Darrell Issa and his "investigation" shennigans.

INVESTIGATE the Obama Administration's DOJ.


INVESTIGATE the OFFICIAL Policy of the Obama Administration in sending GUNS to the mindlessly violent and murderous Mexican thugs.

Yes indeed. What we NEED is to resort to checks and balances.

INVESTIGATE the hell out of the Obama Administration over this entire mess.
(("GOP racist thug Hill was there to disrupt the voting process at that black district any way he could. The GOP know that cameras and police intimidate minority voters and have used that fact to depress the minority vote across the country for decades. There were other voters in the video of the two panther voters first of all, and there is no way you could possibly know just how long they were there taking videos simply because the edited video is the only one you know about.

There is no denying Hill's racism and all the other GOP racists who had a shit fit over the clothes the panthers wore. To GOP racists, blacks are supposed to be submissive and wear ONLY submissive clothing approved by their white masters. The panther uniform is not sufficiently submissive according to the standards white supremacists demand of their black subjects. Blacks must submissively explain their presence in public to the satisfaction of their white masters, as was demanded by GOP racist Hill of the panthers for the audacity of their standing in front of their own voting district's polling place.

And again there is no Barton BULLshit. Bartel BULLshit was an avowed McCain supporter and is therefore hardly unbiased in this situation, at which he was NOT even present!!!

Again, if what the panthers were doing was so outrageous, you CON$ would not have had to exaggerate holding one's arms at one's sides as "brandishing" or LIE about blocking GOP racist thug Hill's entrance to the building. The CON$ervative lies expose the weakness of their argument!!!" Ed))

Give me a single example of Mr. Hill disrupting the voting process.

The GOP has been using cameras for decades to keep minority voters from the polls? You know what, Ed? At this point you've become delusional. Let's say for the sake of argument that the GOP did do such a thing. If that were the case then why would Hill be using a camera phone instead of an actual camera? Don't you think that if he really was there to intimidate minority voters by using a camera, that he'd be using an ACTUAL camera and not a little camera phone?

The GOP wants blacks to be submissive? What a crock. This wasn't about "uppity" blacks. This was about a PERSON breaking the law by standing in front of a polling place brandishing a weapon. Mr. Shabazz violated the 1965 Voters Rights Act. His actions were so egregious that even a racist organization like the New Black Panther Party suspended him for them. Think about that for a moment and then try to make this about Mr. Hill being a racist thug.

As for Barton Bull? You're now claiming he wasn't there? You really don't know the facts in this case, do you, Ed? Barton Bull WAS there and he filed a complaint because of what he witnessed.

You keep trying to make the point that Shabazz wasn't threatening with his night stick because he kept his arms at his sides. Look at the video. Isn't that Shabazz tapping the nightstick against his hand as he comes around to confront Mr. Hill? Hardly keeping his arms at his side. That's showing someone that you have a weapon. Contrast THAT with what Mr. Shabazz does when the Philly Police show up. THEN he hides his nightstick under his arm. Why does he do that? Because it's obviously dawning on the idiot that he's in trouble for standing out there with a weapon in his hands.

The more you try and argue this, Ed...the more ridiculous you appear.
This is the problem with CON$, they SEE what they want to see and not what is actually there.

Now to tap a nightstick against one's hand would require BOTH hands, one to hold the stick and do the tapping and the other hand to be tapped against. NOWHERE in that video does he tap his hand with the stick. BOTH hands are AT EACH SIDE the whole time. Have you no shame??? How can you just keep lying over and over even after your own videos expose your lies??? And he is standing with his arms crossed across his chest before the cops come and he stands the same way when they are there, how is standing the same way changing his behavior to hide the stick which is not listed as a weapon in Pennsylvania, as the law I posted proved? He was not arrested foir any crime, he was not charged with any crime by the police, the criminal complaint against the panther party was dismissed by the BUSH DoJ, YOU GOT NOTHING but your racist imagination!!!

For the umpteenth time there is no one named "BARTOL" BULLshit. The guy's name is BartLE BULLshit!!!! He is not in any videos, there is no video of anyone saying what he said he witnessed being said, he was not in the civil complaint, he does not live in that district, so even assuming he was there, why would he, a NYC resident, be there at that district polling place if the GOP did not have that black district targeted in advance??????? He's a NEW YORK CITY RESIDENT, in an earlier post you claimed he was a certified poll watcher, how the hell did he get a Pennsylvania poll watchers certificate??? He was a McCain supporter and FOX News shill who spouts the same CON$ervative ACORN BULLshit as all Right-wingnut extremists!!!

Now here are the videos, in the first you can see the panthers standing at least 20 feet in front of the wide open door to the polling place and GOP racist thug Hill has a clear and open path directly to the door the whole time. Does he even attempt to take it? Hell no! He heads directly for the panthers who stand by the curb the entire time never making any move what-so-ever to block the entrance. The entire audio is picked up also. But how does the GOP racist thug describe what happened in that video in the FOX interview in the second video? How accurate would you say his description was?

In the third video you have Bartle's version. Did you hear anything about a black president or the word "cracker" he claims to have "witnessed" in the first video???

No matter how obvious a liar GOP racist thug Hill is shown to be, his fellow GOP racists take his word as gospel. And if you want to talk about what groups the participants in this scene belong to, GOP racist thug Hill RUNS the violent "Gathering Of Eagles" Right-wing extremist hate group who attack anti-war protestors.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4MTQVMatW0&feature=player_embedded]RACIST GROUP INTIMIDATES VOTERS - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX4dcvIYk9A&feature=player_embedded]BLACK PANTHERS ATTACK VOTERS IN PHILLY VOTING PLACE - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoEpySrLYxs]O'Reilly Interviews Bartle Bull Eric Holder Drops Black Panther Charges - YouTube[/ame]

Bartle Bull - Journalist | Author - About
I occasionally do broadcast work, mostly for the BBC and Fox News.
(("GOP racist thug Hill was there to disrupt the voting process at that black district any way he could. The GOP know that cameras and police intimidate minority voters and have used that fact to depress the minority vote across the country for decades. There were other voters in the video of the two panther voters first of all, and there is no way you could possibly know just how long they were there taking videos simply because the edited video is the only one you know about.

There is no denying Hill's racism and all the other GOP racists who had a shit fit over the clothes the panthers wore. To GOP racists, blacks are supposed to be submissive and wear ONLY submissive clothing approved by their white masters. The panther uniform is not sufficiently submissive according to the standards white supremacists demand of their black subjects. Blacks must submissively explain their presence in public to the satisfaction of their white masters, as was demanded by GOP racist Hill of the panthers for the audacity of their standing in front of their own voting district's polling place.

And again there is no Barton BULLshit. Bartel BULLshit was an avowed McCain supporter and is therefore hardly unbiased in this situation, at which he was NOT even present!!!

Again, if what the panthers were doing was so outrageous, you CON$ would not have had to exaggerate holding one's arms at one's sides as "brandishing" or LIE about blocking GOP racist thug Hill's entrance to the building. The CON$ervative lies expose the weakness of their argument!!!" Ed))

Give me a single example of Mr. Hill disrupting the voting process.

The GOP has been using cameras for decades to keep minority voters from the polls? You know what, Ed? At this point you've become delusional. Let's say for the sake of argument that the GOP did do such a thing. If that were the case then why would Hill be using a camera phone instead of an actual camera? Don't you think that if he really was there to intimidate minority voters by using a camera, that he'd be using an ACTUAL camera and not a little camera phone?

The GOP wants blacks to be submissive? What a crock. This wasn't about "uppity" blacks. This was about a PERSON breaking the law by standing in front of a polling place brandishing a weapon. Mr. Shabazz violated the 1965 Voters Rights Act. His actions were so egregious that even a racist organization like the New Black Panther Party suspended him for them. Think about that for a moment and then try to make this about Mr. Hill being a racist thug.

As for Barton Bull? You're now claiming he wasn't there? You really don't know the facts in this case, do you, Ed? Barton Bull WAS there and he filed a complaint because of what he witnessed.

You keep trying to make the point that Shabazz wasn't threatening with his night stick because he kept his arms at his sides. Look at the video. Isn't that Shabazz tapping the nightstick against his hand as he comes around to confront Mr. Hill? Hardly keeping his arms at his side. That's showing someone that you have a weapon. Contrast THAT with what Mr. Shabazz does when the Philly Police show up. THEN he hides his nightstick under his arm. Why does he do that? Because it's obviously dawning on the idiot that he's in trouble for standing out there with a weapon in his hands.

The more you try and argue this, Ed...the more ridiculous you appear.
This is the problem with CON$, they SEE what they want to see and not what is actually there.

Now to tap a nightstick against one's hand would require BOTH hands, one to hold the stick and do the tapping and the other hand to be tapped against. NOWHERE in that video does he tap his hand with the stick. BOTH hands are AT EACH SIDE the whole time. Have you no shame??? How can you just keep lying over and over even after your own videos expose your lies??? And he is standing with his arms crossed across his chest before the cops come and he stands the same way when they are there, how is standing the same way changing his behavior to hide the stick which is not listed as a weapon in Pennsylvania, as the law I posted proved? He was not arrested foir any crime, he was not charged with any crime by the police, the criminal complaint against the panther party was dismissed by the BUSH DoJ, YOU GOT NOTHING but your racist imagination!!!

