Credit Is Due

11. Obama:
Barack Obama was ushering in the age of the ‘Iranian Nuclear Bomb’ and fueling Iran’s war machine.

Barack Obama, the #1 funder of radical Islamic fundamentalism and of the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism, in the history of the world.
Under Hussein Obama, the United States was the lead benefactor of Islamic terrorism

He gave his nod to ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons for 7th century barbarians.

Barack Obama, in addition to slowing the rise of the oceans, also made the world a safer place to be by funding the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism while not restricting their ballistic missile program and, at the same time, supporting Hezbollah.
The best friend the homicidal maniacs in charge of Iran ever had was Barack Hussein Obama.

The big question about Hussein Obama was always was he Sunni or Shia…and with the Iran deal, we got answer.

12. Trump:
"Report: Another Operation Kills ISIS Spokesperson al-Muhajir Day After ISIS Leader's Death"
Report: Another Operation Kills ISIS Spokesperson al-Muhajir Day After ISIS Leader's Death

Credit is due!
Under which president did Iran cease enriching uranium?
Under which president did Iran restart enriching uranium?
7. "Bloomberg Clearly Learned Nothing From WaPo's al-Baghdadi Obituary Blunder
Just when we thought the Democratic media complex couldn't get any worse, they prove us wrong. Earlier in the day, the Washington Post decided to run an obituary on the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The problem though? They painted al-Baghdadi as some kind of decent man who studied Islam. It's like the outlet completely missed the years of beheadings, rapes and torture that the Islamic State carried out.
WRONG!! You might consider actually reading the things you post about. He was NOT described as decent.

Here are some Baghdadi obit quotes:
  • notorious
  • terrorist
  • shocking brutality
  • dissenters should be put to death


Skewered you again, huh?
Wrong again. I understand you prefer your news to be fake but what part of the WaPo or Bloomberg info is incorrect or positive?

So, you have no problem with this slaugherer of children, rapist, torturer and mastermind to the killing of innocents being portrayed thus:

"Baghdadi, who transformed himself from a little-known teacher of Koranic recitation into the self-proclaimed ruler of an entity that covered swaths of Syria and Iraq, was killed along with a number of his followers, U.S. President Donald Trump said. His body was mutilated after he detonated a suicide vest while fleeing into a dead-end tunnel."
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

You must be a government school grad, huh?

Please get this right: I am never wrong.
who transformed himself from a little-known teacher of Koranic recitation into the self-proclaimed ruler of an entity that covered swaths of Syria and Iraq

Col Tim Osman was the same way in Afghan, a "little known" person who suddenly was flush with cash and muslim orphans....

The ability of Israel to completely fool "rank and file muslims" shows again that religion = idiocy, and it doesn't matter which religion....
"... the Washington Post decided to write a rather sleazy obituary in his remembrance. The so-called "news organization" knew they were in the wrong when they rewrote the headline numerous times after being called out.

"Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48" was the original headline.

The Washington Post has now changed its description of ISIS founder Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi from “Terrorist in Chief” to “Austere Religious Scholar” to “Extremist Leader”

"Look, I just want to say this last thing on behalf of the president of the White House. This obituary was a disgrace and I would ask The Washington Post to close your eyes and pretend that al-Baghdadi worked in the Trump White House and go rewrite the obituary. I bet you would not be as kind."

Conway is onto something. The leftist mainstream media is quick to capitalize on and disgrace members of the Trump administration but the Washington Post can't even call a terrorist exactly what he is... a terrorist. It's sad and rather sickening that this news organization tip toes around the word, as if it's controversial to call this man a terrorist. He kidnapped, raped, killed and beheaded people. And some of those killings were even recorded and broadcasted throughout the world. If that isn't the definition of terrorism, then what is?"

....the Washington Post can't even call a terrorist exactly what he is... a terrorist. It's sad and rather sickening that this news organization tip toes around the word, as if it's controversial to call this man a terrorist. He kidnapped, raped, killed and beheaded people. And some of those killings were even recorded and broadcasted throughout the world. If that isn't the definition of terrorism, then what is?"
WATCH: Kellyanne Conway Chimes In On WaPo's Vile al-Baghdadi Obituary
"WASHINGTON, D.C.—In order to ensure all headlines about Islamic terrorism are culturally sensitive and do not offend any brave freedom fighters in the Middle East, The Washington Post has retained an ISIS marketing representative.

