Dallas shooter was Afghanistan veteran

Obama says shooter wasn't in his right mind...

Obama says ‘demented’ gunman who killed Dallas police officers doesn’t represent black Americans
July 9,`16 — President Obama on Saturday sought to calm a country riven by grief and anger in the wake of the fatal shooting of five police officers here and recent high-profile deaths at the hands of officers elsewhere. His comments came as Dallas continued to reel from the rampage while protests over how police use deadly force continued in cities across the country.
In Dallas, the downtown area where a lone attacker killed the officers in a rampage authorities said was fueled by racial animus remained quiet on Saturday while investigators pored over the crime scene and the gunman’s background. But in cities around the country, demonstrations over police shootings had continued the night before, some of them becoming quite heated while others were infused with sober reflection over the carnage in Dallas. “As painful as this week has been, I firmly believe that America is not as divided as some have suggested,” President Obama said Saturday while in Poland for a NATO summit. “Americans of all races and all backgrounds are rightly outraged by the inexcusable attacks on police, whether it’s in Dallas or any place else.”

Police say the attacker in Dallas — identified as Micah Xavier Johnson, a black 25-year-old from a nearby suburb — told them he was angry over police killings of black men, an issue that surged back into the news this week after these recent incidents in Baton Rouge, La., and outside St. Paul, Minn. Before authorities used a bomb to kill Johnson, they say he told police he wanted to kill white officers. “The suspect said he was upset about black lives matter,” David Brown, the Dallas police chief, said of the attacker’s comments. “He said he was upset about the recent police shootings. The suspect said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.”

Brown said the attacker’s comments were made during a prolonged, and at times violent, standoff that followed the brutal shooting rampage Thursday night during a peaceful protest over police shootings. This attack fused two topics that have roiled the country in recent years — mass shootings and outrage over how police use force — bringing them together in a horrific way decried by law enforcement officials around the country and activists protesting police shootings alike.

Obama said “Americans of all races and all backgrounds are also rightly saddened and angered” over the deaths this week of black men fatally shot by police officers in Louisiana and Minnesota. He also tied the mass shooting here to some of the rampages that have claimed dozens of lives since last year, invoking the rampages at a historic black church in Charleston, S.C.; a gay club in Orlando; and an office party in San Bernardino, Calif. “We cannot let the actions of a few define all of us,” Obama said. “The demented individual who carried out those attacks in Dallas, he’s no more representative of African Americans than the shooter in Charleston was representative of white Americans, or the shooter in Orlando, or San Bernardino, were representative of Muslim Americans,” Obama said. “They don’t speak for us. That’s not who we are.”


And he's right.

He doesn't represent African Americans any more than he represents veterans.

He's a murderer. He was also dishonerably discharged for sexual assault. The guy's a looser.
Keep that in mind whenever some nut tries to play the veteran card to embellish someone's credibility.
Keep that in mind whenever some nut tries to play the veteran card to embellish someone's credibility.

The media is trying to make it sound like he was some kind of decorated 'well trained' combat vet which set him up for this episode in Dallas.

In reality he was mere pfc(lowly private) with the sort of medal that was handed out to everyone who went over there...aka meant nothing...he might have been a well trained carpenter. He served in the rear echelons.

With the type of weapon he had you did not need to be an expert marksman...all he had to do was point it and pull the trigger.

So why was the media trying to present him as a well trained and decorated combat vet?

Either to make the story more dramatic or present our Armed forces in a bad light aka to attempt to make them responsible for this nutcase brainwashed with the liberal narrative.
Well he clearly had some damn good training, wherever he got it from, considering he had a whole city thinking they were under siege by a group of skilled snipers.

That one guy did a LOT of damage in a small span of time.

Can't refute that.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Last edited:
Obama says shooter wasn't in his right mind...

Obama says ‘demented’ gunman who killed Dallas police officers doesn’t represent black Americans
July 9,`16 — President Obama on Saturday sought to calm a country riven by grief and anger in the wake of the fatal shooting of five police officers here and recent high-profile deaths at the hands of officers elsewhere. His comments came as Dallas continued to reel from the rampage while protests over how police use deadly force continued in cities across the country.
In Dallas, the downtown area where a lone attacker killed the officers in a rampage authorities said was fueled by racial animus remained quiet on Saturday while investigators pored over the crime scene and the gunman’s background. But in cities around the country, demonstrations over police shootings had continued the night before, some of them becoming quite heated while others were infused with sober reflection over the carnage in Dallas. “As painful as this week has been, I firmly believe that America is not as divided as some have suggested,” President Obama said Saturday while in Poland for a NATO summit. “Americans of all races and all backgrounds are rightly outraged by the inexcusable attacks on police, whether it’s in Dallas or any place else.”

