Florida board of education approves DeSantis' rule banning critical race theory


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This type of strong stance would serve a person well if they ran for president in 2024.

Indoctrinating kids with race hate, who does that?

The Florida Board of Education on Thursday approved a rule that Gov. Ron DeSantis advanced in order to ban teaching certain ideas about race and history.

The rule reads: "Instruction on the required topics must be factual and objective and may not suppress or distort significant historical events, such as the Holocaust, and may not define American history as something other than the creation of a new nation based largely on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence."

The rule came as part of a broader push by DeSantis and other Republicans to eliminate what they say are manifestations of critical race theory in schools. DeSantis' office told Fox News that the rule excludes the term "critical race theory" because "CRT isn't the only issue."

"No child should be classified as a ‘victim’ or ‘oppressor’ based on their race or ethnicity," said DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw.
This type of strong stance would serve a person well if they ran for president in 2024.

Indoctrinating kids with race hate, who does that?

The Florida Board of Education on Thursday approved a rule that Gov. Ron DeSantis advanced in order to ban teaching certain ideas about race and history.

The rule reads: "Instruction on the required topics must be factual and objective and may not suppress or distort significant historical events, such as the Holocaust, and may not define American history as something other than the creation of a new nation based largely on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence."

The rule came as part of a broader push by DeSantis and other Republicans to eliminate what they say are manifestations of critical race theory in schools. DeSantis' office told Fox News that the rule excludes the term "critical race theory" because "CRT isn't the only issue."

"No child should be classified as a ‘victim’ or ‘oppressor’ based on their race or ethnicity," said DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw.

This type of strong stance would serve a person well if they ran for president in 2024.

Indoctrinating kids with race hate, who does that?

The Florida Board of Education on Thursday approved a rule that Gov. Ron DeSantis advanced in order to ban teaching certain ideas about race and history.

The rule reads: "Instruction on the required topics must be factual and objective and may not suppress or distort significant historical events, such as the Holocaust, and may not define American history as something other than the creation of a new nation based largely on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence."

The rule came as part of a broader push by DeSantis and other Republicans to eliminate what they say are manifestations of critical race theory in schools. DeSantis' office told Fox News that the rule excludes the term "critical race theory" because "CRT isn't the only issue."

"No child should be classified as a ‘victim’ or ‘oppressor’ based on their race or ethnicity," said DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw.
Rick DeSantis is a great American.
This type of strong stance would serve a person well if they ran for president in 2024.

Indoctrinating kids with race hate, who does that?

The Florida Board of Education on Thursday approved a rule that Gov. Ron DeSantis advanced in order to ban teaching certain ideas about race and history.

The rule reads: "Instruction on the required topics must be factual and objective and may not suppress or distort significant historical events, such as the Holocaust, and may not define American history as something other than the creation of a new nation based largely on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence."

The rule came as part of a broader push by DeSantis and other Republicans to eliminate what they say are manifestations of critical race theory in schools. DeSantis' office told Fox News that the rule excludes the term "critical race theory" because "CRT isn't the only issue."

"No child should be classified as a ‘victim’ or ‘oppressor’ based on their race or ethnicity," said DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw.
What on God's green Earth is Critical Race Theory?
This type of strong stance would serve a person well if they ran for president in 2024.

Indoctrinating kids with race hate, who does that?

The Florida Board of Education on Thursday approved a rule that Gov. Ron DeSantis advanced in order to ban teaching certain ideas about race and history.

The rule reads: "Instruction on the required topics must be factual and objective and may not suppress or distort significant historical events, such as the Holocaust, and may not define American history as something other than the creation of a new nation based largely on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence."

The rule came as part of a broader push by DeSantis and other Republicans to eliminate what they say are manifestations of critical race theory in schools. DeSantis' office told Fox News that the rule excludes the term "critical race theory" because "CRT isn't the only issue."

"No child should be classified as a ‘victim’ or ‘oppressor’ based on their race or ethnicity," said DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw.
What on God's green Earth is Critical Race Theory?
It's the theory that states: "NASCAR is nothing more than adrenaline junkies driving in circles for two hours".
This type of strong stance would serve a person well if they ran for president in 2024.

Indoctrinating kids with race hate, who does that?

The Florida Board of Education on Thursday approved a rule that Gov. Ron DeSantis advanced in order to ban teaching certain ideas about race and history.

The rule reads: "Instruction on the required topics must be factual and objective and may not suppress or distort significant historical events, such as the Holocaust, and may not define American history as something other than the creation of a new nation based largely on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence."

