Darrel Issa: Emails "don't just disappear... unless that was the intention."

They get buried on the grassy knoll.

Even the leftists arent taking the administration seriously. The best is "we dont know everything." True. We never know everything. But we know enough to say a grand jury would probably indict on the evidence of tampering with evidence in a criminal investigation.

No we don't. Even you said "probably".....indicating that you don't know.

Where is the evidence of tampering? Got any yet?
Yes, I've posted it many many times and conveniently you ignore it.
They get buried on the grassy knoll.

Even the leftists arent taking the administration seriously. The best is "we dont know everything." True. We never know everything. But we know enough to say a grand jury would probably indict on the evidence of tampering with evidence in a criminal investigation.

Plus everyone knows the groups the IRS was going after were a bunch of lying ass criminals to start with. They basically rob the tax payers with their tax free scam that allows them to gets donations from rich cats who get tax breaks for donating to them. Big scam to rob the American tax payers. So, nobody really gives a fuck if an overzealous IRS got a little carried away trying to catch some crooks.

Yeah, go with that.
Whoever thought liberals would be defending suppression of free speech by one of the most powerful and feared agencies in government.
Even the leftists arent taking the administration seriously. The best is "we dont know everything." True. We never know everything. But we know enough to say a grand jury would probably indict on the evidence of tampering with evidence in a criminal investigation.

No we don't. Even you said "probably".....indicating that you don't know.

Where is the evidence of tampering? Got any yet?
Yes, I've posted it many many times and conveniently you ignore it.

No you haven't. You could not possibly have posted evidence of tampering as none currently exists.

You want there to be evidence very badly. When there is some...please prance over here and post it without delay. Use big letters. Until then...stop claiming that you have it.
No we don't. Even you said "probably".....indicating that you don't know.

Where is the evidence of tampering? Got any yet?
Yes, I've posted it many many times and conveniently you ignore it.

No you haven't. You could not possibly have posted evidence of tampering as none currently exists.

You want there to be evidence very badly. When there is some...please prance over here and post it without delay. Use big letters. Until then...stop claiming that you have it.

It's already been done. Sorry you dont see it. Get glasses. We're done here.
Still no evidence. There are more threads on this subject here at the USMB than there are shreds of evidence proving that anyone at the IRS intentionally destroyed evidence.
The emails are missing.

Do you deny it?
Criminal charges need to be filed. Starting at the top of the IRS and going right down to the IT Department.
Still no evidence. There are more threads on this subject here at the USMB than there are shreds of evidence proving that anyone at the IRS intentionally destroyed evidence.
The emails are missing.

Do you deny it?

It was a hard drive fail. Your hard drive fails sometimes too, right? So what's the big deal??
Idiots like LoneToker lap that shit up. Piss on their leg and tell them it's raining.

There is no excuse, zero, for the IRS not producing the emails. There is an explanation. And the explanation is the emails reveal criminal activiity. Of course if they do who is going to prosecute it? Congress needs to appoint a special prosecutor with special powers because the executive branch is too corrupt to do anything.
Not a smidgeon of corruption, remember?
Still no evidence. There are more threads on this subject here at the USMB than there are shreds of evidence proving that anyone at the IRS intentionally destroyed evidence.
The emails are missing.

Do you deny it?

It was a hard drive fail. Your hard drive fails sometimes too, right? So what's the big deal??
Idiots like LoneToker lap that shit up. Piss on their leg and tell them it's raining.

There is no excuse, zero, for the IRS not producing the emails. There is an explanation. And the explanation is the emails reveal criminal activiity. Of course if they do who is going to prosecute it? Congress needs to appoint a special prosecutor with special powers because the executive branch is too corrupt to do anything.
Not a smidgeon of corruption, remember?

Nope. Still no evidence.
Still no evidence. There are more threads on this subject here at the USMB than there are shreds of evidence proving that anyone at the IRS intentionally destroyed evidence.
The emails are missing.

Do you deny it?

The only emails that are missing are the ones between Learner and Rove, Boehner and McConnell where they plotted to hold up Obama's IRS appointments so Bush appointments like Shulman and Learner could sabotage the Obama administration. All the 24,000 emails received by Obama people from Learner that were on the crashed drive have been turned over to Issahole, the only outstanding emails are the ones to the GOP. :badgrin:
Still no evidence. There are more threads on this subject here at the USMB than there are shreds of evidence proving that anyone at the IRS intentionally destroyed evidence.
The emails are missing.

Do you deny it?

It was a hard drive fail. Your hard drive fails sometimes too, right? So what's the big deal??
Idiots like LoneToker lap that shit up. Piss on their leg and tell them it's raining.

There is no excuse, zero, for the IRS not producing the emails. There is an explanation. And the explanation is the emails reveal criminal activiity. Of course if they do who is going to prosecute it? Congress needs to appoint a special prosecutor with special powers because the executive branch is too corrupt to do anything.
Not a smidgeon of corruption, remember?

The only criminal activity is between Bush appointee Learner, Bush appointee Shulman and the GOP.
Some people know the difference between a computer crash and a hard drive crash. And then again, some people are stupid enough to think there is no difference.
How stupid are you, yet again?

Please explain how emails get wiped away when someone's hard drive crashes. This'll be good.
The perpetual Right-wing dumb act again. There are whole industries, both backup and recovery, based on the loss of data from hard drive crashes.