For the umpteenth time there is no one named "BARTOL" BULLshit. The guy's name is BartLE BULLshit!!!! He is not in any videos, there is no video of anyone saying what he said he witnessed being said, he was not in the civil complaint, he does not live in that district, so even assuming he was there, why would he, a NYC resident, be there at that district polling place if the GOP did not have that black district targeted in advance??????? He's a NEW YORK CITY RESIDENT, in an earlier post you claimed he was a certified poll watcher, how the hell did he get a Pennsylvania poll watchers certificate??? He was a McCain supporter and FOX News shill who spouts the same CON$ervative ACORN BULLshit as all Right-wingnut extremists!!!

Now here are the videos, in the first you can see the panthers standing at least 20 feet in front of the wide open door to the polling place and GOP racist thug Hill has a clear and open path directly to the door the whole time. Does he even attempt to take it? Hell no! He heads directly for the panthers who stand by the curb the entire time never making any move what-so-ever to block the entrance. The entire audio is picked up also. But how does the GOP racist thug describe what happened in that video in the FOX interview in the second video? How accurate would you say his description was?

In the third video you have Bartle's version. Did you hear anything about a black president or the word "cracker" he claims to have "witnessed" in the first video???

No matter how obvious a liar GOP racist thug Hill is shown to be, his fellow GOP racists take his word as gospel. And if you want to talk about what groups the participants in this scene belong to, GOP racist thug Hill RUNS the violent "Gathering Of Eagles" Right-wing extremist hate group who attack anti-war protestors.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4MTQVMatW0&feature=player_embedded]RACIST GROUP INTIMIDATES VOTERS - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX4dcvIYk9A&feature=player_embedded]BLACK PANTHERS ATTACK VOTERS IN PHILLY VOTING PLACE - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoEpySrLYxs]O'Reilly Interviews Bartle Bull Eric Holder Drops Black Panther Charges - YouTube[/ame]

Bartle Bull - Journalist | Author - About
I occasionally do broadcast work, mostly for the BBC and Fox News.

I know you're not the sharpest tool in the shed on this subject, Ed but it just dawned on me that you don't realize that Chris Hill is not the man making the video tape with the camera phone. That is someone else entirely. Hill did in fact take some pictures of what was happening there but the VIDEO you're watching was not shot by Chris Hill. If you watch the video of the police arriving you can see Chris Hill in the foreground briefly as the police approach the two New Black Panthers. You also don't seem to realize that Chris Hill wasn't talking about the two NPB'ers blocking his path into the polling place at the time the camera phone video tape was being made...he's talking about something that happened earlier.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFOKnJ0oXYY&feature=related]EJ Exclusive - Police Respond to Intimidation - YouTube[/ame]

Chris Hill is the man in the white shirt standing several yards in front of the camera phone video guy as the police walk up the drive. If you listen to Hill speak and the camera phone guy speaking you should quickly realize that they have very different accents.

As for why Bartle Bull was in Philly as a poll watcher? You do realize that poll watchers are quite commonly not FROM the area they end up doing their poll watching in? You are right when you say that Bull supported McCain over Obama but to try and paint him as some GOP racist thug as you have Chris Hill is rather laughable since Bull worked as a civil rights attorney in the Deep South during the 60's for people like Medger Evers. Bull was visibly angered by what he saw that day at that Philly polling place. As he put it "Martin Luther King did not die so that man could stand in front of a polling place with a nightstick."
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(("GOP racist thug Hill was there to disrupt the voting process at that black district any way he could. The GOP know that cameras and police intimidate minority voters and have used that fact to depress the minority vote across the country for decades. There were other voters in the video of the two panther voters first of all, and there is no way you could possibly know just how long they were there taking videos simply because the edited video is the only one you know about.

There is no denying Hill's racism and all the other GOP racists who had a shit fit over the clothes the panthers wore. To GOP racists, blacks are supposed to be submissive and wear ONLY submissive clothing approved by their white masters. The panther uniform is not sufficiently submissive according to the standards white supremacists demand of their black subjects. Blacks must submissively explain their presence in public to the satisfaction of their white masters, as was demanded by GOP racist Hill of the panthers for the audacity of their standing in front of their own voting district's polling place.

And again there is no Barton BULLshit. Bartel BULLshit was an avowed McCain supporter and is therefore hardly unbiased in this situation, at which he was NOT even present!!!

Again, if what the panthers were doing was so outrageous, you CON$ would not have had to exaggerate holding one's arms at one's sides as "brandishing" or LIE about blocking GOP racist thug Hill's entrance to the building. The CON$ervative lies expose the weakness of their argument!!!" Ed))

Give me a single example of Mr. Hill disrupting the voting process.

The GOP has been using cameras for decades to keep minority voters from the polls? You know what, Ed? At this point you've become delusional. Let's say for the sake of argument that the GOP did do such a thing. If that were the case then why would Hill be using a camera phone instead of an actual camera? Don't you think that if he really was there to intimidate minority voters by using a camera, that he'd be using an ACTUAL camera and not a little camera phone?

The GOP wants blacks to be submissive? What a crock. This wasn't about "uppity" blacks. This was about a PERSON breaking the law by standing in front of a polling place brandishing a weapon. Mr. Shabazz violated the 1965 Voters Rights Act. His actions were so egregious that even a racist organization like the New Black Panther Party suspended him for them. Think about that for a moment and then try to make this about Mr. Hill being a racist thug.

As for Barton Bull? You're now claiming he wasn't there? You really don't know the facts in this case, do you, Ed? Barton Bull WAS there and he filed a complaint because of what he witnessed.

You keep trying to make the point that Shabazz wasn't threatening with his night stick because he kept his arms at his sides. Look at the video. Isn't that Shabazz tapping the nightstick against his hand as he comes around to confront Mr. Hill? Hardly keeping his arms at his side. That's showing someone that you have a weapon. Contrast THAT with what Mr. Shabazz does when the Philly Police show up. THEN he hides his nightstick under his arm. Why does he do that? Because it's obviously dawning on the idiot that he's in trouble for standing out there with a weapon in his hands.

The more you try and argue this, Ed...the more ridiculous you appear.
This is the problem with CON$, they SEE what they want to see and not what is actually there.

Now to tap a nightstick against one's hand would require BOTH hands, one to hold the stick and do the tapping and the other hand to be tapped against. NOWHERE in that video does he tap his hand with the stick. BOTH hands are AT EACH SIDE the whole time. Have you no shame??? How can you just keep lying over and over even after your own videos expose your lies??? And he is standing with his arms crossed across his chest before the cops come and he stands the same way when they are there, how is standing the same way changing his behavior to hide the stick which is not listed as a weapon in Pennsylvania, as the law I posted proved? He was not arrested foir any crime, he was not charged with any crime by the police, the criminal complaint against the panther party was dismissed by the BUSH DoJ, YOU GOT NOTHING but your racist imagination!!!

For the umpteenth time there is no one named "BARTOL" BULLshit. The guy's name is BartLE BULLshit!!!! He is not in any videos, there is no video of anyone saying what he said he witnessed being said, he was not in the civil complaint, he does not live in that district, so even assuming he was there, why would he, a NYC resident, be there at that district polling place if the GOP did not have that black district targeted in advance??????? He's a NEW YORK CITY RESIDENT, in an earlier post you claimed he was a certified poll watcher, how the hell did he get a Pennsylvania poll watchers certificate??? He was a McCain supporter and FOX News shill who spouts the same CON$ervative ACORN BULLshit as all Right-wingnut extremists!!!

Now here are the videos, in the first you can see the panthers standing at least 20 feet in front of the wide open door to the polling place and GOP racist thug Hill has a clear and open path directly to the door the whole time. Does he even attempt to take it? Hell no! He heads directly for the panthers who stand by the curb the entire time never making any move what-so-ever to block the entrance. The entire audio is picked up also. But how does the GOP racist thug describe what happened in that video in the FOX interview in the second video? How accurate would you say his description was?

In the third video you have Bartle's version. Did you hear anything about a black president or the word "cracker" he claims to have "witnessed" in the first video???

No matter how obvious a liar GOP racist thug Hill is shown to be, his fellow GOP racists take his word as gospel. And if you want to talk about what groups the participants in this scene belong to, GOP racist thug Hill RUNS the violent "Gathering Of Eagles" Right-wing extremist hate group who attack anti-war protestors.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4MTQVMatW0&feature=player_embedded"]RACIST GROUP INTIMIDATES VOTERS - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX4dcvIYk9A&feature=player_embedded"]BLACK PANTHERS ATTACK VOTERS IN PHILLY VOTING PLACE - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoEpySrLYxs"]O'Reilly Interviews Bartle Bull Eric Holder Drops Black Panther Charges - YouTube[/ame]

Bartle Bull - Journalist | Author - About
I occasionally do broadcast work, mostly for the BBC and Fox News.

