Dare we mention an Iraqi CIVIL WAR?

kentucky fried mcdonalds:

Hey how about we quit spending money on social programs i.e medicare and S.S. Oh wait no we caint do that because that would mean that people would have to take care of themselves....Not in America
...now that's right up there with your other answers. :rolleyes: at least you keep in theme! got a reasonable answer in there somewhere?

I support his war because I belive that what we are doing is right.
if that's what is right, i'd really hate to see WRONG. BTW, looks like our soldiers got attacked today. there goes your theory of the 'insurgents' not targeting the US anymore. honestly, i know you want to believe we are doing something for the right reason. simple fact is, we're going about it all wrong.

Okay spilly enough with the phlegm. as I said in my original post to this thread, this article hardly proves your addendum that we are only now considering the possibility of civil war. Can you prove that we haven't?

i haven't even BEGAN to hawk, but since you are on the verge of personal attacks, it may start. sure, people can argue your point that we knew civil war was coming. but your point there contradicts this last line:

As KCmcD has put it, with what army do you expect this to happen?
i guess we saw this coming, but it can't possibly happen? is that what you're saying? :confused: there will be much MUCH more death in iraq to come. don't believe me (or the track record)??? sit back and watch. i won't debate the crystal ball any longer. the news today speaks for itself:


A point that has clearly been used in your article to essentially say that the Iraqis were better off under Saddam. Clearly it is in praise of a tyrant.
this is not praise of a tyrant, but merely a testament to the stability, morally right or wrong as you see it. my interpretation is different from yours, and i can respect that.

ah yes, here is the crux of why you are wrong. The current bombing is not related to Shia-Sunni tensions but a foreign jihad attempting to bring about its cataclysm to bring it into existence. If that effort is exposed, it will be totally unconvincing in its efforts to cause infighting.
what continues to crack me up is how you same people who drew this worst case scenario for iraq last year are now projecting the best possible case scenario for stability in iraq. the only consistency there is the basis outside of reality. let's see these attacks stop, eh? let's bet on it!!! i'll take your money any day. it's a matter of simple common sense.

Let's be fair. In the letter Zarqawi claims responsibility for 25 suicide bombings that have occured in Iraq in the past months. Clearly that means he represents a majority of the terrorism which has so far succeeded in casualties. Therefore he is a significant voice. You can't deny it even with your own reynolds factory working 24/7
oh boy another third grade cheap shot :rolleyes: it only reflects on you, man. i guess zraqawi organized today's attack? now who exactly has been sitting next to the microwave too long? sheesh.
WHy do you have to be so negative spill, can't you see the good in this endevor. Or is your hatered of Bush so great that in your eye's the man could do no wrong?

I bet if this was a Dem youl'd be right on board.
Where was the loud out cry from the left in Kosovo. Milosivach was killing his people too and you guys had absolutly no probalem ending his regime.

Why the flip flop, Oh because a Dem was in office. I get it!!!!:rolleyes:
jeez, are you mispelling things on purpose??

one again, that simple perspective of yours lets you assume far too much :eek:

Where was the loud out cry from the left in Kosovo.

pop quiz:

where was the loud cry FROM ANY SIDE? it was currently happening, and to a much larger scale.

when was saddam committing his worse atrocities? why didn't we oust him then??

i was against that as well! no flip flop there! your posts have gone from illogical to totally reaching :rolleyes:

WHy do you have to be so negative spill, can't you see the good in this endevor. Or is your hatered of Bush so great that in your eye's the man could do no wrong?
(you mean right?)

WHY???!!! is the daily commissioned death not enough to piss YOU off?? what kind of american are you??!!
jeez, are you mispelling things on purpose??

No, i am jsut a horable speller, have been my whole life and probally will be for the rest of it.

where was the loud cry FROM ANY SIDE? it was currently happening, and to a much larger scale.

THer was no cry from the right because we belived it to be just. There was no cry from the left because it was your president. If a republican would have gone in and done what clinton did there would have been hell all across the country.

when was saddam committing his worse atrocities? why didn't we oust him then??

Saddam's worst atroicities accourd after the gulf war. When his people rebbelled and were put down violantly. We could have gone in any time between 91 and now. We didn't. Bush the 1st bent to the international communities will to not go into Iraq(his poeple were slaughtered because of this decsine). Clinton, The biggest of the foriegn policy blunderers,
1 didn't want to piss off the Arabs because he wanted to be the man who brought Isreal and Palestine to peace( oh no ego mainia there. He didn't do a thing for Iraq because he wanted to be in the history books)
2. All the man was capable of doing in foriegn policy was to shot missles. He couldn't have put an army in the field if one was standing outside whashington.

It took 9-11 and George Bush to finaly do what we should have done 13 years ago. Now that it's a republican the mans history of killing his people has no bearing. Yet that is why we went to Kosovo. Oh and Hey guess what it was NATO that fixed the problem not the UN. Where you internationalists then. Where were the chants get the worlds permision then.
You people are hypocrits you only support policy that futhers your leaders agenda or political standing.
Why do you think Kerry has been able to flip flop on the war so much. Because the Left doesn't care.:tng:

you're right i meant to say do no right.
WHY???!!! is the daily commissioned death not enough to piss YOU off?? what kind of american are you??!!

Man, I am so glad you weren't around during WWII. What would you have said then? The daily deathtoll is nothing compared to what it could be.

As somebody that spent eight years in our ALL VOLUNTEER Army, I can tell you that the majority of the guys over there know why they are there and they understand their mission. I can also tell you that they knew what the dangers were when they signed their names on the dotted line.

You can spin all you want, but I am glad our soldiers are "overthere" fighting the bums so we don't have to fight them here while simultaneously trying to take care of our families.
You can spin all you want, but I am glad our soldiers are "overthere" fighting the bums so we don't have to fight them here while simultaneously trying to take care of our families

abosolutly, I wonder how much spill would be bitching if the war on terror was being fought in New York or Washington D.C. Then what bush would be the best pres because we weren't attacking the terrorists on there land. and yes they do have a land it's called the middle east. So as long as the bobms are going off in Baghdad(spelling?) and not in New York I'm a pretty happy Guy!!:D

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