Death toll of Omicron

Why? I don't subscribe to your fantasies. Sounds like you need an assistant.
You just don't want to accept the truth and prefer to smear the op. There are no omicron listed deaths--it is a binary choice. Either yes or no. The answer as you are aware despite the games is NO. No deaths have been listed so far. I know you know how to google.


No registered deaths so far.
Wow, not much gets by you, huh? I didn't need an alt-right publication to tell me this. Again, the OP's question has been answered a dozen times already.
That's not what the thread is about.
Another oneof your sick ass games I see. You know damned well that it is too soon to identify deaths attributed to Omicron. But you will keep pounding that qustion and when you don't get an answer, you will hold that up as proof that that we are over reacting to it.

No proof needed.

Everyone who is not deeply brainwashed or just plain stupid can clearly see it.

Quit with the "MORINIC" posts and post some OMICRON deaths.
I have posted them. Twice. So far, no deaths attributed. But it is early in the game.
Morinic? Is that one of Rick Moranis's distant cousins?

Admit it. You think it's all a hoax. Have you gotten your tracking chip injected into you yet?
Or are you one of those people who've had the shot introduced into your body "in some other way"? :auiqs.jpg:

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