I know you're not the sharpest tool in the shed on this subject, Ed but it just dawned on me that you don't realize that Chris Hill is not the man making the video tape with the camera phone. That is someone else entirely. Hill did in fact take some pictures of what was happening there but the VIDEO you're watching was not shot by Chris Hill. If you watch the video of the police arriving you can see Chris Hill in the foreground briefly as the police approach the two New Black Panthers. You also don't seem to realize that Chris Hill wasn't talking about the two NPB'ers blocking his path into the polling place at the time the camera phone video tape was being made...he's talking about something that happened earlier.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFOKnJ0oXYY&feature=related"]EJ Exclusive - Police Respond to Intimidation - YouTube[/ame]

Chris Hill is the man in the white shirt standing several yards in front of the camera phone video guy as the police walk up the drive. If you listen to Hill speak and the camera phone guy speaking you should quickly realize that they have very different accents.

As for why Bartle Bull was in Philly as a poll watcher? You do realize that poll watchers are quite commonly not FROM the area they end up doing their poll watching in? You are right when you say that Bull supported McCain over Obama but to try and paint him as some GOP racist thug as you have Chris Hill is rather laughable since Bull worked as a civil rights attorney in the Deep South during the 60's for people like Medger Evers. Bull was visibly angered by what he saw that day at that Philly polling place. As he put it "Martin Luther King did not die so that man could stand in front of a polling place with a nightstick."
In typical CON$ervative fashion, when CON$ know nothing about which they are pontificating, they stoop to arrogant condescension.

I know the cameraman was Stephen Morse. How does that make GOP racist thug Hill any less a liar? To the DoJ he claimed the panthers blocked his entry to the polling place, but to FOX he BOASTED how he bravely walked between them into the building. He claimed he received calls that the panthers were blocking entry to the polling place but could not produce even one person to support his claim in this day of caller ID. Not only that he also has access to the listing of all the registered voters in that district, yet could not find a single one to support his claim!!!

And now to the stupidity of condescending CON$ervative know-it-alls, If you remember when I posted the limits to the rights of a poll watcher were to INSIDE the polling place and do not include harassing voters and subjecting them to the 3rd degree outside the polling place, I included a link to all the rules, but being a CON$ervative know-it-all who knows nothing, you didn't need to read them. Of course, as a CON$ervative rules are for everyone else, CON$ get to define the rules for CON$. While CON$ can anoint themselves poll watchers anywhere they choose, the rest of us inferior beings are limited to the COUNTY where we are registered to vote!!!

So again, how was Bartle BULLshit, a NYC resident, a REGISTERED poll watcher in Pennsylvania, and what was he doing there, if he even was there, if the GOP had not targeted that black district for disruption in advance???

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Act 2004-97 amended section 417(b) of the Code to read as follows:

Each watcher so appointed must be a qualified registered elector of the county in
which the election district for which the watcher was appointed is located. Each
watcher so appointed shall be authorized to serve in the election district for which
the watcher was appointed and, when the watcher is not serving in the election
district for which the watcher was appointed, in any other election district in the
in which the watcher is a qualified registered elector.... It shall not be a
requirement that a watcher be a resident of the election district for which the
watcher is appointed.

25 P.S. § 2687(b) (emphasis added).

Thus, under section 417(a) of the Code, a candidate, political party or political body is
entitled to appoint as a watcher in any election district of a county any registered
qualified elector of that county, without regard to the election district in which the
watcher is a registered qualified elector within the same county.

And as amended by Act 97, any watcher appointed under section 417(a) of the Code is
authorized to serve in any other election district in the same county when he or she is not
serving in the election district for which the watcher was appointed.
I'm curious...since Jerry Jackson was a registered poll watcher for the Democrats do you have a problem with HIM standing outside the polling place talking with voters and intimidating other poll watchers both inside and outside said polling place?

As for what you alleged about Hill being a liar? If you recall you said that the (Morse) video showed Hill didn't try to enter the polling place but it's obvious that you didn't realize that the man with the camera phone wasn't Hill and that the confrontation between Hill, Shabazz and Jackson occurred at an earlier time and wasn't on video. It was your contention that Hill never entered the polling place. Hill in fact did enter the polling place prior to Morse arriving where he had a conversation with a poll watcher inside who said they felt threatened by Shabazz and Jackson.

As for people coming forward to testify that they felt threatened by Shabazz and Jackson? Quite frankly I'm not surprised at all that people from the neighborhood who DID feel threatened declined to
testify to that. Long after the cameras and news people have gone those people have to live in that neighborhood with Shabazz and Jackson. The real question is why should ANYONE have to testify in a case in which the facts were not even disputed by the defendants..a case in which the violation is clearly shown on video tape? Shabazz and Jackson WERE standing in front of that polling place in full New Black Panther garb...Shabazz WAS brandishing a nightstick. End of story. There is a reason that the New Black Panther Party suspended Shabazz. There is a reason that Shabazz was banned from entering that polling place until 2012. The reason is that he broke the law.

Which brings us back to Eric Holder's rationale for dropping a blatant case of voter intimidation.
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Ah, Ed? You just quoted the rules for poll watchers of sessions of the County Board. What does that have to do with the rules for poll watchers in a national election?

I'm curious...since Jerry Jackson was a registered poll watcher for the Democrats do you have a problem with HIM standing outside the polling place talking with voters and intimidating other poll watchers both inside and outside said polling place?

As for what you alleged about Hill being a liar? If you recall you said that the (Morse) video showed Hill didn't try to enter the polling place but it's obvious that you didn't realize that the man with the camera phone wasn't Hill and that the confrontation between Hill, Shabazz and Jackson occurred at an earlier time and wasn't on video. It was your contention that Hill never entered the polling place. Hill in fact did enter the polling place prior to Morse arriving where he had a conversation with a poll watcher inside who said they felt threatened by Shabazz and Jackson.

As for people coming forward to testify that they felt threatened by Shabazz and Jackson? Quite frankly I'm not surprised at all that people from the neighborhood who DID feel threatened declined to
testify to that. Long after the cameras and news people have gone those people have to live in that neighborhood with Shabazz and Jackson. The real question is why should ANYONE have to testify in a case in which the facts were not even disputed by the defendants? Shabazz and Jackson WERE standing in front of that polling place in full New Black Panther garb...Shabazz WAS brandishing a nightstick. End of story. There is a reason that the New Black Panther Party suspended Shabazz. There is a reason that Shabazz was banned from entering that polling place until 2012. The reason is that he broke the law.

Which brings us back to Eric Holder's rationale for dropping a blatant case of voter intimidation.
Again as a CON$ervative know-it-all you didn't bother to read the link, after all, as a CON$ervative YOU get to define the words, not the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Had you read more than just the title you would have seen that the rules for the County Board OF ELECTIONS include national elections which are called "General Elections."

Appointment of Poll Watchers

Section 417 of the Pennsylvania Election Code, 25 P.S. § 2687, provides for the
appointment of watchers. Under section 417(a), “[e]ach candidate for...election at any
election shall be entitled to appoint two watchers for each election district in which such
candidate is voted for.” In addition, “[e]ach political party and each political body which
has nominated candidates...shall be entitled to appoint three watchers at any
for each election district in which the candidates of such party or
political body are to be voted for.” 25 P.S. § 2687(a).
Now back to GOP racist thug Hill's lies. First of all, there is no video of Jackson talking to anyone other than the GOP thugs sent there to disrupt the vote at that poll who actually started the conversation with him. There is no video or record or proof of Hill ever entering the building and the poll watchers he said were intimidated by the panthers were questioned by the DoJ and they denied being intimidated!!!!! Hill claimed that a black couple working as GOP poll watchers were cowering in the corner after the panthers called them "Race Traitors." They were interviewed by Bush DoJ appointee J Christian Adams where they denied being scared, denied being called "race traitors" and denied even seeing the panthers inside. IOW, it's just another in a long list of lies that only Hill's fellow racists swallow without question. Again I remind you that the Bush DoJ dismissed the criminal charges because they could find no person, including the inside poll watchers, who felt intimidated by the panthers.

That is why GOP racists are reduced to attacking the panthers for the non submissive clothes they wear and have to exaggerate holding their hands at their sides as "brandishing" a weapon that is not listed as a weapon in the state of Pennsylvania.
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Ah, Ed? You just quoted the rules for poll watchers of sessions of the County Board. What does that have to do with the rules for poll watchers in a national election?

I'm curious...since Jerry Jackson was a registered poll watcher for the Democrats do you have a problem with HIM standing outside the polling place talking with voters and intimidating other poll watchers both inside and outside said polling place?

As for what you alleged about Hill being a liar? If you recall you said that the (Morse) video showed Hill didn't try to enter the polling place but it's obvious that you didn't realize that the man with the camera phone wasn't Hill and that the confrontation between Hill, Shabazz and Jackson occurred at an earlier time and wasn't on video. It was your contention that Hill never entered the polling place. Hill in fact did enter the polling place prior to Morse arriving where he had a conversation with a poll watcher inside who said they felt threatened by Shabazz and Jackson.

As for people coming forward to testify that they felt threatened by Shabazz and Jackson? Quite frankly I'm not surprised at all that people from the neighborhood who DID feel threatened declined to
testify to that. Long after the cameras and news people have gone those people have to live in that neighborhood with Shabazz and Jackson. The real question is why should ANYONE have to testify in a case in which the facts were not even disputed by the defendants? Shabazz and Jackson WERE standing in front of that polling place in full New Black Panther garb...Shabazz WAS brandishing a nightstick. End of story. There is a reason that the New Black Panther Party suspended Shabazz. There is a reason that Shabazz was banned from entering that polling place until 2012. The reason is that he broke the law.

