Deadly Lie of Woman's "Choice" - New Website


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
Since the 1973 Supreme Court decision of Roe V. Wade, millions have cited "The Law." Deal with it, they have angrily argued for forty-nine years. Not any more! "The Law" changed. Now you deal with it.

"It's my body!"

"Sin has many tools but the lie is the handle that fits them all." - Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

No, it is NOT "a woman's body" that has been destroyed 63,459,781 times.
FS01AbortionintheUS.pdf (

This is not "a woman's body."

XXXXXXXXXX Edited-meister Do not link pictures that are graphic in nature.
Link to the source where the picture is located, and warn that it is a graphic picture.

Scott Peterson is in prison for murdering his wife Lacy and his unborn son, Connor. Countless other men are also doing lengthy prison sentences, not for murdering "a woman's body," but for murdering a unique human being, genetically composed of the DNA of both its father and mother.

Where are the father's "rights" to raise and love his child? They are brushed aside by proponents of death and misery.

When women "choose" to have their child, the father can be responsible for supporting it for eighteen years. He has no "choice" in the decision. In particular the baby has no "choice."


Conception 9 Months

Please draw a vertical line on the timeline above where you state a baby's life begins, and give your justification for it.

Now explain why it is not a human one second earlier, on the left of the line you drew.

An Italian mother was advised by her doctor that her baby would be born with severe problems and she should abort him. She said "No!" and gave birth to Andrea Bocelli.

Before you were formed in the womb I knew you. - Jeremiah 1:5

Your inputs to expose the lies supporting murder of the unborn are welcome for possible inclusion.

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A woman's body is not hers to do what she wants with it, just as anyone else.

Can a woman go sell herself on the street corner? Nope.

Can a woman inject fentanyl and slash her own wrists in a fit of depression? Nope.

There are laws that prevent people from hurting themselves and especially others.
Since the 1973 Supreme Court decision of Roe V. Wade, millions have cited "The Law." Deal with it, they have angrily argued for forty-nine years. Not any more! "The Law" changed. Now you deal with it.

"It's my body!"

"Sin has many tools but the lie is the handle that fits them all." - Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

No, it is NOT "a woman's body" that has been destroyed 63,459,781 times.
FS01AbortionintheUS.pdf (

This is not "a woman's body."

Scott Peterson is in prison for murdering his wife Lacy and his unborn son, Connor. Countless other men are also doing lengthy prison sentences, not for murdering "a woman's body," but for murdering a unique human being, genetically composed of the DNA of both its father and mother.

Where are the father's "rights" to raise and love his child? They are brushed aside by proponents of death and misery.

When women "choose" to have their child, the father can be responsible for supporting it for eighteen years. He has no "choice" in the decision. In particular the baby has no "choice."


Conception 9 Months

Please draw a vertical line on the timeline above where you state a baby's life begins, and give your justification for it.

Now explain why it is not a human one second earlier, on the left of the line you drew.

An Italian mother was advised by her doctor that her baby would be born with severe problems and she should abort him. She said "No!" and gave birth to Andrea Bocelli.

Before you were formed in the womb I knew you. - Jeremiah 1:5

Your inputs to expose the lies supporting murder of the unborn are welcome for possible inclusion.

Ah, a religious thing. Ok, I promise I won't get abortion.
"It's my body!"
I just can't get over the emotional hiprocy of the cry of "It's my body" and
"You have to get an injection to be able to work"

My daughter works at a group home for disabled kids in foster care and they had to fire 1/3 of their staff when the "You have to get the jab to work" went into effect for her left leaning state.

As a result, many highly disadvantaged kids couldn't get care.

I went from an irritation of the left to a genuine hate. You didn't care about the kids, ignoring "It's my Body!", you didn't care about the truly disadvantage ignoring that couldn't care for themselves because "It's my body!" was completely ignored.

You, leftist pieces of crap went from "It's my body!" to "it is our body and you have to do what we tell you - get the unknown jab or hit the streets".
So men can't get pregnant after all, right?
Which brings up the question? Since men can't get pregnant but homosexual men claim to have the same rights as everyone...........could a homosexual couple adopt a human child (its their right) and abort that human child because of their right to privacy as claimed? If not......why not? If men can't have the same right to abort a child as woman........then the female is "special" because only they can procreate?

