de Blasio: The Progressives Have Given me a Mandate to steal, loot and plunder

Do I have a responsibility to share my wealth?


It appears you are asking others to do so at the behest of the government bayonet. If you support that, then yes, you do.


I was merely responding to post 53

So where did he say "The Progressives Have Given me a Mandate to steal, loot and plunder"?

Did you lie in your OP?

If the rich are not volunteering then the money is being stolen.

Not if the rich stole the money in the first place.
If that should prove to be the case, Progressives like De Blasio are simply returning pilfered property.
It appears you are asking others to do so at the behest of the government bayonet. If you support that, then yes, you do.


I was merely responding to post 53

So where did he say "The Progressives Have Given me a Mandate to steal, loot and plunder"?

Did you lie in your OP?

If the rich are not volunteering then the money is being stolen.

Not if the rich stole the money in the first place.
If that should prove to be the case, Progressives like De Blasio are simply returning pilfered property.

Look pal, rich individuals still have the right to due process of law to prove the money wasn't stolen.

Your people like to summarily judge and execute en masse, ie, 6,000,000 Jews summarily execute for being Jews.

It's Sallow.. he's an idiot.. just read his post. The Indians owned the land? If he knew anything of Native Americans he'd know they believed one couldn't own the land.. it wasn't yours to own. As for the rest of it, pure drivel.

Yeah, my family came over from Germany in the 1920's, but Shallow and the other leftists blame me for slavery as well.

These are leftists, they are not rational, thinking creatures.

My Dads side came from Denmark in the teens and my Moms from Scotland in the 30's. I know what you mean.
It's Sallow.. he's an idiot.. just read his post. The Indians owned the land? If he knew anything of Native Americans he'd know they believed one couldn't own the land.. it wasn't yours to own. As for the rest of it, pure drivel.

Yeah, my family came over from Germany in the 1920's, but Shallow and the other leftists blame me for slavery as well.

These are leftists, they are not rational, thinking creatures.

My Dads side came from Denmark in the teens and my Moms from Scotland in the 30's. I know what you mean.

From their standpoint the only good honky is a dead honky.

Do I have a responsibility to share my wealth?


It appears you are asking others to do so at the behest of the government bayonet. If you support that, then yes, you do.


I was merely responding to post 53

So where did he say "The Progressives Have Given me a Mandate to steal, loot and plunder"?

Did you lie in your OP?

If the rich are not volunteering then the money is being stolen.


My mis-understanding, apologies to you.
It's laughable you folks don't consider slavery..theft. Or murdering Native Americans for their land..theft. That's all good to you.


It's laughable you folks don't consider theft Or murdering Native Palestinian Arabs for their land..theft. That's all good to you.


An Introduction to the Israel Palestine Conflict”

The goal of "disappearing" the
indigenous Arab population
points to a virtual truism buried
beneath a mountain of
apologetic Zionist literature:
what spurred Palestinians'
opposition to Zionism was not
anti-Semitism in the sense of
an irrational hatred of Jews
but rather the prospect -
very real - of their expulsion."



You can't even stay on your own topic!

New York can always impeach him. He was elected with the lowest voter turnout in NYC history.

Thus the astute quote: Bad politicians are put into office by people who don't vote. :eusa_whistle: ( paraphrased )
New York can always impeach him. He was elected with the lowest voter turnout in NYC history.

Thus the astute quote: Bad politicians are put into office by people who don't vote. :eusa_whistle: ( paraphrased )

That's like saying criminals break into the homes of people who do not lock their doors.

Somone was going to be elected whether everyone eligible voted, or 5 people, including the candidates voted.
I saw that even though Cuomo is going to have the state pay for DeBlahsion's "free" lunch program, he still wants to tax the rich. Simply because he believes, that "elections have consequences" and "the people have spoken".

These are the justifications of stealing from the "rich", meanwhile calling it "fair".

This toolbag is far more predictable as a full blown asshole fascist than predicted prior. He'lll throw his own under the bus.
Cuomo is doing everything he can to enhance business in this election year. He's trying to keep businesses here and growing.

