Criminal Science: ObamaCare On Trial


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "In forensic science, Locard's principle holds that the perpetrator of a crime will bring something into the crime scene and leave with something from it, and that both can be used as forensic evidence. Dr. Edmond Locard (13 December 1877 – 4 May 1966) was a pioneer in forensic science who became known as the Sherlock Holmes of France. He formulated the basic principle of forensic science: "Every contact leaves a trace". This became known asLocard's exchange principle." Locard's exchange principle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. Testing Locard's principle: can we find Democrat fingerprints on the victim?

2. The victim of the crime known as ObamaCare is Truth, viciously murdered....
......for the insurance.

a. The stated reason for disrupting the healthcare of the nation was to insure '45 million uninsured." Not only were there never close to 45 million who required or desired paid healthcare insurance, but by 2015, the CBO states that there will be 36 million nonelderly uninsured. (table 3)

b. The liar-in-chief promised that if any liked their doctors or their plan, they could keep it. "Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it' | PolitiFact

c. The public was told that emergency room usage by the uninsured was a financial drain that would be corrected by the perpetrator, ObamaCare. Recent study shows the opposite: ".....those on Medicaid who are using ERs at a faster rate than the uninsured or privately insured, according to new UC San Francisco research.....findings could reflect a nationwide trend under the Affordable Care Act."
Surging Medicaid Use in California?s Emergency Rooms |

d. The liar in the White House: "19 Times Obama Promised to Lower Annual Insurance Premiums By $2500.... In California alone, The Los Angeles Times reports that the average middle class family will see a premium increase of 30%, which is in line with what we are seeing all over the country.
" Video: 19 Times Obama Promised to Lower Annual Insurance Premiums By $2500

3. And, other innocents harmed by the criminals: In the worst post-war recovery, "Obamacare Will Cost 2.9 Million or More Jobs a Year" Obamacare Will Cost 2.9 Million or More Jobs a Year - Forbes

a. And, as the informed warned....ObamaCare puts the ill to death!
"Mark Halperin: Obamacare Contains "Death Panels"
Mark Halperin: Obamacare Contains "Death Panels" | Video | RealClearPolitics

4. To perpetrate the crime, the witnesses were misdirected, misled, not informed that, prior to ObamaCare, the United States had the world's finest healthcare system as measured by life expectancy. Many people die for reasons that can’t be controlled the medical profession, such as auto accidents, and murder. Once you factor out care crashes and homicides, the US ranks number one in worldwide life expectancy! In "The Business of Health," Robert Ohsfeldt and John Schneider factor out intentional and unintentional injuries from life-expectancy statistics and find that Americans who don't die in car crashes or homicides outlive people in any other Western country.

5. The cover-up: How to tell when a criminal is lying? They keep changing their story. "Delays in Obamacare’s most destructive requirements are so common — and so obviously motivated by political considerations — they aren’t even newsworthy anymore. It surprised no one last week when the unilateralist Obama administration announced insurance companies could, for two more years, continue selling policies that don’t provide all of the “essential benefits” required by the Affordable Care Act." EDITORIAL: Another Obamacare delay | Las Vegas Review-Journal

So, considering all of the evidence, who is guilty of the murder of the truth?

Not Colonel Mustard in the conservatory with the candelabra, but Obama in the White House with his teleprompter.


Book 'em, Danno!
I was the only one in my family without health care. So I applied to the VA but was turned down because my household income was too much. But they sent me for an exam for disability and Friday the results came back. Seems I have 2 service related disabilities. I am now officially a disabled vet. Not only do I get health care, since I have 2 or more disabilities, I have no co-pay. Not only do I have no co-pay, I get a disability check every month. Not only do I get a disability check each month, but I checked my account and they had deposited 18 months back pay! Now I don't have to mess with Obamacare. There is a God!
Let's remind all that there are no Republican fingerprints on this crime.

Not one Republican voted to in inflict this fraud, this subterfuge, on the American people.

Not one.
Did I just post that one can always recognize the guilty by the way they keep changing their stories???

"The Speaker called the move “another deadline made meaningless,” adding it to a litany of unilateral changes that the administration has made to the law.

“This is part of a long-term pattern of this administration manipulating the law for its own convenience,” Boehner said. “It’s not hard to understand why the American people question this administration’s commitment to the rule of law.”
'What the hell is this, a joke?' | TheHill

Seems like Obama treats the penal code as his personal to-do list.

Clearly, Obama voters= accessories to the crime!!!
"’s a brief history of some of the most prominent Obamacare delays:

March 25: Final enrollment deadline extended. The March 31 deadline — the end of enrollment for 2014 — will be loosened for people with special sign-up circumstances.

March 14: High-risk pools extended. The special, temporary coverage for people with serious pre-existing conditions — which was supposed to last only until the health insurance exchanges were in place — was extended a third time for another month.

