Dear White progressives

No. That is the right wing rhetoric, but it is bullshit. Again, you imply that black people are too stupid to make that determination themselves.
That statement is totally devoid of reality

the woman is a minority and you attack her for not thinking the way minorities are supposed to think

I attack her for being an Idiot who supports Trump.
You think she's stupid because she doesn't need or want your approval. Biden feels the same way. That's a far more White supremacist way of thinking than I'm sure you are willing to believe.

If she doesn't want or need approval, why did she make the video?
Of course the dumb racist totalitarian progressive has a problem with freedom of expression and speech

"Its a drumph ad ,malcom x, she's prettier than me!, she needs to shut up "

You have nothing intelligent or insightful to add to this thread ...quit while your ahead


  • cw2onitsway.jpeg
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Whenever a social services person shows up at a domestic violence scene, they'd better be protected by the police or there will be a lot of dead social service workers.

after the first dead social worker the rest will call in sick
When those problems could be dealt with more effectively by others.

I absolutely agree that there are a lot of times where a policeman is not the right person to send to a domestic violence or crime scene. The solution, though, is not to reduce funding for the police and add it to social services. The solution is to increase the funding for the police, perhaps 50%, perhaps 100% more and, separately, fund social services.

Whenever a social services person shows up at a domestic violence scene, they'd better be protected by the police or there will be a lot of dead social service workers. If an angry, abusive, man is willing to shoot an armed cop, what do you think he'd do to an unarmed social worker? Especially a wife beater facing a woman social worker while the wife beater is angry at all the women in the world who are against him?

It's pretty basic that it takes more cops to now defend the social worker because instead of one bad guy to watch, he's got to watch the bad guy and two possible victims while, at the same time, worrying about his own safety and that of any potential partner. Bringing more unarmed people into a violent situation requires even more armed defenders.

The cop is going to give orders, and then subdue the person if he doesn't comply. That is the exactly wrong thing to do in a lot of cases. You end up with a man with one arm and one leg in a wheelchair being killed because the cops claimed to be in fear for their lives because he threatened them with a ball point pen. No, they didn't think it was a gun. They admitted they knew it was a ball point pen.
No it's not. Nobody said eliminate all funding.

Allow me to use a sports metaphor.

Currently, there are seven (7) officials on a football field to make sure the rules (laws) are enforced. Would players try to get away with more violations if there were say four (4) officials on the field? Would it become more dangerous for the players on the field? Would "criminal activity" increase or decrease?

Your effort to trivialize or detract from this dangerous effort is duly noted. You demand more crime, why? I have no clue except it seems to be a common denominator with Democrats today.

In line with your sports analogy, If 2 of those officials were charged with mowing the grass and another was responsible for water cans, it would make sense to transfer those responsibilities elsewhere. Cops will tell you they aren't trained to deal with crazies. Let others deal with that, and free up the cops to do what they do. If cops are needed, then call them.

Except you're now expanding the scenario to the entire community. All seven officials officiate only.

If you believe that there won't be disastrous results if unarmed social workers respond to domestic violence calls or making traffic stops, you are not living in reality.

How has this worked out for New York City?

Shootings soar 205 percent after NYPD disbands anti-crime unit
By Sara Dorn and Dean Balsamini
July 4, 2020 | 4:36pm | Updated

Gun violence exploded across the city after the NYPD disbanded its anti-crime unit of plainclothes cops on June 15, with three times as many shootings in the last two weeks of the month over the same period in 2019, police stats show.

And the shocking rise in gunfire — to 116 incidents from 38 between June 15 and July 2, a 205 percent increase — meant scores more victims were hurt or killed by bullets this year over last year.

Gunshot injuries skyrocketed to 157 from 47 in 2019, a 238 percent increase.

With a total of 205 shootings during the month, it was the bloodiest June in 24 years — going back to 1996, when the NYPD logged 236 incidents, the department said.

No it's not. Nobody said eliminate all funding.

Allow me to use a sports metaphor.

