Cuomo About Killing Elderly: 'People Are Going To Die'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Forget that he acknowledged the elderly are the most at risk to die from COVID-19, Forget the fact that he then forced virus-infected patients into nursing homes resulting in the needles, preventable deaths of over 11,000 elderly New Yorkers...Cuomo says there is no one to blame (especially him) - 'hey, people are gonna die...'

What he really said:

He said:

The comment is this. And I have those conversations all day long with people who have lost people, right? We lost 139 people yesterday in hospitals. Who is accountable for those 139 deaths? Well, how do we get justice for those families who had 139 deaths? What is justice? Who can we prosecute for those deaths? Nobody. Nobody. Mother nature. God. Where did this virus come from? People are going to die by this virus. That is the truth. Best hospital system on the globe, I believe we have. Best doctors, best nurses who have responded like heroes, every medication, ventilators, the health system wants for nothing. We worked it out so we always had available beds. Nobody was deprived of a bed or medical coverage in any way.

And still people died. Still, people died. Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can't keep everyone alive. Despite what everything you do and older people are more vulnerable. And that is a fact. And that is not going to change.

I wonder where were the families??
Accountability is kryptonite to Democrats.
Forget that he acknowledged the elderly are the most at risk to die from COVID-19, Forget the fact that he then forced virus-infected patients into nursing homes resulting in the needles, preventable deaths of over 11,000 elderly New Yorkers...Cuomo says there is no one to blame (especially him) - 'hey, people are gonna die...'

It should be remembered that much of the MSM proclaimed Coumo a great governor for his handling of the virus, early on. Further proof the MSM are dishonest actors.

This statement in no way excuses dumb Don’s poor performance. It’s merely a condemnation of our corrupt and co opted MSM.
its tramp fault he didn't ban travel from Europe, except UK and Ireland beginning on Mar 13th.
(I wonder what was so special about the UK and Ireland)

Of the remaining isolates, the vast majority (87%) clustered with clade A2a, and the majority of isolates in that clade (72%) are cases of patients with COVID-19 in Europe, suggesting that Europe was the major origin of COVID-19 cases in New York in march, the authors write.

The investigators say it is likely these cases began in New York between late January and mid-February. Another 6% of isolates fit in clase A1a, which is also made up largely of isolates originating in Europe.

The remaining clades (B, B1, and B4) are cases believed to have been introduced in New York between February and early March. Two of the introductions appear to have come from Washington State. A majority of the sequences in the B clade originated in Asia, though the authors report that the closest relatives of the New York isolates originated in Europe and North America.

“We find clear evidence for multiple independent introductions into the NYC metropolitan area from different regions globally, as well as from other parts of the United States,” investigators wrote.
comes to mind, What did he know, and WHEN did he know it.
Accountability is kryptonite to Democrats.
Cuomo murdered 11,000 elderly Americans, making him the largest mass murderer in the history of the US, and he refused to take responsibility for the legislation his signature was on that resulted in those deaths....

Democrats / snowflakes are ok with that - they are triggered over Trump refusing to panic the American people over horrific inaccurate projection data from a model scientists say was the worst one that could have been used AND passed because they opposed the PRESIDENT'S actions they initially vilified but later admitted were the right things to do.
its tramp fault he didn't ban travel from Europe, except UK and Ireland beginning on Mar 13th.
(I wonder what was so special about the UK and Ireland)

Of the remaining isolates, the vast majority (87%) clustered with clade A2a, and the majority of isolates in that clade (72%) are cases of patients with COVID-19 in Europe, suggesting that Europe was the major origin of COVID-19 cases in New York in march, the authors write.

The investigators say it is likely these cases began in New York between late January and mid-February. Another 6% of isolates fit in clase A1a, which is also made up largely of isolates originating in Europe.

The remaining clades (B, B1, and B4) are cases believed to have been introduced in New York between February and early March. Two of the introductions appear to have come from Washington State. A majority of the sequences in the B clade originated in Asia, though the authors report that the closest relatives of the New York isolates originated in Europe and North America.

