Crime rate: 3400 MORE AMERICANS will be murdered under Uncle Joe

Under Biden, and "defund police" idiocy of the Democrats, murder rate this year is 18% higher. It means 3400 Americans MORE will be killed this year than under Trump. So who are the schlemiels who voted for Biden? 3400 more families will be aggrieved in 2021. Thanks Uncle Joe.

And this is under the walked back version of defund where it translates to less funding, not zeroing it out.

Freaking shit talking pussies.
Under Biden, and "defund police" idiocy of the Democrats, murder rate this year is 18% higher. It means 3400 Americans MORE will be killed this year than under Trump. So who are the schlemiels who voted for Biden? 3400 more families will be aggrieved in 2021. Thanks Uncle Joe.
Dummy. Biden has not and will not defund the police. I doubt if local elected official will, either, for very long. Defund is a non-issue and everybody but you knows it. NEXT.

Funny. It was an issue during the election, when you people needed to rile up the radicalized blacks and the far left to vote.

I told them, that the white libs would never really do it. REight on this site, I told them.

AND I told them that the white libs, think that you... low enough that they can rile you up now, and then just betray you afterwards, and you will take it like a bitch.

And I was right.
Under Biden, and "defund police" idiocy of the Democrats, murder rate this year is 18% higher. It means 3400 Americans MORE will be killed this year than under Trump. So who are the schlemiels who voted for Biden? 3400 more families will be aggrieved in 2021. Thanks Uncle Joe.
Does that include the 600,000 Trump killed with his ineptitude in managing a "seasonal flu"?
That would be under your hero Fauci's managing.
That must be President Fauci?
No, Trump trusted Fauci and the science and put him in charge. That's where Trump screwed up.

Trump threw out the Pandemic Handbok and put Jared Kushner in charge.
No he listened to Fauci, the biggest mistake of his presidency.

Nope Trump did his own thing, promoting bleach and internal lighting .. claiming the virus would be gone by April.. He did everything in his power to marginalize Fauci short of firing him. Remember Trump threw out the Pandemic Handbook that helped us deal with Ebola and Zika viruses.
Bullshit everything Trump wanted to do you loons and the media criticized the shit out of him. Come to find out Trump was right on alot of things and thousands of lives could've been saved. Fauci should be in prison.
Under Biden, and "defund police" idiocy of the Democrats, murder rate this year is 18% higher. It means 3400 Americans MORE will be killed this year than under Trump. So who are the schlemiels who voted for Biden? 3400 more families will be aggrieved in 2021. Thanks Uncle Joe.
Does that include the 600,000 Trump killed with his ineptitude in managing a "seasonal flu"?
That would be under your hero Fauci's managing.
That must be President Fauci?
No, Trump trusted Fauci and the science and put him in charge. That's where Trump screwed up.

Trump threw out the Pandemic Handbok and put Jared Kushner in charge.
No he listened to Fauci, the biggest mistake of his presidency.

Nope Trump did his own thing, promoting bleach and internal lighting .. claiming the virus would be gone by April.. He did everything in his power to marginalize Fauci short of firing him. Remember Trump threw out the Pandemic Handbook that helped us deal with Ebola and Zika viruses.
Bullshit everything Trump wanted to do you loons and the media criticized the shit out of him. Come to find out Trump was right on alot of things and thousands of lives could've been saved. Fauci should be in prison.

REmember how they viciously attacked him for calling it the China Flu?
Under Biden, and "defund police" idiocy of the Democrats, murder rate this year is 18% higher. It means 3400 Americans MORE will be killed this year than under Trump. So who are the schlemiels who voted for Biden? 3400 more families will be aggrieved in 2021. Thanks Uncle Joe.
Does that include the 600,000 Trump killed with his ineptitude in managing a "seasonal flu"?
Why are you lying? Seems like your side can do nothing but LIE about the man you don't have one legitimate argument. Shut your lying filth liberal mouth.
Sarah Silverman is a Yenta. When the collapse happens she will be a blow job machine if her body is still desirable She was blessed for an easier route in life. Many giving her a fast track because of Biblical scripture. But she did not keep her part of the bargain. With many others. With everyone and their flaws.
Under Biden, and "defund police" idiocy of the Democrats, murder rate this year is 18% higher. It means 3400 Americans MORE will be killed this year than under Trump. So who are the schlemiels who voted for Biden? 3400 more families will be aggrieved in 2021. Thanks Uncle Joe.

Suddenly you care about the families of dead Americans? Since when???

500,000 Americans died during the Donald Trump presidency because of trumps decisions over Covid. You didn’t seem to have a problem with those deaths. 500,000 grieving families is a lot more than 3000, and most of those people did not have to die.

Americans elected Joe Biden because Trump killed 500,000 people and didn’t even say “I’m sorry for your loss”.

