Dante Would Consider Voting For John Ellis 'Jeb' Bush in 2016

"Dante Would Consider Voting For Jeb Bush in 2016"

The snag is he wouldn't just be getting Jeb!

He'd also be getting the same failed policies of the previous administration, as well as many of its administrators – in particular, judicial appointees hostile to the rights of millions of Americans.

speculation and more than one Justice and newly elected President has disappointed supporters, donors, and the loudmouths in the media
Dante Would Consider Voting For Jeb Bush in 2016

I disagree with him on the Florida high speed rail initiative, but I also agree with him on many other things. At least he tackled environment and education issues. Not much to disagree with there/ .

This was honest and in some way heroic: Bush was asked what he would do for African Americans if he gets elected, responding: "It’s time to strive for a society where there’s equality of opportunity, not equality of results. So I’m going to answer your question by saying: probably nothing." -- wikipedia link - It probably cost him the election -- but he was honest and what is not to like about what he said?

Bush was responsible for creating the Corporate Income Tax Credit Scholarship which provides corporations with tax credits for donations to Scholarship Funding Organizations which must spend 100% of the donations on scholarships for low income students. - wikipedia link -

I actually prefer the elites like the Bush family to the people like Obama and Carter and Reagan.

I like the Clintons too

Sue me
Of course -- not having a closed or empty mind. :laugh2:
Don't you have to know who the alternatives are first? I do.
Not to consider. But who the other candidate is (speaking of general election) would determine who gets my vote..
Dante is a liberal and true liberals have open minds -- within reason

Yanno, there's a reason I put mine in the plural -- "alternatives are"....

Whichever candidate runs for whichever party, the first thing we gotta get rid of is this binary mindset that it's gotta be Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dumb.

Maybe I'm a minority but when given a choice of two and I don't like either, the first thing I ask is "what else ya got"?

Third candidates in the general screw everything up. Pluralities give us very unstable governments -- look at the past 50 years

I agree with everything Dante has said on this thread. The only thing I would add is that Senators (of either party) generally make lousy Presidents. Being Governor of a State is the only relevant job experience.

Senator Kennedy was a good president.
Senator Johnson was a good president.
Senator Obama is a good president.
Senator Truman was a good president.

Depending on how good is defined, why yes
I don't much like Jeb but he doesn't suck to Dubya's extent.

Fuck Jeb - he's a snake.

Of course Jeb is a snake...nearly all pols are. The problem with you partisan party types is you only recognize snakes in the party you oppose.

Your argument is essentially Ds good Rs bad....duh!

Dear Misanthropic Troglodyte, anyone that runs becomes a politician in time. So you truly should stand by your opinions and principles and stay away from the politics section and please, please follow your heart and DO NOT vote
I'd vote for Condoleeza Rice in a heart beat and that has nothing to do with plumbing or skin color other than the fact that Liberal heads would explode trying to avoid coming of misogynistic or racist while debating her.While that would please me to no end, I also realize that if she had been born a white male, we would never have heard her name.

Condi? Not ready for prime time Condi? :rofl:
Far more ready than BHO was in 2008 AND a lot smarter.
I liked Coni when she was in academia, but she was definitely not ready for prime time in the Bush admin. I think she is not smarter than Obama, but who knows.
I think she's got 40 points on obama.

OK 10 minutes research gives me barack obama IQ 116 and Condi Rice 136.
Ernie S. even if I were to buy into your claim, I'd have to ask if you Ernie equate smartness with intelligence, and if you do, do you equate intelligence with reason, rationality, education, sanity...?
Smart (educated) vs "street" smart (experienced)... so yes and no.

part 2:
Intelligence gives one the power to reason, but some of the most intelligent people I've encountered have lacked the reasoning power to retrieve their keys from a locked convertible.
Rationality in my experience is independent of intelligence. Take rdean, for example. A reasonably intelligent man, so blinded by partisan dogma that he lacks the ability to even entertain opposing views.
Education... well, intelligence allows you to retain and use information, but sitting 16 years in class rooms doesn't make you intelligent. I also note that being intelligent and having an education guarantees nothing. I knew a PhD chemist who never worked in his field but rather spent his life time driving a school bus.
Sanity? Independent of intelligence, though extraordinarily intelligent people, if insane, tend to be more notable and dangerous.
Condi? Not ready for prime time Condi? :rofl:
Far more ready than BHO was in 2008 AND a lot smarter.
I liked Coni when she was in academia, but she was definitely not ready for prime time in the Bush admin. I think she is not smarter than Obama, but who knows.
I think she's got 40 points on obama.

