Daunte Wright was at least the fourth person to have died as a result of taser confusion since 2001

Back in the day the Chicago Police would all carry nightsticks since the Taser wasn't invented yet. I just remember seeing cops beating the living snot out of the bad guys but rarely was there a fatality. I don't remember many police shootings but there were a lot of police brutality claims. It certainly neutralized the bad guys. Maybe that was better?
“And a nightstick, a nightstick it glides
Gracefully upside yo’ head”

The Last Poets, ‘Wake up, Niggas‘
no...it was driving while being a fugitive. Do you think police officers shouldn't be arresting fugitives wanted for violent crimes like robbery?'

They didn't pull him over for being a fugitive. They pulled him over because he had an expired tag (even though the state is way behind in issuing tags because of Covid). This is another case of "Driving while Black".

Why did they need anymore backup then they had? The vast majority of arrest don't have people resisting arrest in this manner.

Plenty of white, asians and hispanics get pulled over for traffic infractions, such as this offense, and that legal stop, often results in other charges...such as DUI etc.

Newsflash you can't drive around with expired plates and not expect to get pulled over.

Again, the state is way behind on reissuing those tags due to Covid.... So this was a case of "Driving While Black". The kind of routine harrassment most black people put up with as part of their daily routine. THAT'S why they get so upset over a Duane Wright or George Floyd. Because they know "But by the grace of God, that could be me." Some thug with a badge could kill you, and then justify it by pointing out anything bad in your life justified it.

They had his name, they had his address. If they were really keen on getting him for a non-appearance warrant, they knew where to find him.

De-escalation- Cops need to learn it.
That's not WHY he was pulled over. It's unfortunate that this lie is being reinforced all over social media.

1. He was pulled over because he had expired plates

2. Officer then noted there was an item dangling from mirror (an infraction)

3. It was then the officers discovered there was a warrant out for his arrest

The officers then needed to make an arrest, Wright attempt to flee, and fights assisting officer.
Officer Potter then calls out "taser! taser! taser!" in order to warn assisting officers, and fires her firearm thinking she has deployed her taser.

And she needs to go to jail for that. She used lethal force over a traffic infraction.

Seriously, how can you be a cop for 26 years and not know the difference between your gun and your taser?

Now tell us Joe, if you drive around with expired plates, do you expect to never be stopped by police?

If you have a warrant out for your arrest, do you expect the officers to ignore that?

If you attempt to flee and fight with officers, do you expect to be allowed to leave?

Uh, as stated, the State is way behind in reissuing tags because of Covid... You ever try to go down the DMV now?

I would expect the cops to NOT escalate the situation. Write a citation, get his address, and inform the warrants squad where he lived.
no...it was driving while being a fugitive. Do you think police officers shouldn't be arresting fugitives wanted for violent crimes like robbery?'

They didn't pull him over for being a fugitive. They pulled him over because he had an expired tag (even though the state is way behind in issuing tags because of Covid). This is another case of "Driving while Black".

Why did they need anymore backup then they had? The vast majority of arrest don't have people resisting arrest in this manner.

Plenty of white, asians and hispanics get pulled over for traffic infractions, such as this offense, and that legal stop, often results in other charges...such as DUI etc.

Newsflash you can't drive around with expired plates and not expect to get pulled over.

Again, the state is way behind on reissuing those tags due to Covid.... So this was a case of "Driving While Black". The kind of routine harrassment most black people put up with as part of their daily routine. THAT'S why they get so upset over a Duane Wright or George Floyd. Because they know "But by the grace of God, that could be me." Some thug with a badge could kill you, and then justify it by pointing out anything bad in your life justified it.

They had his name, they had his address. If they were really keen on getting him for a non-appearance warrant, they knew where to find him.

De-escalation- Cops need to learn it.
1) white people get pulled over for having expired tags too. The police officer's job isn't to do the DMVs job. Had he not been a fugitive, he might of gone off with a warning...who knows.

2) Sorry, white people get pulled over all the time for having expired tags....had he not been a fugutive he would have been given time to get the expired tags fixed.

3) having a name and address doesn't mean they know where the person is...regardless, fugitives are often caught on routine traffic stops. The issue here, was that he was wanted for a violent crime, and resisted. He put himself in this situation where this accident could happen.

The Dems passed "police reform" in Minn in July of 2020...if you have issues with the stop and the law, take it up with them. If you think more should have been done Federally...take it up with the Dems that block even DEBATING police reform in the US Senate in July of 2020.
I have reached the point that I no longer care how many no-good black criminals the cops kill

if thats what it takes to protect the honest public so be it

How does the cops killing innocent people (or even criminals) protect the public?

Police brutality actually hurts law enforcement. If you are afraid the cops might overreact to a situation, you aren't going to call them unless it's something really important.
1) white people get pulled over for having expired tags too. The police officer's job isn't to do the DMVs job. Had he not been a fugitive, he might of gone off with a warning...who knows.

