Daughter of lesbian mothers speaks out against gay marriage

^^^ So you think that its good that she now feels ripped off for not having a dad when she was younger? To me, that only makes you a word that I can not say! If a person can not put first the needs of their children, they are not a parent. They do not even deserve to have the kids period.
I believe all of her needs were met to the best of her mother's ability. She likely couldn't make he ex husband stay. A step mom or dad will never be your dad.

Yes its her mom's fault for having no desire to find her daughter a new dad. Obviously what you and her mother do not get is that when you become a parent, what the child needs is what should come first.

God bless you two always!!!

I disagree, I think it's her father's fault for leaving them. Is he dead, is he in a different part of the world? Does she even know? None of that is her mother's fault.

I'd say she did put the needs of her child first, any needs she could provide that is. She couldn't make her dad come back. A step father wouldn't be he father. And should the mother just pick some guy that she can't love? Is it good for children to be raised in families with loveless parents?

I would say she did the best she could. All kids are going to feel ripped off if they think about what they didn't have. My mom and dad aren't perfect but they did the best they could, they love me very much I feel blessed.

She could feel blessed and still have a longing for a relationship her father never have her. But I wouldn't blame her mother, her mother stood by her and did the hard thing. I know people (it makes me very sad this exists) that would give anything to have somebody care about them as much as her mother and step mom did.

Considering the alternatives, if say she is lucky. Very lucky.

I wish her the best with her children and husband.

I think it's her father's fault for leaving them

it takes two to tango

it is both parents fault in the split

however it is the fathers fault for not staying in touch with the daughter

after all he was the adult and she the child
I know children of divorced parents that still have a good relationship with both of them.

For whatever reason it didn't work between them. We don't know why, she didn't give us that information. All I know is the words she used. "My father abandoned us." That's terrible, it's heart breaking. I've known children that have experienced that. It breaks my heart to hear about it.

But she clearly blamed her father.

it is correct for her to blame her father

it was up to him to insure that their relationship continued

regardless of how he got along with the mother

the adults control the relationship

not the other way around
^^^ I go with what the Lord's word says about homosexuality, so if you think that I am wrong about it, you are thinking that the Lord is wrong about it too.
I don't recall the Lord saying that "God wasted his time creating the gender that is not present in each homosexual couple whether that is their intention or not when the Lord created both genders for a reason."

Those were your words unless you can give me chapter and verse that contain those exact words.
That is not what I said. I said that living the homosexual life style is like saying that the Lord wasted his time on creating the gender that is missing from the picture. Males getting together with males is like saying that the Lord wasted his time creating females and females getting together with females is like saying that the Lord wasted his time creating males. I don't believe that our being with our own gender was ever once his plan. If it were, each gender would not need the other in order to re-produce.

God bless you always!!!

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^^^ So you think that its good that she now feels ripped off for not having a dad when she was younger? To me, that only makes you a word that I can not say! If a person can not put first the needs of their children, they are not a parent. They do not even deserve to have the kids period.
I believe all of her needs were met to the best of her mother's ability. She likely couldn't make he ex husband stay. A step mom or dad will never be your dad.

Yes its her mom's fault for having no desire to find her daughter a new dad. Obviously what you and her mother do not get is that when you become a parent, what the child needs is what should come first.

God bless you two always!!!

I disagree, I think it's her father's fault for leaving them. Is he dead, is he in a different part of the world? Does she even know? None of that is her mother's fault.

I'd say she did put the needs of her child first, any needs she could provide that is. She couldn't make her dad come back. A step father wouldn't be he father. And should the mother just pick some guy that she can't love? Is it good for children to be raised in families with loveless parents?

I would say she did the best she could. All kids are going to feel ripped off if they think about what they didn't have. My mom and dad aren't perfect but they did the best they could, they love me very much I feel blessed.

She could feel blessed and still have a longing for a relationship her father never have her. But I wouldn't blame her mother, her mother stood by her and did the hard thing. I know people (it makes me very sad this exists) that would give anything to have somebody care about them as much as her mother and step mom did.

Considering the alternatives, if say she is lucky. Very lucky.

I wish her the best with her children and husband.

I think it's her father's fault for leaving them

it takes two to tango

it is both parents fault in the split

however it is the fathers fault for not staying in touch with the daughter

after all he was the adult and she the child
I know children of divorced parents that still have a good relationship with both of them.

For whatever reason it didn't work between them. We don't know why, she didn't give us that information. All I know is the words she used. "My father abandoned us." That's terrible, it's heart breaking. I've known children that have experienced that. It breaks my heart to hear about it.

But she clearly blamed her father.

it is correct for her to blame her father

it was up to him to insure that their relationship continued

regardless of how he got along with the mother

the adults control the relationship

not the other way around
I agree, it's her father's fault.
^^^ I go with what the Lord's word says about homosexuality, so if you think that I am wrong about it, you are thinking that the Lord is wrong about it too.
I don't recall the Lord saying that "God wasted his time creating the gender that is not present in each homosexual couple whether that is their intention or not when the Lord created both genders for a reason."

Those were your words unless you can give me chapter and verse that contain those exact words.
That is not what I said. I said that living the homosexual life style is like saying that the Lord wasted his time on creating the gender that is missing from the picture. Males getting together with males is like saying that the Lord wasted his time creating females and females getting together with females is like saying that the Lord wasted his time creating males. I don't believe that our being with our own gender was ever once his plan. If it were, each gender would not need the other in order to re-produce.

God bless you always!!!