Which brings us back to Eric Holder's rationale for dropping a blatant case of voter intimidation.
Again as a CON$ervative know-it-all you didn't bother to read the link, after all, as a CON$ervative YOU get to define the words, not the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Had you read more than just the title you would have seen that the rules for the County Board OF ELECTIONS include national elections which are called "General Elections."

Appointment of Poll Watchers

Section 417 of the Pennsylvania Election Code, 25 P.S. § 2687, provides for the
appointment of watchers. Under section 417(a), “[e]ach candidate for...election at any
election shall be entitled to appoint two watchers for each election district in which such
candidate is voted for.” In addition, “[e]ach political party and each political body which
has nominated candidates...shall be entitled to appoint three watchers at any
for each election district in which the candidates of such party or
political body are to be voted for.” 25 P.S. § 2687(a).
Now back to GOP racist thug Hill's lies. First of all, there is no video of Jackson talking to anyone other than the GOP thugs sent there to disrupt the vote at that poll who actually started the conversation with him. There is no video or record or proof of Hill ever entering the building and the poll watchers he said were intimidated by the panthers were questioned by the DoJ and they denied being intimidated!!!!! Hill claimed that a black couple working as GOP poll watchers were cowering in the corner after the panthers called them "Race Traitors." They were interviewed by Bush DoJ appointee J Christian Adams where they denied being scared, denied being called "race traitors" and denied even seeing the panthers inside. IOW, it's just another in a long list of lies that only Hill's fellow racists swallow without question. Again I remind you that the Bush DoJ dismissed the criminal charges because they could find no person, including the inside poll watchers, who felt intimidated by the panthers.

That is why GOP racists are reduced to attacking the panthers for the non submissive clothes they wear and have to exaggerate holding their hands at their sides as "brandishing" a weapon that is not listed as a weapon in the state of Pennsylvania.

How can you say that charges were dropped by the Bush DOJ because no poll watchers felt intimidated by the New Black Panthers when Bartle Bull WAS a poll watcher and he filed charges against the Panthers? That's absurd. Wait, let me guess...even though Bull was a life long Democrat who worked for Bobby Kennedy and Medgar Evers...because he dislikes Barack Obama ( Bull considered Obama to be a light weight "hustler"...an opinion that has pretty much turned out to be spot on) HIS eyewitness testimony doesn't count?

As for your ridiculous claim that a nightstick is not a weapon? If it wasn't a weapon and Shabazz wasn't brandishing it then kindly explain why he was escorted from the polling place by the police and subsequently barred by the courts from polling places until the year 2012?

Funny, Ed...I don't recall any Hill testimony that a black couple was "cowering in the corner". Care to provide where he did? Nor did anyone testify that the Panthers entered the polling place. The testimony that was given was that Shabazz and Jackson stood outside of the polling place in an area where anyone going in or out would have to pass them, dressed in their Panther attire, holding a nightstick, and making racially charged comments to people as they approached the doors of the polling station. That is the testimony of Bull and Hill the people that you accuse of being liars.

So let's talk about who the real liars were at that polling place. When Mr. Shabazz is asked what he's doing outside the doors he replies "I'm security" misrepresenting himself completely as someone with a right to be where he is, doing what he's doing. After Mr. Shabazz has been escorted away by the police, Mr. Jackson is then asked by a reporter about Mr. Shabazz and the nightstick he was carrying and Mr. Jackson denies knowing anything about either.

Of course you choose to believe two men who are shown telling bald faced lies on camera while accusing two other men of being liars just because you believe they are GOP "thugs". Why is it that the two obvious liars get the benefit of the doubt from you while two men that you haven't demonstrated being untruthful at all get labeled as liars?

Oh, that's right...I forget. This is the same set of rules that were in place when W. was President. According to people like you, Ed...anyone who's a conservative is automatically assumed to be a liar...right? But now that we're into the Obama Administration...anyone who supports his agenda is assumed to be telling the truth...even when they get caught telling blatant lies like Eric Holder did about when he knew about "Fast & Furious" or about his support of the Marc Rich pardon.

The bottom line is that our present Attorney General is someone who thinks the laws of the United States of America are things to be bent, stretched or broken whenever it suits his purpose and whenever he is caught damaging the laws he was sworn to protect...he will look in the camera and lie without a qualm to save his own ass.
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Ah, Ed? You just quoted the rules for poll watchers of sessions of the County Board. What does that have to do with the rules for poll watchers in a national election?

I'm curious...since Jerry Jackson was a registered poll watcher for the Democrats do you have a problem with HIM standing outside the polling place talking with voters and intimidating other poll watchers both inside and outside said polling place?

As for what you alleged about Hill being a liar? If you recall you said that the (Morse) video showed Hill didn't try to enter the polling place but it's obvious that you didn't realize that the man with the camera phone wasn't Hill and that the confrontation between Hill, Shabazz and Jackson occurred at an earlier time and wasn't on video. It was your contention that Hill never entered the polling place. Hill in fact did enter the polling place prior to Morse arriving where he had a conversation with a poll watcher inside who said they felt threatened by Shabazz and Jackson.

As for people coming forward to testify that they felt threatened by Shabazz and Jackson? Quite frankly I'm not surprised at all that people from the neighborhood who DID feel threatened declined to
testify to that. Long after the cameras and news people have gone those people have to live in that neighborhood with Shabazz and Jackson. The real question is why should ANYONE have to testify in a case in which the facts were not even disputed by the defendants? Shabazz and Jackson WERE standing in front of that polling place in full New Black Panther garb...Shabazz WAS brandishing a nightstick. End of story. There is a reason that the New Black Panther Party suspended Shabazz. There is a reason that Shabazz was banned from entering that polling place until 2012. The reason is that he broke the law.

Which brings us back to Eric Holder's rationale for dropping a blatant case of voter intimidation.
Again as a CON$ervative know-it-all you didn't bother to read the link, after all, as a CON$ervative YOU get to define the words, not the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Had you read more than just the title you would have seen that the rules for the County Board OF ELECTIONS include national elections which are called "General Elections."

Appointment of Poll Watchers

Section 417 of the Pennsylvania Election Code, 25 P.S. § 2687, provides for the
appointment of watchers. Under section 417(a), “[e]ach candidate for...election at any
election shall be entitled to appoint two watchers for each election district in which such
candidate is voted for.” In addition, “[e]ach political party and each political body which
has nominated candidates...shall be entitled to appoint three watchers at any
for each election district in which the candidates of such party or
political body are to be voted for.” 25 P.S. § 2687(a).
Now back to GOP racist thug Hill's lies. First of all, there is no video of Jackson talking to anyone other than the GOP thugs sent there to disrupt the vote at that poll who actually started the conversation with him. There is no video or record or proof of Hill ever entering the building and the poll watchers he said were intimidated by the panthers were questioned by the DoJ and they denied being intimidated!!!!! Hill claimed that a black couple working as GOP poll watchers were cowering in the corner after the panthers called them "Race Traitors." They were interviewed by Bush DoJ appointee J Christian Adams where they denied being scared, denied being called "race traitors" and denied even seeing the panthers inside. IOW, it's just another in a long list of lies that only Hill's fellow racists swallow without question. Again I remind you that the Bush DoJ dismissed the criminal charges because they could find no person, including the inside poll watchers, who felt intimidated by the panthers.

That is why GOP racists are reduced to attacking the panthers for the non submissive clothes they wear and have to exaggerate holding their hands at their sides as "brandishing" a weapon that is not listed as a weapon in the state of Pennsylvania.

How can you say that charges were dropped by the Bush DOJ because no poll watchers felt intimidated by the New Black Panthers when Bartle Bull WAS a poll watcher and he filed charges against the Panthers? That's absurd. Wait, let me guess...even though Bull was a life long Democrat who worked for Bobby Kennedy and Medgar Evers...because he dislikes Barack Obama ( Bull considered Obama to be a light weight "hustler"...an opinion that has pretty much turned out to be spot on) HIS eyewitness testimony doesn't count?

As for your ridiculous claim that a nightstick is not a weapon? If it wasn't a weapon and Shabazz wasn't brandishing it then kindly explain why he was escorted from the polling place by the police and subsequently barred by the courts from polling places until the year 2012?

Funny, Ed...I don't recall any Hill testimony that a black couple was "cowering in the corner". Care to provide where he did? Nor did anyone testify that the Panthers entered the polling place. The testimony that was given was that Shabazz and Jackson stood outside of the polling place in an area where anyone going in or out would have to pass them, dressed in their Panther attire, holding a nightstick, and making racially charged comments to people as they approached the doors of the polling station. That is the testimony of Bull and Hill the people that you accuse of being liars.

So let's talk about who the real liars were at that polling place. When Mr. Shabazz is asked what he's doing outside the doors he replies "I'm security" misrepresenting himself completely as someone with a right to be where he is, doing what he's doing. After Mr. Shabazz has been escorted away by the police, Mr. Jackson is then asked by a reporter about Mr. Shabazz and the nightstick he was carrying and Mr. Jackson denies knowing anything about either.