Its a slippery slope indeed when one attempts to go down the left's rabbit hole in determining when life begins. Reality: A human child is in a state of "gestation" (growing by consuming energy in some format).....from conception until fully grown/developed, both physically and mentally for almost 2 decades. Who decides when a female has the right to end that gestating human life along this timeline of human development? The deciding factor? According to progressive ideology.......... The magical female vagina defines life.......(inside the womb, its a right of privacy to kill that gestating human life).......anytime after ejection from the magical birth cannal, its rightfully called MURDER, with the only difference being the location of that gestating human life. Inside its a mothers right to kill her gestating living child.........outside the womb its murder.

No wonder so many women that have killed their child via abortion commit suicide.........GUILT.

The argument by some is........." a child could not survive without the mother providing and protecting the fetus while in the womb"..........not only is that true, but its just as true that a gestating human life can't survive outside the womb for almost 2 decades without protection and care from another human, while in the womb the gestating child is considered personal property because of the location where the child is forced to reside. That's like declaring that the landlord owns everyone that rents from he/she.

Its just illogical. Inside the womb, murder is not murder its a right of female privacy regardless of what the other parent wants or desires. The female alone (prejudice much) gets to be the judge, jury and executioner? The father has no right concering the fate of HIS CHILD? Why? Once the child exits the magical womb..........the Father is forced to accept responsibility and support that child because parenthood is established by DNA testing. But only to determine parenthood, not human life. Pro Abortion adovates readily accept the science of DNA in order to establish parenthood when they want the Father to be responsible and help raise the child.........but the same people reject the science of DNA that proves there is a separate and unique human life from conception on, unique from the DNA signatures of both parents, totally unlike any other human life on earth.
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This is not "a woman's body."

XXXXXXXXXX Edited-meister Do not link pictures that are graphic in nature.
Link to the source where the picture is located, and warn that it is a graphic picture.

1. I did not copy the link where I obtained the image of an aborted child, its body butchered to pieces. So I am unable to provide the link.
2. You would not want the tender sensibilities of pro-abortionists to be hurted now would you?
Killing the child is just fine. Jokes are made about it. But when the reality is presented, they scream and complain and blame the messenger for showing them what they wrought and fight for, even breaking federal laws by protesting at Supreme Court Justices homes.
3. How about I pay for some Play Doh and coloring books for them to use and get all better?
4. Graphic pictures are forbidden but promoting the deed itself is all right on pages across America? What has his country come to?

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My question is a simple one? During the half century Roe v. Wade was considered "lawful precedence" and "settled law".....that was the excuse anytime someone demonstrated that Science has come a long way since the 70s and can prove that life begins at conception.......Roe v. Wade is SETTLED LAW, SCOTUS can't overturn its own opinion.

Reality: the rouge court of 73 ignored over 200 years of legal precedence to legislate ABORTION on demand from the court. Until that time, it was settled law that such was a states right issue.

Now that the same source (SCOTUS OPINION) declared Abortion to be a State's Right issue under constiutional hear nothing but crickets from the left, in fact there is an attempt to use Presidential EOs (executive orders) to (wink, wink) UNSETTLE SCOTUS opinion by pretending the President has the authority to over-ride both the legislative and judicial branches of the government and legislate law by dictitorial edict, suggesting the POTUS has the same authority as a King. Why the FLIP FLOP?
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Conception 9 Months

Please draw a vertical line on the timeline above where you state a baby's life begins, and give your justification for it.

Now explain why it is not a human one second earlier, on the left of the line you drew.
The answer given by many Orthodox Jewish, Orthodox Christian, and Muslim scriptures would scare most men. Both genders are guilty of destruction of potential life on a grand scale. Most men and women have to repent for their sins.

On the other hand, late term abortion is much closer to infanticide, and should probably be prohibited by Laws of Society.
The answer given by many Orthodox Jewish, Orthodox Christian, and Muslim scriptures would scare most men. Both genders are guilty of destruction of potential life on a grand scale. Most men and women have to repent for their sins.

