Deal is done, Iran wins?

Obie wins, he gets exactly what he wanted and that's a nuclear powered islamic state of terrorism. And he may get to watch the slaughter of millions of jews in person this time instead of just dreaming about being there reading history books.
LOL, why do some of you guys get so hysterical? Did you actually read the deal? Even the likes of Bill O'Reilly stated that we should give the deal a chance.
You mean we should read it before it's signed into law? We didn't have to do that with Obabblecare!
LOL, I hope that you don't think that I am an "Obamacare" apologist. If so, you are wrong. Secondly, this is not a bilateral agreement with Iran, there are five other countries who's geographic locations are a lot closer to Iran than Ours. In my opinion, the only people who have to "worry" about this deal are the oil companies (I think Iran is slated to put 1 million barrels of oil into the market) , the Israel lobby, and the war merchants and their minions.
Remember that "drill here , drill now!" bullshit (that I fell for too) , where they stated that the influx of our oil into the marketplace will cause gas prices to drop? Isn't it funny that now that the prices dropped, the oil companies are suddenly "hurting" because of low oil prices?
I have not heard any cries for "death to China" from the Ayatollah...
Iran does win

They give up a weapons program they never wanted to pay for anyway and get badly needed economic relief

Unicorns and rainbows have clouded your perception.

That and Obama's ballsack is in his face 24/7.

What is this weird RWNJ desire to refer to gay sex all the time?


Just pointing out the hypocrisy of you leftists... oh, and I never mentioned gay sex.. you did. Geeze you're dumb.
Well, right wingers, your don't like the deal???? (although you really have no idea what it entails), here's the alternatives:

Israel is a sovereign country
Israel has 300 nukes or more
Israel doesn't like the deal
Israel has a huge armed force
......So, should Israel unilaterally attack Iran on her own???

Come on, right wingers......send letters to Netanyahu encouraging an attack on Iran

Can you cite state one sentence that could possibly be true!

Here are the parameters of the agreement :

Parameters for a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Regarding the Islamic Republic of Iran's Nuclear Program
The White House

Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
April 02, 2015

  • Iran has agreed to reduce by approximately two-thirds its installed centrifuges. Iran will go from having about 19,000 installed today to 6,104 installed under the deal, with only 5,060 of these enriching uranium for 10 years. All 6,104 centrifuges will be IR-1s, Iran's first-generation centrifuge.
  • Iran has agreed to not enrich uranium over 3.67 percent for at least 15 years.
  • Iran has agreed to reduce its current stockpile of about 10,000 kg of low-enriched
  • uranium (LEU) to 300 kg of 3.67 percent LEU for 15 years.
  • All excess centrifuges and enrichment infrastructure will be placed in IAEA monitored storage and will be used only as replacements for operating centrifuges and equipment.
  • Iran has agreed to not build any new facilities for the purpose of enriching uranium for 15 years.
  • Iran's breakout timeline – the time that it would take for Iran to acquire enough fissile material for one weapon – is currently assessed to be 2 to 3 months. That timeline will be extended to at least one year, for a duration of at least ten years, under this framework.
Iran will convert its facility at Fordow so that it is no longer used to enrich uranium

  • Iran has agreed to not enrich uranium at its Fordow facility for at least 15 years.
  • Iran has agreed to convert its Fordow facility so that it is used for peaceful purposes only
  • – into a nuclear, physics, technology, research center.
  • Iran has agreed to not conduct research and development associated with uranium enrichment at Fordow for 15 years.
  • Iran will not have any fissile material at Fordow for 15 years.
  • • Almost two-thirds of Fordow's centrifuges and infrastructure will be removed. The remaining centrifuges will not enrich uranium. All centrifuges and related infrastructure will be placed under IAEA monitoring.
Iran will only enrich uranium at the Natanz facility, with only 5,060 IR-1 first-generation centrifuges for ten years.