Currently, there are seven (7) officials on a football field to make sure the rules (laws) are enforced. Would players try to get away with more violations if there were say four (4) officials on the field? Would it become more dangerous for the players on the field? Would "criminal activity" increase or decrease?

Your effort to trivialize or detract from this dangerous effort is duly noted. You demand more crime, why? I have no clue except it seems to be a common denominator with Democrats today.

In line with your sports analogy, If 2 of those officials were charged with mowing the grass and another was responsible for water cans, it would make sense to transfer those responsibilities elsewhere. Cops will tell you they aren't trained to deal with crazies. Let others deal with that, and free up the cops to do what they do. If cops are needed, then call them.

Except you're now expanding the scenario to the entire community. All seven officials officiate only.

If you believe that there won't be disastrous results if unarmed social workers respond to domestic violence calls or making traffic stops, you are not living in reality.

How has this worked out for New York City?

Shootings soar 205 percent after NYPD disbands anti-crime unit
By Sara Dorn and Dean Balsamini
July 4, 2020 | 4:36pm | Updated

Gun violence exploded across the city after the NYPD disbanded its anti-crime unit of plainclothes cops on June 15, with three times as many shootings in the last two weeks of the month over the same period in 2019, police stats show.

And the shocking rise in gunfire — to 116 incidents from 38 between June 15 and July 2, a 205 percent increase — meant scores more victims were hurt or killed by bullets this year over last year.

Gunshot injuries skyrocketed to 157 from 47 in 2019, a 238 percent increase.

With a total of 205 shootings during the month, it was the bloodiest June in 24 years — going back to 1996, when the NYPD logged 236 incidents, the department said.

Social workers making traffic stops? What kind of shit is Hannity feeding you?
The cop is going to give orders, and then subdue the person if he doesn't comply. That is the exactly wrong thing to do in a lot of cases. You end up with a man with one arm and one leg in a wheelchair being killed because the cops claimed to be in fear for their lives because he threatened them with a ball point pen. No, they didn't think it was a gun. They admitted they knew it was a ball point pen.

So you think we should send unarmed, unprotected, social workers into violent situations? I take it you're not a social worker and haven't seen domestic violence at its worst.
Social workers making traffic stops? What kind of shit is Hannity feeding you?

Berkely, CA and Cambridge, MA are both moving that way, and probably a lot of other anti-cop, Democrat-run cities.

When those problems could be dealt with more effectively by others.

Specifically, who could deal with these problems better than the police?

New York City’s wealthy Upper East Side neighborhood sees 286% spike in robberies
August 5, 2020 | Frieda Powers |

A wealthy New York City neighborhood has reportedly seen a recent shocking spike in crime which included an armed robbery spree over the weekend.

Home to billionaires like Glenn Dubin, Henry Kravis and John Paulson, New York’s Upper East Side has experienced a 286% jump in robberies compared with the same time period last year, according to the New York Police Department’s 19th Precinct.
The cop is going to give orders, and then subdue the person if he doesn't comply. That is the exactly wrong thing to do in a lot of cases. You end up with a man with one arm and one leg in a wheelchair being killed because the cops claimed to be in fear for their lives because he threatened them with a ball point pen. No, they didn't think it was a gun. They admitted they knew it was a ball point pen.

You're a few fries short of a Happy Meal, aren't you?

Why do you have so much hate for our police?

In your fairy tale world, if a person refuses to comply with a lawful order, your suggestion is to do nothing. Is that how you raised your kids? WOW!

I take it that you understand that it is easy to kill a person with a ballpoint pen. Why do you want to advantage to a possible perpetrator?

No it's not. Nobody said eliminate all funding.

Allow me to use a sports metaphor.

Currently, there are seven (7) officials on a football field to make sure the rules (laws) are enforced. Would players try to get away with more violations if there were say four (4) officials on the field? Would it become more dangerous for the players on the field? Would "criminal activity" increase or decrease?

Your effort to trivialize or detract from this dangerous effort is duly noted. You demand more crime, why? I have no clue except it seems to be a common denominator with Democrats today.