OK 10 minutes research gives me barack obama IQ 116 and Condi Rice 136.
Ernie S. even if I were to buy into your claim, I'd have to ask if you Ernie equate smartness with intelligence, and if you do, do you equate intelligence with reason, rationality, education, sanity...?
Smart (educated) vs "street" smart (experienced)... so yes and no.

part 2:
Intelligence gives one the power to reason, but some of the most intelligent people I've encountered have lacked the reasoning power to retrieve their keys from a locked convertible.
Rationality in my experience is independent of intelligence. Take rdean, for example. A reasonably intelligent man, so blinded by partisan dogma that he lacks the ability to even entertain opposing views.
Education... well, intelligence allows you to retain and use information, but sitting 16 years in class rooms doesn't make you intelligent. I also note that being intelligent and having an education guarantees nothing. I knew a PhD chemist who never worked in his field but rather spent his life time driving a school bus.
Sanity? Independent of intelligence, though extraordinarily intelligent people, if insane, tend to be more notable and dangerous.

I can easily agree with these distinctions between IQ numbers and "smartness" (or whatever we're calling them) sure. But being a POTUS -- or for that matter any kind of top-level manager -- isn't just that; it's in large part being an administrator, i.e. knowing some psychology for getting what you want out of people. A high school dropout tobacco-chewing baseball manager who knows nothing else, if he has a knack for motivating his players, can win a lot of games. Leadership, in other words. You can put the smartest person in the room at the top position but if they're not an effective leader the system under him will take over. You descend into directional chaos. LBJ for instance was an effective leader; Bull Clinton was not.

Does Condi Rice have that kind of aptitude or experience?
Far more ready than BHO was in 2008 AND a lot smarter.
I liked Coni when she was in academia, but she was definitely not ready for prime time in the Bush admin. I think she is not smarter than Obama, but who knows.
I think she's got 40 points on obama.

OK 10 minutes research gives me barack obama IQ 116 and Condi Rice 136.
Ernie S. even if I were to buy into your claim, I'd have to ask if you Ernie equate smartness with intelligence, and if you do, do you equate intelligence with reason, rationality, education, sanity...?
Smart (educated) vs "street" smart (experienced)... so yes and no.

part 2:
Intelligence gives one the power to reason, but some of the most intelligent people I've encountered have lacked the reasoning power to retrieve their keys from a locked convertible.
Rationality in my experience is independent of intelligence. Take rdean, for example. A reasonably intelligent man, so blinded by partisan dogma that he lacks the ability to even entertain opposing views.
Education... well, intelligence allows you to retain and use information, but sitting 16 years in class rooms doesn't make you intelligent. I also note that being intelligent and having an education guarantees nothing. I knew a PhD chemist who never worked in his field but rather spent his life time driving a school bus.
Sanity? Independent of intelligence, though extraordinarily intelligent people, if insane, tend to be more notable and dangerous.

I can easily agree with these distinctions between IQ numbers and "smartness" (or whatever we're calling them) sure. But being a POTUS -- or for that matter any kind of top-level manager -- isn't just that; it's in large part being an administrator, i.e. knowing some psychology for getting what you want out of people. A high school dropout tobacco-chewing baseball manager who knows nothing else, if he has a knack for motivating his players, can win a lot of games. Leadership, in other words. You can put the smartest person in the room at the top position but if they're not an effective leader the system under him will take over. You descend into directional chaos. LBJ for instance was an effective leader; Bull Clinton was not.

Does Condi Rice have that kind of aptitude or experience?
I believe she does. She did run the State Department, in my estimation, a lot better than Mrs. clinton or John Kerry.
I don't much like Jeb but he doesn't suck to Dubya's extent.

Fuck Jeb - he's a snake.

Of course Jeb is a snake...nearly all pols are. The problem with you partisan party types is you only recognize snakes in the party you oppose.

Your argument is essentially Ds good Rs bad....duh!
Bullshit. I recognize all the snakes in the Democratic Party. Some are snakes for only one particular issue, like Chuck Schumer and Wall St., or Jane Harmon on Defense issues. Then there are the snakes who talk a good game but vote with Republicans way too often: Bill Nelson, Mary Landrieu, Joe Lieberman (yes, I know he's gone), Blanche Lincoln, Gary Condit, Billy Tauzin, Sanford Bishop, Loretta Sanchez, Jim Cooper, Henry Cuellar...I could list another 20 names easily.
Not to consider. But who the other candidate is (speaking of general election) would determine who gets my vote..
Dante is a liberal and true liberals have open minds -- within reason

Yanno, there's a reason I put mine in the plural -- "alternatives are"....

Whichever candidate runs for whichever party, the first thing we gotta get rid of is this binary mindset that it's gotta be Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dumb.

