Cy Vance’s Trump case is straight from a banana republic — punish your political enemies


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Pure politics and all people of goodwill should find this repugnant to our system of laws.

Donald Trump has long claimed that investigations of him are a partisan “witch hunt.” Manhattan DA Cy Vance seems determined to make Trump’s point for him by indicting the Trump Organization along with its chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg.

The 15-count indictment throws a kitchen sink of charges, including grand larceny, conspiracy, scheme to defraud,and tax fraud. But the whole thing comes down to paying perks to Weisselberg — such as his parking garage fees, tuition for family members and reimbursement of holiday gratuities — and not reporting them as taxable income, or reporting that the wrong Trump entity paid them.

For this they slapped Weisselberg in handcuffs Thursday and paraded him in front of the media — a stage-managed political show trial.

Corporations almost never get criminally prosecuted for this sort of thing, but Vance wanted the name “Trump” in his indictment. You can bet that he would have indicted The Donald if he had the goods. The feds — who’ve been auditing Trump’s taxes forever — haven’t filed charges.

Equal justice under law means the same law for everyone. That is violated not only when we give powerful people a pass in cases that would get ordinary people locked up, but also when prominent figures get pursued over things that would never get a normal person prosecuted.

Attorney General Robert Jackson, later a Supreme Court justice and Nuremberg prosecutor, warned against “picking the man and then searching the law books, or putting investigators to work, to pin some offense on him,” in which case “the real crime becomes that of being unpopular with the predominant or governing group, being attached to the wrong political views, or being personally obnoxious to or in the way of the prosecutor himself.”

True in 1940, true in 2021.


Pure politics and all people of goodwill should find this repugnant to our system of laws.

Donald Trump has long claimed that investigations of him are a partisan “witch hunt.” Manhattan DA Cy Vance seems determined to make Trump’s point for him by indicting the Trump Organization along with its chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg.​
The 15-count indictment throws a kitchen sink of charges, including grand larceny, conspiracy, scheme to defraud,and tax fraud. But the whole thing comes down to paying perks to Weisselberg — such as his parking garage fees, tuition for family members and reimbursement of holiday gratuities — and not reporting them as taxable income, or reporting that the wrong Trump entity paid them.​
For this they slapped Weisselberg in handcuffs Thursday and paraded him in front of the media — a stage-managed political show trial.​
Corporations almost never get criminally prosecuted for this sort of thing, but Vance wanted the name “Trump” in his indictment. You can bet that he would have indicted The Donald if he had the goods. The feds — who’ve been auditing Trump’s taxes forever — haven’t filed charges.​
Equal justice under law means the same law for everyone. That is violated not only when we give powerful people a pass in cases that would get ordinary people locked up, but also when prominent figures get pursued over things that would never get a normal person prosecuted.​
Attorney General Robert Jackson, later a Supreme Court justice and Nuremberg prosecutor, warned against “picking the man and then searching the law books, or putting investigators to work, to pin some offense on him,” in which case “the real crime becomes that of being unpopular with the predominant or governing group, being attached to the wrong political views, or being personally obnoxious to or in the way of the prosecutor himself.”
True in 1940, true in 2021.​

When will they learn...

Pure politics and all people of goodwill should find this repugnant to our system of laws.

Donald Trump has long claimed that investigations of him are a partisan “witch hunt.” Manhattan DA Cy Vance seems determined to make Trump’s point for him by indicting the Trump Organization along with its chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg.​
The 15-count indictment throws a kitchen sink of charges, including grand larceny, conspiracy, scheme to defraud,and tax fraud. But the whole thing comes down to paying perks to Weisselberg — such as his parking garage fees, tuition for family members and reimbursement of holiday gratuities — and not reporting them as taxable income, or reporting that the wrong Trump entity paid them.​
For this they slapped Weisselberg in handcuffs Thursday and paraded him in front of the media — a stage-managed political show trial.​
Corporations almost never get criminally prosecuted for this sort of thing, but Vance wanted the name “Trump” in his indictment. You can bet that he would have indicted The Donald if he had the goods. The feds — who’ve been auditing Trump’s taxes forever — haven’t filed charges.​
Equal justice under law means the same law for everyone. That is violated not only when we give powerful people a pass in cases that would get ordinary people locked up, but also when prominent figures get pursued over things that would never get a normal person prosecuted.​
Attorney General Robert Jackson, later a Supreme Court justice and Nuremberg prosecutor, warned against “picking the man and then searching the law books, or putting investigators to work, to pin some offense on him,” in which case “the real crime becomes that of being unpopular with the predominant or governing group, being attached to the wrong political views, or being personally obnoxious to or in the way of the prosecutor himself.”
True in 1940, true in 2021.​

