Crime Solutions Worth Considering


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Crime Solutions Worth Considering

Prosecuting political candidates who engage in quid-pro-quo.

7 Sep 2023 ~~ By | Jonathan Emord

There were 24% more homicides during the first half of 2023 than the first half of 2019. Across the nation crimes against persons and property occur almost daily, among them gang smash and grab attacks on retailers, car vandalism in urban and suburban areas, and shoplifting. Retail chains, like Walmart and Target, have closed outlets in certain areas when victimized by incessant thievery, causing them to lose money and be exposed to huge liability risks. Rates of recidivism in the U.S. are the highest in the world. Some 76% of felons are re-arrested within five years of their release from prison. The FBI annual crime report reveals an increase of 20% in the number of rapes committed annually since 2014.
In Fairfax County alone, crimes against persons increased by 10.5% from 2021 to 2022 and crimes against property increased by 19.1% during that same period. The 2022 Crimes in Virginia Report reveals a 4.9% increase in violent crimes statewide.
The anti-prosecution and anti-incarceration agendas of Soros-backed prosecutors along with the defund the police and cash bail elimination movements have substantially increased the crime burden carried by the public, causing repeat offenders to remain on the streets.
The efforts at destroying the criminal justice system are emboldening criminals, including career offenders, leading them to engage in crimes of greater magnitude and injury, turning virtually every American city into a place of unremitting victimization, murder, rape, assault, and theft.
Legislative solutions are sorely needed to stop these abuses that are destroying the criminal justice system and keeping offenders on the streets.
Pre-election agreements of candidates not to prosecute and not to incarcerate are criminal in nature because they flout the oaths and essential legal responsibilities of the offices they seek. The federal Hobbs Act should be amended to require federal prosecution of candidates who engage in this kind of quid-pro-quo. Under the Hobbs Act, when a public official trades official action for money a felony is committed. President Biden is being investigated for Hobbs Act violations. That law needs to be amended to reach those who seek state office and agree to a bribe (receipt of money or thing of value) in exchange for their willingness to avoid executing oaths of office or fulfilling the duties of that office.
Finally, every state should adopt fulsome new impeachment provisions that will allow for the state impeachment of those elected to the position of DA or Commonwealth’s Attorney if they engage in a pattern of failing to charge and prosecute those who commit crimes against persons and property.
These are among actions sorely needed to prevent Soros-backed DAs and prosecutors from continuing to victimize the public by failing to prosecute and lock up criminals and by according criminals leniency even in the most heinous of circumstances.

Actually, this cuts both ways cuts both ways, both parties have large donors, and quid pro quo based on fulfilling campaign promises shouldn't and probably can't be criminalized. If people vote for a candidate advocating no bail or no penalties for misdemeanors, they get what they deserve. Prosecutors taking these actions without enabling legislation, there are other solutions. Many states have recall, all have impeachment as recourse.
IF Soros backed DA’s are part of the plan to decriminalize our society, wouldn’t that be grounds for RICO charges in every State and City that have a Soros DA?
That should include Soros and his son.
It seems like those Soros DA’s are rather fond of the RICO prosecutions against lawful actions so there should be no issues with using the same laws to go after them.
All it takes is a strong Governor, and a honest judge.
Unfortunately in New York and Georgia we have a biased Governors and Mayors.
Stop offshoring job opportunities and find better role models. Religious beliefs wouldnt hurt either. Al of the West is in decline,none steeper.than Ontaeio. Learn from us and correct your errors.
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When the front runner for the GOP nomination is a completely corrupt criminal, how are we supposed to have law and order?

It starts from the top, first Trump needs to go to jail for all his crimes, then Kushner needs to go to jail for the $2B Saudi Bribe money, the Giuliani and all of the other criminals in Trump's inner circle, then all the fake electors etc, then all the corrupt republicans that Trump pardoned etc

The first step to reducing crime is to hold the corrupt GOP politicians accountable for all their crimes.

