DeBlasio Uses Police Jet for Vacation Trip After He Sues Oil Companies for Gorebal Warming


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
When those screaming doomsday start acting like it’s doomsday, then maybe I’ll listen.

A week after a brutal snowstorm froze New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio delivered a one-two punch Wednesday in the name of climate change, announcing he will seek billions in damages from five major oil-and-gas companies while moving to divest from fossil fuels.

“It’s time for them to start paying for the damage they have done,” Mr. de Blasio said at a press conference at the Manhattan Youth Center. “It’s time for Big Oil to take responsibility for the devastation they have wrought.”

Bill de Blasio divests New York pensions, sues oil companies for climate change
When those screaming doomsday start acting like it’s doomsday, then maybe I’ll listen.

A week after a brutal snowstorm froze New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio delivered a one-two punch Wednesday in the name of climate change, announcing he will seek billions in damages from five major oil-and-gas companies while moving to divest from fossil fuels.

“It’s time for them to start paying for the damage they have done,” Mr. de Blasio said at a press conference at the Manhattan Youth Center. “It’s time for Big Oil to take responsibility for the devastation they have wrought.”

Bill de Blasio divests New York pensions, sues oil companies for climate change

Orwell "some animals are more equal than others"
One thing I hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE about global warming pigs is that are constantly jetting around the world for frivolous reasons, releasing however many tons of CO2 and other "global warming" pollutants into the atmosphere. I mean, don't they understand how jaw-droppingly, breathtakingly full of shit it makes them??

It's like global warming liberal politicians constantly flying around the world to attend their stupid, bureaucratic "global warming" summits. Can't they stay home and do it over Skype, saving god knows how many flights worth of greenhouse gasses?
This is what the left is.

In a nutshell

not to mention superyacht useage

And he rented from a ME oil tycoon.

Leonardo DiCaprio's Carbon Footprint Is Much Higher Than He Thinks

Oh and the typical moronic bllaaaack couple jay z and dirty slut who wants everyone to know she is a dirty slut Beyonce rented a yacht from from a Nigerian OIL TYCOON.

Nigerian oil tycoon hiding out on yacht he once rented to Jay-Z and Beyoncé?

I am convinced these stupid hypocrites truly pride themselves on how hypocritical they are.
When those screaming doomsday start acting like it’s doomsday, then maybe I’ll listen.

A week after a brutal snowstorm froze New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio delivered a one-two punch Wednesday in the name of climate change, announcing he will seek billions in damages from five major oil-and-gas companies while moving to divest from fossil fuels.

“It’s time for them to start paying for the damage they have done,” Mr. de Blasio said at a press conference at the Manhattan Youth Center. “It’s time for Big Oil to take responsibility for the devastation they have wrought.”

Bill de Blasio divests New York pensions, sues oil companies for climate change

Then the left tells us what a waste of money the wall would be. Where does this Commie get the money to have such a large lawsuit to fight big oil lawyers even though he's going to lose?

I think if he actually does something this stupid, oil companies should quit selling oil products to New York city. Let's see how popular he is when all the gas stations close and people have to travel out of the city to get gas or roof shingles.

When Nancy Piglosi became speaker, she got a special jet made so she could travel across the entire country to get home and back. No problem there. I guess commercial flying was beneath her. When she wasn't using her plane, her family was complete with a stocked bar and meals.

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