Of course you choose to believe two men who are shown telling bald faced lies on camera while accusing two other men of being liars just because you believe they are GOP "thugs". Why is it that the two obvious liars get the benefit of the doubt from you while two men that you haven't demonstrated being untruthful at all get labeled as liars?

Oh, that's right...I forget. This is the same set of rules that were in place when W. was President. According to people like you, Ed...anyone who's a conservative is automatically assumed to be a liar...right? But now that we're into the Obama Administration...anyone who supports his agenda is assumed to be telling the truth...even when they get caught telling blatant lies like Eric Holder did about when he knew about "Fast & Furious" or about his support of the Marc Rich pardon.

The bottom line is that our present Attorney General is someone who thinks the laws of the United States of America are things to be bent, stretched or broken whenever it suits his purpose and whenever he is caught damaging the laws he was sworn to protect...he will look in the camera and lie without a qualm to save his own ass.
BULLshit was NOT a poll watcher and he filed no charges with the DoJ. Lying to the DoJ is one thing and being a lawyer BULLshit was not prepared to do it. But going on FOX and lying his ass off is another thing and actually quite expected on FOX.

It was Hill's testimony to the DoJ that GOP voting assistants Angela and Larry Counts were cowering inside the polling place afraid to come out after the panthers called them "race traitors." Hill also testified that Angela Counts said that she was afraid the panthers would bomb the place or something to that effect. Bush appointed DoJ investigator J Christian Adams went to the Counts' home and they denied everything the pathological liar Hill claimed. They told Adams that they were not afraid, were not called "race traitors" and they didn't even know that the panthers still existed anymore!!!! The Bush DoJ could not find one single witness to confirm any of Hill's claims and dismissed the criminal complaint for LACK OF EVIDENCE!!!!!

As was pointed out, this didn't satisfy the racist GOP who then after losing their criminal complaint initiated a CIVIL LAWSUIT against the panthers based on Hill's lie that he was blocked from entering the building which the panthers did not even acknowledge let alone contest. Based on that no contest, they tried to get a judgment against the entire panther party from the now Obama DoJ, but when Hill's lie was checked the DoJ found the FOX interview, posted in this thread already, where GOP racist thug Hill boasted of how he bravely and heroically walked between the two panthers and entered the building, thus shooting down his lie that he was blocked from entering the building with his own big mouth. So the Obama DoJ dismissed sought injunction against the panther party based on the phony civil charges for the exact same reason the Bush DoJ dismissed the criminal complaint, a lack of evidence, but because Obama and Holder are black, the racist GOP has a shit fit!!!!!

And your description of what Jackson said while he was being harassed by the FOX "reporter," still trying to create a scene that would disrupt the vote at that black polling place after being asked to leave by the police, just like Shabazz was ASKED to leave, but unlike Shabazz FOX refused to leave, is as inaccurate as everything you posted. When asked about the nightstick, Jackson said he was talking about the present and not about "what was" and there was at present nobody there with a nightstick while FOX was there harassing the community, that was trying to vote in peace, with their camera and shoving a microphone in their face. The FOX thug then said that they had video of Shabazz being escorted away by the police, which they didn't have because Shabazz was ASKED to leave and he left of his own accord, which again FOX refused to leave when the police asked FOX to leave, and that's when Jackson said he didn't know what the FOX goon was talking about. So clearly Jackson was talking about the police "ESCORTING" Shabazz away, which was yet another gross exaggeration to the point of being a lie just like holding one's arms at one's side is brandishing a weapon.
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That two-bit criminal Daryl Issa will be in jail at some point. Let him have his fun now.

That two bit charlatan, Eric Holder, might have to do some time before this is all over.

In his case, though, it would be for actual crimes.

What a tool.

But yeah. Let Issa have his "fun." INVESTIGATE the imbeciles and criminals in the Obama Administration. Just make sure you start with the idiot Attorney General.
Again as a CON$ervative know-it-all you didn't bother to read the link, after all, as a CON$ervative YOU get to define the words, not the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Had you read more than just the title you would have seen that the rules for the County Board OF ELECTIONS include national elections which are called "General Elections."

Now back to GOP racist thug Hill's lies. First of all, there is no video of Jackson talking to anyone other than the GOP thugs sent there to disrupt the vote at that poll who actually started the conversation with him. There is no video or record or proof of Hill ever entering the building and the poll watchers he said were intimidated by the panthers were questioned by the DoJ and they denied being intimidated!!!!! Hill claimed that a black couple working as GOP poll watchers were cowering in the corner after the panthers called them "Race Traitors." They were interviewed by Bush DoJ appointee J Christian Adams where they denied being scared, denied being called "race traitors" and denied even seeing the panthers inside. IOW, it's just another in a long list of lies that only Hill's fellow racists swallow without question. Again I remind you that the Bush DoJ dismissed the criminal charges because they could find no person, including the inside poll watchers, who felt intimidated by the panthers.

That is why GOP racists are reduced to attacking the panthers for the non submissive clothes they wear and have to exaggerate holding their hands at their sides as "brandishing" a weapon that is not listed as a weapon in the state of Pennsylvania.

How can you say that charges were dropped by the Bush DOJ because no poll watchers felt intimidated by the New Black Panthers when Bartle Bull WAS a poll watcher and he filed charges against the Panthers? That's absurd. Wait, let me guess...even though Bull was a life long Democrat who worked for Bobby Kennedy and Medgar Evers...because he dislikes Barack Obama ( Bull considered Obama to be a light weight "hustler"...an opinion that has pretty much turned out to be spot on) HIS eyewitness testimony doesn't count?

As for your ridiculous claim that a nightstick is not a weapon? If it wasn't a weapon and Shabazz wasn't brandishing it then kindly explain why he was escorted from the polling place by the police and subsequently barred by the courts from polling places until the year 2012?

Funny, Ed...I don't recall any Hill testimony that a black couple was "cowering in the corner". Care to provide where he did? Nor did anyone testify that the Panthers entered the polling place. The testimony that was given was that Shabazz and Jackson stood outside of the polling place in an area where anyone going in or out would have to pass them, dressed in their Panther attire, holding a nightstick, and making racially charged comments to people as they approached the doors of the polling station. That is the testimony of Bull and Hill the people that you accuse of being liars.

So let's talk about who the real liars were at that polling place. When Mr. Shabazz is asked what he's doing outside the doors he replies "I'm security" misrepresenting himself completely as someone with a right to be where he is, doing what he's doing. After Mr. Shabazz has been escorted away by the police, Mr. Jackson is then asked by a reporter about Mr. Shabazz and the nightstick he was carrying and Mr. Jackson denies knowing anything about either.

Of course you choose to believe two men who are shown telling bald faced lies on camera while accusing two other men of being liars just because you believe they are GOP "thugs". Why is it that the two obvious liars get the benefit of the doubt from you while two men that you haven't demonstrated being untruthful at all get labeled as liars?

Oh, that's right...I forget. This is the same set of rules that were in place when W. was President. According to people like you, Ed...anyone who's a conservative is automatically assumed to be a liar...right? But now that we're into the Obama Administration...anyone who supports his agenda is assumed to be telling the truth...even when they get caught telling blatant lies like Eric Holder did about when he knew about "Fast & Furious" or about his support of the Marc Rich pardon.

The bottom line is that our present Attorney General is someone who thinks the laws of the United States of America are things to be bent, stretched or broken whenever it suits his purpose and whenever he is caught damaging the laws he was sworn to protect...he will look in the camera and lie without a qualm to save his own ass.
BULLshit was NOT a poll watcher and he filed no charges with the DoJ. Lying to the DoJ is one thing and being a lawyer BULLshit was not prepared to do it. But going on FOX and lying his ass off is another thing and actually quite expected on FOX.

It was Hill's testimony to the DoJ that GOP voting assistants Angela and Larry Counts were cowering inside the polling place afraid to come out after the panthers called them "race traitors." Hill also testified that Angela Counts said that she was afraid the panthers would bomb the place or something to that effect. Bush appointed DoJ investigator J Christian Adams went to the Counts' home and they denied everything the pathological liar Hill claimed. They told Adams that they were not afraid, were not called "race traitors" and they didn't even know that the panthers still existed anymore!!!! The Bush DoJ could not find one single witness to confirm any of Hill's claims and dismissed the criminal complaint for LACK OF EVIDENCE!!!!!

As was pointed out, this didn't satisfy the racist GOP who then after losing their criminal complaint initiated a CIVIL LAWSUIT against the panthers based on Hill's lie that he was blocked from entering the building which the panthers did not even acknowledge let alone contest. Based on that no contest, they tried to get a judgment against the entire panther party from the now Obama DoJ, but when Hill's lie was checked the DoJ found the FOX interview, posted in this thread already, where GOP racist thug Hill boasted of how he bravely and heroically walked between the two panthers and entered the building, thus shooting down his lie that he was blocked from entering the building with his own big mouth. So the Obama DoJ dismissed sought injunction against the panther party based on the phony civil charges for the exact same reason the Bush DoJ dismissed the criminal complaint, a lack of evidence, but because Obama and Holder are black, the racist GOP has a shit fit!!!!!