The rule came as part of a broader push by DeSantis and other Republicans to eliminate what they say are manifestations of critical race theory in schools. DeSantis' office told Fox News that the rule excludes the term "critical race theory" because "CRT isn't the only issue."

"No child should be classified as a ‘victim’ or ‘oppressor’ based on their race or ethnicity," said DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw.
What on God's green Earth is Critical Race Theory?
There are "oppressors" (white people) and the "oppressed" (black people). White people need to become woke to there natural inherent racism. Children are taught to turn on students and parents who are not culturally aware. Minority students are taught it's alright to verbally abuse white children. Or you can read the 'Communist Manifesto' by Marx where he outlines that: " all history is about class struggle between the haves and have nots." He also clarified this struggle as between the ruling class or " bourgeoisie" and the working class or "proletariat." When the "proletariat awakens to their class consciousness" then the revolution can begin. CRT is attempt to indoctrinate school children into communist ideology.
This type of strong stance would serve a person well if they ran for president in 2024.

Indoctrinating kids with race hate, who does that?

The Florida Board of Education on Thursday approved a rule that Gov. Ron DeSantis advanced in order to ban teaching certain ideas about race and history.

The rule reads: "Instruction on the required topics must be factual and objective and may not suppress or distort significant historical events, such as the Holocaust, and may not define American history as something other than the creation of a new nation based largely on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence."

The rule came as part of a broader push by DeSantis and other Republicans to eliminate what they say are manifestations of critical race theory in schools. DeSantis' office told Fox News that the rule excludes the term "critical race theory" because "CRT isn't the only issue."

"No child should be classified as a ‘victim’ or ‘oppressor’ based on their race or ethnicity," said DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw.
What on God's green Earth is Critical Race Theory?
It's the theory that states: "NASCAR is nothing more than adrenaline junkies driving in circles for two hours".
I'm reminded of a song:

I'm glad someone with authority somewhere has the good sense to ban this shit and show everyone else you don't have to put up with it.

Wish he were the president.
Nice. I'm sure some antifa and BLM punks are disappointed that all the bullshit their communist wanna be professor, Beatrice Cranberry, taught them in their race awareness class turned out to be just that.
Raci$m is a proven money maker for the behind the scene profe$$ional manipulator$/agitator$. Don't look for racism to go out of style any time soon!
This type of strong stance would serve a person well if they ran for president in 2024.

Indoctrinating kids with race hate, who does that?

The Florida Board of Education on Thursday approved a rule that Gov. Ron DeSantis advanced in order to ban teaching certain ideas about race and history.

The rule reads: "Instruction on the required topics must be factual and objective and may not suppress or distort significant historical events, such as the Holocaust, and may not define American history as something other than the creation of a new nation based largely on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence."

The rule came as part of a broader push by DeSantis and other Republicans to eliminate what they say are manifestations of critical race theory in schools. DeSantis' office told Fox News that the rule excludes the term "critical race theory" because "CRT isn't the only issue."

"No child should be classified as a ‘victim’ or ‘oppressor’ based on their race or ethnicity," said DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw.

This type of strong stance would serve a person well if they ran for president in 2024.

Indoctrinating kids with race hate, who does that?

The Florida Board of Education on Thursday approved a rule that Gov. Ron DeSantis advanced in order to ban teaching certain ideas about race and history.

The rule reads: "Instruction on the required topics must be factual and objective and may not suppress or distort significant historical events, such as the Holocaust, and may not define American history as something other than the creation of a new nation based largely on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence."

The rule came as part of a broader push by DeSantis and other Republicans to eliminate what they say are manifestations of critical race theory in schools. DeSantis' office told Fox News that the rule excludes the term "critical race theory" because "CRT isn't the only issue."

"No child should be classified as a ‘victim’ or ‘oppressor’ based on their race or ethnicity," said DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw.
Rick DeSantis is a great American.
Too bad his name is Ron. When was the last time you had a doctor check you for Alzheimer's?
This type of strong stance would serve a person well if they ran for president in 2024.

Indoctrinating kids with race hate, who does that?

The Florida Board of Education on Thursday approved a rule that Gov. Ron DeSantis advanced in order to ban teaching certain ideas about race and history.

The rule reads: "Instruction on the required topics must be factual and objective and may not suppress or distort significant historical events, such as the Holocaust, and may not define American history as something other than the creation of a new nation based largely on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence."

The rule came as part of a broader push by DeSantis and other Republicans to eliminate what they say are manifestations of critical race theory in schools. DeSantis' office told Fox News that the rule excludes the term "critical race theory" because "CRT isn't the only issue."

