Damn!!! Where is that "global warming" when we need it???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
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Yeah, good one! Cold week where you live, therefore global warming is a total sham!
Another wag that doesn't understand the difference between "weather for the next 36 hours" and "climate trends over the last century"....
Yeah, good one! Cold week where you live, therefore global warming is a total sham!
So global warming is based on temperatures taken over the past 355 years is that right? Would you agree?

Confidence in climate science depends on the correlation of many sets of these data from many different sources in order to produce conclusive evidence of a global trend.
Are surface temperature records reliable
The longest-running temperature record is the Central England temperature data series, that starts in 1659. The longest-running quasi-global record starts in 1850.
Instrumental temperature record - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Yeah, good one! Cold week where you live, therefore global warming is a total sham!

You know what asshole? A tribe that decides to stay on Bunga Bunga island because they might be flooded because of global warming is not going to get me going "gee take all my tax money so we can save Bunga Bunga tribe".

It will get me going "move the stupid motherfuckers". It's cheaper and makes more sense.
The U.S. has done more than its share to reduce emissions while countries like China and India could give a shit. Still, Obama and his EPA are hell bent on crushing and burying this country's coal industry. Fuck that.
Yeah, good one! Cold week where you live, therefore global warming is a total sham!

According to AGW religious lore, that is not possible..

So yes it proves that the AGW religion is s a total sham..

Need empirical proof?


NOTE: Your starting date is 1983.. less then 31 years.
Also please explain "outside of magnetic north pole shifting".. why are they looking for oil in the Arctic?
I thought oil came from decaying plants that would need a warmer climate to grow?
Where did Greenland get it's name as it's nearly covered with Ice today?
Did YOU and your global warming caused by mankind ilk EVER EVER consider the earth is slowing down in it's rotation?
Why else do we have to adjust time about every one and a half years, an extra second, or Leap Second, is added to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and clocks around the world.
Earth's rotation slows down
The reason is that Earth's rotation around its own axis, which determines the length of a day, slows down over time. But the atomic clocks we use to measure time tick away at almost the same speed over millions of years. So, leap seconds are a means to adjust our clocks to the Earth's slowing rotation.

If the earth has slowed down wouldn't that mean more exposure to sunlight then millions of years ago?
Isn't that a possibility that due to slowing down obviously Infinitesimally, there is a correlation with more heat retention?
I mean we are to believe that the earth has grown warmer starting in the mid-1970s, global temperatures rose 0.5 °C over a period of 25 years?

Why did Earth s surface temperature stop rising in the past decade NOAA Climate.gov
Why did Earth’s surface temperature stop rising in the past decade?
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Global warming whats that?.....its always hot out here.....next couple of days its supposed to be in the low 80's.....in fucking November.....
My parents bought their farm in 1969. Last year, for the first time, the pipes under the kitchen froze. But the global warmers claim that the reason it got so cold is because of global "warming". They're not just trying to bambozzle the public, they're trying to find out just how stupid people are. The depth of Americans' stupidity is unfathomable.
Casey says the evidence is clear that the earth is rapidly growing colder because of diminished solar activity.

He says trends indicate we could be headed for colder temperatures similar to those seen in the late 1700s and early 1800s when the sun went into a "solar minimum" — a phenomenon with significantly reduced solar activity, including solar flares and sunspots.

If he's right, that would be very bad news.

"Dark Winter" posits that a 30-year period of cold has already begun. Frigid temperatures, and food shortages that inevitably result, could lead to riots and chaos.

Casey tells Newsmax, "All you have to do is trust natural cycles, and follow the facts; and that leads you to the inevitable conclusion that the sun controls the climate, and that a new cold era has begun." Casey is president of the Space and Science Research Corp., an Orlando, Fla., climate research firm.

His new book debunks global warming orthodoxy. For over a decade, he reports, the planet's oceans have been cooling. And since 2007, the atmospheric temperature has been cooling as well.

The sound money's on we're in a mini ice age caused by irregular sun activity, not CO2.

AGW is a sham.
I mean that was what the thread title wanted to show..."more global warming" please!

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