Police say the attacker in Dallas — identified as Micah Xavier Johnson, a black 25-year-old from a nearby suburb — told them he was angry over police killings of black men, an issue that surged back into the news this week after these recent incidents in Baton Rouge, La., and outside St. Paul, Minn. Before authorities used a bomb to kill Johnson, they say he told police he wanted to kill white officers. “The suspect said he was upset about black lives matter,” David Brown, the Dallas police chief, said of the attacker’s comments. “He said he was upset about the recent police shootings. The suspect said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.”

Brown said the attacker’s comments were made during a prolonged, and at times violent, standoff that followed the brutal shooting rampage Thursday night during a peaceful protest over police shootings. This attack fused two topics that have roiled the country in recent years — mass shootings and outrage over how police use force — bringing them together in a horrific way decried by law enforcement officials around the country and activists protesting police shootings alike.

Obama said “Americans of all races and all backgrounds are also rightly saddened and angered” over the deaths this week of black men fatally shot by police officers in Louisiana and Minnesota. He also tied the mass shooting here to some of the rampages that have claimed dozens of lives since last year, invoking the rampages at a historic black church in Charleston, S.C.; a gay club in Orlando; and an office party in San Bernardino, Calif. “We cannot let the actions of a few define all of us,” Obama said. “The demented individual who carried out those attacks in Dallas, he’s no more representative of African Americans than the shooter in Charleston was representative of white Americans, or the shooter in Orlando, or San Bernardino, were representative of Muslim Americans,” Obama said. “They don’t speak for us. That’s not who we are.”


And he's right.

He doesn't represent African Americans any more than he represents veterans.

He's a murderer. He was also dishonerably discharged for sexual assault. The guy's a looser.

Good, i hope your thoughts catch on. I am tired of being told how Timothy McVeigh represents Christians.
Obama says shooter wasn't in his right mind...

Obama says ‘demented’ gunman who killed Dallas police officers doesn’t represent black Americans
July 9,`16 — President Obama on Saturday sought to calm a country riven by grief and anger in the wake of the fatal shooting of five police officers here and recent high-profile deaths at the hands of officers elsewhere. His comments came as Dallas continued to reel from the rampage while protests over how police use deadly force continued in cities across the country.
In Dallas, the downtown area where a lone attacker killed the officers in a rampage authorities said was fueled by racial animus remained quiet on Saturday while investigators pored over the crime scene and the gunman’s background. But in cities around the country, demonstrations over police shootings had continued the night before, some of them becoming quite heated while others were infused with sober reflection over the carnage in Dallas. “As painful as this week has been, I firmly believe that America is not as divided as some have suggested,” President Obama said Saturday while in Poland for a NATO summit. “Americans of all races and all backgrounds are rightly outraged by the inexcusable attacks on police, whether it’s in Dallas or any place else.”

Police say the attacker in Dallas — identified as Micah Xavier Johnson, a black 25-year-old from a nearby suburb — told them he was angry over police killings of black men, an issue that surged back into the news this week after these recent incidents in Baton Rouge, La., and outside St. Paul, Minn. Before authorities used a bomb to kill Johnson, they say he told police he wanted to kill white officers. “The suspect said he was upset about black lives matter,” David Brown, the Dallas police chief, said of the attacker’s comments. “He said he was upset about the recent police shootings. The suspect said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.”

Brown said the attacker’s comments were made during a prolonged, and at times violent, standoff that followed the brutal shooting rampage Thursday night during a peaceful protest over police shootings. This attack fused two topics that have roiled the country in recent years — mass shootings and outrage over how police use force — bringing them together in a horrific way decried by law enforcement officials around the country and activists protesting police shootings alike.

Obama said “Americans of all races and all backgrounds are also rightly saddened and angered” over the deaths this week of black men fatally shot by police officers in Louisiana and Minnesota. He also tied the mass shooting here to some of the rampages that have claimed dozens of lives since last year, invoking the rampages at a historic black church in Charleston, S.C.; a gay club in Orlando; and an office party in San Bernardino, Calif. “We cannot let the actions of a few define all of us,” Obama said. “The demented individual who carried out those attacks in Dallas, he’s no more representative of African Americans than the shooter in Charleston was representative of white Americans, or the shooter in Orlando, or San Bernardino, were representative of Muslim Americans,” Obama said. “They don’t speak for us. That’s not who we are.”