Post writers frantically tried to come up with different headlines to appease him, such as the following:

  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, mischevious rapscallion, passes away of entirely natural causes and definitely not a raid ordered by Trump. Also Trump is bad.
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, noted firearm and explosive enthusiast, dies at 48.
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, prophet of God and all-around swell guy, rewarded with 72 virgins.
  • Evil Americans kill innocent Middle Eastern farmer.
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48"
All headlines published about terrorism will be run by the marketing rep. The PR rep was immediately put to work as headline writers worked to come up with a sensitive take on the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi."
Washington Post To Run All Headlines By In-House ISIS Marketing Rep
7. "Bloomberg Clearly Learned Nothing From WaPo's al-Baghdadi Obituary Blunder
Just when we thought the Democratic media complex couldn't get any worse, they prove us wrong. Earlier in the day, the Washington Post decided to run an obituary on the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The problem though? They painted al-Baghdadi as some kind of decent man who studied Islam. It's like the outlet completely missed the years of beheadings, rapes and torture that the Islamic State carried out.
WRONG!! You might consider actually reading the things you post about. He was NOT described as decent.

Here are some Baghdadi obit quotes:
  • notorious
  • terrorist
  • shocking brutality
  • dissenters should be put to death


Skewered you again, huh?
Wrong again. I understand you prefer your news to be fake but what part of the WaPo or Bloomberg info is incorrect or positive?

So, you have no problem with this slaugherer of children, rapist, torturer and mastermind to the killing of innocents being portrayed thus:

"Baghdadi, who transformed himself from a little-known teacher of Koranic recitation into the self-proclaimed ruler of an entity that covered swaths of Syria and Iraq, was killed along with a number of his followers, U.S. President Donald Trump said. His body was mutilated after he detonated a suicide vest while fleeing into a dead-end tunnel."
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

You must be a government school grad, huh?

Please get this right: I am never wrong.
The truth is the truth however much you prefer your fantasy world to reality. What did they say that was incorrect or positive?

I had no problem with Bloomberg's caption: Baghdadi built self-declared caliphate on fear, mass murder
7. "Bloomberg Clearly Learned Nothing From WaPo's al-Baghdadi Obituary Blunder
Just when we thought the Democratic media complex couldn't get any worse, they prove us wrong. Earlier in the day, the Washington Post decided to run an obituary on the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The problem though? They painted al-Baghdadi as some kind of decent man who studied Islam. It's like the outlet completely missed the years of beheadings, rapes and torture that the Islamic State carried out.
WRONG!! You might consider actually reading the things you post about. He was NOT described as decent.

Here are some Baghdadi obit quotes:
  • notorious
  • terrorist
  • shocking brutality
  • dissenters should be put to death


Skewered you again, huh?
Wrong again. I understand you prefer your news to be fake but what part of the WaPo or Bloomberg info is incorrect or positive?

So, you have no problem with this slaugherer of children, rapist, torturer and mastermind to the killing of innocents being portrayed thus:

"Baghdadi, who transformed himself from a little-known teacher of Koranic recitation into the self-proclaimed ruler of an entity that covered swaths of Syria and Iraq, was killed along with a number of his followers, U.S. President Donald Trump said. His body was mutilated after he detonated a suicide vest while fleeing into a dead-end tunnel."
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

You must be a government school grad, huh?

Please get this right: I am never wrong.
The truth is the truth however much you prefer your fantasy world to reality. What did they say that was incorrect or positive?

I had no problem with Bloomberg's caption: Baghdadi built self-declared caliphate on fear, mass murder

So, you have no problem with this slaugherer of children, rapist, torturer and mastermind to the killing of innocents being portrayed thus:

"Baghdadi, who transformed himself from a little-known teacher of Koranic recitation into the self-proclaimed ruler of an entity that covered swaths of Syria and Iraq, was killed along with a number of his followers, U.S. President Donald Trump said. His body was mutilated after he detonated a suicide vest while fleeing into a dead-end tunnel."
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

I'm certain the loved ones of this Jordanian pilot would appreciate your heartfelt sentiments.

"WASHINGTON, D.C.—In order to ensure all headlines about Islamic terrorism are culturally sensitive and do not offend any brave freedom fighters in the Middle East, The Washington Post has retained an ISIS marketing representative.

Post writers frantically tried to come up with different headlines to appease him, such as the following:

  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, mischevious rapscallion, passes away of entirely natural causes and definitely not a raid ordered by Trump. Also Trump is bad.
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, noted firearm and explosive enthusiast, dies at 48.
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, prophet of God and all-around swell guy, rewarded with 72 virgins.
  • Evil Americans kill innocent Middle Eastern farmer.
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48"
All headlines published about terrorism will be run by the marketing rep. The PR rep was immediately put to work as headline writers worked to come up with a sensitive take on the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi."
Washington Post To Run All Headlines By In-House ISIS Marketing Rep
Wrong again. This should have been posted in Humor.
"WASHINGTON, D.C.—In order to ensure all headlines about Islamic terrorism are culturally sensitive and do not offend any brave freedom fighters in the Middle East, The Washington Post has retained an ISIS marketing representative.