I heard DeBlasio say that it is "only fair" that rich people pay more. The fallacy, of course, is that "fair" is generally reserved for even or equality. DeBlasio is asking "rich" people to pay more because it is "fair". Even though thats not what fair really means.

I wander if this moron would be in favor of retailers asking for income verification so that they can charge more to you since they can see your income.

Isn't that ^^^ done to the poor? Insurance red lining and higher interest rates are two that come to mind.

DeBlahsio is a fool. He's a completely unqualified fool that will continue to piss on everything others have built up in NYC. Especially the idea that this is one city, not two.

Time will tell; he was elected and if the power elite chose to stay home, isn't it on them?

He on the otherhand, wants to combat "the tale of two cities" by actually dividing people into groups and then either handing them something, or stealing ti from them to hand to someone else.

I doubt that he is responsible for " dividing people into groups", isn't that something that deregulated capitalism does by its very nature?

he's a walking, talking LOLberal hypocrite. Then again, there really isnt any other kind of LOLberal.

Gotta close with a broad based ad hominem once again I see. That's a great example of someone incapable of offering solutions to problems (in fact, it defines them as the problem).
Cuomo is doing everything he can to enhance business in this election year. He's trying to keep businesses here and growing.

I heard DeBlasio say that it is "only fair" that rich people pay more. The fallacy, of course, is that "fair" is generally reserved for even or equality. DeBlasio is asking "rich" people to pay more because it is "fair". Even though thats not what fair really means.

I wander if this moron would be in favor of retailers asking for income verification so that they can charge more to you since they can see your income.

Isn't that ^^^ done to the poor? Insurance red lining and higher interest rates are two that come to mind.

No, it's not done to anyone. Interest rates are not determined by income level. They are determiend by the FR and credit scores. Insurance and other "redlining" describes descrimination based on racial divides, not economic ones.
DeBlahsio is a fool. He's a completely unqualified fool that will continue to piss on everything others have built up in NYC. Especially the idea that this is one city, not two.

Time will tell; he was elected and if the power elite chose to stay home, isn't it on them?

The power elite? :cuckoo: Less than 25% of eligible voters turned out to vote. That says everything we need to know about this system and the the people's overall trust and faith in it.

He on the otherhand, wants to combat "the tale of two cities" by actually dividing people into groups and then either handing them something, or stealing it from them to hand to someone else.

I doubt that he is responsible for " dividing people into groups", isn't that something that deregulated capitalism does by its very nature?

Yes, he is responsible for it. Because he is a proponent of class divide. "deregulated" capitalism doesn't create class warfare. Of course, there hasn't been capitalism in the majority of the world for over 100 years. So it's a moot piont and just more predictable stupidity from you.

he's a walking, talking LOLberal hypocrite. Then again, there really isnt any other kind of LOLberal.

Gotta close with a broad based ad hominem once again I see. That's a great example of someone incapable of offering solutions to problems (in fact, it defines them as the problem).

This is a great example of how to respond by creating false premise, demogoguery and and the usual mindless soundbites that come from your type, Wry.
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Cuomo is doing everything he can to enhance business in this election year. He's trying to keep businesses here and growing.

I heard DeBlasio say that it is "only fair" that rich people pay more. The fallacy, of course, is that "fair" is generally reserved for even or equality. DeBlasio is asking "rich" people to pay more because it is "fair". Even though thats not what fair really means.

I wander if this moron would be in favor of retailers asking for income verification so that they can charge more to you since they can see your income.

Isn't that ^^^ done to the poor? Insurance red lining and higher interest rates are two that come to mind.

DeBlahsio is a fool. He's a completely unqualified fool that will continue to piss on everything others have built up in NYC. Especially the idea that this is one city, not two.

Time will tell; he was elected and if the power elite chose to stay home, isn't it on them?

He on the otherhand, wants to combat "the tale of two cities" by actually dividing people into groups and then either handing them something, or stealing ti from them to hand to someone else.

