Dangerous Move

Rose is a bit ............wild................I like her for that.
She's badgering the Beast666 to see what Hitlery will do.

Her one fault in this scenario, is that Hitlery doesn't CARE who Bill dips his stick into.
She married him for power, money, and prestige, not for love. And she will never divorce him because she would lose a LOT of her power and money from being the first lady.

I'm glad somebody is finally going straight to the source and stirring shit up!!
Her husbands jizz was found on an interns dress and she didn't do a fucking thing about it.
Nothing but attacked the women who accused her husband, and all the while claiming that she wasn't just some kind of "stand by her man" kind of women. ROTFLMBO..... If we ever were to get the truth out of a politician for anything, it'd be a miracle.

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