And he's right.

He doesn't represent African Americans any more than he represents veterans.

He's a murderer. He was also dishonerably discharged for sexual assault. The guy's a looser.

Good, i hope your thoughts catch on. I am tired of being told how Timothy McVeigh represents Christians.
Are you a Christian?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Obama says shooter wasn't in his right mind...

Obama says ‘demented’ gunman who killed Dallas police officers doesn’t represent black Americans
July 9,`16 — President Obama on Saturday sought to calm a country riven by grief and anger in the wake of the fatal shooting of five police officers here and recent high-profile deaths at the hands of officers elsewhere. His comments came as Dallas continued to reel from the rampage while protests over how police use deadly force continued in cities across the country.
In Dallas, the downtown area where a lone attacker killed the officers in a rampage authorities said was fueled by racial animus remained quiet on Saturday while investigators pored over the crime scene and the gunman’s background. But in cities around the country, demonstrations over police shootings had continued the night before, some of them becoming quite heated while others were infused with sober reflection over the carnage in Dallas. “As painful as this week has been, I firmly believe that America is not as divided as some have suggested,” President Obama said Saturday while in Poland for a NATO summit. “Americans of all races and all backgrounds are rightly outraged by the inexcusable attacks on police, whether it’s in Dallas or any place else.”

Police say the attacker in Dallas — identified as Micah Xavier Johnson, a black 25-year-old from a nearby suburb — told them he was angry over police killings of black men, an issue that surged back into the news this week after these recent incidents in Baton Rouge, La., and outside St. Paul, Minn. Before authorities used a bomb to kill Johnson, they say he told police he wanted to kill white officers. “The suspect said he was upset about black lives matter,” David Brown, the Dallas police chief, said of the attacker’s comments. “He said he was upset about the recent police shootings. The suspect said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.”

Brown said the attacker’s comments were made during a prolonged, and at times violent, standoff that followed the brutal shooting rampage Thursday night during a peaceful protest over police shootings. This attack fused two topics that have roiled the country in recent years — mass shootings and outrage over how police use force — bringing them together in a horrific way decried by law enforcement officials around the country and activists protesting police shootings alike.

Obama said “Americans of all races and all backgrounds are also rightly saddened and angered” over the deaths this week of black men fatally shot by police officers in Louisiana and Minnesota. He also tied the mass shooting here to some of the rampages that have claimed dozens of lives since last year, invoking the rampages at a historic black church in Charleston, S.C.; a gay club in Orlando; and an office party in San Bernardino, Calif. “We cannot let the actions of a few define all of us,” Obama said. “The demented individual who carried out those attacks in Dallas, he’s no more representative of African Americans than the shooter in Charleston was representative of white Americans, or the shooter in Orlando, or San Bernardino, were representative of Muslim Americans,” Obama said. “They don’t speak for us. That’s not who we are.”


And he's right.

He doesn't represent African Americans any more than he represents veterans.

He's a murderer. He was also dishonerably discharged for sexual assault. The guy's a looser.

Good, i hope your thoughts catch on. I am tired of being told how Timothy McVeigh represents Christians.
Are you a Christian?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk


Are you black?
Obama says shooter wasn't in his right mind...

Obama says ‘demented’ gunman who killed Dallas police officers doesn’t represent black Americans
July 9,`16 — President Obama on Saturday sought to calm a country riven by grief and anger in the wake of the fatal shooting of five police officers here and recent high-profile deaths at the hands of officers elsewhere. His comments came as Dallas continued to reel from the rampage while protests over how police use deadly force continued in cities across the country.
In Dallas, the downtown area where a lone attacker killed the officers in a rampage authorities said was fueled by racial animus remained quiet on Saturday while investigators pored over the crime scene and the gunman’s background. But in cities around the country, demonstrations over police shootings had continued the night before, some of them becoming quite heated while others were infused with sober reflection over the carnage in Dallas. “As painful as this week has been, I firmly believe that America is not as divided as some have suggested,” President Obama said Saturday while in Poland for a NATO summit. “Americans of all races and all backgrounds are rightly outraged by the inexcusable attacks on police, whether it’s in Dallas or any place else.”