Maybe I'm a minority but when given a choice of two and I don't like either, the first thing I ask is "what else ya got"?

Third candidates in the general screw everything up. Pluralities give us very unstable governments -- look at the past 50 years

I agree with everything Dante has said on this thread. The only thing I would add is that Senators (of either party) generally make lousy Presidents. Being Governor of a State is the only relevant job experience.

Senator Kennedy was a good president.
Senator Johnson was a good president.
Senator Obama is a good president.
Senator Truman was a good president.
All four are historic presidents known for advancing American society.

Your partisan butthurt is noted.
Condi Rice: Secretary of State, National Security Advisor, Stanford Provost.
barack obama: Senator for less than a year, State Representative, part time, untenured law professor, community organizer.

Really? Experience?

Condi Rice, complicit in selling the American people the bullshit war on Iraq.
WOW. What a recommendation of excellence and forethought.

Oh and you left out Obama's experience of 6+ years as POTUS.
(Do you remember the Repubs putting their VERY BEST candidate against Obama and those candidates getting their asses kicked by a community organizer. Do you remember when that happened?)
Very best? Hardly. The media chose McCain and Romney and excoriated any and all real Conservatives.
Really! Against the charismatic, media hyped, empty rhetoric of barack obama, how can anyone get excited about John McCain?
No, Republican voters chose McCain and Romney. The media had nothing to do with it.
I don't much like Jeb but he doesn't suck to Dubya's extent.

Fuck Jeb - he's a snake.

Of course Jeb is a snake...nearly all pols are. The problem with you partisan party types is you only recognize snakes in the party you oppose.

Your argument is essentially Ds good Rs bad....duh!

Dear Misanthropic Troglodyte, anyone that runs becomes a politician in time. So you truly should stand by your opinions and principles and stay away from the politics section and please, please follow your heart and DO NOT vote

Because I know most pols are snakes means I can't comment on them....really?

You would be wise to recognize this fact about pols.
I don't much like Jeb but he doesn't suck to Dubya's extent.

Fuck Jeb - he's a snake.

Of course Jeb is a snake...nearly all pols are. The problem with you partisan party types is you only recognize snakes in the party you oppose.

Your argument is essentially Ds good Rs bad....duh!

Dear Misanthropic Troglodyte, anyone that runs becomes a politician in time. So you truly should stand by your opinions and principles and stay away from the politics section and please, please follow your heart and DO NOT vote

Because I know most pols are snakes means I can't comment on them....really?

You would be wise to recognize this fact about pols.

Why would you bother? I don't like rap music or most popular culture. You hardly if ever see me commenting on that shit.

get a life, may be a phrase some would use with you. I prefer not to
Yanno, there's a reason I put mine in the plural -- "alternatives are"....

Whichever candidate runs for whichever party, the first thing we gotta get rid of is this binary mindset that it's gotta be Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dumb.

Maybe I'm a minority but when given a choice of two and I don't like either, the first thing I ask is "what else ya got"?

Third candidates in the general screw everything up. Pluralities give us very unstable governments -- look at the past 50 years

I agree with everything Dante has said on this thread. The only thing I would add is that Senators (of either party) generally make lousy Presidents. Being Governor of a State is the only relevant job experience.

Senator Kennedy was a good president.
Senator Johnson was a good president.
Senator Obama is a good president.
Senator Truman was a good president.
All four are historic presidents known for advancing American society.

Your partisan butthurt is noted.
It's very unlikely John Kennedy would have been reelected after the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Lyndon Johnson was a pig, a vulgar petty man who escalated a poorly run war that killed thousands all for nothing.
You bitch about Bush going to war for oil? shit man. He had nothing on LBJ
barack obama couldn't manage a one man shoe shine booth at Grand Central. He's incompetent and out of touch with reality. The best part about his administration is what he did for Congress in 2010 and 2014.
Harry Truman? Again. You hate on Bush for bombing a few civilians in Baghdad but overlook Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Third candidates in the general screw everything up. Pluralities give us very unstable governments -- look at the past 50 years

I agree with everything Dante has said on this thread. The only thing I would add is that Senators (of either party) generally make lousy Presidents. Being Governor of a State is the only relevant job experience.

Senator Kennedy was a good president.
Senator Johnson was a good president.
Senator Obama is a good president.
Senator Truman was a good president.
All four are historic presidents known for advancing American society.

