Oakland judge robbed outside court house….LOL…democrats vote for this…


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Before anyone even starts to complain….I understand there may already be a thread on this…in fact, it is a guarantee…but I did search for it with all the possible words…jurge, Oakland and on and on…land couldn’t find it…

So…Mods…..merge away….

but don’t blame me….

John Nolte dissects this robbery in a democrat party controlled city…pointing out…the democrats voted for this and will likely vote for it again, and for more of it….

Like every city in America, Oakland is a representative democracy. That means the citizens of Oakland can—if they choose—elect a mayor and district attorney who will do something about crime, and doing something about the crime is no secret. If you put criminals in jail, crime rates decrease. If you put repeat criminals in jail, crime rates plummet. This is not rocket science.

But for some reason, the people of Oakland want to live like this. There’s no other explanation. This week, there was a much-publicized community meeting where Oakland residents complained about the horrors (which I am very familiar with) of living in a high-crime area. But…

How many vote Democrat and will do so again in the next election?

Joe Biden won 80 percent of Alameda County—80 percent!

This kind of lawlessness is not a tragedy, social ill, or even unfortunate. What’s happening in Oakland (and Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, etc.) is a choice—a choice made by voters that says they want to live this way.

Oakland is not my problem.

Oakland is not an American problem.

Oakland is only one thing: a blessing for sane people, a reminder of how good those of us in MAGA Utopiahave it.

In other columns John Nolte points out the truth about MAGA country……where there is law and order and people aren’t racists……while in democrat party controlled cities…..crime and racism are just a way of life……..

Here is John Nolte’s column on living in MAGA land……

Life in Rural America (where Republican Trump voters live and govern), is clean, safe, and racially tolerant. On the other hand, most of the places in America where life is dirty, polluted, dangerous, and violent, where people are plagued with racial hate and race riots, are cities populated by and governed by Democrats.
What’s more, if you remove Democrat-run cities from our national statistics, you will find an overall America that is overwhelmingly peaceful, safe, clean, and racially tolerant.

Nevertheless, Democrats and their fake-media allies still blame Republicans for problems in cities where Democrats are in total control and make up a majority of the population.

According to the left, Republicans are to blame for racism, pollution, and gun violence — even though, out where we live, our air, water, and streets are safe and clean… Yes, we all own guns, but there’s no gun violence crisis… We’re all supposed to be racists and responsible for all the hate crimes, but where we live, there is no hate crime crisis.

Now, there are exceptions, but those exceptions only serve to prove the rule.

Let me lay this out for you…


Leftists say they want to live in a Utopia free of gun violence, free of pollution, and free of racism…

Well, that place already exists.

It’s called Rural MAGA Land.

In Rural America, the environment is clean, no one worries about getting shot, and there are no racial tensions.

Let me give you some concrete data…


According to the Department of Justice, out where I live in rural North Carolina, throughout all of 2019, there were a total of only 20 hate crime allegations in our 13 rural counties where the population adds up to 668,000. That means that throughout 2019, there were only 2.9 hate crime allegations per 100,000 people.

Guess what the hate crime numbers are in some of the most progressive, left-wing cities in America? Well, you don’t have to guess, because I have those numbers for you….

I think you’re starting to get the point, but let’s close with a personal favorite…

Golly, gee, will you look at that! It’s anywhere from two to ten times safer for a minority to live in Rural MAGA Country than it is in an oh-so progressive city populated and governed by Democrats.

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To sum all of that up:


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