Cry harder. :laugh:
Pure politics and all people of goodwill should find this repugnant to our system of laws.

Donald Trump has long claimed that investigations of him are a partisan “witch hunt.” Manhattan DA Cy Vance seems determined to make Trump’s point for him by indicting the Trump Organization along with its chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg.

The 15-count indictment throws a kitchen sink of charges, including grand larceny, conspiracy, scheme to defraud,and tax fraud. But the whole thing comes down to paying perks to Weisselberg — such as his parking garage fees, tuition for family members and reimbursement of holiday gratuities — and not reporting them as taxable income, or reporting that the wrong Trump entity paid them.

For this they slapped Weisselberg in handcuffs Thursday and paraded him in front of the media — a stage-managed political show trial.

Corporations almost never get criminally prosecuted for this sort of thing, but Vance wanted the name “Trump” in his indictment. You can bet that he would have indicted The Donald if he had the goods. The feds — who’ve been auditing Trump’s taxes forever — haven’t filed charges.

Equal justice under law means the same law for everyone. That is violated not only when we give powerful people a pass in cases that would get ordinary people locked up, but also when prominent figures get pursued over things that would never get a normal person prosecuted.

Attorney General Robert Jackson, later a Supreme Court justice and Nuremberg prosecutor, warned against “picking the man and then searching the law books, or putting investigators to work, to pin some offense on him,” in which case “the real crime becomes that of being unpopular with the predominant or governing group, being attached to the wrong political views, or being personally obnoxious to or in the way of the prosecutor himself.”

True in 1940, true in 2021.


Stalinsts do a Stalinist show trial. No one was shocked.

This hot on the heels of their Hitleresque Reichstag Fire
In ancient Rome they drew up a list and murdered people.

A bit more honest than what Democrats do.


Trumps's too high placed to commit suicide


A 2 1/2 year waste of taxpayer money to prove Russian Collusion the Democrats made up. Two Impeachments for absolutely NOTHING. Endless lawsuits, and now a 1/6 committee that will exonerate the failed Capitol Police and blame Trump. Is there any doubt how scared the Left is of Donald J Trump?

and the actual criminals are sitting in the white house putting this country at risk daily. Half the dems in office today were put there by Dominion.
Pure politics and all people of goodwill should find this repugnant to our system of laws.

Donald Trump has long claimed that investigations of him are a partisan “witch hunt.” Manhattan DA Cy Vance seems determined to make Trump’s point for him by indicting the Trump Organization along with its chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg.​
The 15-count indictment throws a kitchen sink of charges, including grand larceny, conspiracy, scheme to defraud,and tax fraud. But the whole thing comes down to paying perks to Weisselberg — such as his parking garage fees, tuition for family members and reimbursement of holiday gratuities — and not reporting them as taxable income, or reporting that the wrong Trump entity paid them.​
For this they slapped Weisselberg in handcuffs Thursday and paraded him in front of the media — a stage-managed political show trial.​
Corporations almost never get criminally prosecuted for this sort of thing, but Vance wanted the name “Trump” in his indictment. You can bet that he would have indicted The Donald if he had the goods. The feds — who’ve been auditing Trump’s taxes forever — haven’t filed charges.​
Equal justice under law means the same law for everyone. That is violated not only when we give powerful people a pass in cases that would get ordinary people locked up, but also when prominent figures get pursued over things that would never get a normal person prosecuted.​
Attorney General Robert Jackson, later a Supreme Court justice and Nuremberg prosecutor, warned against “picking the man and then searching the law books, or putting investigators to work, to pin some offense on him,” in which case “the real crime becomes that of being unpopular with the predominant or governing group, being attached to the wrong political views, or being personally obnoxious to or in the way of the prosecutor himself.”
True in 1940, true in 2021.​

Cy Vance’s Trump case is straight from a banana republic — punish your political enemies, which is easy to do when they break the law.​

Pure politics and all people of goodwill should find this repugnant to our system of laws.

