DACA Upheld by Supreme Court

This will just be rewritten and another order will be sent this week
They will choose to side against Trump on the next one too. He needs to try though.

BTW, the 3 branches are SUPPOSED TO BE CO-EQUAL. Why are we allowing the SC this much power?

Marbury v. Madison (1803). The first fuckup.

"All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others."
This will just be rewritten and another order will be sent this week
They will choose to side against Trump on the next one too. He needs to try though.

BTW, the 3 branches are SUPPOSED TO BE CO-EQUAL. Why are we allowing the SC this much power?
I see it as appropriately checking the power of the Executive. The way the system was meant to work.
In his dissent in the SCOTUS DACA case Justice Thomas says The decision is “An effort to avoid a politically controversial but legally correct decision.” :uhoh3::uhoh3:


Like I've been saying, the majority of Americans are now so ignorant they'll allow their emotions to trump law and logic.
They have no respect for our immigration laws, and they work every single day to dismantle our immigration laws and enforcement.
I don 't know how we could have arrived at this place, but I pretty much have to chalk it up to total ignorance.

Like I've been saying, the majority of Americans are now so ignorant they'll allow their emotions to trump law and logic.
They have no respect for our immigration laws, and they work every single day to dismantle our immigration kaws and enforcement.
I don 't know how we could have arrived at this place, but I pretty much have to chalk it up to total ignorance.

It's a great day for America.

Keep crying. It's your right to whine about it like a little bitch.
Roberts comes through again.
I hope that's sarcasm.

Trump cant afford to pick another Robert's. He better pick a staunch conservative.

CC is a left wing lunatic
Roberts does come through for him, most of the time.
Roberta is another of the many deep staters picked by clueless Republicans. This is why Trump cant waste any more time picking "moderates" that he thinks will cause a little less insane behavior from the left. They'll go nut regardless so every pick has to count
And by the way, what Americans BROADLY support is irrelevant. What matters here is the law, and it's not being followed.
Last time I checked presidents do not have the executive power to unilaterally create immigration laws. Even Obama agreed it's the job of Congress to write immigration law, but he went for it, and his executive decision that should have been struck down, has been upheld for the foreseeable future.
This will just be rewritten and another order will be sent this week
They will choose to side against Trump on the next one too. He needs to try though.

BTW, the 3 branches are SUPPOSED TO BE CO-EQUAL. Why are we allowing the SC this much power?
I see it as appropriately checking the power of the Executive. The way the system was meant to work.
No, they are deciding a far leftists EO are not allowed to be nullified. They dont have that power. These are CO-EQUAL BRANCHES. Antvthe president DOES NOT have to abide by their decrees

Like I've been saying, the majority of Americans are now so ignorant they'll allow their emotions to trump law and logic.
They have no respect for our immigration laws, and they work every single day to dismantle our immigration kaws and enforcement.
I don 't know how we could have arrived at this place, but I pretty much have to chalk it up to total ignorance.

It's a great day for America.

Keep crying. It's your right to whine about it like a little bitch.

No it's not, but you're too stupid to see it.

Like I've been saying, the majority of Americans are now so ignorant they'll allow their emotions to trump law and logic.
They have no respect for our immigration laws, and they work every single day to dismantle our immigration kaws and enforcement.
I don 't know how we could have arrived at this place, but I pretty much have to chalk it up to total ignorance.

It's a great day for America.

Keep crying. It's your right to whine about it like a little bitch.

No it's not, but you're too stupid to see it.

Most Americans support DACA and that's not changing any time soon. Deal with it.

Sucks for you!
And by the way, what Americans BROADLY support is irrelevant. What matters here is the law, and it's not being followed.
Last time I checked presidents do not have the executive power to unilaterally create immigration laws. Even Obama agreed it's the job of Congress to write immigration law, but he went for it, and his executive decision that should have been struck down, has been upheld for the foreseeable future.

What matters here is that the Supreme Court just ruled against you. Hahahahaha!
Another loss for the blobbers.

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As I always said, the court has a way of moderating itself

WRONG! Forget the Kenyan judges...they're ideated communists who always follow the party line. Roberts decided this one on the wording of the Trump Admin lawsuit. Technical....way over your pinhead...he didn't like the DHS approach is all and said DACA only has merit because immigration laws were ignored for so long by both sides. No point in bringing a suit back to them until Trump gets a 5th true conservative. I wasn't surprised by Roberts.....Bush appointees always go sideways to get invited to the right cocktail parties and stock tips. Bush41 pick, Souter, got mugged in a queer park and finally resigned. Barry admitted DACA wasn't legal and the USSC agrees it probably isn't. So a properly worded approach will be necessary to appease the nitpicking Chief Justice.
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Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

Tissue is on sale at Costco. You could buy in bulk.

i’m curious, what part of the southern brown shithole are you from and how long have you been fucking over good real Americans?

Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

Tissue is on sale at Costco. You could buy in bulk.

i’m curious, what part of the southern brown shithole are you from and how long have you been fucking over good real Americans?
You must be feeling like a fucking fool today. I thought you said DACA would get voted down? You even made a thread about it.

Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

Tissue is on sale at Costco. You could buy in bulk.

i’m curious, what part of the southern brown shithole are you from and how long have you been fucking over good real Americans?
You must be feeling like a fucking fool today. I thought you said DACA would get voted down? You even made a thread about it.

not nearly as foolish as the ignorant fucks who said a black guy would make a good president and Hillary was sure to win the presidency

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