And your description of what Jackson said while he was being harassed by the FOX "reporter," still trying to create a scene that would disrupt the vote at that black polling place after being asked to leave by the police, just like Shabazz was ASKED to leave, but unlike Shabazz FOX refused to leave, is as inaccurate as everything you posted. When asked about the nightstick, Jackson said he was talking about the present and not about "what was" and there was at present nobody there with a nightstick while FOX was there harassing the community, that was trying to vote in peace, with their camera and shoving a microphone in their face. The FOX thug then said that they had video of Shabazz being escorted away by the police, which they didn't have because Shabazz was ASKED to leave and he left of his own accord, which again FOX refused to leave when the police asked FOX to leave, and that's when Jackson said he didn't know what the FOX goon was talking about. So clearly Jackson was talking about the police "ESCORTING" Shabazz away, which was yet another gross exaggeration to the point of being a lie just like holding one's arms at one's side is brandishing a weapon.

Go ahead and provide me the testimony of Hill about the couple, Ed. I'd love to see it.

Also show me where the police ever asked Fox to leave.

What's amusing, Ed is the song and dance you do on every issue except the one that's pertinent to this case and that's whether or not Mr. Shabazz was standing out in front of a polling place brandishing a nightstick...which anyone with eyes can see was indeed the case.

There isn't a good reason for the case against Shabazz being dropped under orders from Holder...just as there isn't a good reason for Marc Rich to have been granted a pardon on Clinton's last day in office...(Funny how the protestors down on Wall Street don't proclaim outrage at a big financial guy like Rich being let off the hook by Clinton under Eric Holder's direction.)...or a good reason why Holder lied about when he knew about Fast & Furious...or a good reason why the Holder DOJ raided the Gibson guitar factory...or a good reason why the Holder DOJ sued Boeing for building a factory in South Carolina...

Eric Holder is about as sleazy as they come. The fact that "he" is a good friend of Obama speaks volumes about Barack's choice of friends...but then we already KNEW that...right?
That two-bit criminal Daryl Issa will be in jail at some point. Let him have his fun now.

So tell me, Marc...do YOU think that Marc Rich should have been pardoned?

Do you have a problem with Eric Holder lying to Congress?

I've got to tell you...I get a good laugh out of watching you folks on the Left make excuses for yet another Obama appointee that turned out to be awful at their job. Do you recall back during the 2008 election when we were promised that Barack Obama would be surrounding himself with "the best and the brightest"? Sheesh...talk about breach of contract. We were promised the best and the brightest and instead we got Biden, Chu, Holder, Napolitano, Van Jones, Summers, Romer, Browner, Rattner, DeParle, Kundra, Geithner, Salazar, Solis, Duncan...and on and on. Are any of you people REALLY surprised this Administration has been clueless? You'd be hard pressed to find a more clueless group of people then we presently have serving us in leadership positions.
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How can you say that charges were dropped by the Bush DOJ because no poll watchers felt intimidated by the New Black Panthers when Bartle Bull WAS a poll watcher and he filed charges against the Panthers? That's absurd. Wait, let me guess...even though Bull was a life long Democrat who worked for Bobby Kennedy and Medgar Evers...because he dislikes Barack Obama ( Bull considered Obama to be a light weight "hustler"...an opinion that has pretty much turned out to be spot on) HIS eyewitness testimony doesn't count?

As for your ridiculous claim that a nightstick is not a weapon? If it wasn't a weapon and Shabazz wasn't brandishing it then kindly explain why he was escorted from the polling place by the police and subsequently barred by the courts from polling places until the year 2012?

Funny, Ed...I don't recall any Hill testimony that a black couple was "cowering in the corner". Care to provide where he did? Nor did anyone testify that the Panthers entered the polling place. The testimony that was given was that Shabazz and Jackson stood outside of the polling place in an area where anyone going in or out would have to pass them, dressed in their Panther attire, holding a nightstick, and making racially charged comments to people as they approached the doors of the polling station. That is the testimony of Bull and Hill the people that you accuse of being liars.

So let's talk about who the real liars were at that polling place. When Mr. Shabazz is asked what he's doing outside the doors he replies "I'm security" misrepresenting himself completely as someone with a right to be where he is, doing what he's doing. After Mr. Shabazz has been escorted away by the police, Mr. Jackson is then asked by a reporter about Mr. Shabazz and the nightstick he was carrying and Mr. Jackson denies knowing anything about either.

Of course you choose to believe two men who are shown telling bald faced lies on camera while accusing two other men of being liars just because you believe they are GOP "thugs". Why is it that the two obvious liars get the benefit of the doubt from you while two men that you haven't demonstrated being untruthful at all get labeled as liars?

Oh, that's right...I forget. This is the same set of rules that were in place when W. was President. According to people like you, Ed...anyone who's a conservative is automatically assumed to be a liar...right? But now that we're into the Obama Administration...anyone who supports his agenda is assumed to be telling the truth...even when they get caught telling blatant lies like Eric Holder did about when he knew about "Fast & Furious" or about his support of the Marc Rich pardon.

The bottom line is that our present Attorney General is someone who thinks the laws of the United States of America are things to be bent, stretched or broken whenever it suits his purpose and whenever he is caught damaging the laws he was sworn to protect...he will look in the camera and lie without a qualm to save his own ass.
BULLshit was NOT a poll watcher and he filed no charges with the DoJ. Lying to the DoJ is one thing and being a lawyer BULLshit was not prepared to do it. But going on FOX and lying his ass off is another thing and actually quite expected on FOX.

It was Hill's testimony to the DoJ that GOP voting assistants Angela and Larry Counts were cowering inside the polling place afraid to come out after the panthers called them "race traitors." Hill also testified that Angela Counts said that she was afraid the panthers would bomb the place or something to that effect. Bush appointed DoJ investigator J Christian Adams went to the Counts' home and they denied everything the pathological liar Hill claimed. They told Adams that they were not afraid, were not called "race traitors" and they didn't even know that the panthers still existed anymore!!!! The Bush DoJ could not find one single witness to confirm any of Hill's claims and dismissed the criminal complaint for LACK OF EVIDENCE!!!!!

As was pointed out, this didn't satisfy the racist GOP who then after losing their criminal complaint initiated a CIVIL LAWSUIT against the panthers based on Hill's lie that he was blocked from entering the building which the panthers did not even acknowledge let alone contest. Based on that no contest, they tried to get a judgment against the entire panther party from the now Obama DoJ, but when Hill's lie was checked the DoJ found the FOX interview, posted in this thread already, where GOP racist thug Hill boasted of how he bravely and heroically walked between the two panthers and entered the building, thus shooting down his lie that he was blocked from entering the building with his own big mouth. So the Obama DoJ dismissed sought injunction against the panther party based on the phony civil charges for the exact same reason the Bush DoJ dismissed the criminal complaint, a lack of evidence, but because Obama and Holder are black, the racist GOP has a shit fit!!!!!

And your description of what Jackson said while he was being harassed by the FOX "reporter," still trying to create a scene that would disrupt the vote at that black polling place after being asked to leave by the police, just like Shabazz was ASKED to leave, but unlike Shabazz FOX refused to leave, is as inaccurate as everything you posted. When asked about the nightstick, Jackson said he was talking about the present and not about "what was" and there was at present nobody there with a nightstick while FOX was there harassing the community, that was trying to vote in peace, with their camera and shoving a microphone in their face. The FOX thug then said that they had video of Shabazz being escorted away by the police, which they didn't have because Shabazz was ASKED to leave and he left of his own accord, which again FOX refused to leave when the police asked FOX to leave, and that's when Jackson said he didn't know what the FOX goon was talking about. So clearly Jackson was talking about the police "ESCORTING" Shabazz away, which was yet another gross exaggeration to the point of being a lie just like holding one's arms at one's side is brandishing a weapon.

Go ahead and provide me the testimony of Hill about the couple, Ed. I'd love to see it.

Also show me where the police ever asked Fox to leave.

What's amusing, Ed is the song and dance you do on every issue except the one that's pertinent to this case and that's whether or not Mr. Shabazz was standing out in front of a polling place brandishing a nightstick...which anyone with eyes can see was indeed the case.
The FOX reporter who asked Jackson about the nightstick admitted that voters at the polling place called the police on him and the police asked him to leave. He then said he called their lawyers who told them they didn't have to leave and they refused to leave, staying there and broadcasting so as to disrupt the voting at that black polling district just as the racist GOP wanted them to do. It's on the same video you keep referring to when you call Jackson a liar, so stop with the perpetual CON$ervative dumb act!

Here is the transcript of GOP poll watcher Larry Counts testimony, who Hill said he talked to inside the polling place and Hill said was afraid of the panthers:


Page 14

5 Q Did anybody from the Republican
6 Party come in and speak to you during Election Day?
7 A No
8 Q Let me be specific, There is a tall
9 gentleman who was wearing a white shirt and blue
10 jeans. His name is Chris Hill Did he come in and
11 speak to you?

12 A. Not that I recall, no
13 Q I'll be explicit if Mr Hill is on
14 videotape saying that he spoke to you and you
15 indicated that you were afraid,
you don't recall
16 any statement like that to Mr Hill?
17 A No I had no reason to be afraid
I get it. You don't like the corruption of the Obama administration exposed, so you decide to attack the person doing the exposing.

