Cuomo Killed The Elderly

He is a monster! he killed the elderly, he is a Granny Killer,I hate him so much you can not even begin to know!!!

Cuomo is a hypocrite he has an elderly mother that he loves.....but he wont give a shit about the elderly mothers and fathers of the rest of the people!

Cuomo has a place reserved in Hell specially for him!
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No. His cases went up. To this day, no state has come close to the number of cases in New York under that dip$hit's leadership or more accurately, the negative leadership of Cuomo, and no other state has even half of his deathtoll. You and I rarely agree on anything, but we agree on Cuomo. Governor Andrew "Body Bags" Cuomo sucks, because he really did kill the elderly.
And consequently his 'cases' of coronavirus went down. Hope this isn't a National Democrat Party policy.
He had too much pride to do anything President Trump recommended, and that wiped out the entire populations of some of those elder-care facilities. It was a huge loss. Instead of admitting error, the error was doubled down on.
A golfer opted out of playing after testing positive and then tests negative two weeks later.....

We are using bad tests....or someone is lying....
Testing is indeed strange. In the last 3 weeks I have been tested repeatedly. I got an antibodies test through my doctor, processed through LabCorp. It came back positive. I was asked to come back for a swab test to see if I had an active case. It was negative. I donate plasma to Lifeline monthly. Took the documentation to lifeline. They wanted me to donate convalescent plasma and would have my blood tested again. First sample went to a lab they own. It came back Negative for antibodies. At that time, they trusted LabCorp, so they sent a sample to another lab. It came back Negative for antibodies. I read up. There are about 120 different antibody tests out in the country, all on Emergency Use Authorization by CDC. I read of the top test labs on the list of top 10 and none of the labs that did my tests were on that list. An individual lab can create their own test, submit preliminary results and than are supposed to submit follow up results verifying the tests, but their testing can and does continue while waiting for the verification. They say the swab tests (and I assume there are many of those, also authorized by a EUA from CDC) are on average far more accurate. We do not have enough testing availability. That is certain, and there needs to be more tests in the field, but if tests are possibly only as accurate as 85%m that is still leaving 15% false positives or false negatives, while some tests are already proven over 99% accurate. There is a line that should not be crossed, just to get more tests in the field. I personally that should be around 95% PROVEN or test should not be authorized even under EUA. Beats me. I am no doctor and I did not sleep at a Holiday Inn last night. My antibodies tee-shirt has shipped. I'm going to take it to a local shop and have the lab/results/date added, plus a big (?) and keep masking distancing and using good hygiene. That is fine for me and my wife. We are retired and spend most of our time this year gardening, landscaping and hanging around to pool. For most everybody else, they got to get a handle on this thing, and get it right. I do not know about the testing, but you cannot ignore the dying. Dead is Dead. A lot of people are dying of it and it does not matter if they are old or have underlying conditions that they would have lived with probably for years if they had not contracted COVID-19. The only thing I am certain of, is that opening full blast, everywhere is nowhere near the right answer, unless you are somebody that just doesn't give a shit about the dying thing.
No. His cases went up. To this day, no state has come close to the number of cases in New York under that dip$hit's leadership or more accurately, the negative leadership of Cuomo, and no other state has even half of his deathtoll. You and I rarely agree on anything, but we agree on Cuomo. Governor Andrew "Body Bags" Cuomo sucks, because he really did kill the elderly.
And yet that blithering idiot thinks history will be talking about how well NY handled the Kung Flu "for decades".
No. His cases went up. To this day, no state has come close to the number of cases in New York under that dip$hit's leadership or more accurately, the negative leadership of Cuomo, and no other state has even half of his deathtoll. You and I rarely agree on anything, but we agree on Cuomo. Governor Andrew "Body Bags" Cuomo sucks, because he really did kill the elderly.
And yet that blithering idiot thinks history will be talking about how well NY handled the Kung Flu "for decades".
I cannot decide which worse. Trump may be majorly responsible for how the country as a whole as reacted the this disease and thereby contributed to many deaths nation wide, But Body Bags Cuomo took direct action the directly lead to the deaths of thousand, right in his state and a town where he used to live. So which is worse, (though both an abomination) indirectly responsible through negative leadership on deaths across the country or directly responsible for thousands closely all around him? I don't know, but I know Cuomo sucks, big time. One guy too stupid for words vs the other guy who by all accounts and listening to his own little briefings, should have known better, but took the action he did, anyway.
No. His cases went up. To this day, no state has come close to the number of cases in New York under that dip$hit's leadership or more accurately, the negative leadership of Cuomo, and no other state has even half of his deathtoll. You and I rarely agree on anything, but we agree on Cuomo. Governor Andrew "Body Bags" Cuomo sucks, because he really did kill the elderly.
And yet that blithering idiot thinks history will be talking about how well NY handled the Kung Flu "for decades".
I cannot decide which worse. Trump may be majorly responsible for how the country as a whole as reacted the this disease and thereby contributed to many deaths nation wide, But Body Bags Cuomo took direct action the directly lead to the deaths of thousand, right in his state and a town where he used to live. So which is worse, (though both an abomination) indirectly responsible through negative leadership on deaths across the country or directly responsible for thousands closely all around him? I don't know, but I know Cuomo sucks, big time. One guy too stupid for words vs the other guy who by all accounts and listening to his own little briefings, should have known better, but took the action he did, anyway.
What did Trump do, or not do, that caused deaths? Be specific. Golfing doesn't count.
He is a monster! he killed the elderly, he is a Granny Killer,I hate him so much you can not even begin to know!!!