It's exactly what you said. I copied and pasted it from your quote.

I'm telling you it's not what homosexuality is saying. Further I'm asking if you would like to hear what it is from the opposite perspective.

If not just say no. I'm not going to waste my breath explaining it if you aren't going to bother listening.
Oh well, so much for the idea that, "there is no difference between a kid being raised by a mom and dad and two loving gay parents you bigot!". But I figure anyone with common sense would know that, and we wouldn't need to actually put children in these confusing and damaging situations.
Oh well, so much for the idea that, "there is no difference between a kid being raised by a mom and dad and two loving gay parents you bigot!". But I figure anyone with common sense would know that, and we wouldn't need to actually put children in these confusing and damaging situations.
You didn't pay attention to where her real problem is, did you? Her dad walked away....and while she admits to being raised by a loving mom and step-mom....she wants to put this on gay marriage somehow.
Oh well, so much for the idea that, "there is no difference between a kid being raised by a mom and dad and two loving gay parents you bigot!". But I figure anyone with common sense would know that, and we wouldn't need to actually put children in these confusing and damaging situations.
You didn't pay attention to where her real problem is, did you? Her dad walked away....and while she admits to being raised by a loving mom and step-mom....she wants to put this on gay marriage somehow.
I seem to be the only one paying attention to that problem. Some lesbian can't replace a real father for a child, despite homosexual advocates suggesting otherwise.

But tell us more about how we are all the same, and being raised by lesbians is just the same as having a mother and father. I need a good laugh.
^^^ The more that you label a person ignorant over their decision to go with what the Lord has to say about things, the deeper the hole that you dig for yourself becomes where your standing with him is concerned.

God bless you always!!!

The daughter of the two lesbians must make her voice heard and continue to speak out against these damaging relationships. She should be a featured speaker at schools so that other children who cannot escape their parental harmful relationships will know they are not alone.
^^^ The more that you label a person ignorant over their decision to go with what the Lord has to say about things, the deeper the hole that you dig for yourself becomes where your standing with him is concerned.

God bless you always!!!

I label you as choosing ignorance because you are adverse to hearing information. If you want to blame God for it be my guest.

Besides I don'tthink you have gone with what the Lord says. You arejustusing that as an excuse to remain ignorant. Impossible threats from a sinner in regards to my relationship with my Lord are not just insignificant they are laughable.

Point is, whattheLord says to you is different than what he says to me. I'mnot going to trust you because you don'thave the credibility.

It's a shame you sank to the disrespectful level you have chosen. But the arrogant delight in their arrogance I suppose.
^^^ Obviously it isn't the Lord's word that you are going with, but hey, that's your decision. I just pray that you are able to deal with the repercussions that I believe will be on your plate eventually for making such a choice should you choose to stay with it. That right there is what is so awesome about the Lord. He forgives those who ask him to. And those who don't ask him to. Well it was nice knowing them, I guess.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Calling people ignorant and any other names that you might think of because they don't look at things the way that you choose to look at them is not very respectful and to me, if a person can not show any respect, they shouldn't go expecting any in return.
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^^^ Obviously it isn't the Lord's word that you are going with, but hey, that's your decision. I just pray that you are able to deal with the repercussions that I believe will be on your plate eventually for making such a choice should you choose to stay with it. That right there is what is so awesome about the Lord. He forgives those who ask him to. And those who don't ask him to. Well it was nice knowing them, I guess.
Save your prayers for yourself.

I've spoken to the Lord, your approval of things you choose to remain ignorant on is not necessary. Thanks for your concern.

P.S. Calling people ignorant and any other names that you might think of because they don't look at things the way that you choose to look at them is not very respectful and to me, if a person can not show any respect, they shouldn't go expecting any in return.
No I'm not calling you ignorant. I said you choose ignorance. That's a fact, it shouldn't be disrespectful if the truth hurts your feelings perhaps you have an evaluation to make.

But what you have assumed homosexuality to mean is not the reality, you told me not to waste my breath, meaning nothing I say would alter your assumptions. Meaning you have closed your mind. Frankly it's pig headed and ignorant.

I have zero respect for people claiming their flaws are the Lord. Take responsibility for yourself.
^^^ Now you are calling people's decision to go with what the Lord has to say a flaw??? May the Lord have mercy on your soul although I really don't expect him to if you are going to continue to have such an attitude on yourself. Oh and I don't remember ever once saying that my approval was needed. I do however believe that his approval is a whole other story and if you are going to keep trashing him, expecting to ever get any from him will only make your fall even harder than before.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. As far as I am concerned, this exchange between the two of us is now a thing of the past because I am done dealing with you if you are going to choose to be demon possessed.
^^^ Now you are calling people's decision to go with what the Lord has to say a flaw??? May the Lord have mercy on your soul although I really don't expect him to if you are going to continue to have such an attitude on yourself. Oh and I don't remember ever once saying that my approval was needed. I do however believe that his approval is a whole other story and if you are going to keep trashing him, expecting to ever get any from him will only make your fall even harder than before.
I don't believe the Lord says what you say he said.

P.S. As far as I am concerned, this exchange between the two of us is now a thing of the past because I am done dealing with you if you are going to choose to be demon possessed.
Is that something the Lord says too?
The daughter of the two lesbians must make her voice heard and continue to speak out against these damaging relationships. She should be a featured speaker at schools so that other children who cannot escape their parental harmful relationships will know they are not alone.
She definitely is an eye witness to what not having a father does to a daughter. We know what not having a father does to sons..

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