Post writers frantically tried to come up with different headlines to appease him, such as the following:

  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, mischevious rapscallion, passes away of entirely natural causes and definitely not a raid ordered by Trump. Also Trump is bad.
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, noted firearm and explosive enthusiast, dies at 48.
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, prophet of God and all-around swell guy, rewarded with 72 virgins.
  • Evil Americans kill innocent Middle Eastern farmer.
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48"
All headlines published about terrorism will be run by the marketing rep. The PR rep was immediately put to work as headline writers worked to come up with a sensitive take on the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi."
Washington Post To Run All Headlines By In-House ISIS Marketing Rep
Wrong again. This should have been posted in Humor.

As should your educational resume.
"WASHINGTON, D.C.—In order to ensure all headlines about Islamic terrorism are culturally sensitive and do not offend any brave freedom fighters in the Middle East, The Washington Post has retained an ISIS marketing representative.

Post writers frantically tried to come up with different headlines to appease him, such as the following:

  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, mischevious rapscallion, passes away of entirely natural causes and definitely not a raid ordered by Trump. Also Trump is bad.
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, noted firearm and explosive enthusiast, dies at 48.
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, prophet of God and all-around swell guy, rewarded with 72 virgins.
  • Evil Americans kill innocent Middle Eastern farmer.
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48"
All headlines published about terrorism will be run by the marketing rep. The PR rep was immediately put to work as headline writers worked to come up with a sensitive take on the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi."
Washington Post To Run All Headlines By In-House ISIS Marketing Rep
Wrong again. This should have been posted in Humor.

way back when Bush Jr. was Pres.----the stand up comics were on a CONTINUOUS
ROLL. ----it is so sad that Bagdaddy is a
"WASHINGTON, D.C.—In order to ensure all headlines about Islamic terrorism are culturally sensitive and do not offend any brave freedom fighters in the Middle East, The Washington Post has retained an ISIS marketing representative.

Post writers frantically tried to come up with different headlines to appease him, such as the following:

  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, mischevious rapscallion, passes away of entirely natural causes and definitely not a raid ordered by Trump. Also Trump is bad.
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, noted firearm and explosive enthusiast, dies at 48.
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, prophet of God and all-around swell guy, rewarded with 72 virgins.
  • Evil Americans kill innocent Middle Eastern farmer.
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48"
All headlines published about terrorism will be run by the marketing rep. The PR rep was immediately put to work as headline writers worked to come up with a sensitive take on the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi."
Washington Post To Run All Headlines By In-House ISIS Marketing Rep
Wrong again. This should have been posted in Humor.

way back when Bush Jr. was Pres.----the stand up comics were on a CONTINUOUS
ROLL. ----it is so sad that Bagdaddy is a
Too many confuse sarcasm with fact. I fear PoliticalChic is one who has that trouble.
All because nobody checked the Democrats bragging about voting 30 times apiece online after the 1996 election, and it continued on after that. :(

Now I know about that phrase the founders meant about our free and brave new republic, "if we can keep it."
Sure, a "representative" republic where only white male oligarchs could vote.
6."ISIS Burns Jordanian Pilot Alive"
...ISIS burned alive captive pilot Muadh al Kasabeh in a video released the same day. The video shows a trail of lit gasoline leading to Kasabeh’s cage, which is engulfed in flames with him inside."
ISIS Burns Jordanian Pilot Alive

7. "Bloomberg Clearly Learned Nothing From WaPo's al-Baghdadi Obituary Blunder
Just when we thought the Democratic media complex couldn't get any worse, they prove us wrong. Earlier in the day, the Washington Post decided to run an obituary on the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The problem though? They painted al-Baghdadi as some kind of decent man who studied Islam. It's like the outlet completely missed the years of beheadings, rapes and torture that the Islamic State carried out.

...others in the mainstream media didn't learn from WaPo's mistake. It wasn't long before Bloomberg shared an article about the terrorist's life. Again, he was made out to be a "teacher" no one knew about. Not a terrorist who orchestrated the kidnapping, raped and killing of young women or the beheading of journalists."
Bloomberg Clearly Learned Nothing From WaPo's al-Baghdadi Obituary Blunder


Peas of a fundamentalist pod.
You must be a government school grad, huh?
What schools did you attend?
What books have fueled your knowledge of geopolitical events?
Didn't your education teach you never to answer a question with a question?

PoliticallyThicc is a first-class pseudo intellectual nitwit extraordinaire of the cut-n-paste troll variety. There's nothing tangible to be learned there. Anything you might miss will be pasted again. ...And again. ....And again.

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