Crisis Pregnancy Centers: Debunking the Myth that Pro-Lifers Only Care Up Until Birth


Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2022
You've heard the tired leftwing trope that "Pro-lifers only care about fetuses up until birth. After that, women and babies are on their own." Then they cite a litany of welfare programs conservatives oppose. This meme originated in a 1996 monologue from the drug- and alcohol-addict George Carlin, who has become a demigod to the atheist left.

But Crisis Pregnancy Centers put the lie to that myth. Nationwide, CPCs outnumber abortion clinics 5 to 1. These enormously popular centers offer women care both before and after the baby is born. They offer free housing for a significant period after birth as well as resources to help mother and child get off to a great start. Most of these centers are established and funded by Christians and Christian churches. No government handouts for these dedicated folks. Our church group helped the local CPC purchase a $20,000 sonogram machine so women could see their developing children. Odd how Planned Parenthood doesn't have these machines. They don't want women to see the fully-formed living growing moving little babies they're carrying. See, when these babies are humanized, it makes it much harder for the clinics to extract those abortion dollars. And make no mistake, $$$ is what it's all about for the abortion mills. Isn't it curious that PP claims abortions comprise only 3% of their services, yet so many have shut down following the Roe v Wade repeal?

Elizabeth Warren has called for these centers that help the women she allegedly cares about, to be shut down. These Marxists blab about 'choice', but don't want women to have choice at all. Baby-killing, it seems is the only option they want. This kind of puts a twist on the Carlin talking point. It's more like: "Pro-abortion folks don't care about babies either before OR after birth. They just want them aborted." It's just hard to grasp Warren's cruel hateful attitude towards people who are really out to help desperate women and their children.

Pro-lifers are cool, caring people ... it's the politicians they send to the Capitol who are the bastards ... more funding for foster care, public schools and children's health ... don't pro-lifers want that? ...
Pro-lifers are cool, caring people ... it's the politicians they send to the Capitol who are the bastards ... more funding for foster care, public schools and children's health ... don't pro-lifers want that? ...
Parents should be raising their own kids. That's the best way. Government makes a very poor daddy. Public schools are purveyors of Marxist ideology. They need to be DE funded.
If Christian charity can fund 5x's more centers than the for profit baby murder mills that take our tax dollars then there is plenty of money to help the mothers without involving the govt.
Get the govt involved & they almost always make things worse
Parents should be raising their own kids. That's the best way. Government makes a very poor daddy. Public schools are purveyors of Marxist ideology. They need to be DE funded.

Even if she's a crack whore? ... you'd let little innocent babies starve to death right here in the United States? ...

Daddy's in prison ... you what him to raise the kids in the can? ...

Bubba didn't finish Middle School ...
You've heard the tired leftwing trope that "Pro-lifers only care about fetuses up until birth. After that, women and babies are on their own." Then they cite a litany of welfare programs conservatives oppose. This meme originated in a 1996 monologue from the drug- and alcohol-addict George Carlin, who has become a demigod to the atheist left.

But Crisis Pregnancy Centers put the lie to that myth. Nationwide, CPCs outnumber abortion clinics 5 to 1. These enormously popular centers offer women care both before and after the baby is born. They offer free housing for a significant period after birth as well as resources to help mother and child get off to a great start. Most of these centers are established and funded by Christians and Christian churches. No government handouts for these dedicated folks. Our church group helped the local CPC purchase a $20,000 sonogram machine so women could see their developing children. Odd how Planned Parenthood doesn't have these machines. They don't want women to see the fully-formed living growing moving little babies they're carrying. See, when these babies are humanized, it makes it much harder for the clinics to extract those abortion dollars. And make no mistake, $$$ is what it's all about for the abortion mills. Isn't it curious that PP claims abortions comprise only 3% of their services, yet so many have shut down following the Roe v Wade repeal?

Elizabeth Warren has called for these centers that help the women she allegedly cares about, to be shut down. These Marxists blab about 'choice', but don't want women to have choice at all. Baby-killing, it seems is the only option they want. This kind of puts a twist on the Carlin talking point. It's more like: "Pro-abortion folks don't care about babies either before OR after birth. They just want them aborted." It's just hard to grasp Warren's cruel hateful attitude towards people who are really out to help desperate women and their children.

Crisis Pregnancy Centres do NOTHING for women with ectopic pregnancies or partial miscarriages. They've existed since the country was founded. They were called "Homes for unwed mothers" when I was growing up. Lots of girls went out of town to "help with a sick relative" for six months, and sometimes the girl's mother had a baby while they were away.

Abortion is and always has been a matter of economics; American labour laws with no protections for pregnant women; and a lack of universal health care.

NO ONE IS PRO-ABORTION. No one. People are pro choice. People believe that women need to choose whether or not to have a baby when the time is RIGHT for them.

Abortion is NOT and has never been about the money. Doctors make thousands of dollars on pregnancy, labour and live birth and finally, care for both mother and child - and hundreds on a one time abortion.

Abortion is about control. White male control over poor and vulnerable women.
Crisis Pregnancy Centres do NOTHING for women with ectopic pregnancies or partial miscarriages. They've existed since the country was founded. They were called "Homes for unwed mothers" when I was growing up. Lots of girls went out of town to "help with a sick relative" for six months, and sometimes the girl's mother had a baby while they were away.
Abortion mills don't do anything for them either. Killing the babies is not a solution
Abortion is and always has been a matter of economics; American labour laws with no protections for pregnant women; and a lack of universal health care.
What does government run failed health care have to do with protections for women? Private health care does much better with that.
NO ONE IS PRO-ABORTION. No one. People are pro choice. People believe that women need to choose whether or not to have a baby when the time is RIGHT for them.
It's a cop out to say you are personally against abortion, but would allow others to make that choice. Would you say you personally oppose rape but would allow men to make that choice with their bodies? Of course not. Rape is obviously wrong for all. So is abortion, except abortion always results in death.

Abortion is NOT and has never been about the money. Doctors make thousands of dollars on pregnancy, labour and live birth and finally, care for both mother and child - and hundreds on a one time abortion.
Abortion mills positively are about the money. Quick easy money.
Abortion is about control. White male control over poor and vulnerable women.
This is the dumbest talking point leftwingers use. It makes no sense. Exactly HOW does this alleged 'control' over women manifest itself for me? Do I get a harem? What?

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