Dear America: It Was an Inside Job!


Turn black and live. Then bring your white ass to me and try telling me you disagree.
The problem w/racist, white supremacist police in our law enforcement is a serious problem...

Ah, so the storming of the capitol to protest an illegal election rammed down the throats of America by seditious Democrats was the result of racism in the police?


View attachment 443123
But there was no illegal election. So you just said some crazy shit.

View attachment 443132


The Destructive Hypocrisy Of The Political Left Is What Caused The Capitol Protest

I want to start this analysis by first noting that I fully realize the political left is not the root of the problem in the US or the world, they are merely a grotesque symptom of a deeper disease called globalism.
That said, the collectivist/totalitarian mindset of globalism is very appealing to these people, and even though they claim to despise the ultra-rich elites that promote globalism, leftists have become unwitting and useful idiots for their agenda.

If you want to learn about what globalists really desire all you have to do is study the statements of the World Economic Forum and their “Great Reset” initiative. They openly admit to plans that would result in the total centralization of money and power along with the destruction of free and independent society.

But, we cannot talk about the fight against globalist oligarchy without also acknowledging that the political left is the weapon the elites are using to maintain and expand that oligarchy.

At bottom, extreme leftists do not care about authenticity or honesty. They do not care about logic or rationality. They do not care about being right, they only care about winning. In fact, their hypocrisy is probably not lost on them at all; many of them are well aware that they are hypocritical, biased and illogical and they revel in it. They love double standards and doubling down when they are wrong or caught in a lie. This is what they do, and they do it because they are convinced that they are virtuous in their cause, thus anything goes.

Remember when leftists spent 4 years claiming that the 2016 election was “stolen by the Russians” despite zero concrete evidence ever found to support the conspiracy theory?

Now they want any discussion of the 2020 election being stolen removed from the internet.

Remember when the leftists adamantly supported and defended violence, looting and property destruction by BLM and Antifa all year long?

Now they admonish conservatives as “insurrectionists” because of a single protest at the capitol that turned violent.

Remember when leftists wanted to defund the police, many of them publicly calling for violence against officers on social media sites like Twitter?

Remember when they called for burning down the whole system?

Well now they are demanding that police and federal officers do their dirty work and arrest any conservatives involved in the protest.

Weaponized hypocrisy is the philosophy of the zealot. There is no reasoning with a zealot. Diplomacy is wasted on them. Their goal is to destroy anyone that disagrees with them and the ends always justify the means. They are monsters who believe themselves to be heroes.

Read on:

Wow.. There is no limit to your lies.. No one defended looters, vandals or arsonists.. Evetyone wanted them arrested.
The problem w/racist, white supremacist police in our law enforcement is a serious problem...

Ah, so the storming of the capitol to protest an illegal election rammed down the throats of America by seditious Democrats was the result of racism in the police?


View attachment 443123
But there was no illegal election. So you just said some crazy shit.

View attachment 443132


The Destructive Hypocrisy Of The Political Left Is What Caused The Capitol Protest

I want to start this analysis by first noting that I fully realize the political left is not the root of the problem in the US or the world, they are merely a grotesque symptom of a deeper disease called globalism.
That said, the collectivist/totalitarian mindset of globalism is very appealing to these people, and even though they claim to despise the ultra-rich elites that promote globalism, leftists have become unwitting and useful idiots for their agenda.

If you want to learn about what globalists really desire all you have to do is study the statements of the World Economic Forum and their “Great Reset” initiative. They openly admit to plans that would result in the total centralization of money and power along with the destruction of free and independent society.

But, we cannot talk about the fight against globalist oligarchy without also acknowledging that the political left is the weapon the elites are using to maintain and expand that oligarchy.

At bottom, extreme leftists do not care about authenticity or honesty. They do not care about logic or rationality. They do not care about being right, they only care about winning. In fact, their hypocrisy is probably not lost on them at all; many of them are well aware that they are hypocritical, biased and illogical and they revel in it. They love double standards and doubling down when they are wrong or caught in a lie. This is what they do, and they do it because they are convinced that they are virtuous in their cause, thus anything goes.

Remember when leftists spent 4 years claiming that the 2016 election was “stolen by the Russians” despite zero concrete evidence ever found to support the conspiracy theory?

Now they want any discussion of the 2020 election being stolen removed from the internet.

Remember when the leftists adamantly supported and defended violence, looting and property destruction by BLM and Antifa all year long?

Now they admonish conservatives as “insurrectionists” because of a single protest at the capitol that turned violent.

Remember when leftists wanted to defund the police, many of them publicly calling for violence against officers on social media sites like Twitter?

Remember when they called for burning down the whole system?

Well now they are demanding that police and federal officers do their dirty work and arrest any conservatives involved in the protest.

Weaponized hypocrisy is the philosophy of the zealot. There is no reasoning with a zealot. Diplomacy is wasted on them. Their goal is to destroy anyone that disagrees with them and the ends always justify the means. They are monsters who believe themselves to be heroes.

Read on:

Wow.. There is no limit to your lies.. No one defended looters, vandals or arsonists.. Evetyone wanted them arrested.

During the summer riots of looting and arson who was posting bail for arrested suspects... conservative, law abiding citizens??

The problem w/racist, white supremacist police in our law enforcement is a serious problem...
  • Two Officers From The Rocky Mount Police Department in Virginia
  • At Least 12 US Capitol Police Officers
  • A Houston Police Officer In Texas
  • Seven SEPTA Transit Officials In Pennsylvania
  • A Philly Detective
  • Two Seattle Officers
  • An NYPD Officer
All among those who stormed our Capital a week ago Wednesday and lay siege to our nation's political leaders.

