DACA Upheld by Supreme Court

Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

The American citizenry support DACA.

Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

Tissue is on sale at Costco. You could buy in bulk.
Another tard stealing the lines of the right. Are you guys even capable of original thought?

Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

The American citizenry support DACA.

that’s just another leftist lie… Rooted in engineered public opinion… 30 states and 2,623 counties said no more Beaner’s in 2016… Remember now?

Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

The American citizenry support DACA.

Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

The American citizenry support DACA.
We arent a democracy.

Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.

Absolutely appalling. We can not allow this in our nation.

The voters agree with DACA with a 70% majority. Hatred like yours is what shoulkd bew gotten rid of.
I know most of you don’t live in the heart of a urban area like I do,, I’m TELLING YOU AMERICAN CULTURE IS GONE, our heritage is laughed at, this anti American culture will only grow... I know before I die I will be smiling,, the time can’t come fast enough. I remain patient and unbelievably firm that I will raise the flag on the tears of millions of defeated anti American democrats. Until that day, let’s all stay focused. God bless

View attachment 351856

Sarcasm with the added benefit of being 100# accurate

Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

Tissue is on sale at Costco. You could buy in bulk.

i’m curious, what part of the southern brown shithole are you from and how long have you been fucking over good real Americans?
You must be feeling like a fucking fool today. I thought you said DACA would get voted down? You even made a thread about it.

not nearly as foolish as the ignorant fucks who said a black guy would make a good president and Hillary was sure to win the presidency
Obama was a two term potus that would have had a 3rd term if not for the constitution. He is also the best president in history. So no you dont feel like the smart people that said he would make a good potus. When hillary lost everyone in the entire world was fucking shocked. No one felt foolish. The entire world wondered how americans could be so fucking stupid. I explained to many of my friends that Drumpf had to get electoral AA to win.

Anyway getting back from your deflection. What the fuck made you think you knew what was going to happen? Youre one of the dumbest POS on the board and youre always wrong. Why were you so sure of this specific topic? That is if youre not too embarrassed to explain. :)
I know most of you don’t live in the heart of a urban area like I do,, I’m TELLING YOU AMERICAN CULTURE IS GONE, our heritage is laughed at, this anti American culture will only grow... I know before I die I will be smiling,, the time can’t come fast enough. I remain patient and unbelievably firm that I will raise the flag on the tears of millions of defeated anti American democrats. Until that day, let’s all stay focused. God bless

View attachment 351856

Sarcasm with the added benefit of being 100# accurate
This won’t end well for you lol
Another loss for the blobbers.

View attachment 351799

As I always said, the court has a way of moderating itself

WRONG! Forget the Kenyan judges...they're ideated communists who always follow the party line. Roberts decided this one on the wording of the Trump Admin lawsuit. Technical....way over your pinhead...he didn't like the DHS approach is all and said DACA only has merit because immigration laws were ignored for so long by both sides. No point in bringing a suit back to them until Trump gets a 5th true conservative. I wasn't surprised by Roberts.....Bush appointees always go sideways to get invited to the right cocktail parties and stock tips. Bush41 pic, Souter, got mugged in a queer park and finally resigned. Barry admitted DACA wasn't legal and the USSC agrees it probably isn't. So a properly worded approach will be necessary to appease the nitpicking Chief Justice.

You sound like you need your diapers changed

Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

The American citizenry support DACA.

"Overall, 74 percent of U.S. adults support granting status, while 24 percent are opposed.

Among Democrats, 91 percent support the measure while Republicans are split, with 53 percent in favor and 43 percent against.

Hispanics are the most likely to support permanent status for Dreamers. Overall, 88 percent support permanent status; 92 percent of foreign-born Hispanics and 88 percent of U.S.-born Hispanics support permanent status for Dreamers.

Among white respondents, support is at 69 percent, while 82 percent of African American respondents support it and 77 percent of Asian respondents."% minority.

You are one of the 24% minority. Even a large number of Trump supporters agree.

Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

Tissue is on sale at Costco. You could buy in bulk.

i’m curious, what part of the southern brown shithole are you from and how long have you been fucking over good real Americans?
You must be feeling like a fucking fool today. I thought you said DACA would get voted down? You even made a thread about it.

not nearly as foolish as the ignorant fucks who said a black guy would make a good president and Hillary was sure to win the presidency
Obama was a two term potus that would have had a 3rd term if not for the constitution. He is also the best president in history. So no you dont feel like the smart people that said he would make a good potus. When hillary lost everyone in the entire world was fucking shocked. No one felt foolish. The entire world wondered how americans could be so fucking stupid. I explained to many of my friends that Drumpf had to get electoral AA to win.

Anyway getting back from your deflection. What the fuck made you think you knew what was going to happen? Youre one of the dumbest POS on the board and youre always wrong. Why were you so sure of this specific topic? That is if youre not too embarrassed to explain. :)

haha... I suppose I goofed up by leaning with legal scholars on the issue… I should have trusted some crazy bitter black dude in cyberspace huh?

Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

Tissue is on sale at Costco. You could buy in bulk.

i’m curious, what part of the southern brown shithole are you from and how long have you been fucking over good real Americans?
You must be feeling like a fucking fool today. I thought you said DACA would get voted down? You even made a thread about it.

not nearly as foolish as the ignorant fucks who said a black guy would make a good president and Hillary was sure to win the presidency
Obama was a two term potus that would have had a 3rd term if not for the constitution. He is also the best president in history. So no you dont feel like the smart people that said he would make a good potus. When hillary lost everyone in the entire world was fucking shocked. No one felt foolish. The entire world wondered how americans could be so fucking stupid. I explained to many of my friends that Drumpf had to get electoral AA to win.

Anyway getting back from your deflection. What the fuck made you think you knew what was going to happen? Youre one of the dumbest POS on the board and youre always wrong. Why were you so sure of this specific topic? That is if youre not too embarrassed to explain. :)

haha... I suppose I goofed up by leaning with legal scholars on the issue… I should have trusted some crazy bitter black dude in cyberspace huh?
" I suppose I goofed up by leaning with legal scholars on the issue… "

I thought I told you to start using your own brain? We got those training wheels and that crash helmet for you just for that purpose. Look. Lets be clear. Youre a dumb MF and you need to excercise that mind. Slowly at first but you will pick up speed. Its like riding a bike. You can ride a bike right? :)
There's just no point now in even having a Republican president, they can't seem to get it right.
Thomas and Alito are the only ones now that turned out to be the way we thought they would.
These newer guys are a complete bust.

And by the way, how is it that Roberts can agree with an illegal executive decision ?

Thomas and Alito are far right wing hacks. They are the ones playing politics. Roberts was 100% right. The goverrnment made a contract with DACA recipients. The court is saying that you have to account for them. The logical thing to do would have been to grandfather the people in the program in permanently.

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