D-Representative Ilhan Omar Calls Out Biggots / Biggotry and Islamaphobes...In Her Own Party


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats are Islamophobic and guilty of Bigotry...according to D-Ilhan Omar.

Omar accuses fellow Dems of bigotry after they condemn her anti-Israel rants

Omar accuses fellow Dems of bigotry after they condemn her anti-Israel rants

- Dem infighting reaches new level after Omar calls colleagues' criticism 'islamophobic'​

- Dem rift over Omar's alleged anti-Semitism cracks open as 'Squad' rep. calls criticism 'islamophobic'

The Congressionally Censured anti-Semitic, US-hating, US Immigration Policy-violating criminal who married her brother, and funneled millions to him as a 'political consultant', foreign terrorists-defending Democrat Politician has turned on her fellow Democrats

"Rep. Ilhan Omar slammed "constant harassment & silencing" from a group of House Democrats in an early-Thursday morning tweet as tensions among some House Democrats over her alleged anti-Semitism exploded out into the open this week.

"Equating the United States and Israel to Hamas and the Taliban is as offensive as it is misguided," the group of Democrats, said of Omar. The signers of the statement included Reps. Brad Schneider, D-Ill.; Brad Sherman, D-Calif.; Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J.; Jake Auchincloss, D-Mass.; and Ted Deutch, D-Fla.

"Ignoring the differences between democracies governed by the rule of law and contemptible organizations that engage in terrorism at best discredits one’s intended argument and at worst reflects deep-seated prejudice," the group added. "The United States and Israel are imperfect and, like all democracies, at times deserving of critique, but false equivalencies give cover to terrorist groups. We urge Congresswoman Omar to clarify her words placing the US and Israel in the same category as Hamas and the Taliban."

The Democrats continue to prove they are slow to learn the true identity and motive of this nation's enemies.

For decades Democrats have defended and protected terrorists, believing if we just 'play nice', are nice to them, and stand up for them they won't hate us and want to kill us anymore. Democrats are still doing this....and the plain truth is Islamic terrorists still would not blink an eye or hesitate to kill every American simply because they hate us and we continue to BREATHE!

In the same way, Ilhan Omar's fellow Democrats have come to the rescue of Omar every time her vile, hate-driven anti-Semitism has drawn massive rebuke, to the point of demands for Congressional Censure. Congress drafted a resolution rebuking Omar for her continued anti-Semitic assault on our ally Israel and anyone who stands with them; however, House Speaker Pelosi watered-down the resolution to make the resolution no longer specifically about Omar's latest vile anti-Semitic diatribe but about all forms of hatred. Omar was protected...again. Atone point, in defense of Omar's anti-Semitism, many Democrats stepped forward to expose their own rabid Anti-Semitism. Democrats finally shed their masks and showed the world who they were. They rallied around Omar in political party solidarity - 1 party, everyone buds, right?!

I saw a video on YouTube once - some southern redneck made a 'pet' of a rattle snake. In the video this moron was holding the rattle snake and attempted to kiss it on the top of its head. Yeah - you guessed it - the snake bit him in the face. His head swelled up to the size of a basketball, and he nearly died.

In nearly the same way, the Democrats welcomed Ilhan Omar in as one of their own, ignorant to the fact that she was / is NOT their friend, was / is NOT 'one of them'. And after they took her in, raced to her defense over and over, Biden has and continues to BITE HER FELLOW DEMOCRATS IN THE FACE.

When she goes on terrorist-supporting, vile anti-Semitic rants and in doing so goes too far so much that even her fellow Democrats can not defend it and call for her to quiet down / apologize, Omar attacks her fellow Democrats - as she has just done again, calling them 'Bigots' and of being 'Islamophobic'.

""It’s shameful for colleagues who call me when they need my support to now put out a statement asking for ‘clarification’ and not just call," she said. "The islamophobic tropes in this statement are offensive. The constant harassment & silencing from the signers of this letter is unbearable."

Omar added, "Citing an open case against Israel, US, Hamas & Taliban in the ICC isn’t comparison or from ‘deeply seated prejudice’. You might try to undermine these investigations or deny justice to their victims but history has thought us that the truth can’t be hidden or silenced forever."


"It’s not news that Ilhan Omar would make outrageous and clearly false statements about America and Israel," Sherman said in an independent statement on the matter. "What’s newsworthy is that she admits Hamas is guilty of ‘unthinkable atrocities’. It’s time for all of Israel’s detractors to condemn Hamas. And it’s time for all those of good will to reject any moral equivalency between the U.S. and Israel on one hand, and Hamas and the Taliban on the other."