Police say the attacker in Dallas — identified as Micah Xavier Johnson, a black 25-year-old from a nearby suburb — told them he was angry over police killings of black men, an issue that surged back into the news this week after these recent incidents in Baton Rouge, La., and outside St. Paul, Minn. Before authorities used a bomb to kill Johnson, they say he told police he wanted to kill white officers. “The suspect said he was upset about black lives matter,” David Brown, the Dallas police chief, said of the attacker’s comments. “He said he was upset about the recent police shootings. The suspect said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.”

Brown said the attacker’s comments were made during a prolonged, and at times violent, standoff that followed the brutal shooting rampage Thursday night during a peaceful protest over police shootings. This attack fused two topics that have roiled the country in recent years — mass shootings and outrage over how police use force — bringing them together in a horrific way decried by law enforcement officials around the country and activists protesting police shootings alike.

Obama said “Americans of all races and all backgrounds are also rightly saddened and angered” over the deaths this week of black men fatally shot by police officers in Louisiana and Minnesota. He also tied the mass shooting here to some of the rampages that have claimed dozens of lives since last year, invoking the rampages at a historic black church in Charleston, S.C.; a gay club in Orlando; and an office party in San Bernardino, Calif. “We cannot let the actions of a few define all of us,” Obama said. “The demented individual who carried out those attacks in Dallas, he’s no more representative of African Americans than the shooter in Charleston was representative of white Americans, or the shooter in Orlando, or San Bernardino, were representative of Muslim Americans,” Obama said. “They don’t speak for us. That’s not who we are.”


And he's right.

He doesn't represent African Americans any more than he represents veterans.

He's a murderer. He was also dishonerably discharged for sexual assault. The guy's a looser.

Good, i hope your thoughts catch on. I am tired of being told how Timothy McVeigh represents Christians.

....and how terrorists represent muslims....
Obama says shooter wasn't in his right mind...

Obama says ‘demented’ gunman who killed Dallas police officers doesn’t represent black Americans
July 9,`16 — President Obama on Saturday sought to calm a country riven by grief and anger in the wake of the fatal shooting of five police officers here and recent high-profile deaths at the hands of officers elsewhere. His comments came as Dallas continued to reel from the rampage while protests over how police use deadly force continued in cities across the country.
In Dallas, the downtown area where a lone attacker killed the officers in a rampage authorities said was fueled by racial animus remained quiet on Saturday while investigators pored over the crime scene and the gunman’s background. But in cities around the country, demonstrations over police shootings had continued the night before, some of them becoming quite heated while others were infused with sober reflection over the carnage in Dallas. “As painful as this week has been, I firmly believe that America is not as divided as some have suggested,” President Obama said Saturday while in Poland for a NATO summit. “Americans of all races and all backgrounds are rightly outraged by the inexcusable attacks on police, whether it’s in Dallas or any place else.”

Police say the attacker in Dallas — identified as Micah Xavier Johnson, a black 25-year-old from a nearby suburb — told them he was angry over police killings of black men, an issue that surged back into the news this week after these recent incidents in Baton Rouge, La., and outside St. Paul, Minn. Before authorities used a bomb to kill Johnson, they say he told police he wanted to kill white officers. “The suspect said he was upset about black lives matter,” David Brown, the Dallas police chief, said of the attacker’s comments. “He said he was upset about the recent police shootings. The suspect said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.”

Brown said the attacker’s comments were made during a prolonged, and at times violent, standoff that followed the brutal shooting rampage Thursday night during a peaceful protest over police shootings. This attack fused two topics that have roiled the country in recent years — mass shootings and outrage over how police use force — bringing them together in a horrific way decried by law enforcement officials around the country and activists protesting police shootings alike.

Obama said “Americans of all races and all backgrounds are also rightly saddened and angered” over the deaths this week of black men fatally shot by police officers in Louisiana and Minnesota. He also tied the mass shooting here to some of the rampages that have claimed dozens of lives since last year, invoking the rampages at a historic black church in Charleston, S.C.; a gay club in Orlando; and an office party in San Bernardino, Calif. “We cannot let the actions of a few define all of us,” Obama said. “The demented individual who carried out those attacks in Dallas, he’s no more representative of African Americans than the shooter in Charleston was representative of white Americans, or the shooter in Orlando, or San Bernardino, were representative of Muslim Americans,” Obama said. “They don’t speak for us. That’s not who we are.”


