DC fears Trump

the swamp HATES Trump, which is why his shortcomings non withstanding these political humanoid under dwellers will stop at almost nothing to derail him.
The swamp does hate Trump. Now if only dumb Don could realize this and actually end the swamp, rather than just talk about it.
Biden is Hitler. The CIA, FBI, Homeland Security and all the other alphabets need to be reduced in power. If they can be. I respected these people so much at one time. It is painful at what they have become. I know there are good people, but to many have ulterior motives or are controlled by some other entity to violate Americans rights.
I am a long time proponent of taking power back from the federal government and returning it to the lowest levels possible.

The Left demands more and more power to be concentrated at the top, and then they whine about the ever increasing amount of campaign cash that is spent by special interests trying to capture that power they created!

Positively schizophrenic.

But electing someone purely on the basis of being hated is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. Under that criteria, the Germans were right to elect Hitler. The "Establishment elites" hated him.

Trump was a huckster. A fraud. The man overspent more of other people's money than anyone in US history and he widened and deepened the swamp.

As for Biden, he is not Hitler. But he is doing his best to take the number one spot of all time big spenders of other people's money.
Just remember what Trump said years ago: he is the ultimate counterpuncher. Punch him once and he punches back twice as hard five times.

You can be sure he is looking to nail some people to the wall.
Yes, Traitor Trump's mode of ruling is government by snit.

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