What is newsworthy as well is the fact that Omar, ONCE AGAIN, is savaging her fellow Democrats by calling them Islama-phobes and Bigots.

"This is not the first time House Democrats have been roiled by allegedly anti-Semitic comments from Omar.

The body passed a resolution in 2019 condemning bigotry in response to comments from Omar suggesting that Israel supporters were pushing for U.S. politicians to declare "allegiance" to Israel. That was seen as a form of the longstanding "dual loyalties" trope that has been used against Jewish people for centuries."

In response to D-Omar comparing the US to terrorists Hamas and the Taliban, Democrats responded by calling for Omar to be removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

"False equivalencies give cover to terrorist groups"
— Group of 11 House Democrats on recent comments from Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.

Hmmm, maybe the Democrats are finally starting to learn that Omar's hating this country also means she is not their friend, that she hates THEM, too.

Democrats are Islamophobic and guilty of Bigotry...according to D-Ilhan Omar.
Dem infighting reaches new level after Omar calls colleagues' criticism 'islamophobic'

Dem infighting reaches new level after Omar calls colleagues' criticism 'islamophobic'
Omar accuses fellow Dems of bigotry after they condemn her anti-Israel rants

Omar accuses fellow Dems of bigotry after they condemn her anti-Israel rants

- Dem infighting reaches new level after Omar calls colleagues' criticism 'islamophobic'​

- Dem rift over Omar's alleged anti-Semitism cracks open as 'Squad' rep. calls criticism 'islamophobic'

The Congressionally Censured anti-Semitic, US-hating, US Immigration Policy-violating criminal who married her brother, and funneled millions to him as a 'political consultant', foreign terrorists-defending Democrat Politician has turned on her fellow Democrats

"Rep. Ilhan Omar slammed "constant harassment & silencing" from a group of House Democrats in an early-Thursday morning tweet as tensions among some House Democrats over her alleged anti-Semitism exploded out into the open this week.

"Equating the United States and Israel to Hamas and the Taliban is as offensive as it is misguided," the group of Democrats, said of Omar. The signers of the statement included Reps. Brad Schneider, D-Ill.; Brad Sherman, D-Calif.; Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J.; Jake Auchincloss, D-Mass.; and Ted Deutch, D-Fla.

"Ignoring the differences between democracies governed by the rule of law and contemptible organizations that engage in terrorism at best discredits one’s intended argument and at worst reflects deep-seated prejudice," the group added. "The United States and Israel are imperfect and, like all democracies, at times deserving of critique, but false equivalencies give cover to terrorist groups. We urge Congresswoman Omar to clarify her words placing the US and Israel in the same category as Hamas and the Taliban."

The Democrats continue to prove they are slow to learn the true identity and motive of this nation's enemies.

For decades Democrats have defended and protected terrorists, believing if we just 'play nice', are nice to them, and stand up for them they won't hate us and want to kill us anymore. Democrats are still doing this....and the plain truth is Islamic terrorists still would not blink an eye or hesitate to kill every American simply because they hate us and we continue to BREATHE!

In the same way, Ilhan Omar's fellow Democrats have come to the rescue of Omar every time her vile, hate-driven anti-Semitism has drawn massive rebuke, to the point of demands for Congressional Censure. Congress drafted a resolution rebuking Omar for her continued anti-Semitic assault on our ally Israel and anyone who stands with them; however, House Speaker Pelosi watered-down the resolution to make the resolution no longer specifically about Omar's latest vile anti-Semitic diatribe but about all forms of hatred. Omar was protected...again. Atone point, in defense of Omar's anti-Semitism, many Democrats stepped forward to expose their own rabid Anti-Semitism. Democrats finally shed their masks and showed the world who they were. They rallied around Omar in political party solidarity - 1 party, everyone buds, right?!

I saw a video on YouTube once - some southern redneck made a 'pet' of a rattle snake. In the video this moron was holding the rattle snake and attempted to kiss it on the top of its head. Yeah - you guessed it - the snake bit him in the face. His head swelled up to the size of a basketball, and he nearly died.

In nearly the same way, the Democrats welcomed Ilhan Omar in as one of their own, ignorant to the fact that she was / is NOT their friend, was / is NOT 'one of them'. And after they took her in, raced to her defense over and over, Biden has and continues to BITE HER FELLOW DEMOCRATS IN THE FACE.

When she goes on terrorist-supporting, vile anti-Semitic rants and in doing so goes too far so much that even her fellow Democrats can not defend it and call for her to quiet down / apologize, Omar attacks her fellow Democrats - as she has just done again, calling them 'Bigots' and of being 'Islamophobic'.