Read more: Here Are The Cops Who Allegedly Participated In Capitol Siege Or Trump Rally That Incited It

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building During Riots

Footage obtained by the Gateway Pundit from militant Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan’s Discord server shows the so-called “civil rights activist” reveling inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6 as he damaged federal property.

Nancy ordered the Capitol police to let BLM Antifa rioters in
CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building During Riots

Footage obtained by the Gateway Pundit from militant Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan’s Discord server shows the so-called “civil rights activist” reveling inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6 as he damaged federal property.

Nancy ordered the Capitol police to let BLM Antifa rioters in
Alternative facts.

The real story:
BLM activist who documented time inside US Capitol during Trump riots wanted to 'see the truth'
Last edited:
CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building During Riots

Footage obtained by the Gateway Pundit from militant Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan’s Discord server shows the so-called “civil rights activist” reveling inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6 as he damaged federal property.

Nancy ordered the Capitol police to let BLM Antifa rioters in
Alternative facts.

The real story:
BLM activist who documented time inside US Capitol during Trump riots wanted to 'see the truth'
Miriam Webster just announced that it will post a picture of IM2 under the definition of the word gullible
CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building During Riots

Footage obtained by the Gateway Pundit from militant Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan’s Discord server shows the so-called “civil rights activist” reveling inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6 as he damaged federal property.

Nancy ordered the Capitol police to let BLM Antifa rioters in
Alternative facts.

The real story:
BLM activist who documented time inside US Capitol during Trump riots wanted to 'see the truth'

Yea right! :auiqs.jpg:
CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building During Riots

Footage obtained by the Gateway Pundit from militant Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan’s Discord server shows the so-called “civil rights activist” reveling inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6 as he damaged federal property.

Nancy ordered the Capitol police to let BLM Antifa rioters in

Another criminal act by her. Her dad was also a corrupt Democratic Party politician.


Turn black and live. Then bring your white ass to me and try telling me you disagree.

People have been different races in many life times. When you realize you are infinite consciousness having a human experience you will realize we have lived many lifetimes on this earth of all races. My last incarnation was in the 1800's as an Afghani fighting off the British. I suggest doing some past life regressions and finding out yourself.
CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building During Riots

Footage obtained by the Gateway Pundit from militant Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan’s Discord server shows the so-called “civil rights activist” reveling inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6 as he damaged federal property.

Nancy ordered the Capitol police to let BLM Antifa rioters in


Have you ever been in a riot or seen mob hysteria first hand?

The gateway pudpuller is fake news.

The facts are as the OP posted. This has been known for a long time. The FBI did a report about this 15 years ago, but whites didn't listen. We blacks have been telling you this for nearly 100 years but of course we are just making it up. So it has taken the chickens coming home to roost for you to see what the problem is and still we have idiots like hawk.

Let me guess. You believe CNN and MSNBC and what the MSM tells you? :auiqs.jpg:

The MSM is pure CIA mind control propaganda dude. Wake up. This is 2021 not 1990.:D
I believe what 59 years 11 months and 15 days of life has shown me.

George Floyd did not die in 1990. In 1990, bitches like you were telling black people how it wasn't 1960 while they kept up the racism. Don't try running that right wing bullshit here. I know what the MSM is. And I know what AmerIKKKa has been for us brown and black skin folks junior.
Blaming everyone is dangerous. On all sides. There are layers that have to be peeled away with over lap to other layers that needs to be delicately removed. We live in a nation now where if you are a person of any culture or political view is combined with any who are not very good people. Guilt by non association.
The problem w/racist, white supremacist police in our law enforcement is a serious problem...
  • Two Officers From The Rocky Mount Police Department in Virginia
  • At Least 12 US Capitol Police Officers
  • A Houston Police Officer In Texas
  • Seven SEPTA Transit Officials In Pennsylvania
  • A Philly Detective
  • Two Seattle Officers
  • An NYPD Officer
All among those who stormed our Capital a week ago Wednesday and lay siege to our nation's political leaders.

Read more: Here Are The Cops Who Allegedly Participated In Capitol Siege Or Trump Rally That Incited It

One only needs to go back to the time period where Reconstruction begin to fail and you will see the parallel to today. Whites rioted over the fact that Blacks were getting elected and had political power. This current incarnation started with the nomination of Obama.
  • Love
Reactions: IM2
The problem w/racist, white supremacist police in our law enforcement is a serious problem...
  • Two Officers From The Rocky Mount Police Department in Virginia
  • At Least 12 US Capitol Police Officers
  • A Houston Police Officer In Texas
  • Seven SEPTA Transit Officials In Pennsylvania
  • A Philly Detective
  • Two Seattle Officers
  • An NYPD Officer
All among those who stormed our Capital a week ago Wednesday and lay siege to our nation's political leaders.

Read more: Here Are The Cops Who Allegedly Participated In Capitol Siege Or Trump Rally That Incited It

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building During Riots

Footage obtained by the Gateway Pundit from militant Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan’s Discord server shows the so-called “civil rights activist” reveling inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6 as he damaged federal property.

Nancy ordered the Capitol police to let BLM Antifa rioters in
Alternative facts.

The real story:
BLM activist who documented time inside US Capitol during Trump riots wanted to 'see the truth'
Miriam Webster just announced that it will post a picture of IM2 under the definition of the word gullible
No, the picture will be of a bunch of trump supporters. We all know the BLM/ANTFIA had nothing to do with this.

Turn black and live. Then bring your white ass to me and try telling me you disagree.

People have been different races in many life times. When you realize you are infinite consciousness having a human experience you will realize we have lived many lifetimes on this earth of all races. My last incarnation was in the 1800's as an Afghani fighting off the British. I suggest doing some past life regressions and finding out yourself.
You're a passenger on the crazy train.

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