And he's right.

He doesn't represent African Americans any more than he represents veterans.

He's a murderer. He was also dishonerably discharged for sexual assault. The guy's a looser.

Good, i hope your thoughts catch on. I am tired of being told how Timothy McVeigh represents Christians.

....and how terrorists represent muslims....
Obama says shooter wasn't in his right mind...

Obama says ‘demented’ gunman who killed Dallas police officers doesn’t represent black Americans
July 9,`16 — President Obama on Saturday sought to calm a country riven by grief and anger in the wake of the fatal shooting of five police officers here and recent high-profile deaths at the hands of officers elsewhere. His comments came as Dallas continued to reel from the rampage while protests over how police use deadly force continued in cities across the country.
In Dallas, the downtown area where a lone attacker killed the officers in a rampage authorities said was fueled by racial animus remained quiet on Saturday while investigators pored over the crime scene and the gunman’s background. But in cities around the country, demonstrations over police shootings had continued the night before, some of them becoming quite heated while others were infused with sober reflection over the carnage in Dallas. “As painful as this week has been, I firmly believe that America is not as divided as some have suggested,” President Obama said Saturday while in Poland for a NATO summit. “Americans of all races and all backgrounds are rightly outraged by the inexcusable attacks on police, whether it’s in Dallas or any place else.”

Police say the attacker in Dallas — identified as Micah Xavier Johnson, a black 25-year-old from a nearby suburb — told them he was angry over police killings of black men, an issue that surged back into the news this week after these recent incidents in Baton Rouge, La., and outside St. Paul, Minn. Before authorities used a bomb to kill Johnson, they say he told police he wanted to kill white officers. “The suspect said he was upset about black lives matter,” David Brown, the Dallas police chief, said of the attacker’s comments. “He said he was upset about the recent police shootings. The suspect said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.”

Brown said the attacker’s comments were made during a prolonged, and at times violent, standoff that followed the brutal shooting rampage Thursday night during a peaceful protest over police shootings. This attack fused two topics that have roiled the country in recent years — mass shootings and outrage over how police use force — bringing them together in a horrific way decried by law enforcement officials around the country and activists protesting police shootings alike.

Obama said “Americans of all races and all backgrounds are also rightly saddened and angered” over the deaths this week of black men fatally shot by police officers in Louisiana and Minnesota. He also tied the mass shooting here to some of the rampages that have claimed dozens of lives since last year, invoking the rampages at a historic black church in Charleston, S.C.; a gay club in Orlando; and an office party in San Bernardino, Calif. “We cannot let the actions of a few define all of us,” Obama said. “The demented individual who carried out those attacks in Dallas, he’s no more representative of African Americans than the shooter in Charleston was representative of white Americans, or the shooter in Orlando, or San Bernardino, were representative of Muslim Americans,” Obama said. “They don’t speak for us. That’s not who we are.”


And he's right.

He doesn't represent African Americans any more than he represents veterans.

He's a murderer. He was also dishonerably discharged for sexual assault. The guy's a looser.

I would not say he represents African-Americans in a general sense...but he was typical of many of of those negroes with the mindset of..... hatred of white folk that is in fact quite rampant amongst ignorant type Negroids of which there are way too many....though the ones truly to blame are those that indoctrinated these childlike retards into such fallacious beliefs they have--I am talking about in general white liberals and specifically the public schools, the media especially, hollywood and even many so called black ministers who preach the fallacious doctrine of black liberation doctrine that obama's church spread and obama went there quite reguarly for 20 yrs. and then suddenly sees the light when is campaigning for the presidency and drops Rev. Wright like a hot potato.

Quite pathetic...but even more pathetic are all the clueless pc whites wracked with white guilt who tried to absolve their guilt by voting for a colored man.
Army huh. So was the Fort Hood shooter. And the guy in DC who killed 3 cops. Lately there have been many military vets doing this.

Funny how the liberals aren't blaming the Army or including all soldiers with their crimes the same way they do with bad cops.
The army has taken the lead in progressive policies that hurt their effectiveness. Taxpayers are now being forced to pay for expensive operations that are not medically needed. We are now forced to pay for operations based on feelings, not medical life saving reasons.
Can't say I'm surprised. To take out so many targets so quickly from a distance the shooter had to have had some basic skill and training with a weapon.

