CTU Union votes for "Remote Learning" and Chicago responds by locking them out and closing the schools.


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
They can bleat all they want about being in the buildings, but many teachers want to be part of the remote working "future". Unfortunately teaching at their levels is a presence job.

Chicago Teachers Vote To Go Remote, Classes Canceled Wednesday

CPS officials disagree. Public schools leaders issued a statement before the vote that tagged the union's effort to move to remote learning without district permission an "illegal work action" that would "cause profound harm to children's learning and health and be another damaging blow to the well-being of our students and their families."

They knew the CPS would not allow this, so they are now on a Twitter offensive showing teachers sitting at their computers at home trying to log in.
Imagine the squealing if they were treated like Reagan treated the air traffic controllers.

The Chicago city government would never do that, Dems rely on the teachers union too much politically.

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