There is nothing you can project onto Democrats it is less odious than what Donald Trump did to your nation for the past four years.
Under Biden, and "defund police" idiocy of the Democrats, murder rate this year is 18% higher. It means 3400 Americans MORE will be killed this year than under Trump. So who are the schlemiels who voted for Biden? 3400 more families will be aggrieved in 2021. Thanks Uncle Joe.
Does that include the 600,000 Trump killed with his ineptitude in managing a "seasonal flu"?
Why are you lying? Seems like your side can do nothing but LIE about the man you don't have one legitimate argument. Shut your lying filth liberal mouth.

These aren’t lies. These are stone cold facts.

If Donald Trump had listened to Anthony Fauci, none of this would’ve happened. But Trump knew better than anyone and here we are.
Under Biden, and "defund police" idiocy of the Democrats, murder rate this year is 18% higher. It means 3400 Americans MORE will be killed this year than under Trump. So who are the schlemiels who voted for Biden? 3400 more families will be aggrieved in 2021. Thanks Uncle Joe.

Suddenly you care about the families of dead Americans? Since when???

500,000 Americans died during the Donald Trump presidency because of trumps decisions over Covid. You didn’t seem to have a problem with those deaths. 500,000 grieving families is a lot more than 3000, and most of those people did not have to die.

Americans elected Joe Biden because Trump killed 500,000 people and didn’t even say “I’m sorry for your loss”.

There is nothing you can project onto Democrats it is less odious than what Donald Trump did to your nation for the past four years.
Fuaci screwed the pooch. If he would've listened to Trump thousands of lives would've been saved.
Under Biden, and "defund police" idiocy of the Democrats, murder rate this year is 18% higher. It means 3400 Americans MORE will be killed this year than under Trump. So who are the schlemiels who voted for Biden? 3400 more families will be aggrieved in 2021. Thanks Uncle Joe.
Does that include the 600,000 Trump killed with his ineptitude in managing a "seasonal flu"?
Why are you lying? Seems like your side can do nothing but LIE about the man you don't have one legitimate argument. Shut your lying filth liberal mouth.

These aren’t lies. These are stone cold facts.

If Donald Trump had listened to Anthony Fauci, none of this would’ve happened. But Trump knew better than anyone and here we are.
Trump did everything Fauci wanted and that was his biggest mistake. Stop lying.
Under Biden, and "defund police" idiocy of the Democrats, murder rate this year is 18% higher. It means 3400 Americans MORE will be killed this year than under Trump. So who are the schlemiels who voted for Biden? 3400 more families will be aggrieved in 2021. Thanks Uncle Joe.
Does that include the 600,000 Trump killed with his ineptitude in managing a "seasonal flu"?
That would be under your hero Fauci's managing.
Trump brilliantly introduced "warp speed" (36% of Democrats had not even heard of warp speed due to suppression of Trump brilliancies) to produce a vaccine FASTEST IN HISTORY; otherwise perhaps a million would have died. He also recommended hydroxychloroquine as a treatment, but the Democrats did not want him to get credit for saving lives, so they slandered hydroxy and got it banned for covid! Dr. Steven Smith who used hydroxy all along said it could have saved at least 100,000 lives.


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Under Biden, and "defund police" idiocy of the Democrats, murder rate this year is 18% higher. It means 3400 Americans MORE will be killed this year than under Trump. So who are the schlemiels who voted for Biden? 3400 more families will be aggrieved in 2021. Thanks Uncle Joe.
Does that include the 600,000 Trump killed with his ineptitude in managing a "seasonal flu"?
what about the millions killed under your hero communist like stalin, mao, pol pot, castro, etc
You know...your post just shows your failure to make a legit point.
Under Biden, and "defund police" idiocy of the Democrats, murder rate this year is 18% higher. It means 3400 Americans MORE will be killed this year than under Trump. So who are the schlemiels who voted for Biden? 3400 more families will be aggrieved in 2021. Thanks Uncle Joe.
Does that include the 600,000 Trump killed with his ineptitude in managing a "seasonal flu"?
Why are you lying? Seems like your side can do nothing but LIE about the man you don't have one legitimate argument. Shut your lying filth liberal mouth.

These aren’t lies. These are stone cold facts.

If Donald Trump had listened to Anthony Fauci, none of this would’ve happened. But Trump knew better than anyone and here we are.
Trump did everything Fauci wanted and that was his biggest mistake. Stop lying.
Under Biden, and "defund police" idiocy of the Democrats, murder rate this year is 18% higher. It means 3400 Americans MORE will be killed this year than under Trump. So who are the schlemiels who voted for Biden? 3400 more families will be aggrieved in 2021. Thanks Uncle Joe.
Dummy. Biden has not and will not defund the police. I doubt if local elected official will, either, for very long. Defund is a non-issue and everybody but you knows it. NEXT.