So why do you support corruption? Shouldn't we want to eliminate corruption no matter who is in power?
BULLshit was NOT a poll watcher and he filed no charges with the DoJ. Lying to the DoJ is one thing and being a lawyer BULLshit was not prepared to do it. But going on FOX and lying his ass off is another thing and actually quite expected on FOX.

It was Hill's testimony to the DoJ that GOP voting assistants Angela and Larry Counts were cowering inside the polling place afraid to come out after the panthers called them "race traitors." Hill also testified that Angela Counts said that she was afraid the panthers would bomb the place or something to that effect. Bush appointed DoJ investigator J Christian Adams went to the Counts' home and they denied everything the pathological liar Hill claimed. They told Adams that they were not afraid, were not called "race traitors" and they didn't even know that the panthers still existed anymore!!!! The Bush DoJ could not find one single witness to confirm any of Hill's claims and dismissed the criminal complaint for LACK OF EVIDENCE!!!!!

As was pointed out, this didn't satisfy the racist GOP who then after losing their criminal complaint initiated a CIVIL LAWSUIT against the panthers based on Hill's lie that he was blocked from entering the building which the panthers did not even acknowledge let alone contest. Based on that no contest, they tried to get a judgment against the entire panther party from the now Obama DoJ, but when Hill's lie was checked the DoJ found the FOX interview, posted in this thread already, where GOP racist thug Hill boasted of how he bravely and heroically walked between the two panthers and entered the building, thus shooting down his lie that he was blocked from entering the building with his own big mouth. So the Obama DoJ dismissed sought injunction against the panther party based on the phony civil charges for the exact same reason the Bush DoJ dismissed the criminal complaint, a lack of evidence, but because Obama and Holder are black, the racist GOP has a shit fit!!!!!

And your description of what Jackson said while he was being harassed by the FOX "reporter," still trying to create a scene that would disrupt the vote at that black polling place after being asked to leave by the police, just like Shabazz was ASKED to leave, but unlike Shabazz FOX refused to leave, is as inaccurate as everything you posted. When asked about the nightstick, Jackson said he was talking about the present and not about "what was" and there was at present nobody there with a nightstick while FOX was there harassing the community, that was trying to vote in peace, with their camera and shoving a microphone in their face. The FOX thug then said that they had video of Shabazz being escorted away by the police, which they didn't have because Shabazz was ASKED to leave and he left of his own accord, which again FOX refused to leave when the police asked FOX to leave, and that's when Jackson said he didn't know what the FOX goon was talking about. So clearly Jackson was talking about the police "ESCORTING" Shabazz away, which was yet another gross exaggeration to the point of being a lie just like holding one's arms at one's side is brandishing a weapon.

Go ahead and provide me the testimony of Hill about the couple, Ed. I'd love to see it.

Also show me where the police ever asked Fox to leave.

What's amusing, Ed is the song and dance you do on every issue except the one that's pertinent to this case and that's whether or not Mr. Shabazz was standing out in front of a polling place brandishing a nightstick...which anyone with eyes can see was indeed the case.
The FOX reporter who asked Jackson about the nightstick admitted that voters at the polling place called the police on him and the police asked him to leave. He then said he called their lawyers who told them they didn't have to leave and they refused to leave, staying there and broadcasting so as to disrupt the voting at that black polling district just as the racist GOP wanted them to do. It's on the same video you keep referring to when you call Jackson a liar, so stop with the perpetual CON$ervative dumb act!

Here is the transcript of GOP poll watcher Larry Counts testimony, who Hill said he talked to inside the polling place and Hill said was afraid of the panthers:


Page 14

5 Q Did anybody from the Republican
6 Party come in and speak to you during Election Day?
7 A No
8 Q Let me be specific, There is a tall
9 gentleman who was wearing a white shirt and blue
10 jeans. His name is Chris Hill Did he come in and
11 speak to you?

12 A. Not that I recall, no
13 Q I'll be explicit if Mr Hill is on
14 videotape saying that he spoke to you and you
15 indicated that you were afraid,
you don't recall
16 any statement like that to Mr Hill?
17 A No I had no reason to be afraid

First of all I don't believe any voters called the police on Fox News nor do I believe the police asked FOX to leave. I believe they were asked to leave by someone working at the polling place and that person was informed that FOX was within their rights to be where they were. The FOX reporter points out who the person was and it was not anyone in a uniform.

Secondly I asked you for Hill's testimony. You gave me Larry Count's testimony.

Most importantly...none of that MATTERS. Just the fact that King Shabazz and Jerry Jackson were standing out in front of a polling place dressed as they were, brandishing a night stick and making racially inflammatory statements to ANYONE is a violation of the Voter Rights Act. The rest of your points mean nothing.
Go ahead and provide me the testimony of Hill about the couple, Ed. I'd love to see it.

Also show me where the police ever asked Fox to leave.

What's amusing, Ed is the song and dance you do on every issue except the one that's pertinent to this case and that's whether or not Mr. Shabazz was standing out in front of a polling place brandishing a nightstick...which anyone with eyes can see was indeed the case.
The FOX reporter who asked Jackson about the nightstick admitted that voters at the polling place called the police on him and the police asked him to leave. He then said he called their lawyers who told them they didn't have to leave and they refused to leave, staying there and broadcasting so as to disrupt the voting at that black polling district just as the racist GOP wanted them to do. It's on the same video you keep referring to when you call Jackson a liar, so stop with the perpetual CON$ervative dumb act!

Here is the transcript of GOP poll watcher Larry Counts testimony, who Hill said he talked to inside the polling place and Hill said was afraid of the panthers:


Page 14

5 Q Did anybody from the Republican
6 Party come in and speak to you during Election Day?
7 A No
8 Q Let me be specific, There is a tall
9 gentleman who was wearing a white shirt and blue
10 jeans. His name is Chris Hill Did he come in and
11 speak to you?

12 A. Not that I recall, no
13 Q I'll be explicit if Mr Hill is on
14 videotape saying that he spoke to you and you
15 indicated that you were afraid,
you don't recall
16 any statement like that to Mr Hill?
17 A No I had no reason to be afraid

First of allI don't believe any voters called the police on Fox News nor do I believe the police asked FOX to leave. I believe they were asked to leave by someone working at the polling place and that person was informed that FOX was within their rights to be where they were. The FOX reporter points out who the person was and it was not anyone in a uniform.

Secondly I asked you for Hill's testimony. You gave me Larry Count's testimony.

Most importantly...none of that MATTERS. Just the fact that King Shabazz and Jerry Jackson were standing out in front of a polling place dressed as they were, brandishing a night stick and making racially inflammatory statements to ANYONE is a violation of the Voter Rights Act. The rest of your points mean nothing.
You admit that a poll worker asked the FOX thug to leave and you admit the FOX goon refused, but you pretend not to see and hear the part on the same video where the FOX thug points to the worker who the FOX thug admits called the police and the police asked FOX to leave. The FOX goon actually says it twice that the gentleman he pointed to called the police and after the second time he said the worker called the police, the FOX thug said police came and asked FOX to leave and he refused the police request. Fox was there and at 7 or 8 other black districts to suppress the black vote in a very key state and nobody, not even the police was going to stop them!

I gave you Counts' testimony regarding Hill's testimony, killing two birds with one link. you are just pissed at how the whole testimony nails GOP racist thug Hill in all his lies, not just about what Hill claimed Counts said. According to Counts he never saw Hill inside as I already posted and on page 15 Counts is shown a picture and at the end of the page he is asked about the WHITE girl on the cell phone behind the panthers, the girl we see on both the videos YOU posted.

Now if you recall, when the cops came in your second video and said to the panthers that they were blocking people from entering, the white girl on the cell phone can be heard saying to the cops that that was not true. And in the FOX interview with Hill I posted, the FOX thug said the panthers were there to intimidate white voters and Hill chimed in or anyone who wasn't voting their way, as if the panthers were mind-readers and could tell how blacks and whites would vote just looking at them. But there is the white girl in both your videos completely unintimidated by the panthers, unblocked from the doorway and defending the panthers to the police!!!

But none of that matters to you because having one's arms at one's sides and saying nothing is brandishing a weapon and making racially inflammatory statements. :cuckoo:
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The FOX reporter who asked Jackson about the nightstick admitted that voters at the polling place called the police on him and the police asked him to leave. He then said he called their lawyers who told them they didn't have to leave and they refused to leave, staying there and broadcasting so as to disrupt the voting at that black polling district just as the racist GOP wanted them to do. It's on the same video you keep referring to when you call Jackson a liar, so stop with the perpetual CON$ervative dumb act!

Here is the transcript of GOP poll watcher Larry Counts testimony, who Hill said he talked to inside the polling place and Hill said was afraid of the panthers:


Page 14

5 Q Did anybody from the Republican
6 Party come in and speak to you during Election Day?
7 A No
8 Q Let me be specific, There is a tall
9 gentleman who was wearing a white shirt and blue
10 jeans. His name is Chris Hill Did he come in and
11 speak to you?

