Curious George - Racist or not?

Is it racist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 46.7%
  • No

    Votes: 14 46.7%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
Last night I was discussing the upcoming election with a guy who called, in all seriousness, Obama Curious George. Not once, but twice.

I thought he was being a racist and told him so, though he insisted he wasn't being a racist.

What do you think--is calling Obama Curious George racist or not?
Might have to explain this one, not everyone knows the cartoon in question. And yes that would be a form of racism. Not just because Curious George is a monkey but because it has no bearing on Obama at all in any way form or shape EXCEPT the racial "monkey" part.
Last night I was discussing the upcoming election with a guy who called, in all seriousness, Obama Curious George. Not once, but twice.

I thought he was being a racist and told him so, though he insisted he wasn't being a racist.

What do you think--is calling Obama Curious George racist or not?
Yes very much so for the same reason Retired said! The guys was pretty much calling him a monkey and was to chicken to admit it.
Or, he could have been saying Obama doesn't realize the consequences of his actions, and he's more like a curious child that's bound to get into trouble.

Hell.. The Curious George character is aimed at 3 year old children.. How someone can find that racist is beyond me.
Or, he could have been saying Obama doesn't realize the consequences of his actions, and he's more like a curious child that's bound to get into trouble.

Hell.. The Curious George character is aimed at 3 year old children.. How someone can find that racist is beyond me.

Simple and you know it.
Or, he could have been saying Obama doesn't realize the consequences of his actions, and he's more like a curious child that's bound to get into trouble.

Hell.. The Curious George character is aimed at 3 year old children.. How someone can find that racist is beyond me.
Couldn't he of used a different cartoon character that wasn't a monkey!
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Sure. If one is looking for a reason to be pissed off, or offended...

Wrong. If one gets the reference one SHOULD be offended when it is directed at a black man that has NONE of the characteristics of the cartoon monkey. Obama is neither child like nor childish. He has a clear idea ( it is wrong but) of what he wants, why he wants it and what he thinks it will accomplish.

Claiming he is any of those things would indicate to me a lame excuse to cover up a racist comment. Want to call him child like? Go right ahead, but if you use Curious George you are being insensitive and most likely down right racist.
Wrong. If one gets the reference one SHOULD be offended when it is directed at a black man that has NONE of the characteristics of the cartoon monkey. Obama is neither child like nor childish. He has a clear idea ( it is wrong but) of what he wants, why he wants it and what he thinks it will accomplish.

Claiming he is any of those things would indicate to me a lame excuse to cover up a racist comment. Want to call him child like? Go right ahead, but if you use Curious George you are being insensitive and most likely down right racist.

I got the reference, and I'm not the least bit offended. Nor, can you go back and pick one racially, or otherwise insulting thing I've ever said against Obama, other than I'm not voting for him, and he's "All for change, going to change SOMETHING, but doesn't know WHAT or HOW"...

Personally, I think if you couldn't get pissed about something at least half a dozen times a day, you'd cease to go on breathing. If you want to sit there and become more bitter than you already are, that's your perrogative..But don't try to bring the rest of the world down with you.
Yosemite Sam comes to mind. Or Wily E. Coyote. That was with no effort at all. Further the Coyote or Sam would be more appropriate cause they pretend they know what they are doing.

They both spend their time trying to kill others... How does that fit again, exactly?
Dennis the Mennace!

Dennis the Menace is actually a fair example, tho not as globally known as Curious George.. So, you're going to crucify someone and accuse them of intentional recial slurs simply because they picked one character over another during a random conversation?

As I said.. Quit looking for ways to be pissed off, and ways for Obama to be victimized. He's no more a victim of anything than you are.

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