Donald Trump has long claimed that investigations of him are a partisan “witch hunt.” Manhattan DA Cy Vance seems determined to make Trump’s point for him by indicting the Trump Organization along with its chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg.

The 15-count indictment throws a kitchen sink of charges, including grand larceny, conspiracy, scheme to defraud,and tax fraud. But the whole thing comes down to paying perks to Weisselberg — such as his parking garage fees, tuition for family members and reimbursement of holiday gratuities — and not reporting them as taxable income, or reporting that the wrong Trump entity paid them.

For this they slapped Weisselberg in handcuffs Thursday and paraded him in front of the media — a stage-managed political show trial.

Corporations almost never get criminally prosecuted for this sort of thing, but Vance wanted the name “Trump” in his indictment. You can bet that he would have indicted The Donald if he had the goods. The feds — who’ve been auditing Trump’s taxes forever — haven’t filed charges.

Equal justice under law means the same law for everyone. That is violated not only when we give powerful people a pass in cases that would get ordinary people locked up, but also when prominent figures get pursued over things that would never get a normal person prosecuted.

Attorney General Robert Jackson, later a Supreme Court justice and Nuremberg prosecutor, warned against “picking the man and then searching the law books, or putting investigators to work, to pin some offense on him,” in which case “the real crime becomes that of being unpopular with the predominant or governing group, being attached to the wrong political views, or being personally obnoxious to or in the way of the prosecutor himself.”

True in 1940, true in 2021.


In nearly every other civilized nation in the world Trump would have been shot for his attempted coup on January 7th.

He should have been exiled at the very least, but Republicans refused to do it.

The voters have rejected him every time he goes to the polls.

Trump was in the middle of a $100 plus million dollar fraud trial when he was elected.

His campaign defrauded his voters of over $122 million last year and that’s just the people who claimed refunds on the credit card theft.

The Russia witch hunt sent 9 witches to prison.
Pure politics and all people of goodwill should find this repugnant to our system of laws.

Donald Trump has long claimed that investigations of him are a partisan “witch hunt.” Manhattan DA Cy Vance seems determined to make Trump’s point for him by indicting the Trump Organization along with its chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg.

The 15-count indictment throws a kitchen sink of charges, including grand larceny, conspiracy, scheme to defraud,and tax fraud. But the whole thing comes down to paying perks to Weisselberg — such as his parking garage fees, tuition for family members and reimbursement of holiday gratuities — and not reporting them as taxable income, or reporting that the wrong Trump entity paid them.

For this they slapped Weisselberg in handcuffs Thursday and paraded him in front of the media — a stage-managed political show trial.

Corporations almost never get criminally prosecuted for this sort of thing, but Vance wanted the name “Trump” in his indictment. You can bet that he would have indicted The Donald if he had the goods. The feds — who’ve been auditing Trump’s taxes forever — haven’t filed charges.

Equal justice under law means the same law for everyone. That is violated not only when we give powerful people a pass in cases that would get ordinary people locked up, but also when prominent figures get pursued over things that would never get a normal person prosecuted.

Attorney General Robert Jackson, later a Supreme Court justice and Nuremberg prosecutor, warned against “picking the man and then searching the law books, or putting investigators to work, to pin some offense on him,” in which case “the real crime becomes that of being unpopular with the predominant or governing group, being attached to the wrong political views, or being personally obnoxious to or in the way of the prosecutor himself.”

True in 1940, true in 2021.