Law enforcement sources familiar with the investigation told CNN that Johnson was the dead gunman. He had no criminal record or known terror ties, a law enforcement official said.

He had served in the U.S. Army Reserve, training as a carpentry and masonry specialist, two U.S. defense officials said.

Dallas sniper attack: 5 officers killed, suspect identified - CNN.com

A lot of veterans are well trained. That has nothing to do with why he did it. His facebook page showed that he supported Nation of Islam, Black Panthers and BLM. That is what influenced him to kill, not being a veteran.
A lot of veterans are well trained. That has nothing to do with why he did it. His facebook page showed that he supported Nation of Islam, Black Panthers and BLM. That is what influenced him to kill, not being a veteran.

Hey, dumb fuck! I never said anything about why he did it. Read the god damn post and stop putting word in my mouth. :slap:
Obama says shooter wasn't in his right mind...

Obama says ‘demented’ gunman who killed Dallas police officers doesn’t represent black Americans
July 9,`16 — President Obama on Saturday sought to calm a country riven by grief and anger in the wake of the fatal shooting of five police officers here and recent high-profile deaths at the hands of officers elsewhere. His comments came as Dallas continued to reel from the rampage while protests over how police use deadly force continued in cities across the country.
In Dallas, the downtown area where a lone attacker killed the officers in a rampage authorities said was fueled by racial animus remained quiet on Saturday while investigators pored over the crime scene and the gunman’s background. But in cities around the country, demonstrations over police shootings had continued the night before, some of them becoming quite heated while others were infused with sober reflection over the carnage in Dallas. “As painful as this week has been, I firmly believe that America is not as divided as some have suggested,” President Obama said Saturday while in Poland for a NATO summit. “Americans of all races and all backgrounds are rightly outraged by the inexcusable attacks on police, whether it’s in Dallas or any place else.”

Police say the attacker in Dallas — identified as Micah Xavier Johnson, a black 25-year-old from a nearby suburb — told them he was angry over police killings of black men, an issue that surged back into the news this week after these recent incidents in Baton Rouge, La., and outside St. Paul, Minn. Before authorities used a bomb to kill Johnson, they say he told police he wanted to kill white officers. “The suspect said he was upset about black lives matter,” David Brown, the Dallas police chief, said of the attacker’s comments. “He said he was upset about the recent police shootings. The suspect said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.”

Brown said the attacker’s comments were made during a prolonged, and at times violent, standoff that followed the brutal shooting rampage Thursday night during a peaceful protest over police shootings. This attack fused two topics that have roiled the country in recent years — mass shootings and outrage over how police use force — bringing them together in a horrific way decried by law enforcement officials around the country and activists protesting police shootings alike.

Obama said “Americans of all races and all backgrounds are also rightly saddened and angered” over the deaths this week of black men fatally shot by police officers in Louisiana and Minnesota. He also tied the mass shooting here to some of the rampages that have claimed dozens of lives since last year, invoking the rampages at a historic black church in Charleston, S.C.; a gay club in Orlando; and an office party in San Bernardino, Calif. “We cannot let the actions of a few define all of us,” Obama said. “The demented individual who carried out those attacks in Dallas, he’s no more representative of African Americans than the shooter in Charleston was representative of white Americans, or the shooter in Orlando, or San Bernardino, were representative of Muslim Americans,” Obama said. “They don’t speak for us. That’s not who we are.”


And he's right.

He doesn't represent African Americans any more than he represents veterans.

He's a murderer. He was also dishonerably discharged for sexual assault. The guy's a looser.

I would not say he represents African-Americans in a general sense...but he was typical of many of of those negroes with the mindset of..... hatred of white folk that is in fact quite rampant amongst ignorant type Negroids of which there are way too many....though the ones truly to blame are those that indoctrinated these childlike retards into such fallacious beliefs they have--I am talking about in general white liberals and specifically the public schools, the media especially, hollywood and even many so called black ministers who preach the fallacious doctrine of black liberation doctrine that obama's church spread and obama went there quite reguarly for 20 yrs. and then suddenly sees the light when is campaigning for the presidency and drops Rev. Wright like a hot potato.

Quite pathetic...but even more pathetic are all the clueless pc whites wracked with white guilt who tried to absolve their guilt by voting for a colored man.

Actually, what is pathetic is the need to use pejorative like negroids and imply a subhuman charecterization.
Obama says shooter wasn't in his right mind...