""It’s shameful for colleagues who call me when they need my support to now put out a statement asking for ‘clarification’ and not just call," she said. "The islamophobic tropes in this statement are offensive. The constant harassment & silencing from the signers of this letter is unbearable."

Omar added, "Citing an open case against Israel, US, Hamas & Taliban in the ICC isn’t comparison or from ‘deeply seated prejudice’. You might try to undermine these investigations or deny justice to their victims but history has thought us that the truth can’t be hidden or silenced forever."


"It’s not news that Ilhan Omar would make outrageous and clearly false statements about America and Israel," Sherman said in an independent statement on the matter. "What’s newsworthy is that she admits Hamas is guilty of ‘unthinkable atrocities’. It’s time for all of Israel’s detractors to condemn Hamas. And it’s time for all those of good will to reject any moral equivalency between the U.S. and Israel on one hand, and Hamas and the Taliban on the other."

What is newsworthy as well is the fact that Omar, ONCE AGAIN, is savaging her fellow Democrats by calling them Islama-phobes and Bigots.

"This is not the first time House Democrats have been roiled by allegedly anti-Semitic comments from Omar.

The body passed a resolution in 2019 condemning bigotry in response to comments from Omar suggesting that Israel supporters were pushing for U.S. politicians to declare "allegiance" to Israel. That was seen as a form of the longstanding "dual loyalties" trope that has been used against Jewish people for centuries."

In response to D-Omar comparing the US to terrorists Hamas and the Taliban, Democrats responded by calling for Omar to be removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

"False equivalencies give cover to terrorist groups"
— Group of 11 House Democrats on recent comments from Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.

Hmmm, maybe the Democrats are finally starting to learn that Omar's hating this country also means she is not their friend, that she hates THEM, too.

The DemoKKKrats now have two open Holocaust deniers in congress (Omar and Tlaib) and at least three more who are likely Holocaust deniers but have not stated it publicly, they've just come right up to the edge without jumping fully into the Nazi pool. Soon, claiming the Holocaust never happened will become a litmus test for entry into the DNC.
Democrats are Islamophobic and guilty of Bigotry...according to D-Ilhan Omar.
Dem infighting reaches new level after Omar calls colleagues' criticism 'islamophobic'

Dem infighting reaches new level after Omar calls colleagues' criticism 'islamophobic'
Omar accuses fellow Dems of bigotry after they condemn her anti-Israel rants

Omar accuses fellow Dems of bigotry after they condemn her anti-Israel rants

- Dem infighting reaches new level after Omar calls colleagues' criticism 'islamophobic'​

- Dem rift over Omar's alleged anti-Semitism cracks open as 'Squad' rep. calls criticism 'islamophobic'

The Congressionally Censured anti-Semitic, US-hating, US Immigration Policy-violating criminal who married her brother, and funneled millions to him as a 'political consultant', foreign terrorists-defending Democrat Politician has turned on her fellow Democrats

"Rep. Ilhan Omar slammed "constant harassment & silencing" from a group of House Democrats in an early-Thursday morning tweet as tensions among some House Democrats over her alleged anti-Semitism exploded out into the open this week.

"Equating the United States and Israel to Hamas and the Taliban is as offensive as it is misguided," the group of Democrats, said of Omar. The signers of the statement included Reps. Brad Schneider, D-Ill.; Brad Sherman, D-Calif.; Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J.; Jake Auchincloss, D-Mass.; and Ted Deutch, D-Fla.

"Ignoring the differences between democracies governed by the rule of law and contemptible organizations that engage in terrorism at best discredits one’s intended argument and at worst reflects deep-seated prejudice," the group added. "The United States and Israel are imperfect and, like all democracies, at times deserving of critique, but false equivalencies give cover to terrorist groups. We urge Congresswoman Omar to clarify her words placing the US and Israel in the same category as Hamas and the Taliban."

The Democrats continue to prove they are slow to learn the true identity and motive of this nation's enemies.

For decades Democrats have defended and protected terrorists, believing if we just 'play nice', are nice to them, and stand up for them they won't hate us and want to kill us anymore. Democrats are still doing this....and the plain truth is Islamic terrorists still would not blink an eye or hesitate to kill every American simply because they hate us and we continue to BREATHE!

In the same way, Ilhan Omar's fellow Democrats have come to the rescue of Omar every time her vile, hate-driven anti-Semitism has drawn massive rebuke, to the point of demands for Congressional Censure. Congress drafted a resolution rebuking Omar for her continued anti-Semitic assault on our ally Israel and anyone who stands with them; however, House Speaker Pelosi watered-down the resolution to make the resolution no longer specifically about Omar's latest vile anti-Semitic diatribe but about all forms of hatred. Omar was protected...again. Atone point, in defense of Omar's anti-Semitism, many Democrats stepped forward to expose their own rabid Anti-Semitism. Democrats finally shed their masks and showed the world who they were. They rallied around Omar in political party solidarity - 1 party, everyone buds, right?!