Data Loss and Hard Drive Failure

Hard drive failure is an inescapable reality in the modern business world. Whether due to human error, software corruption or other causes most firms will face incidents of lost data through hard drive failure. In this paper we analyze the various causes of hard drive failure and estimate the costs of each incident. Our calculations indicate that on average a single data loss incident will cost an organization $2,900, the majority of which is measured as lost productivity. Finally, we offer seven suggestions for responding to hard drive failures.
Those companies that have lost data due to hard drive failures have an incompetent IT staff.

Given legal requirements and loss of income from loss of data, companies go through great lengths to ensure the recovery of 99% of any data set. The losses belong in the category of data that may have been lost between backup sets, which account for less than 1/10 of 1%.

Given that there are whole industries dedicated to recovering information from damaged hard drives, even that 1/10 can be recovered if the information is important enough.

Under no circumstances would a company lose 2 years worth of data, and if they did, the government would prosecute them if they did.

These emails are being purposefully hidden from investigators.
Still no evidence. There are more threads on this subject here at the USMB than there are shreds of evidence proving that anyone at the IRS intentionally destroyed evidence.
The emails are missing.

Do you deny it?

The only emails that are missing are the ones between Learner and Rove, Boehner and McConnell where they plotted to hold up Obama's IRS appointments so Bush appointments like Shulman and Learner could sabotage the Obama administration. All the 24,000 emails received by Obama people from Learner that were on the crashed drive have been turned over to Issahole, the only outstanding emails are the ones to the GOP. :badgrin:
Okay, I see. You cannot refute any of this and so resort to lies.

You are a liar. Say goodnight.
Still no evidence. There are more threads on this subject here at the USMB than there are shreds of evidence proving that anyone at the IRS intentionally destroyed evidence.
The emails are missing.

Do you deny it?


Why would you ask such a stupid question?
I asked because in order for the emails to be hidden, a deliberate attempt to remove and/or hide them would be required. Emails do not just go 'lost' when a hard drive crashes.

So, your entire position is one of a partisan hack who has to hide the truth to protect your party, at the expense of your own integrity.

Seems the question was not so stupid after all.
The emails are missing.

Do you deny it?


Why would you ask such a stupid question?
I asked because in order for the emails to be hidden, a deliberate attempt to remove and/or hide them would be required. Emails do not just go 'lost' when a hard drive crashes.

So, your entire position is one of a partisan hack who has to hide the truth to protect your party, at the expense of your own integrity.

Seems the question was not so stupid after all.

That would be really convincing if it were true. Did anyone say that emails were hidden? That wasn't even the question you asked.

I'm not hiding any truth. I don't know what the truth is. How can I hide it? I've no desire to hide any truth. And....I ain't got no party.

You don't know either. But that isn't stopping you from making an ass of yourself.
This isn't being reported anywhere in the mainstream media, except on Fox News and internet outlets like Brietbart.

I just checked, and there are NO stories about missing emails on CNN, CBS, NBC, or ABC websites.

If you were wondering how Democrats thought they could possibly get away with such blatant destruction of evidence and excuses about it.... now you know.


Darrell Issa: Records Like Lois Lerner's Emails 'Don't Just Disappear... Unless That Was the Intention'

Darrell Issa: Records Like Lois Lerner's Emails 'Don't Just Disappear... Unless That Was the Intention'

by Dan Riehl
18 Jun 2014

Amid new reports claiming that Louis Lerner's emails sought by Congress pursuant to claims the IRS targeted Tea Party groups are lost forever, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa issued a blistering statement alleging that such federal records can only disappear like this through deliberate destruction.

If the IRS truly got rid of evidence in a way that violated the Federal Records Act and ensured the FBI never got a crack at recovering files from an official claiming a Fifth amendment protection against self-incrimination, this is proof their whole line about "losing" e-mails in the targeting scandal was just one more attempted deception.

Old and useless binders of information are still stored and maintained on federal agency shelves. Official records, like the e-mails of a prominent official, don't just disappear without a trace, unless that was the intention.


They wont touch it it seems.
To them it never happened.
They don't have to defend it if to them it never happened...
Fair and balanced Liberal media.
Darrel Issa: Emails "don't just disappear... unless that was the intention."


Issa’s completely devoid of credibility, he’s just another partisan rightwing hack, just another conservative loon jumping to the conclusion of an unfounded conspiracy theory absent any facts or evidence.

blah blah blah

You're just pissed because he's trying to hold this corrupt administration accountable.
The emails are missing.

Do you deny it?

The only emails that are missing are the ones between Learner and Rove, Boehner and McConnell where they plotted to hold up Obama's IRS appointments so Bush appointments like Shulman and Learner could sabotage the Obama administration. All the 24,000 emails received by Obama people from Learner that were on the crashed drive have been turned over to Issahole, the only outstanding emails are the ones to the GOP. :badgrin:
Okay, I see. You cannot refute any of this and so resort to lies.

You are a liar. Say goodnight.

What lies?

That Boehner and McConnell have been holding up Obama's appointees to the IRS, is an undeniable fact. As a result Obama has been saddled with Bush appointees at the heart of this "scandal." That Lois Learner is a Bush appointee is also an undeniable fact. That Lois Learner was the source of the "leak" to the ABA that Right-wing groups were scrutinized by the IRS is also an undeniable fact.

How blind do you have to be not to see Rove's and the GOP's fingerprints all over this "scandal?"

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