Your partisan butthurt is noted.
It's very unlikely John Kennedy would have been reelected after the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

Lyndon Johnson was a pig, a vulgar petty man who escalated a poorly run war that killed thousands all for nothing. You bitch about Bush going to war for oil? shit man. He had nothing on LBJ

barack obama couldn't manage a one man shoe shine booth at Grand Central. He's incompetent and out of touch with reality. The best part about his administration is what he did for Congress in 2010 and 2014.

Harry Truman? Again. You hate on Bush for bombing a few civilians in Baghdad but overlook Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Really? Do you know the stats on the 1964 election?

November 3, 19641968
All 538 electoral votes of the Electoral College
270 electoral votes needed to win

Nominee Lyndon B. Johnson Barry Goldwater
Party Democratic Republican
Home state Texas Arizona
Running mate Hubert Humphrey William E. Miller
Electoral vote 486 52
States carried 44 + DC 6
Popular vote 43,127,041 27,175,754
Percentage 61.1% 38.5%

United States presidential election 1964 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


Bush initiated a war, LBJ did not and btw most Republicans and conservatives were gung ho on LBJ's escalation

your hatred of Obama unhinges you.

Truman was involved in WWII. Bush's war set off the terrorism we have today. I supported the war. I believe Bremer was a creep, bush's or Cheney's creep. Early on in the assault on Baghdad rearguard military officers noted a rag tag group snipping at their heels. They were told by military brass to ignore them and push on -- it was the initial wave of what was later to become the insurgency
Condi Rice: Secretary of State, National Security Advisor, Stanford Provost.
barack obama: Senator for less than a year, State Representative, part time, untenured law professor, community organizer.

Really? Experience?

Condi Rice, complicit in selling the American people the bullshit war on Iraq.
WOW. What a recommendation of excellence and forethought.

Oh and you left out Obama's experience of 6+ years as POTUS.
(Do you remember the Repubs putting their VERY BEST candidate against Obama and those candidates getting their asses kicked by a community organizer. Do you remember when that happened?)
Very best? Hardly. The media chose McCain and Romney and excoriated any and all real Conservatives.
Really! Against the charismatic, media hyped, empty rhetoric of barack obama, how can anyone get excited about John McCain?
No, Republican voters chose McCain and Romney. The media had nothing to do with it.
I tell you what. Watch 2016. The media will try to select the GOP candidate yet again. The more Conservative a primary candidate is, the more dirt will be flung at him. The most Liberal will be lauded as a "Maverick" but the truth is, they will push the person least able to excite the Republican base and still be most apt to cave in to MSNBC opinion polls on major issues.
They will concentrate on a Right Wing candidate's gaffs like Mitt's 47% and gloss over 57 states.

Just watch with an open mind, if you have a mind, and note the marketing games played.
I agree with everything Dante has said on this thread. The only thing I would add is that Senators (of either party) generally make lousy Presidents. Being Governor of a State is the only relevant job experience.

Senator Kennedy was a good president.
Senator Johnson was a good president.
Senator Obama is a good president.
Senator Truman was a good president.
All four are historic presidents known for advancing American society.

Your partisan butthurt is noted.
It's very unlikely John Kennedy would have been reelected after the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

Lyndon Johnson was a pig, a vulgar petty man who escalated a poorly run war that killed thousands all for nothing. You bitch about Bush going to war for oil? shit man. He had nothing on LBJ

barack obama couldn't manage a one man shoe shine booth at Grand Central. He's incompetent and out of touch with reality. The best part about his administration is what he did for Congress in 2010 and 2014.

Harry Truman? Again. You hate on Bush for bombing a few civilians in Baghdad but overlook Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Really? Do you know the stats on the 1964 election?

November 3, 19641968
All 538 electoral votes of the Electoral College
270 electoral votes needed to win

Nominee Lyndon B. Johnson Barry Goldwater
Party Democratic Republican
Home state Texas Arizona
Running mate Hubert Humphrey William E. Miller
Electoral vote 486 52
States carried 44 + DC 6
Popular vote 43,127,041 27,175,754
Percentage 61.1% 38.5%

United States presidential election 1964 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


Bush initiated a war, LBJ did not and btw most Republicans and conservatives were gung ho on LBJ's escalation

your hatred of Obama unhinges you.

Truman was involved in WWII. Bush's war set off the terrorism we have today. I supported the war. I believe Bremer was a creep, bush's or Cheney's creep. Early on in the assault on Baghdad rearguard military officers noted a rag tag group snipping at their heels. They were told by military brass to ignore them and push on -- it was the initial wave of what was later to become the insurgency
I don't hate anyone, Dante, especially barack obama. He's not worthy of any strong emotion.

As for the '64 elections, LBJ won solely on the death of Kennedy.
The country was over that by 68 and elected Nixon twice, once by 110 electoral votes and once by 503.

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