Dear Foolish and Gullible Americans, Net Neutrality is Not Your Friend


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
When the Rangers won last (I was in Penn Station eating pizza afterwards), you know what the number one topic of conversation was in this relatively unknown pizza shop? Net Neutrality. That's how fucking bad this is.

Dear Foolish and Gullible Americans Net Neutrality is Not Your Friend

Yet, in addressing the non-existent problem, the government often (well, always) creates the problem it was ostensibly attempting to solve. In fact, speaking of paid prioritization, did you hear the one about the TV station that was granted an exemption to FCC rules after its executive contributed thousands of dollars to the campaign of a prominent Democrat?

Paid prioritization brought to you by the agency now in charge of getting rid of paid prioritization. By the way, ever hear of lobbyists? Our entire system of government is run by politicians who legislatively prioritize according to who is giving them money. Indeed, Net Neutrality itself was achieved by billionaires like George Soros handing out millions of dollars to the right people and placing proponents on the White House staff. Net Neutrality happened because rich people paid to have it prioritized.

Just as outrageously, Julie Veach at the FCC announced a couple of days ago that Net Neutrality would be would be “sustainable, enforceable rules to preserve and protect the open Internet as a place for innovation and free expression.” Forget about the fact that an agency responsible for handing out millions of dollars in fines for expression it deems inappropriate is now knighting itself as the Protectors of Free Expression. The greater irony is that rules signed into law back when rotary phones were considered innovative are now being hoisted on the Internet in the name of innovation.

Are you laughing yet? Or crying? Or dropping to your knees and begging to be forgiven for your blind ignorance?

What has happened in America today is so sad it hurts.
But the Borg Queen says this is for our own good.......
When the Rangers won last (I was in Penn Station eating pizza afterwards), you know what the number one topic of conversation was in this relatively unknown pizza shop? Net Neutrality. That's how fucking bad this is.

Dear Foolish and Gullible Americans Net Neutrality is Not Your Friend

Yet, in addressing the non-existent problem, the government often (well, always) creates the problem it was ostensibly attempting to solve. In fact, speaking of paid prioritization, did you hear the one about the TV station that was granted an exemption to FCC rules after its executive contributed thousands of dollars to the campaign of a prominent Democrat?

Paid prioritization brought to you by the agency now in charge of getting rid of paid prioritization. By the way, ever hear of lobbyists? Our entire system of government is run by politicians who legislatively prioritize according to who is giving them money. Indeed, Net Neutrality itself was achieved by billionaires like George Soros handing out millions of dollars to the right people and placing proponents on the White House staff. Net Neutrality happened because rich people paid to have it prioritized.

Just as outrageously, Julie Veach at the FCC announced a couple of days ago that Net Neutrality would be would be “sustainable, enforceable rules to preserve and protect the open Internet as a place for innovation and free expression.” Forget about the fact that an agency responsible for handing out millions of dollars in fines for expression it deems inappropriate is now knighting itself as the Protectors of Free Expression. The greater irony is that rules signed into law back when rotary phones were considered innovative are now being hoisted on the Internet in the name of innovation.

Are you laughing yet? Or crying? Or dropping to your knees and begging to be forgiven for your blind ignorance?

What has happened in America today is so sad it hurts.
Figures you idiots would believe an article without a stitch of truth in it. I cant believe you guys make it through life without poisoning yourselves. Let me know when you find a way to access the internet without going through a for profit business. When you discover you cant find it, then ask yourself how long will it be before those businesses start setting up business class access.....oh wait...they are already doing that? How long will it be before they extend that to wealthy individuals for premium speeds?
Thank you 2nd. When Obama decides to take something over, for our own good, like our health, set the stupidity that he relies on so fondly aside, and think TAX.
Obama wants to tax us by way of the internet now. A taxable utility.
He needs to stop "fixing" all these "broken" issues in our lives. And now I'm hearing rumors that our Constitution is "broken".

Stop doing nothing and start doing something. Call your repub. and demo. representatives that you hired and tell them to stop him. Don't work with him, don't help him, don't comprise with him. Stop him. If he wants to kill this country by 1,000 cuts, and Congress compromises, then he'll kill us with 500.
When the Rangers won last (I was in Penn Station eating pizza afterwards), you know what the number one topic of conversation was in this relatively unknown pizza shop? Net Neutrality. That's how fucking bad this is.

Dear Foolish and Gullible Americans Net Neutrality is Not Your Friend

Yet, in addressing the non-existent problem, the government often (well, always) creates the problem it was ostensibly attempting to solve. In fact, speaking of paid prioritization, did you hear the one about the TV station that was granted an exemption to FCC rules after its executive contributed thousands of dollars to the campaign of a prominent Democrat?

Paid prioritization brought to you by the agency now in charge of getting rid of paid prioritization. By the way, ever hear of lobbyists? Our entire system of government is run by politicians who legislatively prioritize according to who is giving them money. Indeed, Net Neutrality itself was achieved by billionaires like George Soros handing out millions of dollars to the right people and placing proponents on the White House staff. Net Neutrality happened because rich people paid to have it prioritized.