  • Iran has agreed to only enrich uranium using its first generation (IR-1 models) centrifuges at Natanz for ten years, removing its more advanced centrifuges.
  • Iran will remove the 1,000 IR-2M centrifuges currently installed at Natanz and place them in IAEA monitored storage for ten years.
  • Iran will not use its IR-2, IR-4, IR-5, IR-6, or IR-8 models to produce enriched uranium for at least ten years. Iran will engage in limited research and development with its advanced centrifuges, according to a schedule and parameters which have been agreed to by the P5+1.
  • For ten years, enrichment and enrichment research and development will be limited to ensure a breakout timeline of at least 1 year. Beyond 10 years, Iran will abide by its enrichment and enrichment R&D plan submitted to the IAEA, and pursuant to the JCPOA, under the Additional Protocol resulting in certain limitations on enrichment capacity.
Inspections and Transparency

  • The IAEA will have regular access to all of Iran's nuclear facilities, including to Iran's enrichment facility at Natanz and its former enrichment facility at Fordow, and including the use of the most up-to-date, modern monitoring technologies.
  • Inspectors will have access to the supply chain that supports Iran's nuclear program. The new transparency and inspections mechanisms will closely monitor materials and/or components to prevent diversion to a secret program.
  • Inspectors will have access to uranium mines and continuous surveillance at uranium mills, where Iran produces yellowcake, for 25 years.
  • Inspectors will have continuous surveillance of Iran's centrifuge rotors and bellows production and storage facilities for 20 years. Iran's centrifuge manufacturing base will be frozen and under continuous surveillance.
  • All centrifuges and enrichment infrastructure removed from Fordow and Natanz will be placed under continuous monitoring by the IAEA.
  • A dedicated procurement channel for Iran's nuclear program will be established to monitor and approve, on a case by case basis, the supply, sale, or transfer to Iran of certain nuclear-related and dual use materials and technology – an additional transparency measure.
  • Iran has agreed to implement the Additional Protocol of the IAEA, providing the IAEA much greater access and information regarding Iran's nuclear program, including both declared and undeclared facilities.
  • Iran will be required to grant access to the IAEA to investigate suspicious sites or allegations of a covert enrichment facility, conversion facility, centrifuge production facility, or yellowcake production facility anywhere in the country.
  • Iran has agreed to implement Modified Code 3.1 requiring early notification of construction of new facilities.
  • Iran will implement an agreed set of measures to address the IAEA's concerns regarding the Possible Military Dimensions (PMD) of its program.
Reactors and Reprocessing

  • Iran has agreed to redesign and rebuild a heavy water research reactor in Arak, based on a design that is agreed to by the P5+1, which will not produce weapons grade plutonium, and which will support peaceful nuclear research and radioisotope production.
  • The original core of the reactor, which would have enabled the production of significant quantities of weapons-grade plutonium, will be destroyed or removed from the country.
  • Iran will ship all of its spent fuel from the reactor out of the country for the reactor's lifetime.
  • Iran has committed indefinitely to not conduct reprocessing or reprocessing research and development on spent nuclear fuel.
  • Iran will not accumulate heavy water in excess of the needs of the modified Arak reactor, and will sell any remaining heavy water on the international market for 15 years.
  • Iran will not build any additional heavy water reactors for 15 years.

  • •Iran will receive sanctions relief, if it verifiably abides by its commitments.
  • • U.S. and E.U. nuclear-related sanctions will be suspended after the IAEA has verified that Iran has taken all of its key nuclear-related steps. If at any time Iran fails to fulfill its commitments, these sanctions will snap back into place.
  • The architecture of U.S. nuclear-related sanctions on Iran will be retained for much of the duration of the deal and allow for snap-back of sanctions in the event of significant non-performance.
  • All past UN Security Council resolutions on the Iran nuclear issue will be lifted simultaneous with the completion, by Iran, of nuclear-related actions addressing all key concerns (enrichment, Fordow, Arak, PMD, and transparency).
  • However, core provisions in the UN Security Council resolutions – those that deal with transfers of sensitive technologies and activities – will be re-established by a new UN Security Council resolution that will endorse the JCPOA and urge its full implementation. It will also create the procurement channel mentioned above, which will serve as a key transparency measure. Important restrictions on conventional arms and ballistic missiles, as well as provisions that allow for related cargo inspections and asset freezes, will also be incorporated by this new resolution.
  • A dispute resolution process will be specified, which enables any JCPOA participant, to seek to resolve disagreements about the performance of JCPOA commitments.
  • If an issue of significant non-performance cannot be resolved through that process, then all previous UN sanctions could be re-imposed.
  • U.S. sanctions on Iran for terrorism, human rights abuses, and ballistic missiles will remain in place under the deal.

