Cuomo has to be the most digusting pol ever. More than Hassert, Slick, Trump and even Nixon

Thank you for that TDS-SUFFERING melt down.

A father refers to his beautiful daughter as a sex symbol, which she may be, & you wet yourself....

...but you remain silent as the Biden clan make their own family porno films.

Hit close to home, right Ace? Now cry, Trump asslicker.
Trump referred to his own daughter as a sex symbol.

Ohhh look, a Nazi is blatantly lying - how unique.

Only a fucking degenerate like Trump looks at his own daughter that way.

Only a pervert makes up shit like this to slander the enemies of his Reich

He's an ape in a suit & tie. A low class ignorant thug.

There's your boy. Your hero.

You're a Goon, a mindless Nazi fuck dreaming of inflicting pain and misery on a world that you failed in.
I may be a goon to you but I don't go around fleecing people for cash like your orange ape god is doing to suckers like you. How many millions did your boy Trump rake in so far this year from asshats like you?
Hit close to home, right Ace? Now cry, Trump asslicker.
'Hit close to home'?

:itsok: Not at all, perv. Me thinks thou dost protest too much. Perhaps YOU are the one projecting. (I pray YOU do not have a daughter.)
I may be a goon to you but I don't go around fleecing people for cash like your orange ape god is doing to suckers like you. How many millions did your boy Trump rake in so far this year from asshats like you?

No, you pull them from cars, beat and rob them, then go loot the local Target.


I mean ... sure Hassert raped an underage boy, but he PAID him ... under the table (yuk yuk) tax free. Trump pays for hookers using campaign donations from his supporters .... But his supporters DON'T CARE, even if they understand it was illegal. Slick, Slick?? You think any woman went into a back room with him not knowing what was coming (nuk nuk nuk), and I got a Trump condo for you. Don't start what you can't finish!!!!!!

Now I could say the same for Cuomo. These women wanted the resume line, and they could always have gotten that but without the job recommendation .... but NOOOOOO. Just destroy a man because you think you're soooo much better than BILLIONS of women who came before you. (well not all did, I'd grant them that)

But to LEAVE A DOG BEHIND. SON OF A BITCH, THE DOG'S GOT MORE CLASS. I mean pool boys, secretaries, political appointees .... we all know they have less loyalty that Trump for Ghouliani. But a dog always has his human's back

People jumping the gun and so ready to spread hate. Sad. Really sad.

Captain the dog was left at the governor’s mansion when Cuomo departed, and a staff member briefly took him home. However, Cuomo denied claims that he had left the dog behind for good, saying Captain would “always” be a “part of our family,” and the arrangement was “temporary” because he wanted to go on vacation and was asking staffers to care for his dog. By Aug. 23, 2021, the dog had been picked up by a trainer.

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