Why are "Millennials" less likely to trust science and dream of a better future?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
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In an ideal world our best looking people would promote science but instead we have this.



Millennials are vapid, materialistic, and more likely to be anti vax.

I also find it sad that when I went to middle and high school during the mid 2000s I did not know a single person who dreamed of becoming a astronaut.

Gen Z is even crazier. They are depressed and social media obsessed. Their conspiracy theorists don't just believe the Moon landings never happened but that "Space is Fake".

Perhaps there is hope for the generation after them. Hopefully a new Cold War and space race with China will lead to an embrace of science and technology.

And maybe their children of Generation Z's children will grow GMO food on the Moons of Jupiter!
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Democrats have created a society suffering from a wide variety of mental illnesses via their war against morality and God.

But hey, so long as it keeps population levels down to keep carbon footprints down and destroys a country so intertangled in systemic racism, mission accomplished.
In an ideal world our best looking people would promote science but instead we have this.



Millennials are vapid, materialistic, and more likely to be anti vax.

I also find it sad that when I went to middle and high school during the mid 2000s I did not know a single person who dreamed of becoming a astronaut.

Gen Z is even crazier. They are depressed and social media obsessed. Their conspiracy theorists don't just believe the Moon landings never happened but that "Space is Fake".

Perhaps there is hope for the generation after them. Hopefully a new Cold War and space race with China will lead to an embrace of science and technology.

And maybe their children of Generation Z's children will grow GMO food on the Moons of Jupiter!

Maybe the kids wont trust science because lately scientists have been lying their asses off to them, where men with tits are considered women, where just living is causing the Earth to end in 7 years now(AOC says so) and you have to get the kung flu jab so you cant get Covid. Yeah, the scientist have screwed the pooch, on this one.
Because it is kooler to grow up as a social media Whore than be one of the brightest minds that may change the future for the positive.

Our society has failed the children of today and will fail the children of tomorrow because we focus more of what we desire than what we need in life.

Take a moment and ask yourself why someone your age is on a message board when this type of political discussion is outdated?

Then realize most kids are programmed by their parents, teachers and government to be mindless drones, so exploring space and looking toward the vast ocean we call space isn’t in their mind but it is keeping up with the next popular slut instead…

So if you want to change this shit and put us back on the right track then become a damn teacher and teach and open the minds of the youth and if you don’t then well then what else can you do?

Teaching does not mean you have to be in a government or private classroom either and you can use the social media platform to help open the mind of today youth and leave a way for tomorrow children to still learn from you, so do something and use today technology to help improve the minds of tomorrow!
They were born into a depleted overheated world run by a bunch spoiled, pampered boomer assholes. Bound to be a little bitter.

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