In line with your sports analogy, If 2 of those officials were charged with mowing the grass and another was responsible for water cans, it would make sense to transfer those responsibilities elsewhere. Cops will tell you they aren't trained to deal with crazies. Let others deal with that, and free up the cops to do what they do. If cops are needed, then call them.

Except you're now expanding the scenario to the entire community. All seven officials officiate only.

If you believe that there won't be disastrous results if unarmed social workers respond to domestic violence calls or making traffic stops, you are not living in reality.

How has this worked out for New York City?

Shootings soar 205 percent after NYPD disbands anti-crime unit
By Sara Dorn and Dean Balsamini
July 4, 2020 | 4:36pm | Updated

Gun violence exploded across the city after the NYPD disbanded its anti-crime unit of plainclothes cops on June 15, with three times as many shootings in the last two weeks of the month over the same period in 2019, police stats show.

And the shocking rise in gunfire — to 116 incidents from 38 between June 15 and July 2, a 205 percent increase — meant scores more victims were hurt or killed by bullets this year over last year.

Gunshot injuries skyrocketed to 157 from 47 in 2019, a 238 percent increase.

With a total of 205 shootings during the month, it was the bloodiest June in 24 years — going back to 1996, when the NYPD logged 236 incidents, the department said.

Social workers making traffic stops? What kind of shit is Hannity feeding you?

Wouldn't you make your points a bit better if you did even a smidge of research before posting for everyone to see, your ignorance of the current topic?

California city moves toward removing police from traffic stops

July 16, 2020, 12:18 AM EDT / Updated July 16, 2020, 12:26 AM EDT
By The Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO — After hours of emotional public testimony and a middle-of-the-night vote by Berkeley leaders, the progressive California city is moving forward with a novel proposal to replace police with unarmed civilians during traffic stops in a bid to curtail racial profiling.
The City Council early Wednesday approved a police reform proposal that calls for a public committee to hash out details of a new Berkeley Police Department that would not respond to calls involving people experiencing homelessness or mental illness. The committee also would pursue creating a separate department to handle transportation planning and enforcing parking and traffic laws.

The council voted for the committee to find ways to eventually cut the Police Department's budget by half and approved an analysis of police calls and spending.

The cop is going to give orders, and then subdue the person if he doesn't comply. That is the exactly wrong thing to do in a lot of cases. You end up with a man with one arm and one leg in a wheelchair being killed because the cops claimed to be in fear for their lives because he threatened them with a ball point pen. No, they didn't think it was a gun. They admitted they knew it was a ball point pen.

So you think we should send unarmed, unprotected, social workers into violent situations? I take it you're not a social worker and haven't seen domestic violence at its worst.

I've dealt with mental patients, and never had problems with violence. Some will be violent, but many can be dealt with without that.
Social workers making traffic stops? What kind of shit is Hannity feeding you?

Berkely, CA and Cambridge, MA are both moving that way, and probably a lot of other anti-cop, Democrat-run cities.

What nut bag have you been listening to on the radio?
The cop is going to give orders, and then subdue the person if he doesn't comply. That is the exactly wrong thing to do in a lot of cases. You end up with a man with one arm and one leg in a wheelchair being killed because the cops claimed to be in fear for their lives because he threatened them with a ball point pen. No, they didn't think it was a gun. They admitted they knew it was a ball point pen.

You're a few fries short of a Happy Meal, aren't you?

Why do you have so much hate for our police?

In your fairy tale world, if a person refuses to comply with a lawful order, your suggestion is to do nothing. Is that how you raised your kids? WOW!

I take it that you understand that it is easy to kill a person with a ballpoint pen. Why do you want to advantage to a possible perpetrator?


Typical nut bag.
No it's not. Nobody said eliminate all funding.

Allow me to use a sports metaphor.

Currently, there are seven (7) officials on a football field to make sure the rules (laws) are enforced. Would players try to get away with more violations if there were say four (4) officials on the field? Would it become more dangerous for the players on the field? Would "criminal activity" increase or decrease?

