David Hoggs moms facebook page


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
It's amazing what people put on FB. I'll bet she's cleaning out her basement.

hogg pee.png
"A couple of times"? :laugh:

Looks like old refuse from the brothel next block over.
It's amazing the dishonest bullshit people like Mike will put on this board.
It's amazing what people put on FB. I'll bet she's cleaning out her basement.

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I guess that basement was attracting too many stay at home adult children,
posting on Facebook all day!

I don't get it, but maybe I can learn.

I finally typed out my first post on Facebook explaining which account is which,
and it turned into huge proposal to expand on Trump's vision for the border.
Whatever this FB craze is, and how it's supposed to be used,
I don't think I'm using it right either!


NOTE: This FB account is for Constitutional outreach and solutions uniting the best ideas and voices from all sides of the spectrum and parties. If you are looking for my personal page that is more user friendly for classmates, friends and family, please go to Emily Nghiem for the personal Facebook page that has a puppy dog in the logo.
RE: Trump and Building the Wall

Instead of "refuse and resist" I call to fellow progressives, Democrats and Constitutionalists to support Trump's idea of restitution for border and trafficking crimes, and using the penalties and reimbursements owed to American citizens and taxpayers as credits to refinance and build MORE than just a wall along the border, but entire economic developments for sustainable communities, jobs and education. Let's Reclaim, Rebuild, and Refinance, but as diverse teams not divided foes.

Under RICO, victims and communities harmed by drug and human trafficking can reclaim property abused for organized crime as restitution, and take back our neighborhoods and cities by using houses and property to create community centers and campuses for programs that serve the public. Instead of charging taxpayers more for health and social services. Sources: Dottie Laster, Heidi Search Center in San Antonio. Deepa Willingham, PACE Universal, model outreach for building schools and centers to create jobs and services for women and children otherwise targeted for trafficking in poor regions.

Trump may be limited in his discretionary use of the omnibus budget bill for military spending on the border. However, we the people can match the funds and resources to build more than walls along the border but whole campus towns and military bases, including prison treatment and rehab facilities, teaching hospitals and production centers. If Dreamers want to lobby Democrats for a solution this is their chance. Reform VA and prison facilities into medical rehab and schools for training more doctors nurses and aids to provide health care for the masses, and that will create jobs for vets, inmates and immigrant and construction workers. See: www.rightsfortheworkers.org based on the Community Campus Concepts for reforming public housing as passed into federal HUD laws under HOPE VI: www.campusplan.org These concepts were signed by historic agreement between Lenwood Johnson of Freedmen's Town, HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, in order to protect the historic preservation plans to restore the national registered landmark of Freedmen's Town. www.freedmenstown.com This model can then be replicated in every district in need of VA and health care reform, and expanded to develop city-states along the border. www.earnedamnesty.org

Let all taxpayers get breaks, refunds, interest on loans, or shares in collateral to invest in business plans along the border that each person or group agrees voluntarily to fund. The parties can use what their leaders and members build as their party platform and campaigns to prove their leadership and solutions are effective, and run for office on proven experience, instead of wasting donations on empty promises. Build something sustainable and unifying with those party dollars and donations!

We can change how our economy, government and social structures are supported by sustainable resources and labor, locally owned and managed. See also Green Party policies on proportional representation by party, consensus decision making process in creating community based solutions, and issuing legal currency by region based on labor and business cooperatives.

Special Thanks to Dr. Timothy O'Brien and Lenwood Johnson and all leaders and mentors contributing plans referenced here.
It's amazing what people put on FB. I'll bet she's cleaning out her basement.

View attachment 185184
Mattress Trump did Stormy Daniels on
No, it's Mike's mattress.

So is he cleaning out his basement OldLady?
Or just remodelling to make it more livable?

If that is your mattress miketx
you need to get a better trained dog!
(Or quit reading Clinton's posts online
if it makes you barf that badly!)

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