I doubt that he is responsible for " dividing people into groups", isn't that something that deregulated capitalism does by its very nature?

he's a walking, talking LOLberal hypocrite. Then again, there really isnt any other kind of LOLberal.

Gotta close with a broad based ad hominem once again I see. That's a great example of someone incapable of offering solutions to problems (in fact, it defines them as the problem).

But legalized theft IS a problem.

Cuomo is doing everything he can to enhance business in this election year. He's trying to keep businesses here and growing.

I heard DeBlasio say that it is "only fair" that rich people pay more. The fallacy, of course, is that "fair" is generally reserved for even or equality. DeBlasio is asking "rich" people to pay more because it is "fair". Even though thats not what fair really means.

I wander if this moron would be in favor of retailers asking for income verification so that they can charge more to you since they can see your income.

Isn't that ^^^ done to the poor? Insurance red lining and higher interest rates are two that come to mind.

DeBlahsio is a fool. He's a completely unqualified fool that will continue to piss on everything others have built up in NYC. Especially the idea that this is one city, not two.

Time will tell; he was elected and if the power elite chose to stay home, isn't it on them?

He on the otherhand, wants to combat "the tale of two cities" by actually dividing people into groups and then either handing them something, or stealing ti from them to hand to someone else.

I doubt that he is responsible for " dividing people into groups", isn't that something that deregulated capitalism does by its very nature?

he's a walking, talking LOLberal hypocrite. Then again, there really isnt any other kind of LOLberal.

Gotta close with a broad based ad hominem once again I see. That's a great example of someone incapable of offering solutions to problems (in fact, it defines them as the problem).

But legalized theft IS a problem.

And which 0.1% of the population is most adept at legalizing theft?

"Odom calls the bailouts a Ponzi scheme.

"The simple explanation of how they work is this: The big banks on Wall Street invest in risky ventures, like granting high-risk mortgages to people who really cannot afford them.

"When the investments inevitably fall through, leaving the banks on the brink of failing, the well-connected, powerful bank CEOs use their connections to the Federal Reserve and the Department of the Treasury to get the government to bail them out.

"The government then steps in and bails the banks out through the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department.

"This allows the cycle to repeat itself. The government enables the banks to continue making greedy, self-serving decisions that benefit themselves, not the average investor.

"Responsible homeowners who are underwater on their homes but keeping up with their payments and middle class investors pay the price for Wall Street playing fast and loose, as their investments depreciate."

The Biggest Legalized Theft of Middle Class American Wealth - Rachel Alexander - Page full

De Blasio may or may not be an antidote to this particular Ponzi scheme.
If he is, how likely is it he'll live long enough to finish the job?
But legalized theft IS a problem.

And which 0.1% of the population is most adept at legalizing theft?

The Continuing Criminal Enterprise known as the Federal Government.

There's no doubt in my mind most of our Representatives and Senators deserve to draw their last breath in prison. The point I'm trying to make is that their crimes primarily benefit the richest 1% of citizens.
And which 0.1% of the population is most adept at legalizing theft?

The Continuing Criminal Enterprise known as the Federal Government.

There's no doubt in my mind most of our Representatives and Senators deserve to draw their last breath in prison. The point I'm trying to make is that their crimes primarily benefit the richest 1% of citizens.

Budget Health and Human Services


The Continuing Criminal Enterprise known as the Federal Government.

There's no doubt in my mind most of our Representatives and Senators deserve to draw their last breath in prison. The point I'm trying to make is that their crimes primarily benefit the richest 1% of citizens.

Budget Health and Human Services



54% of the 967 billion$ goes to Medicare and 31% to Medicaid.
Is that what you view as criminal?
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It's Sallow.. he's an idiot.. just read his post. The Indians owned the land? If he knew anything of Native Americans he'd know they believed one couldn't own the land.. it wasn't yours to own. As for the rest of it, pure drivel.

Yeah, my family came over from Germany in the 1920's, but Shallow and the other leftists blame me for slavery as well.

These are leftists, they are not rational, thinking creatures.
They need to be blaming democrats for slavery and the KKK as well.

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