Cyclist battles naked man in Portland


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Along with Seattle, Portland has to rank number one on the list of weirdest cities on this planet. Broad daylight and this goober is walking around the city naked. Some guy on a bicycle crashes into him and the fight starts.

I wonder which USMB member this was?

Along with Seattle, Portland has to rank number one on the list of weirdest cities on this planet. Broad daylight and this goober is walking around the city naked. Some guy on a bicycle crashes into him and the fight starts.

I wonder which USMB member this was?

The cyclist was being an asshole as well.

Driving on sidewalk.
Driving in multiple wrong directions in an intersection
Driving against signals
Driving against traffic with valid right of way.
I get near Portland, but I don't go anywhere near the downtown area, it is a disgusting place.
Along with Seattle, Portland has to rank number one on the list of weirdest cities on this planet. Broad daylight and this goober is walking around the city naked. Some guy on a bicycle crashes into him and the fight starts.

I wonder which USMB member this was?

The dude on the bike is almost as nutty as the idiot who can't dress himself. He was inches from getting run over. It appeared that they already knew each other and had a mutual vendetta against each other. They were quick to fight. I'm inclined to believe that much of America's population is demon-possessed.
OK that was funny. Naked homeless dude was of course the victor because he used strategy:
1. He had the high ground (or top of concrete bench).
2. He was fully prepared to deal with mounted opponents (the concrete bench).
3. He was properly armed for the engagement (metal switch or whatever).

Cavalry homeless dude did not study his history about what happens when you attack determined infantry with a high morale, and he FAFOd the heck out of that one.

Along with Seattle, Portland has to rank number one on the list of weirdest cities on this planet. Broad daylight and this goober is walking around the city naked. Some guy on a bicycle crashes into him and the fight starts.

I wonder which USMB member this was?

I've been to New Orleans a few times. But, those things are normal and expected there.

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