stats, you see it says that Whites (when Hispanics are removed) committed just 33 percent of the Hate crimes, which is half of their representation in the population during those years.

So, Whites commit Hate crimes at HALF of their population rates, and Blacks commit them at DOUBLE their shares of the population, and this is what you show me in an effort to prove ME wrong??!!

This is why it is worthless discussing this stuff with you. You don't understand what you are looking at.
Do you need me to go through these stats one-by-one to show you how to read them all?
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The Boston bomber was white.
You are in no position to lecture me on what's White! The way you describe my kind is deplorable. The guy would stand out at a unite the right rally like a sore thumb he could not get into the KKK. They'd take one look at him and go no way, man! LOL

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