I saw a video on YouTube once - some southern redneck made a 'pet' of a rattle snake. In the video this moron was holding the rattle snake and attempted to kiss it on the top of its head. Yeah - you guessed it - the snake bit him in the face. His head swelled up to the size of a basketball, and he nearly died.

In nearly the same way, the Democrats welcomed Ilhan Omar in as one of their own, ignorant to the fact that she was / is NOT their friend, was / is NOT 'one of them'. And after they took her in, raced to her defense over and over, Biden has and continues to BITE HER FELLOW DEMOCRATS IN THE FACE.

When she goes on terrorist-supporting, vile anti-Semitic rants and in doing so goes too far so much that even her fellow Democrats can not defend it and call for her to quiet down / apologize, Omar attacks her fellow Democrats - as she has just done again, calling them 'Bigots' and of being 'Islamophobic'.

""It’s shameful for colleagues who call me when they need my support to now put out a statement asking for ‘clarification’ and not just call," she said. "The islamophobic tropes in this statement are offensive. The constant harassment & silencing from the signers of this letter is unbearable."

Omar added, "Citing an open case against Israel, US, Hamas & Taliban in the ICC isn’t comparison or from ‘deeply seated prejudice’. You might try to undermine these investigations or deny justice to their victims but history has thought us that the truth can’t be hidden or silenced forever."


"It’s not news that Ilhan Omar would make outrageous and clearly false statements about America and Israel," Sherman said in an independent statement on the matter. "What’s newsworthy is that she admits Hamas is guilty of ‘unthinkable atrocities’. It’s time for all of Israel’s detractors to condemn Hamas. And it’s time for all those of good will to reject any moral equivalency between the U.S. and Israel on one hand, and Hamas and the Taliban on the other."

What is newsworthy as well is the fact that Omar, ONCE AGAIN, is savaging her fellow Democrats by calling them Islama-phobes and Bigots.

"This is not the first time House Democrats have been roiled by allegedly anti-Semitic comments from Omar.

The body passed a resolution in 2019 condemning bigotry in response to comments from Omar suggesting that Israel supporters were pushing for U.S. politicians to declare "allegiance" to Israel. That was seen as a form of the longstanding "dual loyalties" trope that has been used against Jewish people for centuries."

In response to D-Omar comparing the US to terrorists Hamas and the Taliban, Democrats responded by calling for Omar to be removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

"False equivalencies give cover to terrorist groups"
— Group of 11 House Democrats on recent comments from Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.

Hmmm, maybe the Democrats are finally starting to learn that Omar's hating this country also means she is not their friend, that she hates THEM, too.

Children in a play pen
It is slightly surprising that the Democratic Party's anti-American Marxist Ideology and Agenda is so important that they put up with such proven criminals, anti-Semites, and terrorist supporters....which I guess actually describes much of the Party. NUMBERS - giving them the Majority - is so important and so fragile it makes for strange bedfellows.....
Democrats are Islamophobic and guilty of Bigotry...according to D-Ilhan Omar.
Dem infighting reaches new level after Omar calls colleagues' criticism 'islamophobic'

Dem infighting reaches new level after Omar calls colleagues' criticism 'islamophobic'
Omar accuses fellow Dems of bigotry after they condemn her anti-Israel rants

Omar accuses fellow Dems of bigotry after they condemn her anti-Israel rants

- Dem infighting reaches new level after Omar calls colleagues' criticism 'islamophobic'​

- Dem rift over Omar's alleged anti-Semitism cracks open as 'Squad' rep. calls criticism 'islamophobic'

The Congressionally Censured anti-Semitic, US-hating, US Immigration Policy-violating criminal who married her brother, and funneled millions to him as a 'political consultant', foreign terrorists-defending Democrat Politician has turned on her fellow Democrats

"Rep. Ilhan Omar slammed "constant harassment & silencing" from a group of House Democrats in an early-Thursday morning tweet as tensions among some House Democrats over her alleged anti-Semitism exploded out into the open this week.

"Equating the United States and Israel to Hamas and the Taliban is as offensive as it is misguided," the group of Democrats, said of Omar. The signers of the statement included Reps. Brad Schneider, D-Ill.; Brad Sherman, D-Calif.; Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J.; Jake Auchincloss, D-Mass.; and Ted Deutch, D-Fla.