Feb. 10: Employer mandate delayed. This time, businesses with between 50 and 100 workers were given until 2016 to offer coverage, and the mandate will be phased in for employers with more than 100 workers.

Jan. 14: High-risk pools extended. The high-risk insurance pools, which originally had been slated to close Jan. 1, had already been extended once.

Dec. 24: Enrollment deadline extended. In a message on, customers were told they could get help finishing their Jan. 1 applications if they were already in line on Dec. 24.

Dec. 12: Enrollment deadline extended. Customers on the federal enrollment website were given nearly two more weeks to sign up for coverage effective Jan. 1.

Nov. 27: Small Business Health Options Program (known as SHOP) delayed. Online enrollment for the federal health insurance exchanges for small businesses was delayed.

Nov. 21: Open enrollment delayed for 2015. The administration pushed back next year’s enrollment season by a month.

July 2: Employer mandate delayed. The administration declared that it wouldn’t enforce the fines in 2014 for businesses with more than 50 full-time workers who don’t offer health coverage. The fines were pushed back to 2015.

Nov. 15, 2012: Exchange deadline delayed. The Department of Health and Human Services gave states an extra month to decide whether they would set up their own health insurance exchanges — a decision it announced just one day before the original deadline."

A brief history of Obamacare delays - David Nather and Susan Levine -
Let's remind all that there are no Republican fingerprints on this crime.

Not one Republican voted to in inflict this fraud, this subterfuge, on the American people.

Not one.

Dear PC: the accusations I have heard otherwise either blame

a. Mitt Romney for pushing insurance mandates on a "state level" (which is still not the same as "federally imposed mandates" under penalty through the IRS)

b. Republicans for introducing the idea of insurance mandates in the original attempts
at health care reforms? (I was told this was NOT true, that only Obama's version had
the insurance mandates? or were these really introduced in Congress as proposed bills originally pushed by Republicans who supposedly came up with this idea in the first place?)

c. Reagan for the bill where hospitals and ER could not turn away anyone for lack of insurance or ability to pay

My questions:
a. how is the state level mandate set up in Mass.? how is it enforced, through deduction from or addition to state taxes? or where you can't treatment without insurance osproof? how does this work?
b. what previous bills first introduced the "insurance mandate" and did Republican promote or support this, and if so WHICH Republicans?
c. did Reagan's bill allow for additional provisions or reforms regarding how to pay the bills for uninsured people? was the intent to reimburse these costs in other ways? to support the expansion of charity hospitals or programs to cover more people? what is the full context?
Let's remind all that there are no Republican fingerprints on this crime.

Not one Republican voted to in inflict this fraud, this subterfuge, on the American people.

Not one.

Dear PC: the accusations I have heard otherwise either blame

a. Mitt Romney for pushing insurance mandates on a "state level" (which is still not the same as "federally imposed mandates" under penalty through the IRS)

b. Republicans for introducing the idea of insurance mandates in the original attempts
at health care reforms? (I was told this was NOT true, that only Obama's version had
the insurance mandates? or were these really introduced in Congress as proposed bills originally pushed by Republicans who supposedly came up with this idea in the first place?)

c. Reagan for the bill where hospitals and ER could not turn away anyone for lack of insurance or ability to pay

My questions:
a. how is the state level mandate set up in Mass.? how is it enforced, through deduction from or addition to state taxes? or where you can't treatment without insurance osproof? how does this work?
b. what previous bills first introduced the "insurance mandate" and did Republican promote or support this, and if so WHICH Republicans?
c. did Reagan's bill allow for additional provisions or reforms regarding how to pay the bills for uninsured people? was the intent to reimburse these costs in other ways? to support the expansion of charity hospitals or programs to cover more people? what is the full context?

Perhaps you didn't read this carefully:

"Let's remind all that there are no Republican fingerprints on this crime.

Not one Republican voted to in inflict this fraud, this subterfuge, on the American people.

Not one."

Or...have you found Republicans who did vote for ObamaCare?

Have you?
Did I just post that one can always recognize the guilty by the way they keep changing their stories???

"The Speaker called the move “another deadline made meaningless,” adding it to a litany of unilateral changes that the administration has made to the law.

“This is part of a long-term pattern of this administration manipulating the law for its own convenience,” Boehner said. “It’s not hard to understand why the American people question this administration’s commitment to the rule of law.”
'What the hell is this, a joke?' | TheHill

Seems like Obama treats the penal code as his personal to-do list.

Clearly, Obama voters= accessories to the crime!!!
The tipoff to Republicans that the Bill was going to be a huge headache were the (1) quantity (2) frequency, and (3) urgency (don't read, just pass said the DNC House leader)

The Supreme court couldn't dismiss it because technically the bill is a tax. The outstanding feature is that it is the highest tax ever passed by a US Congress, and the worry that all the American people will become enslaved by greed for "free stuff."
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