Cuomo is a hypocrite he has an elderly mother that he loves.....but he wont give a shit about the elderly mothers and fathers of the rest of the people!

Cuomo has a place reserved in Hell specially for him!
View attachment 363498

So you think hyperbole and being sarcastic undoes that Cuomo did kill a bunch of elderly people?
Several states followed Cuomos lead in sending ill patients back to nursing homes...and the funny thing is they all used the same exact wording in their if they had colluded to do this....

Democrats always parrot each other. I don't think that part means anything
No. His cases went up. To this day, no state has come close to the number of cases in New York under that dip$hit's leadership or more accurately, the negative leadership of Cuomo, and no other state has even half of his deathtoll. You and I rarely agree on anything, but we agree on Cuomo. Governor Andrew "Body Bags" Cuomo sucks, because he really did kill the elderly.
And yet that blithering idiot thinks history will be talking about how well NY handled the Kung Flu "for decades".
I cannot decide which worse. Trump may be majorly responsible for how the country as a whole as reacted the this disease and thereby contributed to many deaths nation wide, But Body Bags Cuomo took direct action the directly lead to the deaths of thousand, right in his state and a town where he used to live. So which is worse, (though both an abomination) indirectly responsible through negative leadership on deaths across the country or directly responsible for thousands closely all around him? I don't know, but I know Cuomo sucks, big time. One guy too stupid for words vs the other guy who by all accounts and listening to his own little briefings, should have known better, but took the action he did, anyway.