Just as outrageously, Julie Veach at the FCC announced a couple of days ago that Net Neutrality would be would be “sustainable, enforceable rules to preserve and protect the open Internet as a place for innovation and free expression.” Forget about the fact that an agency responsible for handing out millions of dollars in fines for expression it deems inappropriate is now knighting itself as the Protectors of Free Expression. The greater irony is that rules signed into law back when rotary phones were considered innovative are now being hoisted on the Internet in the name of innovation.

Are you laughing yet? Or crying? Or dropping to your knees and begging to be forgiven for your blind ignorance?

What has happened in America today is so sad it hurts.

It is kinda scary.
Paid prioritization brought to you by the agency now in charge of getting rid of paid prioritization. By the way, ever hear of lobbyists? Our entire system of government is run by politicians who legislatively prioritize according to who is giving them money. Indeed, Net Neutrality itself was achieved by billionaires like George Soros handing out millions of dollars to the right people and placing proponents on the White House staff. Net Neutrality happened because rich people paid to have it prioritized.

I'll believe this when one republican stands up and opposes Citizens United. Since they wont its just whining because someone out spent them and they are mad
Conversations in a pizza shop mean something now?

You know what the biggest story today was about? The Science of Why No One Agrees on the Color of This Dress WIRED

this dress, does that mean its really bad? Or what does having a convo in a Pizza Shop mean besides...yanno, talking in a place that serves pizza?

You don't get it kid. We just came out of Madison Square Garden, having just watched a very important Rangers game, in one of the many pizza shop, the dominant conversation was Net Neutrality with people wearing Rangers jerseys.
Asc, I have no problem with for profit businesses. They are in the business of making money and they hire people so they can make money too. Slice it anyway you want, you are about to be taxed some more. While getting nothing in return.
Obama is going to tax the internet for "our own good". The things you mentioned in your post are designed to make you think it is for your own good, and therein lies the stupidity factor. IT IS A TAX. Obama's buddies, the real 1% will still be catered to, only now, at our expense. IT IS A TAX. Your money, their pockets. Was "affordable" healthcare a detriment to insurance companies or the populous? The 1% is still doing fine, and will continue to do fine. Google will be fine. Yahoo will be fine, Hughesnet will be fine. IP's will be fine. You, taxed.

Closed, Soros outspent every other candidate to get Obama elected. In return we signed a gun treaty and opened our borders wide. Good for Soros, good for radical Islamists, bad for us.
To your point, what do you think Hillary is going to do for all of her Muslim backers for giving her millions and millions and millions? Maybe we should ask her top advisor, Muslim, Huma Abedin. Are you seeing a presidential pattern here? I'll bet if it wasn't for Obama's radical Muslim Brotherhood extremist advisors in the White House, we would have never overthrown an ALLY in Egypt and replace him with radical Islam.

Set your Republicans are bad/ Democrats are bad busy work aside and start to think like an American. Before you vote for Billary because she is a woman, because she is a democrat, because she can buy more air time, ask yourself if Muslims making decisions for America is a good idea.....
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Meanwhile, back in reality, the FCC got a gazillion comments, and only about 1% were anti-net neutrality.

The wingnut kooks here, isolated as they are in their non-reality bubbles, have no idea of how out of touch with America they are on this issue.
Asc, I have no problem with for profit businesses. They are in the business of making money and they hire people so they can make money too. Slice it anyway you want, you are about to be taxed some more. While getting nothing in return.
Obama is going to tax the internet for "our own good". The things you mentioned in your post are designed to make you think it is for your own good, and therein lies the stupidity factor. IT IS A TAX. Obama's buddies, the real 1% will still be catered to, only now, at our expense. IT IS A TAX. Your money, their pockets. Was "affordable" healthcare a detriment to insurance companies or the populous? The 1% is still doing fine, and will continue to do fine. Google will be fine. Yahoo will be fine, Hughesnet will be fine. IP's will be fine. You, taxed.

Closed, Soros outspent every other candidate to get Obama elected. In return we signed a gun treaty and opened our borders wide. Good for Soros, good for radical Islamists, bad for us.
To your point, what do you think Hillary is going to do for all of her Muslim backers for giving her millions and millions and millions? Maybe we should ask her top advisor, Muslim, Huma Abedin. Are you seeing a presidential pattern here? I'll bet if it wasn't for Obama's radical Muslim Brotherhood extremist advisors in the White House, we would have never overthrown an ALLY in Egypt and replace him with radical Islam.

Set your Republicans are bad/ Democrats are bad busy work aside and start to think like an American. Before you vote for Billary because she is a woman, because she is a democrat, because she can buy more air time, ask yourself if Muslims making decisions for America is a good idea.....
You are already getting taxed Ram. Have you looked at your bill lately?
When the Rangers won last (I was in Penn Station eating pizza afterwards), you know what the number one topic of conversation was in this relatively unknown pizza shop? Net Neutrality. That's how fucking bad this is.