Funny. It was an issue during the election, when you people needed to rile up the radicalized blacks and the far left to vote.

I told them, that the white libs would never really do it. REight on this site, I told them.

AND I told them that the white libs, think that you... low enough that they can rile you up now, and then just betray you afterwards, and you will take it like a bitch.

And I was right.
It was not an issue for me. I didn't need to and didn't speak or write in favor or in false support. You got the wrong guy. Independent centrist, remember? You were correct there, about white liberals never really doing it or at least being able to keep it. Being sentient, centrist and pragmatic, I am pretty well immune from being sold on characterizations of party politics, based on local mismanagement thousands of miles away, especially owing no allegiance to one of the parties.
Under Biden, and "defund police" idiocy of the Democrats, murder rate this year is 18% higher. It means 3400 Americans MORE will be killed this year than under Trump. So who are the schlemiels who voted for Biden? 3400 more families will be aggrieved in 2021. Thanks Uncle Joe.
Does that include the 600,000 Trump killed with his ineptitude in managing a "seasonal flu"?
Why are you lying? Seems like your side can do nothing but LIE about the man you don't have one legitimate argument. Shut your lying filth liberal mouth.

These aren’t lies. These are stone cold facts.

If Donald Trump had listened to Anthony Fauci, none of this would’ve happened. But Trump knew better than anyone and here we are.
Trump did everything Fauci wanted and that was his biggest mistake. Stop lying.
He never said to inject bleach. But his other ideas turned out to be correct and would've saved thousands of lives. Your party has blood on their hands because of your hatred.
Under Biden, and "defund police" idiocy of the Democrats, murder rate this year is 18% higher. It means 3400 Americans MORE will be killed this year than under Trump. So who are the schlemiels who voted for Biden? 3400 more families will be aggrieved in 2021. Thanks Uncle Joe.
Dummy. Biden has not and will not defund the police. I doubt if local elected official will, either, for very long. Defund is a non-issue and everybody but you knows it. NEXT.

Funny. It was an issue during the election, when you people needed to rile up the radicalized blacks and the far left to vote.

I told them, that the white libs would never really do it. REight on this site, I told them.

AND I told them that the white libs, think that you... low enough that they can rile you up now, and then just betray you afterwards, and you will take it like a bitch.

And I was right.
It was not an issue for me. I didn't need to and didn't speak or write in favor or in false support. You got the wrong guy. Independent centrist, remember? You were correct there, about white liberals never really doing it or at least being able to keep it. Being sentient, centrist and pragmatic, I am pretty well immune from being sold on characterizations of party politics, based on local mismanagement thousands of miles away, especially owing no allegiance to one of the parties.

Do you care about the increased death rate from increased crime?
Under Biden, and "defund police" idiocy of the Democrats, murder rate this year is 18% higher. It means 3400 Americans MORE will be killed this year than under Trump. So who are the schlemiels who voted for Biden? 3400 more families will be aggrieved in 2021. Thanks Uncle Joe.
Dummy. Biden has not and will not defund the police. I doubt if local elected official will, either, for very long. Defund is a non-issue and everybody but you knows it. NEXT.

Funny. It was an issue during the election, when you people needed to rile up the radicalized blacks and the far left to vote.

I told them, that the white libs would never really do it. REight on this site, I told them.

AND I told them that the white libs, think that you... low enough that they can rile you up now, and then just betray you afterwards, and you will take it like a bitch.

And I was right.
It was not an issue for me. I didn't need to and didn't speak or write in favor or in false support. You got the wrong guy. Independent centrist, remember? You were correct there, about white liberals never really doing it or at least being able to keep it. Being sentient, centrist and pragmatic, I am pretty well immune from being sold on characterizations of party politics, based on local mismanagement thousands of miles away, especially owing no allegiance to one of the parties.

Do you care about the increased death rate from increased crime?
I do wish the black people would quit killing each other. It is mildly disturbing, but it appears to be something endemic and accepted by them, internally to their common popular culture. I can live with it. They seem to attack each other with far more frequency than attacking white people. If black lives don't matter to them, they cannot expect me to cry out in alarm.
Just in case, I am licensed and carry concealed much of the time and can be counted on to deal effectively with whatever comes up, around me, just as you had me trained to do and in line with training I continue on a regular basis. Hopefully, I will never be involved in that type of encounter or in person witness to an event. If it happens, I might very well add to that death rate, that disturbs you.
Under Biden, and "defund police" idiocy of the Democrats, murder rate this year is 18% higher. It means 3400 Americans MORE will be killed this year than under Trump. So who are the schlemiels who voted for Biden? 3400 more families will be aggrieved in 2021. Thanks Uncle Joe.
Wake me up when you've actually got credible and reliable statistics that support your contention.

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