Your effort to trivialize or detract from this dangerous effort is duly noted. You demand more crime, why? I have no clue except it seems to be a common denominator with Democrats today.

In line with your sports analogy, If 2 of those officials were charged with mowing the grass and another was responsible for water cans, it would make sense to transfer those responsibilities elsewhere. Cops will tell you they aren't trained to deal with crazies. Let others deal with that, and free up the cops to do what they do. If cops are needed, then call them.

Except you're now expanding the scenario to the entire community. All seven officials officiate only.

If you believe that there won't be disastrous results if unarmed social workers respond to domestic violence calls or making traffic stops, you are not living in reality.

How has this worked out for New York City?

Shootings soar 205 percent after NYPD disbands anti-crime unit
By Sara Dorn and Dean Balsamini
July 4, 2020 | 4:36pm | Updated

Gun violence exploded across the city after the NYPD disbanded its anti-crime unit of plainclothes cops on June 15, with three times as many shootings in the last two weeks of the month over the same period in 2019, police stats show.

And the shocking rise in gunfire — to 116 incidents from 38 between June 15 and July 2, a 205 percent increase — meant scores more victims were hurt or killed by bullets this year over last year.

Gunshot injuries skyrocketed to 157 from 47 in 2019, a 238 percent increase.

With a total of 205 shootings during the month, it was the bloodiest June in 24 years — going back to 1996, when the NYPD logged 236 incidents, the department said.

Social workers making traffic stops? What kind of shit is Hannity feeding you?

Wouldn't you make your points a bit better if you did even a smidge of research before posting for everyone to see, your ignorance of the current topic?

California city moves toward removing police from traffic stops

July 16, 2020, 12:18 AM EDT / Updated July 16, 2020, 12:26 AM EDT
By The Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO — After hours of emotional public testimony and a middle-of-the-night vote by Berkeley leaders, the progressive California city is moving forward with a novel proposal to replace police with unarmed civilians during traffic stops in a bid to curtail racial profiling.
The City Council early Wednesday approved a police reform proposal that calls for a public committee to hash out details of a new Berkeley Police Department that would not respond to calls involving people experiencing homelessness or mental illness. The committee also would pursue creating a separate department to handle transportation planning and enforcing parking and traffic laws.

The council voted for the committee to find ways to eventually cut the Police Department's budget by half and approved an analysis of police calls and spending.

Forming a committee is not sending social workers to do traffic stops like you claimed dumb ass.
And that is without reducing any funding What we are doing is not working. More of the same won't work.
More of the same broken welfare system that encourages young girls in the ghetto to get pregnant and drop out of school is creating the little monsters that only the police can deal with

one by one liberal democrat mayors are destroying Americas great cities by allowing criminals to take over the streets
I've dealt with mental patients, and never had problems with violence. Some will be violent, but many can be dealt with without that.

You're a cop. You've been called to a disturbance in an apartment complex parking lot. You roll up and a male is screaming, pounding on cars, ripping parts off cars, claimes he just wants to be left alone.

What do you do? Talk to him while he is destroying property and, not knowing what's going on, you don't know if someone is seriously injured in one of the apartments. Is he mentally ill? Drunk? On crystal meth? Marijuana, PCP, spice? Or a combination of the above.

Quick, quick, you don't have time, what do you do? You know, police do receive extensive training in the handling of a mentally ill individual. You tell him to get down on the ground, he refuses, quick what do you do? Is he armed? Maybe...maybe you just take the chance that he is not armed and is harmless? Is your family worth that little?

The cop is going to give orders, and then subdue the person if he doesn't comply. That is the exactly wrong thing to do in a lot of cases. You end up with a man with one arm and one leg in a wheelchair being killed because the cops claimed to be in fear for their lives because he threatened them with a ball point pen. No, they didn't think it was a gun. They admitted they knew it was a ball point pen.

So you think we should send unarmed, unprotected, social workers into violent situations? I take it you're not a social worker and haven't seen domestic violence at its worst.

Ohhh ohhh .....i do

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