D-Steny Hoyer Completely TRIGGERED By A sign He Saw At A County Fair

Fk Hillary. She lost and we all knew it. As I have said, many times, I am glad she lost and only wish there was some way both of the two low character candidates that year could not have lost. That election is what you get when one party picks a shit candidate as if they earned a shot at the top, and the other party gets a free pass to fall in with a shit candidate.
Cool personal theory that may hold water if Trump didn’t have a record that proves America kicked ass and improved on his watch.
Easy old-timer I was just asking…question for ya….do you consider yourself left-leaning or is it just your typing fingers that are?
Easy on the "old-timer" crap, youngster. When was the last time you hiked over 11 miles with pack and Camelbak in mountainous terrain with a 2,763 ft elevation change or solo kayaked 60 miles? I'll let you know when I get old, but I ain't there yet.
Some issues very conservative on, some things accepting of other people right to be different from me, as long as they do not interfere with me and mine going about our lives or go against the law, the constitution or my country.
Cool personal theory that may hold water if Trump didn’t have a record that proves America kicked ass and improved on his watch.
To me, that is a short-sighted viewpoint.
That is an example of why you and I disagree. I don't think you have any respect for the system that got us this far. I am still a believer.
By "this system," do you mean the one that's turning this country into a fascist police state? Do you mean the one where they auction off my income and property in every election?
Sounds like Steny Hoyer does not have much respect for lawless bastards in the Republican booth at the country fair, who have no respect for the laws of the land, the decisions of the state houses and courts or free and fair elections. I don't either.
He did not act out of the ordinary when speaking on the floor of the US House of Representatives.
Just call us "DIrty Joos". It makes it a lot clearer who you are and what you stand for. No need for the code language.
Weird, because I have traveled through many States, Blue and Red as you call them.
Been to big cities and rural farm lands.

And I've seen a few.

Nothing like what you pretend to see.
Every Block.......WOW.

Take a picture of 10 random blocks in your town, and PROVE it.

Inside most businesses too.
WOW, that's amazing.

Hyperbole much....yes you do.
You haven't been here... we don't take to leftist man buns much...
You haven't been here... we don't take to leftist man buns much...
You don't know that.
What town is it?

Oh, that's right, you won't say but you WILL claim I've never been there.

You have a man bun?
What a loser. LOLOLLOOLLL.... Man Bun.
You don't know that.
What town is it?

Oh, that's right, you won't say but you WILL claim I've never been there.

You have a man bun?
What a loser. LOLOLLOOLLL.... Man Bun.
You wouldn't last in my town we are way too MAGA patriotic for you....
See... we love America here and have three Trump stores... people openly wear MAGA caps here and I'm not sure you could take that....
This is the real America not that mess in 3rd world blue cities....
You wouldn't last in my town we are way too MAGA patriotic for you....
See... we love America here and have three Trump stores... people openly wear MAGA caps here and I'm not sure you could take that....
This is the real America not that mess in 3rd world blue cities....
Ha...... What town is it?
At least say the State.
That must be some rewarding job for all these people to still be working in their 80s.
Many people, like me, are living around you.

Where is here? Why can't you mention your Ruby Red Village?
Because we want to keep it ruby red.... its a very small town you would hate it... we go hunting and fishing everyone has guns and ATV's.... and from time to time we see a truck which everyone has with a deer in the bed.... wouldn't want you to throw up.... plus you would have the only man bun and short socks in town....
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By "this system," do you mean the one that's turning this country into a fascist police state? Do you mean the one where they auction off my income and property in every election?
They auction off your income and property every election? Bullshit. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Sure they do. Biden just auctioned off about $6 trillion of American property. He used it to buy the votes of all the parasites.
Which property was yours?
Can’t seem to control his emotions in regards to what? Oh, that manufactured constitutional crisis created by Trump. Thanks

Someone suspecting election fraud is nothing to do with the Constitution.
It has to do with things like hanging chads, butterfly ballots, taxation without representation of felons, voting machines that are easily hacked or intentionally defraud, gerrymandering, reducing polling places, etc.

Congress likely should be picketed and routinely burned down for all the criminal things they did, like Prohibition, the War on Drug, WMD lies to invade Iraq, water boarding and POW abuse at Gitmo, etc.
Which property was yours?

(Reuters) - The Biden administration on Wednesday revealed plans to hold an auction of oil and gas drilling rights for up to 1 million acres in the Cook Inlet off the coast of Alaska in December.

It sure did not belong to Biden.

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