  • For ten years, Iran will limit domestic enrichment capacity and research and development – ensuring a breakout timeline of at least one year. Beyond that, Iran will be bound by its longer-term enrichment and enrichment research and development plan it shared with the P5+1.
  • For fifteen years, Iran will limit additional elements of its program. For instance, Iran will not build new enrichment facilities or heavy water reactors and will limit its stockpile of enriched uranium and accept enhanced transparency procedures.
  • Important inspections and transparency measures will continue well beyond 15 years. Iran's adherence to the Additional Protocol of the IAEA is permanent, including its significant access and transparency obligations. The robust inspections of Iran's uranium supply chain will last for 25 years.
  • Even after the period of the most stringent limitations on Iran's nuclear program, Iran will remain a party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which prohibits Iran's development or acquisition of nuclear weapons and requires IAEA safeguards on its nuclear program.
I have not heard any cries for "death to China" from the Ayatollah...

...and you probably will not.....After all, China did not implement a coup of Iran's leadership in 1953.

neither did America you dullard. you're thinking of a British operation. the vast majority of iranians were not even close to being born

you prove your ignorance with every post
werent north korea's centrifuges "frozen and under constant surveillance"?

libs are gulllible idiots
this is the same as the last time Democrats reached an "agreeement" with a country over developement of nuclear weapons; north korea.

how did that turn out?
Why would they?

True, China, back in 1953, was not trying to rip off Iran's oil (as we and the Brits have done.)

again; it was your boy jimmy carter who demanded his buddies at BROWN AND ROOT; which was the forerunner of..........................wait for it........................wait for it,..................................wait................................HALLIBURTON; be allowed to build a port for oil at Bandahar

Carter also demanded THE SHAH sell the US oil at EIGHT DOLLARS A BARELL FOR FIFTY YEARS; an agreement they would still be bound to
the Shah refused of course

and ordained minister Carter threw his support behind fellow, in carter's words "man of God" AYATOLLAH KHOMEINI

neither did America you dullard. you're thinking of a British operation. the vast majority of iranians were not even close to being born

you prove your ignorance with every post

You'll find agreement among your hate filled ilk.....But the CIA openly admitted that they implemented the coup (as part of the deal with Reagan....remember the Iran-Contra love fest?)

Besides, are you telling me that the Iranians don't read or know their own right wingers?.
Google Carter's illegal demands on the Shah

libs are losers who lie to themselves
werent north korea's centrifuges "frozen and under constant surveillance"?

libs are gulllible idiots
this is the same as the last time Democrats reached an "agreeement" with a country over developement of nuclear weapons; north korea.

how did that turn out?

Virtually the entire North Korea nuclear arsenal was developed while Reagan was taking naps in the oval office.
neither did America you dullard. you're thinking of a British operation. the vast majority of iranians were not even close to being born

you prove your ignorance with every post

You'll find agreement among your hate filled ilk.....But the CIA openly admitted that they implemented the coup (as part of the deal with Reagan....remember the Iran-Contra love fest?)

Besides, are you telling me that the Iranians don't read or know their own right wingers?.


more ignorance;

they know their history loon
but that item means more to left-wing losers than it does to iranians

because of course the man in question; Kassadegh (sp?) was a soviet puppet

idiots and hypocrites
werent north korea's centrifuges "frozen and under constant surveillance"?

libs are gulllible idiots
this is the same as the last time Democrats reached an "agreeement" with a country over developement of nuclear weapons; north korea.

how did that turn out?

Virtually the entire North Korea nuclear arsenal was developed while Reagan was taking naps in the oval office.

idiotic lie

again; it was your boy jimmy carter who demanded his buddies at BROWN AND ROOT; which was the forerunner of..........................wait for it........................wait for it,..................................wait................................HALLIBURTON; be allowed to build

The sub-topic was Iran's coup in 1953......So Carter was president then? (Idiot)
again; it was your boy jimmy carter who demanded his buddies at BROWN AND ROOT; which was the forerunner of..........................wait for it........................wait for it,..................................wait................................HALLIBURTON; be allowed to build

The sub-topic was Iran's coup in 1953......So Carter was president then? (Idiot)

um no dummy; you posted that to prove they hate us becaue of what we supposedly did
i just proved your wrong
go cry

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