Obama says ‘demented’ gunman who killed Dallas police officers doesn’t represent black Americans
July 9,`16 — President Obama on Saturday sought to calm a country riven by grief and anger in the wake of the fatal shooting of five police officers here and recent high-profile deaths at the hands of officers elsewhere. His comments came as Dallas continued to reel from the rampage while protests over how police use deadly force continued in cities across the country.
In Dallas, the downtown area where a lone attacker killed the officers in a rampage authorities said was fueled by racial animus remained quiet on Saturday while investigators pored over the crime scene and the gunman’s background. But in cities around the country, demonstrations over police shootings had continued the night before, some of them becoming quite heated while others were infused with sober reflection over the carnage in Dallas. “As painful as this week has been, I firmly believe that America is not as divided as some have suggested,” President Obama said Saturday while in Poland for a NATO summit. “Americans of all races and all backgrounds are rightly outraged by the inexcusable attacks on police, whether it’s in Dallas or any place else.”

Police say the attacker in Dallas — identified as Micah Xavier Johnson, a black 25-year-old from a nearby suburb — told them he was angry over police killings of black men, an issue that surged back into the news this week after these recent incidents in Baton Rouge, La., and outside St. Paul, Minn. Before authorities used a bomb to kill Johnson, they say he told police he wanted to kill white officers. “The suspect said he was upset about black lives matter,” David Brown, the Dallas police chief, said of the attacker’s comments. “He said he was upset about the recent police shootings. The suspect said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.”

Brown said the attacker’s comments were made during a prolonged, and at times violent, standoff that followed the brutal shooting rampage Thursday night during a peaceful protest over police shootings. This attack fused two topics that have roiled the country in recent years — mass shootings and outrage over how police use force — bringing them together in a horrific way decried by law enforcement officials around the country and activists protesting police shootings alike.

Obama said “Americans of all races and all backgrounds are also rightly saddened and angered” over the deaths this week of black men fatally shot by police officers in Louisiana and Minnesota. He also tied the mass shooting here to some of the rampages that have claimed dozens of lives since last year, invoking the rampages at a historic black church in Charleston, S.C.; a gay club in Orlando; and an office party in San Bernardino, Calif. “We cannot let the actions of a few define all of us,” Obama said. “The demented individual who carried out those attacks in Dallas, he’s no more representative of African Americans than the shooter in Charleston was representative of white Americans, or the shooter in Orlando, or San Bernardino, were representative of Muslim Americans,” Obama said. “They don’t speak for us. That’s not who we are.”


And he's right.

He doesn't represent African Americans any more than he represents veterans.

He's a murderer. He was also dishonerably discharged for sexual assault. The guy's a looser.

I would not say he represents African-Americans in a general sense...but he was typical of many of of those negroes with the mindset of..... hatred of white folk that is in fact quite rampant amongst ignorant type Negroids of which there are way too many....though the ones truly to blame are those that indoctrinated these childlike retards into such fallacious beliefs they have--I am talking about in general white liberals and specifically the public schools, the media especially, hollywood and even many so called black ministers who preach the fallacious doctrine of black liberation doctrine that obama's church spread and obama went there quite reguarly for 20 yrs. and then suddenly sees the light when is campaigning for the presidency and drops Rev. Wright like a hot potato.

Quite pathetic...but even more pathetic are all the clueless pc whites wracked with white guilt who tried to absolve their guilt by voting for a colored man.

Actually, what is pathetic is the need to use pejorative like negroids and imply a subhuman charecterization.

Children should be seen and not heard...........ignorant peeps like you should keep your pie hole closed. hehheh

  1. 1.
    a member of a dark-skinned group of peoples originally native to Africa south of the Sahara.
So tell me chump.....what is pejorative about the term Negro...the official title of one of the 3 main racial groups? Me thinks you are one stupid mudder rucker. BTW ever heard of the United Negro College Fund? Or the national association for the advancement of colored people? Do you think the term 'colored' is also pejorative? Go ahead expose some more of your ignorance...do you also support the BLM?

BTW Andy Rooney used the woid 'negro' and said on national t.v. it was a perfectly good woid.

Debate This: Is Negro a “bad” word?
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Obama says shooter wasn't in his right mind...