Thanks for that validation of kaz's law. See sig if you're not familiar with the law
No. His cases went up. To this day, no state has come close to the number of cases in New York under that dip$hit's leadership or more accurately, the negative leadership of Cuomo, and no other state has even half of his deathtoll. You and I rarely agree on anything, but we agree on Cuomo. Governor Andrew "Body Bags" Cuomo sucks, because he really did kill the elderly.
And yet that blithering idiot thinks history will be talking about how well NY handled the Kung Flu "for decades".
I cannot decide which worse. Trump may be majorly responsible for how the country as a whole as reacted the this disease and thereby contributed to many deaths nation wide, But Body Bags Cuomo took direct action the directly lead to the deaths of thousand, right in his state and a town where he used to live. So which is worse, (though both an abomination) indirectly responsible through negative leadership on deaths across the country or directly responsible for thousands closely all around him? I don't know, but I know Cuomo sucks, big time. One guy too stupid for words vs the other guy who by all accounts and listening to his own little briefings, should have known better, but took the action he did, anyway.
What did Trump do, or not do, that caused deaths? Be specific. Golfing doesn't count.
True, golfing does not count. I feel better when he is golf instead of making an ass of himself.
From the beginning he took a hands off approach and projected greater care for the economy than for fighting the disease. Sorry Disease first, economy second. He was just to selfish and short sighted to know any better, which is a hallmark of his leadership or lack there of since he was elected. His attitude filtered down through his minions and built resistance to fighting the disease, causing many to label the pandemic a hoax, a coup attempt, a political hit on his re-election, a democratic plot, etc. He riled his followers to be against the science of the healthcare community and they believed it was in their political interests to follow his lead, as he tweeted and disdained the science and attempted to minimize the danger, the duration, and falsely assure that it was under control and would soon be over. For many, it was over soon, dying gasping for breath. Out of pride he turned down help from WHO on test kits in the beginning, when they might have helped. Out of an over emphasis on the economy and his re-election he disastrously pushed for re-opening too soon while he suggested internal cleansers and UV light that would have to be able to blind and sear the skin to have a possibility of work. His picking of winners in the drug contest to find a treatment was not based on science and as the science showed up to say his choices had no basis actual effect, he continued to push the same stupid crap. A leader leads by example, but he still does not mask in public, as he is above it, and his dumb ass followers follow his deadly lead. Read the stories of his covid scoffing follower who didn't realize until they were on their deathbed that it was real. This is his legacy and his effect on the country. He very well may have led the country off a cliff and his followers who were too blind and ignorant not to follow, have infected many, many more.
No. His cases went up. To this day, no state has come close to the number of cases in New York under that dip$hit's leadership or more accurately, the negative leadership of Cuomo, and no other state has even half of his deathtoll. You and I rarely agree on anything, but we agree on Cuomo. Governor Andrew "Body Bags" Cuomo sucks, because he really did kill the elderly.
And yet that blithering idiot thinks history will be talking about how well NY handled the Kung Flu "for decades".
I cannot decide which worse. Trump may be majorly responsible for how the country as a whole as reacted the this disease and thereby contributed to many deaths nation wide, But Body Bags Cuomo took direct action the directly lead to the deaths of thousand, right in his state and a town where he used to live. So which is worse, (though both an abomination) indirectly responsible through negative leadership on deaths across the country or directly responsible for thousands closely all around him? I don't know, but I know Cuomo sucks, big time. One guy too stupid for words vs the other guy who by all accounts and listening to his own little briefings, should have known better, but took the action he did, anyway.
What did Trump do, or not do, that caused deaths? Be specific. Golfing doesn't count.
True, golfing does not count. I feel better when he is golf instead of making an ass of himself.
From the beginning he took a hands off approach and projected greater care for the economy than for fighting the disease. Sorry Disease first, economy second. He was just to selfish and short sighted to know any better, which is a hallmark of his leadership or lack there of since he was elected. His attitude filtered down through his minions and built resistance to fighting the disease, causing many to label the pandemic a hoax, a coup attempt, a political hit on his re-election, a democratic plot, etc. He riled his followers to be against the science of the healthcare community and they believed it was in their political interests to follow his lead, as he tweeted and disdained the science and attempted to minimize the danger, the duration, and falsely assure that it was under control and would soon be over. For many, it was over soon, dying gasping for breath. Out of pride he turned down help from WHO on test kits in the beginning, when they might have helped. Out of an over emphasis on the economy and his re-election he disastrously pushed for re-opening too soon while he suggested internal cleansers and UV light that would have to be able to blind and sear the skin to have a possibility of work. His picking of winners in the drug contest to find a treatment was not based on science and as the science showed up to say his choices had no basis actual effect, he continued to push the same stupid crap. A leader leads by example, but he still does not mask in public, as he is above it, and his dumb ass followers follow his deadly lead. Read the stories of his covid scoffing follower who didn't realize until they were on their deathbed that it was real. This is his legacy and his effect on the country. He very well may have led the country off a cliff and his followers who were too blind and ignorant not to follow, have infected many, many more.