“We find clear evidence for multiple independent introductions into the NYC metropolitan area from different regions globally, as well as from other parts of the United States,” investigators wrote.
comes to mind, What did he know, and WHEN did he know it.
While Democrats were yelling xenophobic? While one was walking downtown telling everyone to come join her?
lets face it dems were more then willing to do just the opposite of anything and everything that Trump even hinted at doing. Then they want to pile every misstep on him.
Forget that he acknowledged the elderly are the most at risk to die from COVID-19, Forget the fact that he then forced virus-infected patients into nursing homes resulting in the needles, preventable deaths of over 11,000 elderly New Yorkers...Cuomo says there is no one to blame (especially him) - 'hey, people are gonna die...'

Give that fucker Cuomos. He’s right. With him in charge, people will die because of COVID.
Forget that he acknowledged the elderly are the most at risk to die from COVID-19, Forget the fact that he then forced virus-infected patients into nursing homes resulting in the needles, preventable deaths of over 11,000 elderly New Yorkers...Cuomo says there is no one to blame (especially him) - 'hey, people are gonna die...'

This is a sign of your abject desperation. You keep going back to Cuomo and the nursing homes, thinking that you can put off the deaths of Americans on the governors based on what happened in the early days of the pandemic.

All you succeed in doing is reminding voters of how long and how badly Trump has fucked up the American response to the pandemic. No matter how hard to try to put off the blame for 200,000 American deaths on others, the more you remind us of just how incompetent Trump has been throughout the pandemic. How many lives his wrong headed leadership has cost.

You can't expect Americans to vote for 4 more years of this incompetence and chaos. Americans have discovered EXACTLY what they have to lose with his ignorance, cruelty and greed.
Forget that he acknowledged the elderly are the most at risk to die from COVID-19, Forget the fact that he then forced virus-infected patients into nursing homes resulting in the needles, preventable deaths of over 11,000 elderly New Yorkers...Cuomo says there is no one to blame (especially him) - 'hey, people are gonna die...'

He certainly saw to that.
thank Trump for deregulating nursing homes last year

Major fail by you.

Nowhere in that does it say to put Kung Flu infected people into nursing homes.

Grow a brain.
its tramp fault he didn't ban travel from Europe, except UK and Ireland beginning on Mar 13th.
(I wonder what was so special about the UK and Ireland)

Of the remaining isolates, the vast majority (87%) clustered with clade A2a, and the majority of isolates in that clade (72%) are cases of patients with COVID-19 in Europe, suggesting that Europe was the major origin of COVID-19 cases in New York in march, the authors write.

The investigators say it is likely these cases began in New York between late January and mid-February. Another 6% of isolates fit in clase A1a, which is also made up largely of isolates originating in Europe.

The remaining clades (B, B1, and B4) are cases believed to have been introduced in New York between February and early March. Two of the introductions appear to have come from Washington State. A majority of the sequences in the B clade originated in Asia, though the authors report that the closest relatives of the New York isolates originated in Europe and North America.

“We find clear evidence for multiple independent introductions into the NYC metropolitan area from different regions globally, as well as from other parts of the United States,” investigators wrote.
comes to mind, What did he know, and WHEN did he know it.
Lame attempt to deflect from the thousands of deaths due to the decision of Grim Reaper Cuomo.
Those dead are on Cuomo. HE put infected people in nursing homes, not Trump.....or anyone else.
Forget that he acknowledged the elderly are the most at risk to die from COVID-19, Forget the fact that he then forced virus-infected patients into nursing homes resulting in the needles, preventable deaths of over 11,000 elderly New Yorkers...Cuomo says there is no one to blame (especially him) - 'hey, people are gonna die...'

This is a sign of your abject desperation. You keep going back to Cuomo and the nursing homes, thinking that you can put off the deaths of Americans on the governors based on what happened in the early days of the pandemic.

All you succeed in doing is reminding voters of how long and how badly Trump has fucked up the American response to the pandemic. No matter how hard to try to put off the blame for 200,000 American deaths on others, the more you remind us of just how incompetent Trump has been throughout the pandemic. How many lives his wrong headed leadership has cost.

You can't expect Americans to vote for 4 more years of this incompetence and chaos. Americans have discovered EXACTLY what they have to lose with his ignorance, cruelty and greed.
Another lame ass attempt to blame others for the decision CUOMO made to put infected people in nursing homes.

Cuomo did that.

You think whining and crying ORANGE MAN BAD changes reality. It doesn’t you raving lunatic.

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