2) Sorry, white people get pulled over all the time for having expired tags....had he not been a fugutive he would have been given time to get the expired tags fixed.

3) having a name and address doesn't mean they know where the person is...regardless, fugitives are often caught on routine traffic stops. The issue here, was that he was wanted for a violent crime, and resisted. He put himself in this situation where this accident could happen.

The Dems passed "police reform" in Minn in July of 2020...if you have issues with the stop and the law, take it up with them. If you think more should have been done Federally...take it up with the Dems that block even DEBATING police reform in the US Senate in July of 2020.

YOu are a bit confused. The Democratic House passed a police reform bill... but it died in the Senate.

If the violent crime he was wanted for was so serious, they'd have sent people to his house. It clearly wasn't.

There was no excuse to pull him over to start with, much less escalate the situation into a lethal force.

Heads need to roll on this one.
How does the cops killing innocent people (or even criminals) protect the public?
The race hustlers have chosen very few innocent black people for martyrdom .

when we sort through the lib bullshit we usually find a dirtbag with multiple convictions of various crimes

there are exceptions

the black teen with a paintball gun is a legit example of a wrongful death

but who has time for that when whites are being demonized in the media daily?

the black race hustlers have worn out their welcome with me
The race hustlers have chosen very few innocent black people for martyrdom .

when we sort through the lib bullshit we usually find a dirtbag with multiple convictions of various crimes

We find that our system usually treats black people more harshly than White people.

I had this argument with my brother... who is Mr. Law and Order now, my very dear friend is a cop, who has totally forgotten all the laws he broke when he was a teen or in his early 20's and they had to keep bailing him out. But he's white, so no consequences. Check your privilege, buddy.

there are exceptions

the black teen with a paintball gun is a legit example of a wrongful death

but who has time for that when whites are being demonized in the media daily?

the black race hustlers have worn out their welcome with me

Really? I'm white, I'm not feeling "Demonized". I think a good healthy discussion about racism and history is long overdue.
1) white people get pulled over for having expired tags too. The police officer's job isn't to do the DMVs job. Had he not been a fugitive, he might of gone off with a warning...who knows.

2) Sorry, white people get pulled over all the time for having expired tags....had he not been a fugutive he would have been given time to get the expired tags fixed.

3) having a name and address doesn't mean they know where the person is...regardless, fugitives are often caught on routine traffic stops. The issue here, was that he was wanted for a violent crime, and resisted. He put himself in this situation where this accident could happen.

The Dems passed "police reform" in Minn in July of 2020...if you have issues with the stop and the law, take it up with them. If you think more should have been done Federally...take it up with the Dems that block even DEBATING police reform in the US Senate in July of 2020.

YOu are a bit confused. The Democratic House passed a police reform bill... but it died in the Senate.

If the violent crime he was wanted for was so serious, they'd have sent people to his house. It clearly wasn't.

There was no excuse to pull him over to start with, much less escalate the situation into a lethal force.

Heads need to roll on this one.
1) nope I am not...the US Senate voted to NOT EVEN HAVE DEBATE...in July of 2020...in a shameful act...https://www.scott.senate.gov/media-center/press-releases/senate-democrats-block-police-reform-from-coming-to-communities-across-america#:~:text=%22Senate%20Democrats%20demanded%20a%20police,Cornyn%20(R%2DTX).&text=Republicans%20in%20the%20House%20have,with%20Republicans%20on%20police%20reform.

EVEN DEBATE! The Dems simply didn't care.

2) I think robbery is serious....maybe you don't. How do you know police didn't go to his house? He pre-trial officer had put a capias for his arrest out because he stopped contacting him/her. He was a fugutive on the run. Nobody knew where he was.

3) Sure there was...he was in violation of the law, and was wanted man. He caused it to escalate. The officer should be treated no differently then any other officer in the same situation. Sadly though it appears the Dems that run the city are allowing mob rule, instead of the rule of law, to dictate what happens....
I have reached the point that I no longer care how many no-good black criminals the cops kill

if thats what it takes to protect the honest public so be it

How does the cops killing innocent people (or even criminals) protect the public?

Police brutality actually hurts law enforcement. If you are afraid the cops might overreact to a situation, you aren't going to call them unless it's something really important.
and the dems let this continue...they blocked EVEN debating any police reform in 2020...the Dems want police brutality to continue.
Daunte fought with cops and broke away during handcuffing. Stupid shit.....He should have seen this video..

He would get cancelled immediately if he did that today. As it is, since this seems to be making the rounds again, I expect him to apologize for it.

This is very common behavior in Obamaville

The first video is the bodycam of a black security guard hired by a korean owned flea market

one of the shop owners had a dispute with the women and called security

as bad as the adults are acting notice that the small children are learning to act the same way

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