Dear Foolish and Gullible Americans Net Neutrality is Not Your Friend

Yet, in addressing the non-existent problem, the government often (well, always) creates the problem it was ostensibly attempting to solve. In fact, speaking of paid prioritization, did you hear the one about the TV station that was granted an exemption to FCC rules after its executive contributed thousands of dollars to the campaign of a prominent Democrat?

Paid prioritization brought to you by the agency now in charge of getting rid of paid prioritization. By the way, ever hear of lobbyists? Our entire system of government is run by politicians who legislatively prioritize according to who is giving them money. Indeed, Net Neutrality itself was achieved by billionaires like George Soros handing out millions of dollars to the right people and placing proponents on the White House staff. Net Neutrality happened because rich people paid to have it prioritized.

Just as outrageously, Julie Veach at the FCC announced a couple of days ago that Net Neutrality would be would be “sustainable, enforceable rules to preserve and protect the open Internet as a place for innovation and free expression.” Forget about the fact that an agency responsible for handing out millions of dollars in fines for expression it deems inappropriate is now knighting itself as the Protectors of Free Expression. The greater irony is that rules signed into law back when rotary phones were considered innovative are now being hoisted on the Internet in the name of innovation.

Are you laughing yet? Or crying? Or dropping to your knees and begging to be forgiven for your blind ignorance?

What has happened in America today is so sad it hurts.
Figures you idiots would believe an article without a stitch of truth in it. I cant believe you guys make it through life without poisoning yourselves. Let me know when you find a way to access the internet without going through a for profit business. When you discover you cant find it, then ask yourself how long will it be before those businesses start setting up business class access.....oh wait...they are already doing that? How long will it be before they extend that to wealthy individuals for premium speeds?

You're really not getting the whole net neutrality argument if you think it has to do with Business class or 'premium speeds' on your end. It isn't how large your download bandwidth. Its how much of your bandwidth the ISP will allow a particular website to use. If your ISP allows Netflix to send you only 1.5 mbps, it doesn't matter if your maximum download speed is 5mbps or 500. You're still only getting 1.5 from netflix.

Net Neutrality is about ISP prioritization of different kinds of data. And data throttling those who don't pay for greater access to your bandwidth.

Under past and current Net Neutrality rules, all data is treated equally. So if you have a 25 mbps connection on your end, Netflix can use as much as is necessary to to get the HD quality for the movie you're watching.
When the Rangers won last (I was in Penn Station eating pizza afterwards), you know what the number one topic of conversation was in this relatively unknown pizza shop? Net Neutrality. That's how fucking bad this is.

Dear Foolish and Gullible Americans Net Neutrality is Not Your Friend

Yet, in addressing the non-existent problem, the government often (well, always) creates the problem it was ostensibly attempting to solve. In fact, speaking of paid prioritization, did you hear the one about the TV station that was granted an exemption to FCC rules after its executive contributed thousands of dollars to the campaign of a prominent Democrat?

Paid prioritization brought to you by the agency now in charge of getting rid of paid prioritization. By the way, ever hear of lobbyists? Our entire system of government is run by politicians who legislatively prioritize according to who is giving them money. Indeed, Net Neutrality itself was achieved by billionaires like George Soros handing out millions of dollars to the right people and placing proponents on the White House staff. Net Neutrality happened because rich people paid to have it prioritized.

Just as outrageously, Julie Veach at the FCC announced a couple of days ago that Net Neutrality would be would be “sustainable, enforceable rules to preserve and protect the open Internet as a place for innovation and free expression.” Forget about the fact that an agency responsible for handing out millions of dollars in fines for expression it deems inappropriate is now knighting itself as the Protectors of Free Expression. The greater irony is that rules signed into law back when rotary phones were considered innovative are now being hoisted on the Internet in the name of innovation.

Are you laughing yet? Or crying? Or dropping to your knees and begging to be forgiven for your blind ignorance?

What has happened in America today is so sad it hurts.

Inform yourself, don't be afraid of the truth.... and stop letting yourself be fooled by partisan hype.

The Case for Rebooting the Network-Neutrality Debate - The Atlantic

Antonin Scalia Totally Gets Net Neutrality - The Atlantic
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We do have so much to undue when Obama finally leaves the White House. We don’t want any government agency regulating the web.
What are the consequences of the Net Neutrality rules?


Okay, so I've read this and dozens of others on the subject. I don't care what any of the techies say or those reading their Netflix scripts, I don't like the idea of ANY government involvement in the internet!

Here's what the article says:

You'll now pay less for Internet service: False

The new rules will mean a big slowdown in service: False

The new rules will limit competition: False

My cellphone service will be cheaper: False

Read the story @ What are the consequences of the Net Neutrality rules Fox News

Tech at Night: Obama administration votes for socialized Internet @ Tech at Night Obama administration votes for socialized Internet RedState

How Google’s Silence Helped Net Neutrality Win @ How Google s Silence Helped Net Neutrality Win WIRED

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