You gave no policies or actual actions, just dimwit talking points.

Let's debunk just a few and send you back to your handlers for a better response:

causing many to label the pandemic a hoax,

Lefty Snopes says you are full of shit.

What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.

Out of pride he turned down help from WHO on test kits in the beginning

WHO says you are full of shit.

“To our knowledge, no discussions occurred between WHO and CDC (or other USG agencies) about WHO providing COVID-19 tests to the US,” WHO spokesperson Tarik Jasarevic told us in an emailed statement. “This is consistent with experience since the US does not ordinarily rely on WHO for reagents or diagnostic tests because of sufficient domestic capacity.”

I won't waste any more of my time making a fool of you. Go get some actual policies he implemented, or failed to implement, that caused deaths. And bring some actual evidence and links.

I'm not interested in any more of your left talking points your handlers have fed you.
No. His cases went up. To this day, no state has come close to the number of cases in New York under that dip$hit's leadership or more accurately, the negative leadership of Cuomo, and no other state has even half of his deathtoll. You and I rarely agree on anything, but we agree on Cuomo. Governor Andrew "Body Bags" Cuomo sucks, because he really did kill the elderly.
And yet that blithering idiot thinks history will be talking about how well NY handled the Kung Flu "for decades".
I cannot decide which worse. Trump may be majorly responsible for how the country as a whole as reacted the this disease and thereby contributed to many deaths nation wide, But Body Bags Cuomo took direct action the directly lead to the deaths of thousand, right in his state and a town where he used to live. So which is worse, (though both an abomination) indirectly responsible through negative leadership on deaths across the country or directly responsible for thousands closely all around him? I don't know, but I know Cuomo sucks, big time. One guy too stupid for words vs the other guy who by all accounts and listening to his own little briefings, should have known better, but took the action he did, anyway.

Thanks for that validation of kaz's law. See sig if you're not familiar with the law
Could not find appropriate historical refrence to Kaz or Kaz's Law or Laws. If it is one of the personal laws you live by, you may have formally state it for those of us that might be slow to grasp the reference. :omg: It may be a good one and a shame to miss.
No. His cases went up. To this day, no state has come close to the number of cases in New York under that dip$hit's leadership or more accurately, the negative leadership of Cuomo, and no other state has even half of his deathtoll. You and I rarely agree on anything, but we agree on Cuomo. Governor Andrew "Body Bags" Cuomo sucks, because he really did kill the elderly.
And yet that blithering idiot thinks history will be talking about how well NY handled the Kung Flu "for decades".
I cannot decide which worse. Trump may be majorly responsible for how the country as a whole as reacted the this disease and thereby contributed to many deaths nation wide, But Body Bags Cuomo took direct action the directly lead to the deaths of thousand, right in his state and a town where he used to live. So which is worse, (though both an abomination) indirectly responsible through negative leadership on deaths across the country or directly responsible for thousands closely all around him? I don't know, but I know Cuomo sucks, big time. One guy too stupid for words vs the other guy who by all accounts and listening to his own little briefings, should have known better, but took the action he did, anyway.

Thanks for that validation of kaz's law. See sig if you're not familiar with the law
Could not find appropriate historical refrence to Kaz or Kaz's Law or Laws. If it is one of the personal laws you live by, you may have formally state it for those of us that might be slow to grasp the reference. :omg: It may be a good one and a shame to miss.

That's just babble

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