On the other hand, late term abortion is much closer to infanticide, and should probably be prohibited by Laws of Society.
You did not place a vertical line on the nine month timeline where YOU claim life begins.
Are you afraid to do so? Can't begin to justify how one second determines the beginning of life, can you.
You did not place a vertical line on the nine month timeline where YOU claim life begins.
Are you afraid to do so? Can't begin to justify how one second determines the beginning of life, can you.
This is a theological question. No mortal human can prove or disprove the existence of a soul.
This is a theological question. No mortal human can prove or disprove the existence of a soul.
"Soul" is you word, not mine. I said "life." When does it begin? You are obviously unwilling to answer. You're a dodger. It is clear that once a fertilized egg attaches and begins to grow, this is a new life, which uninterrupted will be the product of a mother and a father who should love their offspring, if they are at all human.
"Soul" is you word, not mine. I said "life." When does it begin? You are obviously unwilling to answer. You're a dodger. It is clear that once a fertilized egg attaches and begins to grow, this is a new life, which uninterrupted will be the product of a mother and a father who should love their offspring, if they are at all human.
Legally, life should be protected starting from about 12 weeks during pregnancy.

In terms of sin, the life begins as soon as the soul enters.
Legally, life should be protected starting from about 12 weeks during pregnancy.

In terms of sin, the life begins as soon as the soul enters.

"About twelve weeks." The day before twelve weeks, you approve of stopping a beating heart, do you, as you lecture everyone on souls entering bodies? In a single day, life suddenly appears? From where?
When the media ceases to be independent and becomes the propaganda arm of a political party it follows that some issues that don't support the narrative will be omitted from the argument. Barry Hussein offered PTSD pensions to members of the Military who never served in combat. How about women who suffered genuine PTSD from ending the life inside them especially in the horrific "late term abortion" when full term babies are stabbed in the back of the head and their brains sucked out so that their faces look like cabbage patch dolls? Nobody talks about it. The suicide rate of young women who underwent abortions? Who knows? Late in life physical effects (cancer?) related to abortion? Say what? Sterility related to abortion? The unfair racial statistics that target young black women for abortions (Eugenics anyone?)
Since the 1973 Supreme Court decision of Roe V. Wade, millions have cited "The Law." Deal with it, they have angrily argued for forty-nine years. Not any more! "The Law" changed. Now you deal with it.

"It's my body!"

"Sin has many tools but the lie is the handle that fits them all." - Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

No, it is NOT "a woman's body" that has been destroyed 63,459,781 times.
FS01AbortionintheUS.pdf (

This is not "a woman's body."

XXXXXXXXXX Edited-meister Do not link pictures that are graphic in nature.
Link to the source where the picture is located, and warn that it is a graphic picture.

Scott Peterson is in prison for murdering his wife Lacy and his unborn son, Connor. Countless other men are also doing lengthy prison sentences, not for murdering "a woman's body," but for murdering a unique human being, genetically composed of the DNA of both its father and mother.

Where are the father's "rights" to raise and love his child? They are brushed aside by proponents of death and misery.

When women "choose" to have their child, the father can be responsible for supporting it for eighteen years. He has no "choice" in the decision. In particular the baby has no "choice."


Conception 9 Months

Please draw a vertical line on the timeline above where you state a baby's life begins, and give your justification for it.

Now explain why it is not a human one second earlier, on the left of the line you drew.

An Italian mother was advised by her doctor that her baby would be born with severe problems and she should abort him. She said "No!" and gave birth to Andrea Bocelli.

Before you were formed in the womb I knew you. - Jeremiah 1:5

Your inputs to expose the lies supporting murder of the unborn are welcome for possible inclusion.

If God cared so much he would have never murdered all but a handful of humans.
In the United States, traditionally, all responsibility lies with the man, and rightly so.
My brother was a security guard at the front door of an abortion mill. He told us that men would follow women there begging them not to abort his child, begging them. His child, NO "CHOICE."
The baby's life, NO "CHOICE." Four grandparents, NO "CHOICE."
Well, an embryo doesn't develop a heartbeat or start to have brain activity until after the 6 week point, so I'd say that it's not even close to being "human" until after then.

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