"No child should be classified as a ‘victim’ or ‘oppressor’ based on their race or ethnicity," said DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw.
What on God's green Earth is Critical Race Theory?
There are "oppressors" (white people) and the "oppressed" (black people). White people need to become woke to there natural inherent racism. Children are taught to turn on students and parents who are not culturally aware. Minority students are taught it's alright to verbally abuse white children. Or you can read the 'Communist Manifesto' by Marx where he outlines that: " all history is about class struggle between the haves and have nots." He also clarified this struggle as between the ruling class or " bourgeoisie" and the working class or "proletariat." When the "proletariat awakens to their class consciousness" then the revolution can begin. CRT is attempt to indoctrinate school children into communist ideology.

Please stop claiming this ridiculous garbage you’re posting is critical race theory. It is not. Critical race theory has nothing to do with white guilt, being “woke”, or any of the other culture war bullshit you claim.

Critical race theory says that laws based on systemic racism are underpinning the justice system of America, making it inherently unfair.

This is what you fools have your hair on fire over. This is something that is being discussed in law schools as a theory, but it is not being taught in public or high schools. Nor has any school board suggested it be taught.

This is yet another Republican lie to make you people go crazy. And right on cue here you are.
This type of strong stance would serve a person well if they ran for president in 2024.

Indoctrinating kids with race hate, who does that?

The Florida Board of Education on Thursday approved a rule that Gov. Ron DeSantis advanced in order to ban teaching certain ideas about race and history.

The rule reads: "Instruction on the required topics must be factual and objective and may not suppress or distort significant historical events, such as the Holocaust, and may not define American history as something other than the creation of a new nation based largely on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence."

The rule came as part of a broader push by DeSantis and other Republicans to eliminate what they say are manifestations of critical race theory in schools. DeSantis' office told Fox News that the rule excludes the term "critical race theory" because "CRT isn't the only issue."

"No child should be classified as a ‘victim’ or ‘oppressor’ based on their race or ethnicity," said DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw.
What on God's green Earth is Critical Race Theory?
There are "oppressors" (white people) and the "oppressed" (black people). White people need to become woke to there natural inherent racism. Children are taught to turn on students and parents who are not culturally aware. Minority students are taught it's alright to verbally abuse white children. Or you can read the 'Communist Manifesto' by Marx where he outlines that: " all history is about class struggle between the haves and have nots." He also clarified this struggle as between the ruling class or " bourgeoisie" and the working class or "proletariat." When the "proletariat awakens to their class consciousness" then the revolution can begin. CRT is attempt to indoctrinate school children into communist ideology.

Please stop claiming this ridiculous garbage you’re posting is critical race theory. It is not. Critical race theory has nothing to do with white guilt, being “woke”, or any of the other culture war bullshit you claim.

Critical race theory says that laws based on systemic racism are underpinning the justice system of America, making it inherently unfair.

This is what you fools have your hair on fire over. This is something that is being discussed in law schools as a theory, but it is not being taught in public or high schools. Nor has any school board suggested it be taught.

This is yet another Republican lie to make you people go crazy. And right on cue here you are.
CRT is pure manipulation and propaganda....meant to incite blacks against whites and to guilt white children into thinking that they are inherently bad and should never deny the race pimps their demands. It is based on twisting history to accomplish this goal in hopes that no one would or could research the actual history. It has been around a very long time with the communists pushing this nonsense since atleast the 70's that I know of as they targeted blacks for recruitment by pushing this nonsense hoping to drive a wedge in the US between the races hoping for race wars to ensue from it. The Race activists and communists have been in bed together for a very very long time.
This type of strong stance would serve a person well if they ran for president in 2024.

Indoctrinating kids with race hate, who does that?

The Florida Board of Education on Thursday approved a rule that Gov. Ron DeSantis advanced in order to ban teaching certain ideas about race and history.

The rule reads: "Instruction on the required topics must be factual and objective and may not suppress or distort significant historical events, such as the Holocaust, and may not define American history as something other than the creation of a new nation based largely on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence."

The rule came as part of a broader push by DeSantis and other Republicans to eliminate what they say are manifestations of critical race theory in schools. DeSantis' office told Fox News that the rule excludes the term "critical race theory" because "CRT isn't the only issue."

"No child should be classified as a ‘victim’ or ‘oppressor’ based on their race or ethnicity," said DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw.

Suck it, commies. YOU FUCKING LOSE!!!
This type of strong stance would serve a person well if they ran for president in 2024.

Indoctrinating kids with race hate, who does that?

The Florida Board of Education on Thursday approved a rule that Gov. Ron DeSantis advanced in order to ban teaching certain ideas about race and history.

