Credit Is Due

You must be a government school grad, huh?
What schools did you attend?
What books have fueled your knowledge of geopolitical events?
Didn't your education teach you never to answer a question with a question?

PoliticallyThicc is a first-class pseudo intellectual nitwit extraordinaire of the cut-n-paste troll variety. There's nothing tangible to be learned there. Anything you might miss will be pasted again. ...And again. ....And again.

The fabled 'green-eyed monster' raises its ugly head.

It's not too late for you to get an education.

Oh.....and "first-class" is the only accurate part of your post.
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Not sure why Doctors without Borders gets the blame. She wasn't one of their staff and had no duty to pay some heft ransom like they did for their actual staffers.

"They're a fabulous organization, and they do wonderful work," Carl Mueller told ABC News' "20/20" in an interview to be broadcast this Friday, "but somewhere in a boardroom, they decided to leave our daughter there to be tortured and raped and ultimately murdered."
Doctors Without Borders Refused to Help American ISIS Hostage Kayla Mueller

You're too old, chronologically, to need the difference between right and wrong explained to you.

Do you have a link to your gofundme that you started to pay her ransom? I guess you decided to leave their daughter to be tortured and raped and ultamately murdered as well.
Not sure why Doctors without Borders gets the blame. She wasn't one of their staff and had no duty to pay some heft ransom like they did for their actual staffers.

"They're a fabulous organization, and they do wonderful work," Carl Mueller told ABC News' "20/20" in an interview to be broadcast this Friday, "but somewhere in a boardroom, they decided to leave our daughter there to be tortured and raped and ultimately murdered."
Doctors Without Borders Refused to Help American ISIS Hostage Kayla Mueller

You're too old, chronologically, to need the difference between right and wrong explained to you.

Do you have a link to your gofundme that you started to pay her ransom? I guess you decided to leave their daughter to be tortured and raped and ultamately murdered as well.

I appears that I skewered you deeply enough that you couldn't produce a cogent and meaningful post.

Hope it hurt.

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