Crime Solutions Worth Considering

Prosecuting political candidates who engage in quid-pro-quo.

7 Sep 2023 ~~ By | Jonathan Emord

There were 24% more homicides during the first half of 2023 than the first half of 2019. Across the nation crimes against persons and property occur almost daily, among them gang smash and grab attacks on retailers, car vandalism in urban and suburban areas, and shoplifting. Retail chains, like Walmart and Target, have closed outlets in certain areas when victimized by incessant thievery, causing them to lose money and be exposed to huge liability risks. Rates of recidivism in the U.S. are the highest in the world. Some 76% of felons are re-arrested within five years of their release from prison. The FBI annual crime report reveals an increase of 20% in the number of rapes committed annually since 2014.
In Fairfax County alone, crimes against persons increased by 10.5% from 2021 to 2022 and crimes against property increased by 19.1% during that same period. The 2022 Crimes in Virginia Report reveals a 4.9% increase in violent crimes statewide.
The anti-prosecution and anti-incarceration agendas of Soros-backed prosecutors along with the defund the police and cash bail elimination movements have substantially increased the crime burden carried by the public, causing repeat offenders to remain on the streets.
The efforts at destroying the criminal justice system are emboldening criminals, including career offenders, leading them to engage in crimes of greater magnitude and injury, turning virtually every American city into a place of unremitting victimization, murder, rape, assault, and theft.
Legislative solutions are sorely needed to stop these abuses that are destroying the criminal justice system and keeping offenders on the streets.
Pre-election agreements of candidates not to prosecute and not to incarcerate are criminal in nature because they flout the oaths and essential legal responsibilities of the offices they seek. The federal Hobbs Act should be amended to require federal prosecution of candidates who engage in this kind of quid-pro-quo. Under the Hobbs Act, when a public official trades official action for money a felony is committed. President Biden is being investigated for Hobbs Act violations. That law needs to be amended to reach those who seek state office and agree to a bribe (receipt of money or thing of value) in exchange for their willingness to avoid executing oaths of office or fulfilling the duties of that office.
Finally, every state should adopt fulsome new impeachment provisions that will allow for the state impeachment of those elected to the position of DA or Commonwealth’s Attorney if they engage in a pattern of failing to charge and prosecute those who commit crimes against persons and property.
These are among actions sorely needed to prevent Soros-backed DAs and prosecutors from continuing to victimize the public by failing to prosecute and lock up criminals and by according criminals leniency even in the most heinous of circumstances.

Actually, this cuts both ways cuts both ways, both parties have large donors, and quid pro quo based on fulfilling campaign promises shouldn't and probably can't be criminalized. If people vote for a candidate advocating no bail or no penalties for misdemeanors, they get what they deserve. Prosecutors taking these actions without enabling legislation, there are other solutions. Many states have recall, all have impeachment as recourse.
IF Soros backed DA’s are part of the plan to decriminalize our society, wouldn’t that be grounds for RICO charges in every State and City that have a Soros DA?
That should include Soros and his son.
It seems like those Soros DA’s are rather fond of the RICO prosecutions against lawful actions so there should be no issues with using the same laws to go after them.
All it takes is a strong Governor, and a honest judge.
Unfortunately in New York and Georgia we have a biased Governors and Mayors.
It ignores the incarceration side of the equation. Many (if not most) states can’t get enough prison guards on the roster already. Increasing the number of people incarcerated is pretty much a non-starter. Texas has all of its prisons on lockdown right now due to violence and drugs making it into the units.

As for the criminal justice system itself, I think the states need to make it to where there needs to me a higher threshold sentence. Like for a 3rd degree felony...if the minimum is 1 year; make it 3 years etc... No judicial/DA discretion there. Nothing drastic but get rid of the probation, get rid of the time off for good behavior, get rid of the deferred adjudication... You get found go away for a set amount of time. First time, next time, every time.

But for any of that to work...we’ve got to have more capacity in the prison system.

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