"Ignoring the differences between democracies governed by the rule of law and contemptible organizations that engage in terrorism at best discredits one’s intended argument and at worst reflects deep-seated prejudice," the group added. "The United States and Israel are imperfect and, like all democracies, at times deserving of critique, but false equivalencies give cover to terrorist groups. We urge Congresswoman Omar to clarify her words placing the US and Israel in the same category as Hamas and the Taliban."

The Democrats continue to prove they are slow to learn the true identity and motive of this nation's enemies.

For decades Democrats have defended and protected terrorists, believing if we just 'play nice', are nice to them, and stand up for them they won't hate us and want to kill us anymore. Democrats are still doing this....and the plain truth is Islamic terrorists still would not blink an eye or hesitate to kill every American simply because they hate us and we continue to BREATHE!

In the same way, Ilhan Omar's fellow Democrats have come to the rescue of Omar every time her vile, hate-driven anti-Semitism has drawn massive rebuke, to the point of demands for Congressional Censure. Congress drafted a resolution rebuking Omar for her continued anti-Semitic assault on our ally Israel and anyone who stands with them; however, House Speaker Pelosi watered-down the resolution to make the resolution no longer specifically about Omar's latest vile anti-Semitic diatribe but about all forms of hatred. Omar was protected...again. Atone point, in defense of Omar's anti-Semitism, many Democrats stepped forward to expose their own rabid Anti-Semitism. Democrats finally shed their masks and showed the world who they were. They rallied around Omar in political party solidarity - 1 party, everyone buds, right?!

I saw a video on YouTube once - some southern redneck made a 'pet' of a rattle snake. In the video this moron was holding the rattle snake and attempted to kiss it on the top of its head. Yeah - you guessed it - the snake bit him in the face. His head swelled up to the size of a basketball, and he nearly died.

In nearly the same way, the Democrats welcomed Ilhan Omar in as one of their own, ignorant to the fact that she was / is NOT their friend, was / is NOT 'one of them'. And after they took her in, raced to her defense over and over, Biden has and continues to BITE HER FELLOW DEMOCRATS IN THE FACE.

When she goes on terrorist-supporting, vile anti-Semitic rants and in doing so goes too far so much that even her fellow Democrats can not defend it and call for her to quiet down / apologize, Omar attacks her fellow Democrats - as she has just done again, calling them 'Bigots' and of being 'Islamophobic'.

""It’s shameful for colleagues who call me when they need my support to now put out a statement asking for ‘clarification’ and not just call," she said. "The islamophobic tropes in this statement are offensive. The constant harassment & silencing from the signers of this letter is unbearable."

Omar added, "Citing an open case against Israel, US, Hamas & Taliban in the ICC isn’t comparison or from ‘deeply seated prejudice’. You might try to undermine these investigations or deny justice to their victims but history has thought us that the truth can’t be hidden or silenced forever."


"It’s not news that Ilhan Omar would make outrageous and clearly false statements about America and Israel," Sherman said in an independent statement on the matter. "What’s newsworthy is that she admits Hamas is guilty of ‘unthinkable atrocities’. It’s time for all of Israel’s detractors to condemn Hamas. And it’s time for all those of good will to reject any moral equivalency between the U.S. and Israel on one hand, and Hamas and the Taliban on the other."

What is newsworthy as well is the fact that Omar, ONCE AGAIN, is savaging her fellow Democrats by calling them Islama-phobes and Bigots.

"This is not the first time House Democrats have been roiled by allegedly anti-Semitic comments from Omar.

The body passed a resolution in 2019 condemning bigotry in response to comments from Omar suggesting that Israel supporters were pushing for U.S. politicians to declare "allegiance" to Israel. That was seen as a form of the longstanding "dual loyalties" trope that has been used against Jewish people for centuries."

In response to D-Omar comparing the US to terrorists Hamas and the Taliban, Democrats responded by calling for Omar to be removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

"False equivalencies give cover to terrorist groups"
— Group of 11 House Democrats on recent comments from Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.

Hmmm, maybe the Democrats are finally starting to learn that Omar's hating this country also means she is not their friend, that she hates THEM, too.

Deport her like we did during Palmer Raids.
Deport her like we did during Palmer Raids.

I was like you in the opinion of having her arrested for Immigration Fraud (marrying her brother) and thus using this as the basis for deporting her....but watching her continually turn on her fellow Democrats - calling them Bigots and Islamophobes - has me, partly, wanting to keep her right where she is for entertainment value. Watching her savage her own party members is definitely that - entertaining.
The whole purpose of Islamic Terrorism is to cause Islamophobia.
Cultural Genocide is part of Islamic ideology.

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