Trump tried this in the Ukraine a few years back.

October, 7 2020
Donald Trump mounted an overnight Twitter blitz demanding to jail his political enemies and call out allies he says are failing to arrest his rivals swiftly enough.

Trump twice amplified supporters’ criticisms of Attorney General William Barr, including one featuring a meme calling on him to “arrest somebody!”

Trump tried this in the Ukraine a few years back.

No matter what you type, there are people who know the real enemies. And that is you and others. All these years like peaceful men and women who demanded social justice rights as to be part of something and pushing it with logic and a lot of peace even though there were violent uprisings in some forms. Great strides advanced. then from Obama on, nothing but nastiness and the media "coming out" as it perhaps always was. You have become a variation of "A Dragon at the Gate". Come as peaceful people for rights and end up being destroyers of everything, including what is good and proven to make civilizations last.
No matter what you type, there are people who know the real enemies. And that is you and others. All these years like peaceful men and women who demanded social justice rights as to be part of something and pushing it with logic and a lot of peace even though there were violent uprisings in some forms. Great strides advanced. then from Obama on, nothing but nastiness and the media "coming out" as it perhaps always was. You have become a variation of "A Dragon at the Gate". Come as peaceful people for rights and end up being destroyers of everything, including what is good and proven to make civilizations last.

No you really don't know who your enemies are, when you think that your fellow citizens are out to get you, destroy you or harm you.

You are both ill-informed and delusional, which is the problem with Trump Republicans. Trump is paranoid and delusional because he's a malignant narcissistic psychopath, and you're fully invested in Trump's paranoia and delusions.

Returning you lot to the real world is an ongoing problem for you as you continue to fall victim to a plethotha of liars, grifters and profiteers who are making money off the Stolen Election lie.
Pure politics and all people of goodwill should find this repugnant to our system of laws.

Donald Trump has long claimed that investigations of him are a partisan “witch hunt.” Manhattan DA Cy Vance seems determined to make Trump’s point for him by indicting the Trump Organization along with its chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg.

The 15-count indictment throws a kitchen sink of charges, including grand larceny, conspiracy, scheme to defraud,and tax fraud. But the whole thing comes down to paying perks to Weisselberg — such as his parking garage fees, tuition for family members and reimbursement of holiday gratuities — and not reporting them as taxable income, or reporting that the wrong Trump entity paid them.

For this they slapped Weisselberg in handcuffs Thursday and paraded him in front of the media — a stage-managed political show trial.

Corporations almost never get criminally prosecuted for this sort of thing, but Vance wanted the name “Trump” in his indictment. You can bet that he would have indicted The Donald if he had the goods. The feds — who’ve been auditing Trump’s taxes forever — haven’t filed charges.

Equal justice under law means the same law for everyone. That is violated not only when we give powerful people a pass in cases that would get ordinary people locked up, but also when prominent figures get pursued over things that would never get a normal person prosecuted.

Attorney General Robert Jackson, later a Supreme Court justice and Nuremberg prosecutor, warned against “picking the man and then searching the law books, or putting investigators to work, to pin some offense on him,” in which case “the real crime becomes that of being unpopular with the predominant or governing group, being attached to the wrong political views, or being personally obnoxious to or in the way of the prosecutor himself.”

True in 1940, true in 2021.


You approve of tax fraud?
No matter what you type, there are people who know the real enemies. And that is you and others. All these years like peaceful men and women who demanded social justice rights as to be part of something and pushing it with logic and a lot of peace even though there were violent uprisings in some forms. Great strides advanced. then from Obama on, nothing but nastiness and the media "coming out" as it perhaps always was. You have become a variation of "A Dragon at the Gate". Come as peaceful people for rights and end up being destroyers of everything, including what is good and proven to make civilizations last.

Trump hates anyone who doesn't flatter him.
You approve of tax fraud?
Every single Congressmen could be convicted of tax fraud if they were investigated to the extent that Trump has been investigated. This is all about political vengeance. You and your Trump hater cult can play denial all day long, but that's what it is, pure and simple.

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