Obama says ‘demented’ gunman who killed Dallas police officers doesn’t represent black Americans
July 9,`16 — President Obama on Saturday sought to calm a country riven by grief and anger in the wake of the fatal shooting of five police officers here and recent high-profile deaths at the hands of officers elsewhere. His comments came as Dallas continued to reel from the rampage while protests over how police use deadly force continued in cities across the country.
In Dallas, the downtown area where a lone attacker killed the officers in a rampage authorities said was fueled by racial animus remained quiet on Saturday while investigators pored over the crime scene and the gunman’s background. But in cities around the country, demonstrations over police shootings had continued the night before, some of them becoming quite heated while others were infused with sober reflection over the carnage in Dallas. “As painful as this week has been, I firmly believe that America is not as divided as some have suggested,” President Obama said Saturday while in Poland for a NATO summit. “Americans of all races and all backgrounds are rightly outraged by the inexcusable attacks on police, whether it’s in Dallas or any place else.”

Police say the attacker in Dallas — identified as Micah Xavier Johnson, a black 25-year-old from a nearby suburb — told them he was angry over police killings of black men, an issue that surged back into the news this week after these recent incidents in Baton Rouge, La., and outside St. Paul, Minn. Before authorities used a bomb to kill Johnson, they say he told police he wanted to kill white officers. “The suspect said he was upset about black lives matter,” David Brown, the Dallas police chief, said of the attacker’s comments. “He said he was upset about the recent police shootings. The suspect said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.”

Brown said the attacker’s comments were made during a prolonged, and at times violent, standoff that followed the brutal shooting rampage Thursday night during a peaceful protest over police shootings. This attack fused two topics that have roiled the country in recent years — mass shootings and outrage over how police use force — bringing them together in a horrific way decried by law enforcement officials around the country and activists protesting police shootings alike.

Obama said “Americans of all races and all backgrounds are also rightly saddened and angered” over the deaths this week of black men fatally shot by police officers in Louisiana and Minnesota. He also tied the mass shooting here to some of the rampages that have claimed dozens of lives since last year, invoking the rampages at a historic black church in Charleston, S.C.; a gay club in Orlando; and an office party in San Bernardino, Calif. “We cannot let the actions of a few define all of us,” Obama said. “The demented individual who carried out those attacks in Dallas, he’s no more representative of African Americans than the shooter in Charleston was representative of white Americans, or the shooter in Orlando, or San Bernardino, were representative of Muslim Americans,” Obama said. “They don’t speak for us. That’s not who we are.”


And he's right.

He doesn't represent African Americans any more than he represents veterans.

He's a murderer. He was also dishonerably discharged for sexual assault. The guy's a looser.

I would not say he represents African-Americans in a general sense...but he was typical of many of of those negroes with the mindset of..... hatred of white folk that is in fact quite rampant amongst ignorant type Negroids of which there are way too many....though the ones truly to blame are those that indoctrinated these childlike retards into such fallacious beliefs they have--I am talking about in general white liberals and specifically the public schools, the media especially, hollywood and even many so called black ministers who preach the fallacious doctrine of black liberation doctrine that obama's church spread and obama went there quite reguarly for 20 yrs. and then suddenly sees the light when is campaigning for the presidency and drops Rev. Wright like a hot potato.

Quite pathetic...but even more pathetic are all the clueless pc whites wracked with white guilt who tried to absolve their guilt by voting for a colored man.

Actually, what is pathetic is the need to use pejorative like negroids and imply a subhuman charecterization.

Children should be seen and not heard...........ignorant peeps like you should keep your pie hole closed. hehheh

  1. 1.
    a member of a dark-skinned group of peoples originally native to Africa south of the Sahara.
So tell me chump.....what is pejorative about the term Negro...the official title of one of the 3 main racial groups? Me thinks you are one stupid mudder rucker. BTW ever heard of the United Negro College Fund? Or the national association for the advancement of colored people? Do you think the term 'colored' is also pejorative? Go ahead expose some more of your ignorance...do you also support the BLM?

BTW Andy Rooney used the woid 'negro' and said on national t.v. it was a perfectly good woid.

Debate This: Is Negro a “bad” word?

"Negro" isn't in an of itself a slur...it's antiquated. How one chooses to use it (intent) is what makes it a slur.



Anthropology. (no longer in technical use) of, relating to, or characteristic of the peoples traditionally classified as the Negro race, especially those who originate in sub-Saharan Africa.
Older Use: Usually Offensive. a member of such peoples.

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