The rule reads: "Instruction on the required topics must be factual and objective and may not suppress or distort significant historical events, such as the Holocaust, and may not define American history as something other than the creation of a new nation based largely on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence."

The rule came as part of a broader push by DeSantis and other Republicans to eliminate what they say are manifestations of critical race theory in schools. DeSantis' office told Fox News that the rule excludes the term "critical race theory" because "CRT isn't the only issue."

"No child should be classified as a ‘victim’ or ‘oppressor’ based on their race or ethnicity," said DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw.
What on God's green Earth is Critical Race Theory?
There are "oppressors" (white people) and the "oppressed" (black people). White people need to become woke to there natural inherent racism. Children are taught to turn on students and parents who are not culturally aware. Minority students are taught it's alright to verbally abuse white children. Or you can read the 'Communist Manifesto' by Marx where he outlines that: " all history is about class struggle between the haves and have nots." He also clarified this struggle as between the ruling class or " bourgeoisie" and the working class or "proletariat." When the "proletariat awakens to their class consciousness" then the revolution can begin. CRT is attempt to indoctrinate school children into communist ideology.

Please stop claiming this ridiculous garbage you’re posting is critical race theory. It is not. Critical race theory has nothing to do with white guilt, being “woke”, or any of the other culture war bullshit you claim.

Critical race theory says that laws based on systemic racism are underpinning the justice system of America, making it inherently unfair.

This is what you fools have your hair on fire over. This is something that is being discussed in law schools as a theory, but it is not being taught in public or high schools. Nor has any school board suggested it be taught.

This is yet another Republican lie to make you people go crazy. And right on cue here you are.
CRT is pure manipulation and propaganda....meant to incite blacks against whites and to guilt white children into thinking that they are inherently bad and should never deny the race pimps their demands. It is based on twisting history to accomplish this goal in hopes that no one would or could research the actual history. It has been around a very long time with the communists pushing this nonsense since atleast the 70's that I know of as they targeted blacks for recruitment by pushing this nonsense hoping to drive a wedge in the US between the races hoping for race wars to ensue from it. The Race activists and communists have been in bed together for a very very long time.

Have you read it? When I read your post I realize that you could not possibly have read critical race theory because you haven’t posted anything about it here, just Republican fear and paranoia.

Nothing you have posted about critical race theory is part of critical race theory. There’s no hating of white people involved. Because you haven’t read critical race theory and you’ve chosen to believe the lies Republicans have told you about it, the rest of your post is bullshit.

Then you use the current Republican go-to claim, critical race theory is communist. Every time you called Democrats “communist”, you prove you’re an idiot.

Communism died in 1989 when the Berlin Wall came down. Democrats weren’t communist before the wall came down either.
This type of strong stance would serve a person well if they ran for president in 2024.

Indoctrinating kids with race hate, who does that?

The Florida Board of Education on Thursday approved a rule that Gov. Ron DeSantis advanced in order to ban teaching certain ideas about race and history.

The rule reads: "Instruction on the required topics must be factual and objective and may not suppress or distort significant historical events, such as the Holocaust, and may not define American history as something other than the creation of a new nation based largely on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence."

The rule came as part of a broader push by DeSantis and other Republicans to eliminate what they say are manifestations of critical race theory in schools. DeSantis' office told Fox News that the rule excludes the term "critical race theory" because "CRT isn't the only issue."

"No child should be classified as a ‘victim’ or ‘oppressor’ based on their race or ethnicity," said DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw.
What on God's green Earth is Critical Race Theory?
There are "oppressors" (white people) and the "oppressed" (black people). White people need to become woke to there natural inherent racism. Children are taught to turn on students and parents who are not culturally aware. Minority students are taught it's alright to verbally abuse white children. Or you can read the 'Communist Manifesto' by Marx where he outlines that: " all history is about class struggle between the haves and have nots." He also clarified this struggle as between the ruling class or " bourgeoisie" and the working class or "proletariat." When the "proletariat awakens to their class consciousness" then the revolution can begin. CRT is attempt to indoctrinate school children into communist ideology.

Please stop claiming this ridiculous garbage you’re posting is critical race theory. It is not. Critical race theory has nothing to do with white guilt, being “woke”, or any of the other culture war bullshit you claim.

Critical race theory says that laws based on systemic racism are underpinning the justice system of America, making it inherently unfair.

This is what you fools have your hair on fire over. This is something that is being discussed in law schools as a theory, but it is not being taught in public or high schools. Nor has any school board suggested it be taught.

This is yet another Republican lie to make you people go crazy. And right on cue here you are.
Name one law or policy current on the books that is racist ? I can name one but will wait for whatever you can come up with.

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