12 A. Not that I recall, no
13 Q I'll be explicit if Mr Hill is on
14 videotape saying that he spoke to you and you
15 indicated that you were afraid,
you don't recall
16 any statement like that to Mr Hill?
17 A No I had no reason to be afraid

First of allI don't believe any voters called the police on Fox News nor do I believe the police asked FOX to leave. I believe they were asked to leave by someone working at the polling place and that person was informed that FOX was within their rights to be where they were. The FOX reporter points out who the person was and it was not anyone in a uniform.

Secondly I asked you for Hill's testimony. You gave me Larry Count's testimony.

Most importantly...none of that MATTERS. Just the fact that King Shabazz and Jerry Jackson were standing out in front of a polling place dressed as they were, brandishing a night stick and making racially inflammatory statements to ANYONE is a violation of the Voter Rights Act. The rest of your points mean nothing.
You admit that a poll worker asked the FOX thug to leave and you admit the FOX goon refused, but you pretend not to see and hear the part on the same video where the FOX thug points to the worker who the FOX thug admits called the police and the police asked FOX to leave. The FOX goon actually says it twice that the gentleman he pointed to called the police and after the second time he said the worker called the police, the FOX thug said police came and asked FOX to leave and he refused the police request. Fox was there and at 7 or 8 other black districts to suppress the black vote in a very key state and nobody, not even the police was going to stop them!

I gave you Counts' testimony regarding Hill's testimony, killing two birds with one link. you are just pissed at how the whole testimony nails GOP racist thug Hill in all his lies, not just about what Hill claimed Counts said. According to Counts he never saw Hill inside as I already posted and on page 15 Counts is shown a picture and at the end of the page he is asked about the WHITE girl on the cell phone behind the panthers, the girl we see on both the videos YOU posted.

Now if you recall, when the cops came in your second video and said to the panthers that they were blocking people from entering, the white girl on the cell phone can be heard saying to the cops that that was not true. And in the FOX interview with Hill I posted, the FOX thug said the panthers were there to intimidate white voters and Hill chimed in or anyone who wasn't voting their way, as if the panthers were mind-readers and could tell how blacks and whites would vote just looking at them. But there is the white girl in both your videos completely unintimidated by the panthers, unblocked from the doorway and defending the panthers to the police!!!

But none of that matters to you because having one's arms at one's sides and saying nothing is brandishing a weapon and making racially inflammatory statements. :cuckoo:

You admit that a poll worker asked the FOX thug to leave and you admit the FOX goon refused

Fox goon? The guy dressed in the military uniform with the weapon in his hand? :lol:
The FOX reporter who asked Jackson about the nightstick admitted that voters at the polling place called the police on him and the police asked him to leave. He then said he called their lawyers who told them they didn't have to leave and they refused to leave, staying there and broadcasting so as to disrupt the voting at that black polling district just as the racist GOP wanted them to do. It's on the same video you keep referring to when you call Jackson a liar, so stop with the perpetual CON$ervative dumb act!

Here is the transcript of GOP poll watcher Larry Counts testimony, who Hill said he talked to inside the polling place and Hill said was afraid of the panthers:


Page 14

5 Q Did anybody from the Republican
6 Party come in and speak to you during Election Day?
7 A No
8 Q Let me be specific, There is a tall
9 gentleman who was wearing a white shirt and blue
10 jeans. His name is Chris Hill Did he come in and
11 speak to you?

12 A. Not that I recall, no
13 Q I'll be explicit if Mr Hill is on
14 videotape saying that he spoke to you and you
15 indicated that you were afraid,
you don't recall
16 any statement like that to Mr Hill?
17 A No I had no reason to be afraid

First of allI don't believe any voters called the police on Fox News nor do I believe the police asked FOX to leave. I believe they were asked to leave by someone working at the polling place and that person was informed that FOX was within their rights to be where they were. The FOX reporter points out who the person was and it was not anyone in a uniform.

Secondly I asked you for Hill's testimony. You gave me Larry Count's testimony.

Most importantly...none of that MATTERS. Just the fact that King Shabazz and Jerry Jackson were standing out in front of a polling place dressed as they were, brandishing a night stick and making racially inflammatory statements to ANYONE is a violation of the Voter Rights Act. The rest of your points mean nothing.
You admit that a poll worker asked the FOX thug to leave and you admit the FOX goon refused, but you pretend not to see and hear the part on the same video where the FOX thug points to the worker who the FOX thug admits called the police and the police asked FOX to leave. The FOX goon actually says it twice that the gentleman he pointed to called the police and after the second time he said the worker called the police, the FOX thug said police came and asked FOX to leave and he refused the police request. Fox was there and at 7 or 8 other black districts to suppress the black vote in a very key state and nobody, not even the police was going to stop them!

I gave you Counts' testimony regarding Hill's testimony, killing two birds with one link. you are just pissed at how the whole testimony nails GOP racist thug Hill in all his lies, not just about what Hill claimed Counts said. According to Counts he never saw Hill inside as I already posted and on page 15 Counts is shown a picture and at the end of the page he is asked about the WHITE girl on the cell phone behind the panthers, the girl we see on both the videos YOU posted.

Now if you recall, when the cops came in your second video and said to the panthers that they were blocking people from entering, the white girl on the cell phone can be heard saying to the cops that that was not true. And in the FOX interview with Hill I posted, the FOX thug said the panthers were there to intimidate white voters and Hill chimed in or anyone who wasn't voting their way, as if the panthers were mind-readers and could tell how blacks and whites would vote just looking at them. But there is the white girl in both your videos completely unintimidated by the panthers, unblocked from the doorway and defending the panthers to the police!!!

But none of that matters to you because having one's arms at one's sides and saying nothing is brandishing a weapon and making racially inflammatory statements. :cuckoo:

Do you remember when I made the point that I wasn't surprised that a black man from that Philly neighborhood was reluctant to go on record against the New Black Panthers? Do you realize that Mr. Counts changed his testimony from what he originally told investigators? That his original testimony did in fact back up what was said by the Republican poll watchers? Are you aware that the Commission on Civil Rights investigative report into what occurred that day noted that Mr. Counts testimony differs substantially from what he originally said to what he testified to later and makes the point that the change in testimony was very likely because of a fear of reprisal from the Panthers involved? All Mr. Counts "latter" testimony proves is that a black man and his wife getting paid $200 each for the day to be Republican poll watchers (even though they were actually Democrats) were not going to put themselves at risk of reprisal and recanted their earlier statements. That isn't proof that Hill is a thug...that's proof that the Count's know only too well who the real thugs are and they weren't going to testify against them and then have to live in that neighborhood.
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First of allI don't believe any voters called the police on Fox News nor do I believe the police asked FOX to leave. I believe they were asked to leave by someone working at the polling place and that person was informed that FOX was within their rights to be where they were. The FOX reporter points out who the person was and it was not anyone in a uniform.

Secondly I asked you for Hill's testimony. You gave me Larry Count's testimony.

Most importantly...none of that MATTERS. Just the fact that King Shabazz and Jerry Jackson were standing out in front of a polling place dressed as they were, brandishing a night stick and making racially inflammatory statements to ANYONE is a violation of the Voter Rights Act. The rest of your points mean nothing.
You admit that a poll worker asked the FOX thug to leave and you admit the FOX goon refused, but you pretend not to see and hear the part on the same video where the FOX thug points to the worker who the FOX thug admits called the police and the police asked FOX to leave. The FOX goon actually says it twice that the gentleman he pointed to called the police and after the second time he said the worker called the police, the FOX thug said police came and asked FOX to leave and he refused the police request. Fox was there and at 7 or 8 other black districts to suppress the black vote in a very key state and nobody, not even the police was going to stop them!

I gave you Counts' testimony regarding Hill's testimony, killing two birds with one link. you are just pissed at how the whole testimony nails GOP racist thug Hill in all his lies, not just about what Hill claimed Counts said. According to Counts he never saw Hill inside as I already posted and on page 15 Counts is shown a picture and at the end of the page he is asked about the WHITE girl on the cell phone behind the panthers, the girl we see on both the videos YOU posted.

Now if you recall, when the cops came in your second video and said to the panthers that they were blocking people from entering, the white girl on the cell phone can be heard saying to the cops that that was not true. And in the FOX interview with Hill I posted, the FOX thug said the panthers were there to intimidate white voters and Hill chimed in or anyone who wasn't voting their way, as if the panthers were mind-readers and could tell how blacks and whites would vote just looking at them. But there is the white girl in both your videos completely unintimidated by the panthers, unblocked from the doorway and defending the panthers to the police!!!

But none of that matters to you because having one's arms at one's sides and saying nothing is brandishing a weapon and making racially inflammatory statements. :cuckoo:

You admit that a poll worker asked the FOX thug to leave and you admit the FOX goon refused

Fox goon? The guy dressed in the military uniform with the weapon in his hand? :lol:
The FOX thug who refused to leave when the police asked him to.

The gentleman in the uniform did not want to cause a scene that might suppress the vote, so he left when asked by the police even though he had the same right to be 10 feet from the entrance to the polling place as the FOX goon, since a baton is not considered a weapon in Pennsylvania unless it is an electrified stun baton. The FOX thug was there, as well as 7 or 8 other black districts in West Philadelphia by his own admission, for the sole purpose of suppressing the black vote in a key election state by shoving his mic and camera in the faces of people who are well known to prefer to vote in private.
That FOX goon!

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